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Chem 1035 Test 2 October 11, 2018

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• Answer all 30 questions.
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Avogadro’s number: 6.022×1023 entities/mol R = 0.0821 L∙atm/mol∙K

There is a Periodic Table on the back of this page.

1. A sample of oxalic acid, H2C2O4, weighs 1.692 grams. It is placed in a 100. mL
volumetric flask and filled with water to the mark on the neck. What is the molarity
of the resulting solution?

A. 0.000178 M B. 0.0476 M C. 0.188 M

D. 3.18 M E. 6.07 M

2. Calculate the volume of a 1.420 M Ba(OH)2 solution needed to titrate 37.60 mL of

a 1.500 M HNO3 solution.

A. 39.72 mL B. 17.80 mL C. 19.86 mL

D. 79.44 mL E. 20.87 ml

3. Find the volume of a 0.202 M HI solution needed to react with 21.0 mL of a 0.398 M
KMnO4 solution according to the following equation:

12HI(aq) + 2KMnO4(aq) + 2H2SO4 (aq) → 6I2(s) + Mn2SO4(aq) + K2SO4 (aq) + 8H2O(l)

A. 20.7 mL B. 248 mL C. 178 mL

D. 41.4 mL E. 142 mL

4. Aqueous solutions of KOH and MgCl2 are mixed. Which of the following lists best
represents the resulting mixture?

A. K+(aq), OH–(aq), Mg2+(aq), Cl–(aq)

B. KCl(s), Mg(OH)2(s)
C. K+(aq), Cl–(aq), Mg(OH)2(s)
D. Mg2+(aq), OH–(aq), KCl(s)
E. KOH(s) and MgCl2(s)

5. Which two of the following processes will result in a precipitation reaction? Two of the
following answers are correct. Select both correct answers. (Yes, you fill in two
bubbles on your scantron for THIS question. Both must be correct to receive credit for
the question.)

A. Mixing a NaNO3 solution with a CuF2 solution.

B. Mixing a AgNO3 solution with a K2SO4 solution.
C. Mixing a NaOH solution with a Li3PO4 solution.
D. Mixing a CaS solution with NiCl2 solution.
E. Mixing a Na2CO3 solution with a LiBr solution.

6. In which of the following species does the sulfur atom have the highest oxidation

A. H2S B. S8 C. H2SO4 D. SO2 E. Na2S2O3

7. What volume of 2.00 M HCl is needed to prepare 0.280 L of a 0.900 M HCl solution?

A. 126 mL B. 140. mL C. 80.0 mL

D. 210. mL E. 134 mL

8. An aqueous barium chloride solution was added to a 15.0 mL sample of a sodium sulfate
solution according to the reaction below. If 1.83 grams of solid were recovered, what
was the molarity of the original sodium sulfate solution?

Na2SO4 (aq) + BaCl2 (aq) → 2NaCl + BaSO4

A. 0.117 mol/L B. 0.523 mol/L C. 0.859 mol/L

D. 1.05 mol/L E. 5.23 mol/L

9. What are the spectator ions in the reaction between nitrous acid and sodium hydroxide?

A. Na+, OH–, H+, and NO2–

B. H+ and OH–
C. Na+ and NO2–
D. H+ and NO2–
E. Na+ and OH–
F. Na+

10. All of the following are oxidation-reduction reactions EXCEPT

A. H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2 HCl(g)

B. C6H12O6(s) → 6 C(s) + 6 H2O(l)
C. Ca(s) + 2 HBr(aq) → CaBr2(aq) + H2(g)
D. CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
E. 2 NaBr(aq) + F2(g) → 2 NaF(aq) + Br2(g)
F. 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g)



11. If 4.39 g AlCl3 is dissolved in enough water to make exactly 100.0 mL of solution, what is the
molar concentration of chloride ion?

A. 0.0234 M B. 0.0934 M C. 0.329 M D. 0.132 M E. 0.988 M

12. Which of the following is both an acid and a weak electrolyte?

A. CH3OH B. NH3 C. H2SO3 D. HBr E. CH4

13. What is the reducing agent in the following reaction:

Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)

A. Fe2O3 reactant
B. CO reactant
C. Fe product
D. CO2 product
E. There is no reducing agent in the reaction.

14. Which of the following compounds are not soluble in water? There are multiple
answers. Yes, you will fill multiple bubbles on your scantron on this question. All
correct answers must be present to receive credit.

A. FeCO3 B. CaSO4 C. NaCl D. AgBr E. K2CrO4

F. ZnS G. LiNO3

15. Put the following reactions in this order: precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction:

1. Fe(NO3)3(aq) + 3KOH(aq) → Fe(OH)3(s) + 3KNO3(aq)

2. 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)
3. HNO3(aq) + LiOH(aq) → LiNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1 C. 2, 3, 1
D. 2, 1, 3 E. 1, 3, 2

16. A 100 g sample of an aqueous solution contains 4.00 g of NH3. The density of this
solution is 0.978 g/mL. What is the molarity of NH3 in the solution?
(molar mass of NH3 = 17.03 g/mol)

A. 0.0341 mol/L B. 2.30 mol/L C. 6.59 mol/L

D. 14.5 mol/L E. 58.0 mol/L

17. A balloon is filled with 1.92 g of He and occupies a volume of 12.5 L. What is the
balloon’s volume after 0.85 g of He has leaked out though a small hole (assuming
constant pressure and temperature)?

A. 6.97 L B. 5.53 L C. 22.4 L D. 12.5 L E. 1.07 L

18. How does the density of phosgene gas, COCl2, compare with the density of hydrogen
sulfide gas, H2S, in a 1.0 L vessel at the same pressure and temperature?

A. It is approximately the same

B. It is approximately two times greater
C. It is approximately three times greater
D. It is approximately five times greater
E. It is approximately one half as great
F. It is approximately one third as great

19. Aluminum reacts with chlorine gas to form aluminum chloride.

2Al(s) + 3Cl2(g) → 2 AlCl3(s)

What minimum volume of chlorine gas at 25ºC and 225 mmHg is required to
completely react with 7.85 g of aluminum?
A. 36.1 L B. 24.0 L C. 0.0474 L D. 16.0 L E. 54.0 L

20. A mixture of gaseous S2F2, N2F4 and SF4 is placed in an effusion apparatus. Rank the
gases in order of increasing effusion rate.

A. rateSF4 < rateN2F4 < rateS2F2

B. rateS2F2 < rateN2F4 < rateSF4
C. rateSF4 < rateS2F2 < rateN2F4
D. rateSF4 = rateN2F4 < rateS2F2
E. rateSF4 < rateN2F4 = rateS2F2

21. The mole fractions of a gaseous mixture is given in the table. What is the partial pressure of
hydrogen? The mixture is at STP.

Gas Mole Fractions

N2 0.786
O2 0.209
H2O 0.00046
CO2 0.00004
H2 ?

A. 2.24 torr B. 0.821 torr C. 1.71 torr

D 0.45 torr E. 3.42 torr

22. A 1200 mL sample of helium gas is at a pressure of 350 mm Hg and a temperature of

300 K. What volume will this gas sample occupy if the pressure is increased to
700 mm Hg and the temperature is increased to 400 K?

A. 400 mL B. 800 mL C. 2000 mL

D. 3000 mL E. 600 mL

23. Phosphorous (P4) and Oxygen react together to form P4O10.

The reaction is: P4(g) + 5O2(g) → P4O10(s)

How many moles of P4 react with 40.0 L of O2 at STP?

A. 8.92 mol B. 1.78 mol C. 0.357 mol

D. 8.00 mol E. 10.0 mol

24. What would happen to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas if the
temperature of the sample increased from 20ºC to 40ºC?

A. It would double.
B. It would increase.
C. It would decrease.
D. It would become half its value.
E. Two of the above are correct.

25. A sample of 35.1 g of methane gas, CH4, has a volume of 5.20 L at a pressure of
2.70 atm. Calculate the temperature.

A. 78.1ºC B. –195ºC C. 46.3ºC

D. –227ºC E. 275ºC F. –129ºC

26. Dissolving 4.19 g of an impure sample of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid

produced 0.974 L of carbon dioxide measured at 293 K and 0.986 atm. Calculate the
percent by mass of pure calcium carbonate (molar mass = 100.1 g/mol) in the impure

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

A. 95.4 % B. 23.4 % C. 19.5 %

D. 88.5 % E. 67.5 %

27. The following graph shows the distribution of molecular speeds for N2 gas at three
different temperatures. Which two statements are true? Yes, you will fill two bubbles on
your scantron. Both answers must be correct to receive credit.

A. Curve A represents N2 at the highest temperature

B. Curve B represents N2 at the highest temperature
C. Curve C represents N2 at the highest temperature
D. The most probable speed decreases with increasing temperature
E. At a given temperature all gases have the same average kinetic energy.

28. In a sample of an ideal gas, this graph could represent a plot of

A. V vs. T at a given constant P.

B. P vs. T at a given constant V.
C. P vs. V at a given constant T.
D. V vs. moles at a given constant T.
E. None of the above.

29. At the same temperature and pressure, CH4 effuses

A. one-half as fast as SO2

B. two times as fast as SO2
C. at the same rate as SO2
D. one-fourth as fast as SO2
E. four times as fast as SO2

30. Given a mixture of gases: 1.00 g He, 14.0 g N2 and 10.0 g NO. What is the total pressure
at 27.0°C if the gases are confined in a 2.00 L container?

A. 0.310 atm
B. 1.24 atm
C. 13.3 atm
D. 21.6 atm
E. 0.232 atm

Answers on the next page


1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B, D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. F
10. B, D
11. E
12. C
13. B
14. A, B, D, F
15. E
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. E
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. CE
28. C
29. B
30. C


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