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Yzsa Geal L.


Leomar O. Cambel


Oct. 7, 2019

The Usefulness of Homework and Study habits among Grade six pupils

Part 1.

This problem investigation helps to identify the effects of a problem in our research study
entitled " The Usefulness of Homework and study habits among grade six pupils" The purpose
of this study is to know the effects of grade six pupils who are having their homework and how
can this study habits develop their academic performances. This problem investigation we are
going to identify if study habits contributes and develops good grades in their academic learning
in school and how can this homework help the pupils to improve their skills and manage their
time so that they can handle or lessen the stress they have. In investigating this problem we
have searched the best for related literatures to support our study and discussed our opinion
about the literatures. In investigating the problems we have the research gap for which the
missing information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for our questions, the purpose of the
study which states why our study is being conducted, the goal of our study and what our study
seeks to address. Review of related literature supports and connects our study from previous
studies that fits to our problem. Research framework, conceptual framework shows the
independent variables which is the homework and the dependent variables which is the study
habits. Theoretical framework shows the related theories of our study that does not have been
proven but supports our study. Statement of the problem generates the questions that seeks to
answer. Significance of the study provides details to the readers that's why this study is
important, how this study is important and for whom this study is important. The Scope and
limitation of this study describes the extent of this study, where this research limits in the place
or area conducted at Notre Dame of Midsayap College. Definition of terms which is the key
where the important terms in our study are clearly defined.
Part 2.

Methodology where the discussion of this study includes the following. The research design
where we the researchers used the descriptive survey design with the research method of
quantitative research method to gather numerical data through statistical analysis. The
respondents where the Grade six students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College ETD a group that
we will make it into sub-group to be respondents of our study. We choose the grade six pupils as
our respondents to our study because we all know that they have enough knowledge to answer
the questions. Gathering Data procedure first, we have to communicate with our respondents
and give an introduction to orient them about our study then, stating why we are here and to
discuss them what is the purpose of our study and the assurance of the confidentiality of their
answers. We made a questions that is easy for them to understand so that they could answer
and respond as well. The questionnaire involved the statement of this study, the usefulness of
homework and study habits among them. Questionnaire is important in data collection because
it is the tool to gather the responses of the respondents towards our needed information of our
study. In statistical treatment of data where to summarize and analyze the data we collected
including the measurements and formulas we used.

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