Phil Iri Screening Test 2

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Screening Test, Grade 10

Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the letter of the correct
answer in the answer sheet.
A.Developing Children’s Self - Esteem
Children learn to value their own contributions by being part of the family organization, playing on
the family team and knowing that their contributions are important to other family members. A child’s
feeling of self - worth is shaped by family attitudes, how the family functions, the emotional
environment of the home and how the young child is treated.
Fostering a positive home environment and a well - functioning family can be achieved through
creating an atmosphere of mutual trust where all members affirm and encourage each other. Parents
should teach, work with and listen to their children, rather than bark orders or nag at them. This will
ensure a strong feeling o togetherness and teamwork.
Taking time for problem - solving teaches values while it expresses love and concern.
A family that lives time honored tradition builds real strength and closeness. The deeper its root,
the better the members feel about themselves and the higher their self - esteem becomes. So create
that family spirit of self esteem. (163 words)
1. A child’s feeling of self - worth is shaped by family problems. What does problem
a. members b. attitudes c. relatives d. Contributions
2. Create an atmosphere of mutual feeling where all members affirm and encourage
each other. The word “ feeling “ could be
a. understanding b. emotion c. trust d. sympathy
3. Teachers should teach, work with, and listen to their children. “Teachers“ may refer to ….
a. administrators b. parents c. guidance counselors d. advisers
4. Listening and working with children will ensure a strong feeling of togetherness and
companionship. ___________ could also mean companionship.
a. compatibility b. unity c. teamwork d. concern
5. Taking time for problem - solving teaches values while it expresses love and care. To care is to
a. concern b. devotion c. understanding d. consideration
6. Create that family spirit of self - help. The expression “ self - help “ could be change to……
a. self – appreciation b. self - esteem c. self – ego d. self - assurance
B. Sharks, Monsters of the Deep
To many, sharks are the most fearful of all denizens of the sea. Some sharks are monsters of
more than 30 feet long. They are slow, but powerful and dangerous, too.
Among the sharks, the tiger - shark is the most vicious killer. It is not very big. It is only six to
eight feet long. This species hunts in pairs or in packs, and attacks on the slightest excuse. The
attack and viciousness of the tiger - shark is unbelievably swift and relentless.
Fishermen go in groups to shark - infested zones. They used decomposed meat as shark - baits.
As the sharks surface, they are shot with harpoons. The wounded sharks attacked by other sharks,
so the killing continues -- man against shark, and shark against shark.
Sulu fishermen have discovered that there was one sound that sharks do not like. This noise by
rubbing and banging together an iron harpoon head and whetstone under water. When the Sulu skin
- divers dive for mother - of - pearls or or underwater seafood in the shark - infested Sulu Sea, they
take along with them a harpoon and whetstone which they rub and bang together to drive sharks
away. (184 words)
7. This selection is mainly about…….
a. the characteristics of sharks b. how sharks attack men
c. the importance of sharks d. how sharks are killed
8. They can grow as long as ________ long.
a. 30 inches b. 30 years c. 30 meters d. 30 feet
9. Of all sharks, the tiger - shark is the ….
a. friendliest b. most dangerous c. most useful d. slowest
10. Shark hunters throw decomposed meat in shark infested areas to….
a. poison the sharks b. use these as bait c. drive away sharks d. feed and raise
11. When fishermen hunt sharks, they use ________ as baits.
a. raw meat b. worms c. decomposed meat d. fresh meat
12. Sharks hate the sound of……
a. thunder b. guns and rifles c. the rubbing of harpoon head and whetstone d. people’s voices
13. Sharks are not really dangerous so they should be left alone.
a. true b. false c. maybe d. The story does not tell.
C.Why Smart People Fail
There is that strong conviction in life that one can learn from failure, figure out what went
wrong and correct it. One has the power to change.
There are four most common reasons for failure:

1. Lack of social skills. You can have academic intelligence and still lack social intelligence. This
is the ability to be a good listener, to be sensitive to others, to give and take criticisms as well.
People with high social intelligence admit their mistakes, take their share of blame and move on.
They can get over with serious mistakes.
Social intelligence is an acquired skill. The more one practices, the better he gets. Like good
manners, it can be learned.
2. Absence of commitment.
Lack of self - esteem is a basic cause of failure. To be committed, indeed, to be successful at
anything, one has to believe he can do it.
3. Scattered focus. Some people do so many things that they end up doing none of them well.
They try to do many things that they lose focus and fail to settle priorities. The solution to this is to
refocus, sort what one does best; to recognize limitations and establish priorities -- all these are
essential to success.
4. Bad luck. Many times, things happen that one just cannot help. In his job, though no fault of
his own, he is forced out or fired without due process.
What must be done? First, do not blame yourself if anything wrong happens. Second, remember
that you always have choices, even if some are not obvious. Third, turn to prayer. Remember, many
things are wrought by prayers.
Smart people should not feel downhearted when they fail. The best of people experience that.
What is most special is learning from failure -- and smart people should learn that. 286 words
14. The ability to listen well, react spontaneously, and to give and take criticisms well is an indication
that one has
a. intellectual skill b. charisma c. physical strength d. social skill
15. If one is to learn from his mistakes, it is best to analyze one’s
a. achievements b. failures c. steps d. goals
16.Social intelligence can be
a. lost b. ignored c. acquired d. inherited
17. If one doubts what one can do, then one does not have
a. patience b. endurance c. goal in life d. self - esteem
18. Doing so many things at the same time will lead to
a. bright ideas b. more accomplishments c. prioritized activities d.
scattered focus
19. When everything else goes wrong, turn to
a. cursing b. other activities c. prayers d. sleeping
20. The moral lesson contained herein is:
a. avoid failures at all cost. b. failure can be a stepping stone to success.
c. take failure lightly. d. When you fail, turn to other activities.

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