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Yasmin Gonzalez

Dr. Vincent Richardson

EDU 220

May 12, 2019

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

I. Describe the Class

There are 24 students in the classroom, 8th grade, two learning disabled students, one gifted
student and two second language learners.

II. Subject Skill

Introduction to Pythagorean Theorem in relation to triangles

III. Objective(s)
1. Students will be able to prove that the sum of the short sides of a triangle squared and
the longest side squared only occurs when the triangle has right angles.
1. Students will be able to identify what a right triangle is and how the sizes of each side
relate to the Pythagorean theorem.
1. Students will be able to identify angle of the triangle and how the sides have a
different size or measure

IIII. Procedures
1. Students will get into groups of four, the students that are disabled will be forming
part of students in exception those groups will be groups of four. The student who is
gifted will be forming part of a group of three and the teacher will be the fourth
member of the group. As for the two English learning students they will get into a
group where one of the persons speaks their language to translate anything they need
1. The triangles will be distributed to the groups, the groups that work faster will get the
large triangles, and the students who work slower or need more explanation will get
the small triangles.
1. One student will be in charge of recording the measures of each triangle, then they
will share that information with their group.
1. Students will have to figure out what type of triangle it is according to the measures
they got.
1. Than students will receive more tiles than have to be reminded that Pythagoras tiles
red and blue squares on the two shortest sides of the triangle and then combined the
tiles to make one mixed color square on the longest side
1. Students then will have to form the shape of a right triangle with the tiles forming the
triangle and the teacher will have to pick up any leftover tiles in this part the students
who are disabled can get some of the left-over tiles and try to form a similar triangle.
1. Students then will discuss referring to a poster at front of the class whether the
squares along the two shortest sides are equal or if they are not.

V. Materials
● Tiles of paper in purple for the squares and yellow for the triangles
● Glue
● Blank piece of paper
● Markers
● Ruler

V. Grouping Structures
Students will get into groups of four, the groups will be in order by the teacher, and the tables
will be arranged in the classroom. The tables will be facing the front of the classroom where the
board will be located.

VI. Modifications
Students will get into groups of four, the students that are disabled will be forming part of
students in exception those groups will be groups of four. The student who is gifted will be
forming part of a group of three and the teacher will be the fourth member of the group. As for
the two English learning students they will get into a group where one of the persons speaks their
language to translate anything they need to.

VII. Assessment
Once they have gotten done with the activity each student will write down on a piece of paper
what type of triangle was formed by their group, then they will write whether the short sides
were the same size and at the end of class they will turn it in as their ticket out the door to go to
Then the as the teacher goes over the papers she will compare it to the diagrams they had on their
tables and see who did meet one of the objectives depending on their learning objective. Once
the students come back from lunch the teacher will go over the information again and ask
questions to random people in the class.
As homework students will take cut out pieces of paper tile of triangles and squares. They will
have to form a triangle, measure the sizes and put the name of the triangle. For the students with
gifted learning or disabilities they'll have to remember the name of the triangle or form a triangle.

Bloom's Taxonomy applies to the lesson plan because the students must identify the
concepts of what is the Pythagorean Theorem, they have to comprehend how the two short sides
are the same size, they have to apply their previous learning of how to measure. Then they also
must analyze what could be the result, if both sides are going to be the same size or not. They
must use synthesis to construct the triangle and lastly evaluate the result.

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