Sample: A Letter of Introduction

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A letter of introduction
At Usborne Books at Home we realise how important reading at home is to
the development of literacy skills. To help promote literacy and encourage a
love of reading we would like to invite your pupils to participate in our
reading challenge.

Ready, Steady…READ! is a simple sponsored reading event, a great way to

get FREE BOOKS for your school. The more your pupils read, the more
money you will raise to buy books for your library.

How to get free books

The money raised can be used to purchase Usborne books for your school.
On top of this, you will earn an additional percentage in FREE BOOKS i.e.:

Raise £100+ You get 10% extra in free books = £110 to spend
Raise £250+ You get 30% extra in free books = £325 to spend
Raise £500+ You get 60% extra in free books = £800 to spend

For more information about Usborne books, visit

How Ready, Steady… Read! works
Children are sponsored to read as much as they can in a given time.

Whether it’s in school time, at home, during the school holidays or in a 24

hour race, children of all ages can spend any amount of time reading to raise
funds for books.

Reading does not just mean books; it can be comics, magazines,

newspapers, menus, recipes, poems, leaflets, instructions – anything with

The total number of minutes spent reading is recorded on a reading log and
the sponsorship money goes towards new books for the school.
There are various ways that your sponsorship money can be used:

1) Books for the school

All the money raised goes towards books for the school.

2) Books for each child and the school

Half the money raised by each child is used to buy Usborne books for
that child and half goes towards books for the school. Everyone taking
part will receive a book for themselves and the school will benefit from
books for all to share and enjoy, encouraging reading at home and at

3) Books for each class

The money raised by each class goes towards books for that class, with
any free books going to the school library.

4) Books for the school and a charity

Half the money raised is used to buy Usborne books for the school and
half goes towards books for a charity of your choice.

5) Books for prizes

The money raised goes towards books for the school and any free
books go towards prizes for the pupils who spent the most time
reading, or for a Prize Draw.

The more your pupils read, the more money you will raise to buy
books for your library.

For more information, please contact your local Usborne representative, who
will organise the entire event for you:
Representative contact details here
To see our online catalogue, visit

Dear Parent/Guardian

To promote reading and extend our commitment to developing literacy we

would like to launch a school sponsored read.

The sponsored read, organised by Usborne, will take place from insert date
to insert date and all the money raised will go towards books for the school.

We ask you to support our sponsored read by helping your child spend a
small amount of time each day either reading to themselves, to others, or
being read to. They can read books, comics, magazines, recipes, poems,
leaflets, articles, newspapers – anything with words.

The project is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne

representative and in addition to the sponsorship money raised Usborne
Books will donate free books to the school. If we can raise £500 in
sponsorship we will get an extra 60% in FREE USBORNE BOOKS.

A sponsor form is attached should you wish to support the sponsored read
and your child will receive a reading log, to record the minutes they have
spent reading.

After the read, please collect the sponsorship money as soon as possible and
send it to the school by insert date.

Cheques should be made payable to insert name.

Please support our sponsored read so your child has more books to read,
share and enjoy.

For more information about Usborne books, visit


Sponsorship Form
Insert name of school here

Pupil name: ………………………………… Class: …………………….…

Name Address and contact details Sponsorship Amount Total
(per minute collected
or total

Total Amount: …………………..

Please return sponsorship money to the school by ………………………………………….
Please make cheques payable to ………………………………………………………………………

For more information about Usborne books, visit


Reading Log

Insert name of school here

Pupil name: ………………………………… Class: …………………….…

Day Minutes Read Total








Total minutes read …………………………

For more information about Usborne books, visit

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