Resilience of Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Hospitals - Docx Abstract

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Resilience of Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Hospitals

Sujitno Fadli , Kemala Rita , Rina Anindita

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Master of Hospital Administration, Faculty of Health Sciences

Esa Unggul University


Chronic kidney disease is a catastrophic disease that often results from style unhealthy life, and complications from
diabetes mellitus and hypertension. One treatment procedure is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis patients are faced with
complex medical conditions, causing physical functional disorders of patients. In addition to medication adherence
such as diet, fluid restriction, and also routine treatment, hemodialysis patients need family support in undergoing the
HD process because support from the closest people can also increase the patient's enthusiasm, and not infrequently
due to diet or hemodialysis. depression both from physical conditions that arise. Quality of life is an indicator of a
person's level of life in terms of several aspects, one of which is a person's health. The aim of this study is to examine
the variables that affect the quality of life of hemodialysis patients. Methods The population in this study is s entire
hemodialysis patients undergoing hemodialysis action at Pertamina Central Hospital using entirely saturated samples
which become the object of research. Data analysis using multiple linear regression type research unit analysis. The
results of this study concluded that the variable treatment adherence had a significant negative effect, and the
depression variable had a significant positive effect on the quality of life of hemodialysis patients. The findings in this
study were that patients did not experience depression, so the patient's quality of life increased. This study also shows
patients experiencing resilience.

Keywords : Family support, medication compliance, functional impairment , depression, quality of life,
Hemodialysis, Chronic kidney disease, Resilience.

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