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⁶Questions and Answers

“Inequality and Poverty two similar aspects”

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. Neither Agree Nor Disagree

What are the causes of social inequality

A. Poverty
B. Unequal distribution of resources
C. Uneven distribution of income
D. Gender biasness

Can Social Inequality affect the unity of our country

A. Yes
B. No
C. Can’t Say

What government can do to reduce social inequality

A. Increase The minimum wage
B. Expand the earned income tax
C. Invest in education
D. Build assets for working families

Why Social Inequality exists in a society?

A. Rich become richer, poor become poorer
B. Unequal opportunities and rewards for different classes of society
C. Emergence of homosexuality
D. High inflation rate

Essay questions about Gender Equality:

1. Is gender but a stereotype that has been perpetuated?
2. Is gender equality attainable? Is it sustainable?
3. Is gender inequality still present in the IM age?
4. The fight for gender equality is no longer important in today’s society. Would this hold true?
5. Is it the societal perception of gender more of stereotype or confidence?
6. Has the fight for gender equality made it tougher for women in the 21st Century, now that they
have to both excel at work and at home?
7. Certain kinds of behavior and occupations have been expected of women from birth; it is
therefore difficult for them to become autonomous individuals. Do you believe that such a mindset
perpetuates the horror that is gendercide?
8. Is gender equality a problem or a solution?
9. Does the concept of gender should have any relevance in today's modern world?
10. “The pursuit of equality of the sexes is not only futile but foolish.” Do you agree?
11. Do you think society is better off with the liberation of women from their traditional roles?
12. “Male liberation is a myth in today’s society.” Do you agree?
13. “Men make better scientists than women.” Do you agree?
14. “Women in the developed world have never had it so good.” Do you agree?
15. The modern woman is not appreciative of the strides made thus far.
16. “Beauty pageants are degrading to women.” How far do you agree?
17. “Women play a more important role than men in families today.” Do you agree?
1. Have modern women paid too high a price for equality?
18. Feminism should be as liberating to men as it is to women. Comment.
19. “Women are edging men out from their comfortable niches.” Comment.
20. “Women make better leaders than men.” Discuss.
21. Women now have equality and freedom in everything. Do you agree?
22. “There has never been a better time to be a woman.” Is this true of the developed world today?
23. A woman has to make an extra effort to succeed. How far is this true in today’s world?
24. How far do you agree with the view that gender equality remains a distant dream?
25. Gender is no longer a helpful concept?

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