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Lesson 5: Benefits of Separating Mixtures from Products in the Community

Time Frame: 50 minutes

Point of Entry: Separating Mixtures

The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate

The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local

The learners should be able to tell the benefits of separating mixtures from
products in the community. S6MT-lg-j-3

INTEGRATION: Importance of Recycling


1. Understand the importance of recycling.

2. Create a beneficial product out of the wastes of separated materials.
3. Appreciate the value of recycled materials.

Benefits of Separating Mixtures from Products in the Community
Process Skills: Observing, Designing
Values Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, Creativity, Environmental Awareness

A. References: Curriculum Guide Science Grade 6, p. 83
BEAM 4. 5 Explain what happens after mixing in materials. Learning Guides.
Mix it Up. Activity 3.3. July 2009.

B. Materials
Manila papers, Activity sheet, waste products (egg shells, bottle caps, plastic
caps/spoons/forks, tin cans)


A. Engagement
a.1. Review:
What are the different ways of separating mixtures?
a.2. Motivation:
Show real objects of wastes separated materials.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Can you think of ways to use the wastes separated materials in making products
that will benefit the community? How?

B. Exploration
b. 1. Pre-activities
a. Group the class into four.
b. Recall standards for activity.
c. Provide each group with wastes of separated materials.

b. 2. Activity Proper
Activity: Let’s Create!

1. Make a product out of the waste of separated materials.

What you need:

Group1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
egg shells bottle caps plastic spoons and tin cans

What to do:
1. Think of any design that can be produced out of your materials.
2. Create project/product based from the design that you have made out of the
waste from separated materials assigned to your group.

What you have observed:

1. What is the product that was agreed upon by your group?
2. What materials did you use?
3. How did you come up with that product?
C. Explanation
c.1. Group Presentation
Gallery Walk: One representative of each group will showcase the product.

c.2. Comparison and Abstraction

a. What is the benefit of your product in our community?
b. Why is it important to recycle wastes from separated materials?
c. Do you think the products you have showed can convince your fellow
pupils and the people in the community to recycle the waste products
from separated materials? Why or why not?

D. Elaboration
d.1. Generalization:
In waste segregation some techniques in separating mixed wastes are
being used, thus making it important in the community.
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials
and objects. It is an alternative to "conventional" waste disposal that can save
material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions.

d.2. Application:
Make a beneficial design out of one of the following separated materials:
a. candy wrappers
b. plastic cups
c. empty sea shells

E. Evaluation
1. The process of converting waste materials into new materials and
a. recycling b. reusing c. composting d. reducing
2. Recycling is important ________________________________.
a. because it adds more garbage in our surroundings.
b. because it makes no new materials.
c. because it helps reduce energy usage, consumption of fresh raw
materials and air and water pollution.
d. because it does not support the environment.
3-5. Illustrate a design out of the waste from separated materials you
have chosen.


Create a project/product based from the design that you have made out of the waste
from separated materials you have chosen.

Figure 1-

Figure 2-

Figure 3-

Figure 4-

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