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The Aesthetics cf Film Music Iewning ofa fm” Aan Copland has sai that a composer eat Jono Talve"” th ebservations approach a poner answer to ihe question, We hall ie thin question free tate Be rater broaé areas aking 8 ‘etased look at cach The main heacings sre Auon Copand, den flom hb arise in The New Yor Timer of November 6 19435 the sein ha fellows cach Heading ithe ator war aie com eres @ more convincing smosphee 2f tne and is ‘There ar avait of ways of acheving an atmosphere of tine and pace, cr, muicllyapeiling “obr” Im'a broad Setse, sia color Ray be laken tc reprsent he etc or snstous amps of aus a Irvctre, ov line, which gh e eonierc the intelccil sd, althosgh admitedly an eneramlicaon, ts dine Moa hart god deat a etl sy erm of Hn sn, Fln anes ‘vervheimingly solic i i intention aud aflect This away rue thee asomposere atemptig wees an stmostere of te ar lace, istic frm mse Stages aston cen, sated bran commotessometiag ner, roxk ‘si ay imply a outhiliheme ad's) oan, col nl ne itdoes not compote wit he Seamatie aston. Tiss epi importa fer fm mas Tae fect of coker, moreover, stmt, vali sce Memate development which ker im. tn son, colori highly ‘exible and can te bvougM io ae ot with relate cae yA cipercncl sen compe An imorant gush of clo, give the Shor aroun of ime the sompose usa hast site fests 3 {tat ole ear w schowe than moscal design Final and proba ‘not iperant of lel ean be venily endastood by a musa ‘sophia lm aienee Masal color cas he achieved in a variety of wayt. One is to we musa material ncgenom othe lal ts en Thue Adeiph Dec employed sea charles in con on te Neth Atlante and Aired ‘Newnan sed skeet wong and husde-gerdy music nd Thee Gov Bookie A rlted tectaigue the te Of mic deviow they ae pepolayssoicted with frig lnds and peopl: for ample, ting the penatoic don 16 achieve an Onital coor The *Chince™ rose rien fora sci of te 1930 nd Mer not of couse nathente Chinese musi bt rather reresens aur popular Osc otlaes cf what Chiese mus is ike The Weaern atencr samy does net Understand the smbols 0” authentic Qental move athe does the of ‘ester misc terre, ena mac nouldhave ie arate ee ferhin ‘Along the sam lines, here the poe of yc negation, This ses woes composts are requied wise piece of msi ox poss ‘toler within the age framework af heir sore Suh et pees cat include ol sons, use fram, act ries,gacs sad soe i tater fr he composer ‘0 arainge ‘hee pies himself so tha ey inform ssl ith thereof ts mute or the pre The fe Seng arangemerts of Barc inde smple precedent “oF th The Dblem crm be avoided ently if the conpescr creates hi we noite mus An uae of th «Berl Hermanas bey ‘erdy muse for Manger ‘Square The he’s climen indudes ataear ipes ee specaly forthe land Hermann imply toskone ofthe cnet thetes an rnsormed te the hee gurdy mune te ansrnercs oF mis me ais ‘nl sigh culvate a ns muse. Exarpes canbe fund in Hage Fncchoer® sore to The Rslp Mife whemnbeuses sesacers-gesso Sole, and in Droid Rakin score t Farmer Amber, im the Pade niin mas fre amane msne i he ngs achat Porton ofthismac can te sent Figure 1. Few compres are capable ecaring of state parody for 4 takes imate ase of ante’ Recciarsse ‘This emphasis on soe des at mn that uscallite souls or dos erin Rec Te it mf somes hve a ‘Somplatedsarctores cannot sixes be emahisied withoat cm ring withthe drama aton: Yes bed dl ms. he ataver o the prolem of eran an apples 0 He mun hat seal 216 uw woe Invivaied ies (a axe contapuntal teat) by the ah ra ling of dissnance a chord. Example of th ind cepa Borate weingrbcond te sco of eth David Ralsn aad ogo Fiche, Raksns score forthe Lilekown lm The Redeemer = fl ‘of canons and pans; iedhoters sere c Joan of Ave has sever Iiphy oncspuncl quense. Mus: con de asd 9 andere of eoctepycolgia fn ‘mests-the spoken thowghts of a character or te Anseon “inpbeaions ofa staon” Frequenly, mic can inp 4 paytolg il lement far eter shan SSogbe can Ths we of Hm masts raps most elective he.» lnted walls advance ate the fms inthe sexing stage. Fas to Sten, however tn esl pase ore ae mac otal Speak. Copland hc cbse that mse"cam aay oom te eosin cf {he spectator, sometimes cnuterpcinting the tng seen ith an as image tat implies the contro he hig se.” Alough misc fs ‘in be os cfeveis such instance, compere pve Wie hance ‘One cf the elas examples ofthis kind af wring fund in David Raksin' sore to ore of fl dase! in some dil in chpter 21s the final eae the nin charac, Joe Joba Sarl el) er ennig > the ste the aang pres stone mall and down a huge Pgh of si ‘Ye the music ere is bt “runing” musc- Rabin her coed motional rater that the phyval enancter ofthe scene. Js has Bes ‘toning garativay through th itis nym ashe bei Scare for bis dead trimers nods, ha he nd ayo. of ead Rls refleeu is psscolopcal pot in his slow muse Tor the sequence “Toe ability f muss to mak «psychologist poi inl be ‘ove, ane pathap it mont lable coerihmin. Ye itn theca Snpear not even to recognize muse’s pois in tis ares, Foe timple. George Bluestone in his bok Novas imo Fm sate tht “he fin, being a prem atonal edie exept fori use of Sle uc aniot ve itect aces tothe power 0” dict firms The renion fof mentlsutesnenery,creim, imagination cannot be a equstl ‘eptesened by Bin by ngunge The Ra, by staging exer fer on vinulyercepton ory proses wth loge. ca lead to fer oeht, ot cant sows thowght Sel tsan sw os Ghaacers thing, felng and speaking ati eanno. show vs thsi ough nd fee ings A Alm ortboaghts parece” “Ths quite demote he if mae! emt Hm coreicens ‘ancerning the posses sf music flim If by the ord “Bl” faecal wor (Le, Visas, lagte snd ele and sii) hen hi statement ell iva for ane ean and docrsone This fonction Boer than sy ether ee ext te {Composer Lsnand Rosenman hs pointed ov cht "in msi Ws te change marae in Hi oto ral” Actual the asa eatin to he fim shouldbe ical To eeate smerny a ion wherein the chments of israry saaralsm ce percept lire. Te ths way the audience can have the sig ino diferent of tehc ror and metvaton not possble under the aie of Film asic custths ene diet into the poof he lm adding a “hind dimension phe images and words. It an atempt to stable he apra-ealty of manyfucied ponrayal of tehavicr hat showd “ite fe corpo in hescocion nf seqtemesta tesco ae ast amportnt the sequences to be el alent Wie music serinly docs have the cctlic aby t0 change he ‘audience’ pereston of imagens wordy wart pani ot at Mere stray the eect ot te image ad words upon the oxic A Simple recollection by oxpise Leovrd Rosnman stoud silice © Upake the point Rexenas ng “Taee ea symboeca lye excranse- “lationspbetacen te mand the muse thataosomamss i hove Feely dts expert encag meay tmerigheed pete Anment posites and gowingly on sdssonat score Mer seeng he “fim hve play hve sims pet le econ ofthe eore wat lag hem at ear fom ve to ey ad peevicasy seen Thr eacton ange fem loe-warm we postivereecton. “Mase can ere + Kindo evra uckgrown fle.” ‘Aaron Coplasd hs ci of “bag” as: “Tai rely ihe Rind e€ruste one isn saprosed Wo heat he sort that eso he tmp spas beteec piscina conve, athe ae compose ‘st ugrtefl sk Bo times, though ao one de may otc, he wl Bet prvatenstacion from the toagh talons oe ire “te, trough profesional manplati hat elened and made or human the Sel pallor of teen shadow, Ths hrc to 8 Balog Ths can sometime be he somone mon if a fori: fa him o be a isos sobordiath At tmes cae ofthe Fanci msc ao > eng ore han ete hovh x woul st sound rather aa a soars? moc" Esco toagh ts lig father taboo w ther lemons inthe pte. “le” ype trun at ery sone dramatic evi Hage Feder sr 1 drt rower to Susann emp a ow sc The fist example (Figte 2) i the uadencoriag fora sane at the ‘eponing the in. ths cee the fl’, Jens Stevaryiiing on Rorstack though the Westen desert Ft the sexing is ‘Pade tod et i dow gai Reh he y on Even though the nner prs eeexrenely simple they till ake mesic ty thames. There jot enug! bacony te ee parts © heep the slo claact fom cempeing win the marrators vo, at ont frowph mobily in the ater pre to. cuntemct te rather se Stontiony of he Souble peda he ther example (Figure 3) of Fiedhters om Sraten Aro is sen acmpunyng ein ova. The end cae coy Monon war ove tomy that shows ow ke pose to avai he pial oan Aaaihe Laken Fle 3. ce fom rte Ao. definite foreground charac. Ar example of tis © in the fim The ‘eves (20 Caper 3}. Cenrally such mesic tested silly in = ea ame : "we ASSES oF LM USC 2 Fare 4 Ese fm Wi Po, a by Dad Rie recintive syle rmivicen ofthe o2en: Sank pos in He dnlogue ire fied with ragrene of nase, when come to the forepound m-mer Tanly 10 comment on she dialogue and then drop back int he und wt he nest Bein aid A of ts bn ob dete, of ‘oy the ay the poner wees Bis ust. not bythe ample no baabs i the cubbing room. Dini Temkin soe we gh Easveveral prominent amps of tis Lind oF wig, speklyin Trenesnvlng the ser ate his Sut. Another seaple 2538 "Dasid Rakin ad fromthe lm Wil Poon, cel demonstates haw comport writs arud dialogue (se Figure). “ins cumple Rakst has eed he loge operatcaly, tha io “sayin the manaer of seiatve. The stall "vs" above eich sal of Isic indicate he clicks” of the cok track Note tat Rakin bas “ten in the sik spoken by Preacher Quit exactly where til “feru inreatioe to he eth, The cialgue begins a tar wih Preacher avocnticn, "Beware te wthof the Lord” Then o> oat iphen heres x ln th “leurs” the dike witoct the dusbers Tivig to drop the moss tert dawn when mising 1 wi the dilogve “fea. The time space boven GUint ines led wih eetomatory “husks Neve, tor Rains notation of the yt a the desvery tthe Lite for ie” and "ej for eye” m bats ad 12 Te. 18 bbe ; Lite be ie eee pdr D dy m ae eae ‘conscious of this particular strate of mac Ans. In » mote, Darticulst, mus ca sere alt ndspeasable function cam ld the montage togcther with some Sorte unfying msi dea, Wont | ‘osc the ontage ci, ome instant, bins merely hectic sie {in ali develop ths sense of co ity cn ts level othe lias oe hea dsc grater Stal in chapter 7 "Ms can provide the underpin forthe teria evapo ‘seen and her round off with ens of ay.” Muse his way af tyraing the una ormal, onl demic ‘mechanisms. Wht ued prope, muse can helpful he rama in Stee toa far peste! Seghe inert tha any ofthe ae inet fs oie sigrieare whet esc vives nina ve ‘euonsip ora na ight mute eke ait rac unoblamatte inany her nay. Onthe chr had th cam oo thee eflaine ‘he fl me inot Landed proper Teac -nay pec ard ‘drei seem t fet ths lm mane’ only nctn a ans speci ithe Fi sere we Every comport wo a whe in sus at om tne et srothes bam sed to provice mune ort ‘weak se in the hopes tat the muse wil senebow tnke the scene Songer. simply anal be dont and is ton he compost who ually bu: untae) resever the eiies ame Tor a sose ory essed ‘One wonder sone of heobeetons to masc in lms i tat i 0 fecive We end to reat msc whaler ede foo: ne and Te ‘nt wah be moned by we raze prac for making fen tetas sonvol of out eno ccpatene eas ig ‘Ofer here ar intima lm paps fen nie fms, wes ty kind otic arpropsate Ose ei, nrtingeoout he tm Suns ‘Beata a “The plant tht est of Soe! Bowed i is use of toh narration and dialogue and ts venti eugh he america slec a lene Ese oth odo" Ths cena fam be ie se, bit nt eof tt eam wal ak muse treats a rue dtedor did vant Totem, ease impinges (ea en of els” Whee use coming fois hee ‘iced question Thi gueson wa “sed dang Wickes ming of ‘eto’ hearng tat Hitcooc had asked, “But whe bthe me ‘i sets cra ac ma spp coms fom ot inthe mide of he van? none Did alte vied “Ad Me Hache vot the ames cone fae? ‘The avery forthe in compose denmarte more (etait hpi ey Operon prenolon thettand mort stow every ober spect of te maar coh thas ty otc individual moved in ite rdcon. Since the sompesct is {stay cated non te pj tere Bn some be mun Kaew ‘hat the devon, chemaogaper acon alee areal ying 0 ty Sramatcly. Want ths deme ses for fim, the somos @ Shs contribution othe ln wi bene "Afanout expe of wha purpose sol fs reiomshipot sminie aod picure & he "audlrbual score” consrated by Sergl Tenacin of nquncs fom desma Nevky Beers hi expe {sed egeny in sm chan and caste aumpa Dat i 8 ‘ly fed retenahip of mua tad ps ety ict ge of enantio gue § shows tha Esntin hon sone dagam of the -petresytim:twlla tesmuncl evens orFe ones o tbe ential “Now ltox coat the to graph he teen is took 7h Fl See,“ doe fad? Bak gaps f ovement Covesyond acuta, that me ina comple oncopordesce erwern th movement cf the mun and the movement of fe ye over the lin af the peste composition. In oter onde Oat) the sone ‘asionlie a hea of othe rane athe psc oruces” “Two areas in this Soayndeace berwces cre sod move sre tight qustonabie Theft i he wash of the ttm of Se ims he rgthn of he pte The hen ane a ‘Sl sth saute teu he lca he soap of tytn i largey metapaodeal. Her: the problem fer Esenstcn is Compound, hin rps re srl she he en eon ‘tote em “Thessond ae ish Etna’ vir ae quetonabe da ih sheds that te rep sc sapped prove fest semen of the masic i sila tte Sequence of pers In teal, what the | raph aorta there asim ay betneen the nota the muse Tid te pore sequence This Han extenely inporant and racial Giniocior por which ihe whe of Eaeonein| premiere | Ehensinscompanson ia togurone or msi noutor is merely 2 fpaphes aati of actud munca. moverent he etic mage Of 3 Suamic phenoienon”acerdng to Hanae Ener Mase am that over though ime amar that cant be perceived astnan=>u therein Ect’ paph, the pictre are persivec manly And Thies posee forthe fim dic, trough Tbe compesior of his Roc o cont somewhat he direct of the sioncrs es movement ero the rams, thre i no way to eam the eythm oF pace ot tha Irovement nso Vin ae dara, wo fags ar ble on the borin. | Exensein sorreate these two Magy 9 teo igh sot ia the muse Becnce thse to fas sv ete! ages adi dec cont th he Primary harznalsompesiton of he shot they te reccpned iets __Syrtheeye Theme heveser que anc ther mater. Using Prooie’s tempo msking of arge d= A takes spproxinately 4 secon fom the tine shot IY appear onthe vere tthe appearmee of te ts pected cpt non on fhe ound rack. It another 3 esd el the seson igh rote heard. The ont tha he foogaon of he Ineiaproresl peti sha of shor IVs snxuntansouy, we the ‘Tose yh dha Escrscn clans oeresponds to the pire yom | Bkes i seonds te be pareve, ‘Anther etarpl ofthis of uty compas ca he seen i Shot The misc sunpeedl imestes ne seep) lpi ects by deseneing| i he mune seually asthe of prcoonny fing ewe in the Reston” Bat he Expr 188 by Horn fe | | problem here fat in the marie Hell se all osc or tie, wile | Fe serpysopag ok Sot Vi seen a encanged fom he ist 26 | 7 einer, | ‘Arter objection hast do wit the derogment of fe sequence and | the musi If we are to acorpt Enertes tens of 2 ovespendence wen the maic and ptre thn we can asume ih the usc Sevlepent wll mat tht of the moon pioure. The must then ‘Should show ee disistin betwen the soup ane He panoramic ews be Ain | "Hlowevtn a ee cxar nation oh mas ad pictus wil revel hat a | | l e | ewe 6. “Auovlxe h leoderNealy, eee by Srp n,m by Sars Proki.This See op een et epee ee ee i i j ! | : 3 a a i 20 sae sae Js the ofposte ve, fr ere te pure moves on whi the mae ‘Revels ee For vue, here dar Serene inh stg! ‘velopment iwc he tte shat wich show a ped amon of {EtaiSne shot IVs Wn ia geen ew of Ue batt Ene, But an ‘amintin of the mise wi sw tat mesures 5 thug 8 lice ‘Spe manure | thoagh 4 in ths insane Shenset repeated ‘Skat hat pcae and mse shold comeypord in ovcmet Eos Senoiked. Alling ga sot IN, the tao ohh ns epee ‘Re tagrao are tine mst commpanyrg so TL ich dos at Sy fp. Bachan wes to he wo peat im Wamdates ‘Retr eit ino noo he did et uke he peda com ate Sch emt cement [a Potcy eau to be dking withthe mast spin cating the gecratemibn of th pe-bucte omen. eter words, the muse speskig to te peony of be moment, appechen ‘ae i toma the shatters rates than oi enc Toon ht dzvelpmest e metaphoric. picture stam threats ogre up tae en th is enamoe sxprsnsthe lime wing of mo ard pure. For eximpe Jon Howard! tawaoe nh sk Mie Tar Cathe Pres desi oe tha “the experimental ork inusce by Eacnten acl Prokfey in ‘Hevany Nery ta tok heen spect hea of wed in fesse Th rope of Eventereconeapt fay “nadia coe” nthe puto mt heo-etcuns seu f tha il ited and Sper knowlege and understanding of musi ‘ Film Music and Form Bo ie rany cess Leveled sn sic» aj chare i that | fas ccheave fem, Nave at best, ue) ericom betrays a oa ask 3F | tnderanding concerning the fansior of Bin msc and intense © lationship with oor cles of he tm. en a omporer as overing, “te Stasnsy fad to nlersand th coca im aha om mse Te wis hired ay Catumbia Piturs to doa sore for Commendt Soke ct Lawn Srwinks onbeknowrst to the predocer proceeded “rte seme hehe for Cx pctar= without haring ever sen the, | hic had no bon omit at hat ime. Dvionty the skiches were le fer that fin: Soavinshy ser adap them io wha ne “Known as The Four Norseqiar Mada” TR god im cemoser aus be cameleon bath wil Hs corpo “tinal ste and, perhaps ore impr ith the foe al shape bs ‘si takes in rein to he damon development on te sereen. tsa | ermine the fem oF the muse arien to accompany Ke composer © Gempoe Daid Rabe rohan cs When Vila Looe wat hare J do fe im Guen Monts be tlle tat he had sly Snide | tle esa sd al [Te fi ass shot. bt hed en Be Iie witht rene ts tinge) Aer be fen to Bra Bren __ Kaper bape the muse te pee i a

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