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Stanistaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Mk.IJUXVI and other
he Supermarine Spitfire was indeed a rema rkable aircraft. upermarine Spitfire by! niezwyklym sa molotem. Slawa jakq zyskal spra-

T It was al ready a legend in the making when the first Mk. I

machines began to roll off the assembly lines. The Spitfi re
was one of the classic British fighters in which the famous few
S wila, ze juz pierwsze Mk. I staly si~ legendq. Klasyczne mysliwce byly jed-
nymi z maszyn, na kt6rych garstka pi lot6w odpa rla atak armady Luftwa f-
fe. Nad Angliq i Szkocjq nie za braklo bohatersko i z pasjq walczqcych Polak6w.
bravely faced the mighty Luftwaffe. In the skies over England Polscy pi loci z dumq zasied li tak:Ze za steram i wersji Mk. IX/Mk. XVI. Niemiecki
and Scotland many Polish ai rmen joined their ranks to fight Bf 109 bywa uznawany za zwrotn iejszy w pewnych zakresach lotu, jedna k
the German onsla ught with passion and determination, flying, ostatecznie to Spitfi re by! maszynq, z kt6rej pomocq dokonano pogromu
among other marks, the Spitfire Mk. IX and Mk. XVI. Although przewazajqcych sil wroga. W odr6znieniu od Luftwaffe gdzie priorytetem byla
the Messerschmitt Bf 109 was considered superior in certain oslona lidera, pi loci Spitfire'6w osiqgali zwyc i ~stwa powietrzne stosujqc takty-
areas of the flight performance envelope, it was the Spifi re that k~ ,wolnego stylu': Og61em wyprodukowano: Mk. IX - 5656, Mk. XVI - 1054,
eventua lly prevailed and helped crush the numerically supe- PR. XI - 471 egz. Pomimo swietnego silnika Rolls-Royce Merlin, Spitfire bez do-
rior enemy. Not without significance for the final victory of the pracowanego elementu nosnego nie bylby nadzwyczajny. Pod kon iec lat 30.,
RAF was the use of a more flexible approach to air war against jego skrzydlo bylo awanga rd owe. Dzi~ki niemu uzyskano doskonale wlasnosci
the rigid "protect the leader" tactics used by the Luftwaffe air- lotne. Zapotrzebowanie wojenne umozliwilo niemal tasmowq produkcj~ typu
crews. un iwersalnego, w kt6rym dowolnie instalowano jeden z wybranych warian-
The total production run of late model Spitfi res was as follows: t6w uzbrojenia. Rewelacyjne osiqgi wynikaly tak:Ze z pracy nad elementami
Mk. IX - 5 656 exam ples, Mk. XVI - 1 054 mach ines and 471 poszycia. Wiele pieczolowicie wykonanych modeli posiada mocno zaznaczo-
PR. XI models. The Spitfire's forte was its excellent wing, wh ich ne nity i sruby. Natomiast w konstrukcji wykorzystan o du:l.q l iczb~ niewielkiej
coupled with the legendary Rolls-Royce Merlin engine made srednicy nit6w o Ibach plaskich. Celem uzyskania wysokiej p r~dkosci maszyn,
it a superb fighting machine. The Spitfire's elegant, el liptica l zakres prac malarsko-laki erniczych obejmowal szpachlowan ie i polerowan ie
wing was years ahead of its time when it was first introduced poszycia. W opracowaniu zaznaczam powierzchnie o praktyczn ie znikomej
in the late 1930s. The wing not on ly gave the fighter remark- wyrazistosci nitowania. Pomiary wykonalem tak:Ze techn ikq laserowq. Ksiq:l.-
able aerodynam ic qualities, but was also easily adaptable to a ka przybliza gl6wne cechy typ6w, og61ny wyglqd samolot6w i detal i. Spitfire
wide range of different armament fits- a significant advantage Mk. IX i inne, montowano z r6znych cz~sci, w tym tak:Ze przygotowanych dla
in wa rtime manufacturing conditions. The Spit's great perfor- starszych wersji. Maszyny z tej samej serii ulegaly istotnym modyfikacjom na-
mance was also a resu lt of extremely well designed skin panels. wet co jed en egzempla rz. Specjalne podz i ~kowan i a za okazanq pomoc otrzy-
It is interesting that many Spitfire models feature prom inently mujq pan Jan Hoffmann i Muzeum Lotn ictwa Pol skiego w Krakowie.
displayed rivets and nuts, wh ile in reality the aircraft was manu-
factured using a large number of sma ll diameter flush rivets.
To maximize the fi ghter's speed the airframes were carefu lly
sanded and highly polished. In this book the reader wi ll find Lenght/Dtugosc - 9,56 I 9,62 [m] • Wingspan/Rozpi~tosc - 9,90 I 12,23 [m]
clearly marked areas of skin sections were flush riveting was • Height/Wysokosc - 3,6 [m] • Empty weight/Masa w•asna - 2170 [kg]
used. Some airframe measurements were done using laser • Combat weight/Masa bojowa - 3400 [kg]
technology. The book provides a detailed look at main char- • Ceiling/pu•ap - 12900 I 1341 0 [m]
acteristics of different Spitfire marks. The Spitfire Mk.IXs, as well • Range/zasi~g - 690- 1990 I (1770) I 3200 [km]
as other models of the fighter, were often assembled using a • Engine/silnik Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 I (Packa rd Merlin 266) I Rol ls-Royce
variety of parts,incl uding those original ly designed for earlier Merl in 70 • Power output/moe silnika 1580 [KM]· 1162 [kW] I (1390 [KM]
versions of the fighter. Moreover, the exa mples of the same • 1015 [kW]) I 1740 [KM] · 1280 [kW] • Max. speedN max 652 [km/h] I (404
mark were frequently subject to modifications, sometimes ap- mph) I 664 [km/h] lub-or 975 [km/h] Record speed • Offensive armament/
pl ied to just a single aircraft. Uzbrojenie ofensywne - 2 x HS.404 Mk. II and 2 x M2 Browning I unarmed
I would like to thank Mr. Jan Hoffmann from Polish Aviation Mu- • Bomb armament/ Uzbrojenie bombowe - 3 x 113 [kg] or/lub 1 x 227 [kg]
seum in Krakow for his invaluable help in preparing this book. /unarmed- nieuzbrojony

Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX/XVI and other • Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Wydanie pierwsze I First edition • LUBLIN 2011 • ISBN 978-83-61220-92-3
CO All rights reserved ./ Wszystkie prawa zastrzei:one. Wykorzystywanie fragment6w tej do przedruk6w w gazetach i aasopismach,
w audycjach radiowych i programach telewizyjnych bez pisemnej zgody Wydawcy jest zabronione. Nazwa serii zastrzeiona.
Translati on I Tluma czeni e: Piotr Kolasa • Editor I Redakcja: Madej GOralczyk • Color profiles I Plansze barwne: Janusz $wiattor1
• Scale drawin gs I Rys unki techni czne: Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa • Design: KAGERO STUDIO

Distribution I Dystrybucja: Kagero Publishing Sp. z o.o. • www.kage • e-mai l:, marketin
Editorial Office, Marketing I Redakcja, Marketing: OW KAGERO, ul. Melgiewska 9F, 20-209 Lublin, Poland
phone (+48) 81 749 20 20, fax (+48) 81 749 11 81
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc, wykaz zmian zewnvtrznvch
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowaf: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 1

Pierwsze Mk. IX, bazowafy na pfatowcu Mk. Vc i silniku Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 Mk. IXc, widok z prawej
Early Mk. IX, based on a Mk. Vc airframe and Rolls·Royce Merlin 61 engine Mk. IXc, right side view

Mysliwce uzbrojono w dwa 20-mm automatyczne dziaH!a Hispano·Suiza HS.404 Mk. I i cztery km Browning, kalibru 7,69 mm
The fighter was armed with two Mk. I Hispano·Suiza HS.404 20 mm·calibre automatic cannon and four 7.69 mm·calibre Browning machine guns

Krotki wlot produkowano w: serii BS, wielu konwersjach czasowych, poinych konwersjach z Mk. V na IX, Mk. IXT, ktore sprzedano do Holandii
The short intake was installed in the following versions: BS series, many test versions, after conversion from Mk. V to Mk. IX, and Mk. TIX
that were procured by Holland

Nowy kokpit i silnik Eksperymentalny Mk. IX (Bf274) z silnikiem Merlin 61

The new cockpit and engine The experimental Mk. IX (BF274) with Merlin 61 engine

Mk. IXc, widok z przodu

Mk. IXc, front view

Mk. IXc, widok z lewej

Mk. IXc, left side view
Podwozie pod obci~tieniem 0 1 2 3m
The drawing shows compressed landing gear oleos
1 -- ~ -d I I
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc wczesny, wvkaz zmian zewnQtrznych
Early Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: © Stanislaw Knysztol Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 2

Mysliwiec, Typ 361

The fighter, Type 361

W wariancie Mk IX, dodano duict podskrzydtowct chtodnicf1 paliwa i oleju 0

In the Mk. IX aircrfat large underwing engine coolant and oil radiators were added

Krawf1di natarcia skrzydta - b

Leading edge - b wing 0

Mk. IXc, widok od dotu J

Mk. IXc, bottom view

JL .r •

Krotki wlot z Mk. Vc (Boscombe Down)

Short intake of Mk. Vc (Boscombe Down)

~ ~
\5:0 ~

Mk. IXc, widok z gory 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - ~
Mk. IXc, top view
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire (F) Mk. IX, wykaz zmian zewnQtrznych
Supermarine SpiHire (F) Mk. IX, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztol Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 3

W Mk. IX, montowano silniki Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 Mk. IXc, widok z prawej
The Mk. IX was powered by the Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 Mk. IXc, right side view

Widok dodatkowych zbiornikiiw paliwa (170 i 90 Gal)

View of the external fuel tank (170 and 90 Gal)

-~i:,r~,·~ Mk. IXc, front view



0 0 0


Niektiire samoloty serii BR i BS zostaty wyposazone w skrzydla "b" (E. B. Morgan i E. Shaclady)
Some of the BR and BS series aircraft were fitted with b-wings (E. B. Morgan i E. Shacklady)

Nowej konstrukcji smigfo Rotol byfo cech~t wariantu

One of the characteristic features of the variant was the new Rotol propeller

l' l . •T ::rm:crr4nf' t ~

1.~ = L'

Opony uiywane na lotniskach polowych

The aircraft is fitted with tires for use on unprepared surfaces
Mk. IXc, widok z lewej 0 1 2 3m
1 -- ~ - d
Mk. IXc, left side view
Skala/scale 1n2
Supermarine SpiHire (F) Mk. IX skrzydlo "c", wykaz zmian zewm~trznych
Supermarine SpiHire (FJ Mk. IX e-wing, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 4
Tymczasowy zbiornik paliwa 90 i 170 Gal, widok od dolu
Interim fuel tank design (90 and 170 gal), boHom view

Widok z gory/Top view

Mk. IX, widok od dolu

Mk. IX, boHom view 0


Mk. IX, widok z gory

Mk. IX, top view

Pozycje tymczasowych hakow

Position of temporary hooks


J[ jl 1 90 170 lfl7

Krzyz celownika refleksyjnego byl wyswietlany kolorem pomaraiiczowym sygnalowym

Reflector gunsight featuring orange crosshairs

0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ --d
Skala/scale 1n2
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (LF), wykaz zmian zewnt;trznych
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (LF), specilicationol external change

DrawlngS/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztol Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 5

Mk. IXc, widok z prawej

Mk. IXc, right side view
Mysliwce LF Mk. IXc, budowano z silnikami Merlin 66 i takze bez anteny Rebecca
The LF Mk. IXc models were powered by the Merlin 66 engines and had no Rebecca antenna installation

Wariant uzbrojono w 20-mm automatyczne dzialka Hispano-Suiza Hs.404 Mk. II i dwa amerykaiiskie km M2 Browning
The variant carried 20 mm Hispano Suiza Hs.404 MK II cannon and two U.S.·made M2 Browning machine guns


Mk. IXc, widok z przodu

Mk. IXc, front view
Zmodyfikowany, powi,kszony wlot powietrza do gainika
Modified, large carburator air intake
Howe samoloty posiadaly takze cz,sci z odzysku, w tym ster kierunku
Brand new machines were often assambled using
"recycled" parts • a rudder assembly in this case

Mk. IXc, widok z lewej

Mk. IXc, left side view

0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc (LF), wvkaz zmian zewnQtrznych
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc (LF), specification of external changes

DrawingS/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 6

Samoloty Mk. IX i takze tego wariantu, otrzymaly zmodyfikowane stateczniki poziome

The Mk. IX Spitfires featured a modified horizontal stabilizer

Szkic dzialka, HS.404 Mk. I

The HS.404 Mk. I cannon

Mk. IXc, widok od dolu

Mk. IXc, bottom view 0

Zaslepka zbQdnego otworu 0
Superfluous bore end cap 0

~(): ~0

'"' 0

--E- ~-

080 () (

0 0
Mk. IXc, widok z gory 0 1 2 3m
Mk. IXc, top view
1- • E• d
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (LF), wykaz zmian zewnvtrznych
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (LF), specification of external change

OPDR(\ 1/VING:::,
DrawingS/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krtysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheel 7

W mysliwcach montowano silniki Rolls-Royce Merlin 66

The fighters were fiHed with Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 engines
Samoloty Spitfire Mk. IX, nawet poinych serii takze miafy zagtciwki,
a cz.;sc z tych maszyn w 1947 roku, przekazano do lndii
Mk. IX Spifires, even the late production series, all featured Mk. IXc, widok z prawej Chlodnice podskrzydfowe, prawa i lewa
Underwing radiators, right and left
a headrest in the cockpit. Some of those machines were Mk. IXc, right side view
handed over to India in 1947


Mk. IXc, widok z przodu

Mk. IXc, front view

Widok otwartych chfodnic oleju i paliwa

. . . .,. 7
A view of opened underwing radiators
Antena zainstalowana po wojnie

-~ '"'''~''"

Mk. IXc, widok z lewej 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Mk. IXc, left side view
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXc (MJ783) coded WX-Fof No 302 (Polish) Sqn RAF, Lille-Vendevill, Autumn 1944. WX-F was camouflaged in the Day Fighter Scheme of Dark Green/Ocean Grey
uppersurfaces with Medium Sea Grey undersurfaces. The spinner, code letters and fuselage band were painted Sky type Sand the serial was black. The remaining invasion markings were limited to
the lower part of the plane. During this period the Squadron was fighting as part of No 131 Polish Fighter Wing. MJ783 survived the war and is exhibited with different markings in Musee de I'Histoire
Militaire in Brussels.
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXc (MJ783). kod WX-F, 302 D.M., Lille-Vendevill, jesieri 1944 roku. Samalot pomalowany wedlug Day Fighter Scheme (od gory Dark Green I Ocean Grey, od dolu
Medium SeaGrey); kolpak smigla, litery kodowe i pas na kadlubie w kolorze Sky typeS; numer seryjny czarny; na dolnych powierzchniach pozostalosci po pasach inwazyjnych. Dywizjon wtym okresie
nalei:al do 131. Polskiego Skrzydla Mysliwskiego. Samalot przetrwal woj n~ i obecnie jest wystawiany w Musee de I'Histoire Militaire w Brukseli, ale wzmienionym malowaniu.

Painted by I Malowal:
Janusz Swiatton
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXc (EN568) coded AL of Biggin Hill Wing, flown by W/CAlan Ch. Deere, Biggin Hill, Spring 1943. This aircraft was finished in the Day
Fighter Scheme of Dark Green/Ocean Grey uppersurfaces with Medium Sea Grey undersurfaces. The spinner, code leners and fuselage band were painted Sky typeS. Please
note the partially covered black serial. Alan Deere recorded his first victory on 23 May 1940 and his final tally stood at 17.
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXc (EN568), kod AL, Biggin Hill Wing, pilot W/CAlan Ch. Deere, Biggin Hill wiosna 1943 roku. Samolot pomalowany wedlug Day
Fighter Scheme (od gory Dark Green I Ocean Grey, od dolu Medium Sea Grey); kolpak smigla; litery kodowe i pas na kadlubie wkolorze Sky typeS; numer seryjny aarny jest
a~sciowo zamalowany. Alan Deere podaas wojny uzyskal17 pewnych zwyci~stw, pierwsze znich 23 maja 1940 roku.

Painted by I Malowat:
Janusz Swiatton
Painted by I Malowat:
Janusz Swiatton

Supermarine Spitfire HF Mk IXc (ML 171) coded VY of No 134 (Czech) Wing RAF, flown by W/Cdr Tomas Vybiral, Great Britain 1944. The mount ofW /Cdr Vybiral was finished in the Day Fighter Scheme of Dark Green/Ocean Grey uppersurfaces with Medium Sea Grey underside. The spinner,
code letters and fuselage band were painted Sky typeS. The aircraft sported the Czechoslovak national badge and Wing Commander's pennant under the windscreen while the emblem of No 312 Sqn, astork, was painted on the engine cowling. Please note that the serial was not applied again after
the overpainting of invasion stripes and part of them remained on the lower part of the fuselage. Tomas Vybiral achieved 5confirmed victories.
Supermarine Spitfire HF Mk IXc (ML 171). kod VY, 134 (Czech) Wing RAF, pilot dow6dca skrzydla W/Cdr Tomas Vybiral, Wielka Brytania 1944 rok. Samolot pomalowany wed lug Day Fighter Scheme (od gory Dark Green I Ocean Grey, od dolu Medium Sea Grey); kolpak smigla, litery kodowe
i pas na kadlubie w kolorze Sky typeS; pod wiatrochronem znak lotnictwa czechoslowackiego i proporczyk dow6dcy skrzydla; na oslonie silnika godlo 312. Squadronu (czeskiego) w postaci bociana; widoczne pozostalosci bialo-czarnych pas6w inwazyjnych; brak odnowionego numeru seryjnego
po zamalowaniu pas6w inwazyjnych. Vybiral podczas wojny zdobyl7 zwyci~stw powietrznych.
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (LF), wykaz zmian zewnQtrznych
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXc (Lf), specification of external changes

DrawingS/rysowaf: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 8

Mk. IXc, widok od dofu

Mk. IXc, bottom view

r J_J

EE: I 0

Mk. IXc, widok z gory 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Mk. IXc, top view
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine Spidire HF Mk. IXc poznv, wvkaz zmian zewnvtrznych
A late production example of the Spidire HF Mk. IXc

Drawings/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 9

Mysliwce bazowaly na skrzydle "c" i silniku Rolls-Royce Merlin 70 Mk. IXc, widok z prawej
The fighters were based on a e-wing and Rolls-Royce Merlin 70 engine Mk. IXc, right side view
Od lata 1944, wszystkie Spitfire Mk. IX, produkowano z wysokim sterem
From summer 1944 all Spitfire Mk. IX, produced with high rudder
Mysliwce uzbrojono w dwa 20-mm automatyczne dziafka Hispano-Suiza HS.404 Mk. I i cztery km 7,69 mm
All Mk IX aircraft built after the summer of 1944 featured a tall rudder design

Mk. IXc, widok z przodu

Samoloty otrzymaly nowy ster Mk. IXc, front view
The aircraft received a redesigned rudder assembly

lnstalowano jeden skrzydtowy fotokarabin

Typically a single gun camera Scala/scale 1:48
was installed in the wing

4 ~~i

Mk. IXc, widok z lewej 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Mk. IXc, left side view
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXe (LF), wykaz zmian zewnQtrznych
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXe (LF), specification of external change

DrawingS/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krtysztof Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 1o

Mk. IXe, budowano z silnikiem Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 i skrzydlemi "e" Mk. IXe, widok z prawej
The Mk. IXe featured the e-wing and was powered by the Merlin 66 powerplant Mk. IXe, right side view

Mysliwce uzbrojono w dwa 20-mm automatyczne dzialka Hispano-Suiza HS.404 Mk. II i dwa km M2 Browning
The fighter carried two 20 mm Hispano Suiza Hs.404 MK II cannon and two Browning M2 machine guns

Mk. IXe, widok z przodu

Mk. IXe, front view
;-- 1470±10 - -<

Zamiennie lusterko prostokl!tne

Detail of the rectangular rearview mirror

Mk. IXe, widok z lewej 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Mk. IXe, leH side view
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXe, wvkaz zmian zewm;trznvch
V Supermarine SpiHire Mk. IXe, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowat: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

Opony uzywane na lotniskach polowych Arkusz/Sheet 11

Tires designed for operation from unprepared fields


Mk. IXe, widok od dolu

Mk. IXe, bottom view

Mk. IXe, widok z gory

Mk. IXe, top view

Fragment krawl(ldzi natarcia

Section of the wing's leading edge

0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - ~ I I
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiUire LF Mk. XVI (pfatowiec Mk.IXe), wykaz zmian zewm;trznvch
Supermarine SpiUire LF Mk. XVI (airframe Mk.IXe), specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

ArkuszJSheet 12


LF - mysliwiec niskiego pulapu Mk. XVI i IXe, widok z prawej

LF - low altitude fighter Mk. XVI and IXe, right side view

W mysliwcach montowano 12-cylindrowy licencyjny amerykanski silnik Packard Merlin 266 mocy 1390 KM (1015 kW)
The type was powered by the licence-built 12-cylinder Packarad Merlin 266 developing 1,371 Hp
Ten wariant samolotu jest w ekspozycji Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego w Krakowie
This SpiHire mark is on display at Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow

Opisane obszary gladkie w Mk. IX-XVI/ Smooth skin areas in Mk.IX-XVI

Mocno I Strong - Srednio I Mid


Mk. XVI, widok z przodu

Skrzydla "e" ze zm~czeniem aerodynamicznym Mk. XVI, front view
The e-wings with aerodynamic fatigue

Rolka pasliw, Mk. IX pliiny i XVI 1/32

The harness inertia reel used in late
Mk. IX models and in Mk. XVIs

Widok granic pasliw inwazyjnych

A view border of the invasion belt

Mk. XVI i IXe, widok z lewej 0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Mk. XVI and IXe, left side view I
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine Spidire Mk. XVI z silnikiem Packarda, wvkaz zmian zewn,trznych
Supermarine Spidire Mk. XVI with Packard engine, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: ® Slanlslaw llnyszlol Mokwa

Szkic HS.404 Mk. II

HS.404 Mk. II cannon

Obszary gladkie I Smooth areas

Mocno I Strong - Srednio I Mid

Mk. XVI i IXe, widok od dofu
Mk. XVI and IXe, boHom view



Mk. XVI i IXe, widok z gory

Mk. XVI and IXe, top view


0 1 2 3m

1-. ~ . d
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire PR. XI - PR. IX, wykaz zmian zewnvtrznych
Supermarine SpiHire PR. XI - PR. IX, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowaf: © Stanislaw Krzysztof Mokwa

PR XI z silnikiem Merlin 70, bazowal na platowcu Mk. IX

PR XI with Merlin 70 engine, based on Mk. IX airframe
Arkusz/Sheet 14

If PR. XI, widok z lewej strony

PR. XI, left side view

Silnik, widok z prawej strony Owiewka, widok z prawej strony Prawa strona lewej chlodnicy
Engine, right side view Canopy, right side view Right side right radiator

t ~<
l- l- ~lllllltll~·

~ Schowane podwozie, widok z lewej strony

The landing gear retracted, lett side view

PR. XI, widok z przodu

PR. XI, front view

FR. IX, byl standardowym mysliwcem z jednym aparatem

The FR. IX, was a standard fighter with one camera
PR. IX, byly przebudowanymi Mk. IX z silnikami Merlin 70 lub 63
The PR IX models were modified Mk. IX airframes powered
by the Merlin 70 or 63 engines

PR. IX, widok z lewej strony

PR. IX, leftt side view

0 1 2 3m

1-- r- -d
Skala/scale 1/72
Supermarine SpiHire PH. XI - PH. IX, wvkaz zmian zewm;trznych
Supermarine SpiHire PH. XI - PH. IX, specification of external change

Drawings/rysowal: ©Stanislaw Krzysztol Mokwa

Arkusz/Sheet 15

W PR. XI i IX, zamontowano duiy zbiornik oleju

In PR. XI and IX, mount to big oil tank PR. XI, widok od dolu
PR. XI, bottom view

Widok otworiiw dla obiektywiiw aparatiiw FB

A view bore for FB camera lens

PR. XI, widok z giiry
PR. XI, top view

Po prawej skrzydlo "c" PR. IX i PR. XI

Above right e-wing PR. IX and PR. XI
W skrzydlach ''wydluzonych" montowano dodatkowe zbiorniki paliwa (2x19 Gal)
A Extended-wings mount to add fuel tank (2x19 Gal)

0 1 2 3m

1 -- ~ - d
Skala/scale 1/72
Painted by I Malowal:
Janusz Swiatton

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L.N iiiiiiii ____, Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk VIII (A58-465, ex-MT545) coded ZP-Hof No 457 Sqn RAAF, flownby F/Lt Dick Due, Australia, July-August 1944. This machine was painted inthe Temperate Land Scheme of Dark Green/Dark Earth uppersurfaces with Medium Sea
"'C ~==== ~ Grey underside and the fuselage additionallycoated with Foliage Green K3/178. The code letters were painted MediumSea Grey, the spinner was red and serial applied in black. Please note the white leading edges and RAAF roundels converted from RAF roundels. During
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the later service in 1945 the plane was handed overtoNo. 452 Sqn RAAF, repainted and coded QY-K.It was lost on 2July 1945 during araid on Japanese targets in thenorth-eastern Borneo. Its pilot, F/Lt A. J. Proctor, perished.
::tl ~ ~ Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk VIII (A58-465, eks MT545), kod ZP-H, 457 Sqn RAAF, pilot F/Lt Dick Due, Australia lipiec-sierpier\ 1944 roku. Samalot pomalowanywedlug Temperate Land Scheme (ad gory Dark Green I Dark Earth, uzupelnione australijskq farbq
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- -c:.. Foliage Green K3/178, ad doluMedium Sea Grey); litery kodowe Medium Sea Grey; kraw~dzie natarcia skrzydel biale; kolpak smigla czerwony; numer seryjny czarny; australijskie randle powstale poprzez ko nwersj~ oryginalnych znak6w RAF Maszynapodczas swojej
~ ~ n dalszej sluzby w 1945 roku po przemalowaniu lata/ajuz w452. Sqn RAAF zkodem QY-K. Zostala utracona21ipca 1945 roku podczas nalotu na japonskie celenap6/nocno-wschodnim Borneo. Pilot F/Lt A. J. Proctor zginql.
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0. Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXc (MH358) coded YT-Jas of No 65 Sqn RAF, flown by S/Ldr James E. Storrar, Kingsnorth, Autumn 1943. This aircraft was finished intheDay Fighter Scheme of DarkGreen/Ocean Grey uppersurfaces with Medium Sea Grey
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underside. Thespinner, code lettersand fuselage band werepainted Sky typeS as well as the serial on the fin. The serial on thefuselage was black. The plane sported the squadron emblem on theengine cowling and thesquadron leader's pennant on the
fuselage sideclose to thewindscreen. The engineand finwere replaced duringthe repair. James Eric Storrar gained 12 confirmed victories, most of them scoredwhile serving with No 145 Sqn RAF. Heshot downhisfirst victimon23 May 1940.
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CJ) ,:j Qj Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXc (MH358), kod YT-Jas, 65 Sqn RAF, pilot S/Ldr James E. Storrar, Kingsnorth, jesier\ 1943
roku. Samalot pomalowany wedlug Day Fighter Scheme (od g6ry Dark Green I Ocean Grey, ad dolu MediumSea Grey);
kolpaksmigla, litery kodowe, pas nakadlubie i powt6rzony nastateczniku pionowym numer seryjny w kolorze Sky typeS;
numer seryjny nakadlubieczarny; przed wiatrochronem proporczyk dow6dcy dywizjonu; naosloniesilnika god/a 65. Sqn.
Samalot jest po remoncie, podczas kt6rego zostal wymieniony silnik i statecznik pionowy. Storrar podczas wojny uzyskal
12 pewnych zwyci~stw powietrznych, przy czym pierwsze z nich uzyska/23 maja 1940 r. latajqc w 145. Sqn. RAF Wtej
jednostce odni6sl wi~kszosc swoichzwyci~stw latajqc namaszynie typu Hurricane.


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