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World Hstory

Module 3; SLP

Modern World History


June 10, 2016


World History


How does Speier define public opinion?

According to Speier, public opinion is the expression of the public likes and concerns to

the government in order for possible implementations to be done. Further, the communication

may be targeted to the public as a whole. Public opinion is thus to be defined as entailing politics

within the nation. On the expression of the peoples’ say, the government may decide to consider

the expressions or not.

Public opinion may entail a lot of concerns within the public. The people decision is to be

considered as the right decision. The needs of the majority are to be considered in any given

state. The people possess the right to decide on the ways to be followed by the people. In

autocratic religions, public opinion is not recognized and thus the public has nothing to

demonstrate to the government. The will and the law of the government is to be followed without

making any complains or violations (Speier, 1950).

Several states work on democratic basis. All the concerns of the people are the key

considerations in the nation. The government thus works on the people define principles. All

implementations are made with respect to the desires and likes of the people. The citizens have

the right to vote the leaders they you would feel good having in their leadership. All aspects of

the people are expressed to the people through the voting process.

Until the French Revolution writers feared that the public at large were unreliable due

to superstition, prejudice, and excess passion. Who did earlier writers believe was likely

to hold reasonable opinions?

The writers greatly feared meeting the public for the collection and delivery of information.

They believed that the society was constituted of some unfavorable factors. The entire

community was recognized of being composed of many forms of deviance. Any visitors in the

society would be rejected. However, the writers would not reach the society due to the fear of

experiencing disappointments from the people. The writers were aware of the negativity of the

members of the society. All aspects of the society favored no development among them.

However, after the French Revolution, life became much easier for all. The writers could easily

access the society and acquire information. The nation had become organized and united. People

had how recognized the important and the role of development among themselves. All

approaches of life were now made in a different dimension and perspective. The society realized

lot simplicity in many concerns of life(Mitchell, 2015).

What does Speier mean when he says that “Public opinion is a phenomenon of

middle-class civilization”?

Public opinion involved the involvement of the people in the process of making

implementations and amendments in the nation. Speier termed public opinion as being a

phenomenon of the middle-class civilization. None of the people in the middle-class recognized

the meaning and importance of public opinion. All the attempts and concepts of the society

required the involved of the people.


However, the society stayed away and resistant of the newly introduced ways of association

and leadership. They rarely participated in the activities involving the public opinion. All their

activities revolved around the basic ways of life. They never participated in the voting processes

within the nation. As time went passed, the society needed to be made aware and become

involved in the matters concerning the development and progress of the nation as a whole. The

middle-class required to be introduced in the system and offered an opportunity to take part

(Speier, 1950).

1. What new ways to circulate information helped the new middle class learn about

current affairs?

In order to learn more about current affairs, the new middle class needed to have access of a

new way of acquiring the necessary information. As information circulated amongst the people,

there was need to have a suitable channel of facilitate the process. In the society, various

channels are required for the realization of benefits and development of the society. For the

circulation of information, modern means of spreading information among the people would be

required. Any form of communication requires to be made much more efficient.

The delivery of information from distant places would require the presence of an efficient

communication channel. The kind of channel in use should be considered for the purpose of

making the communication process a success. The channel should also be selected with respect

to the states of the audience to get the information.

Channels of communication vary greatly with regard to the audience. Language is one of the

mostly considered factors in the realization of efficient communication among the people.

Individuals across the globe use different communication means with respect to their

environment. During the period, the new middle class made use of the writers for the circulation

of information among the members of the society (Mitchell, 2015).

With increased population, individuals occupied larger geographical areas. An efficient

means of circulating information within the new middle class had to have the capability of

conveying information over wide geographical. All the happening and vital information across

would be easily conveyed through the writers. Current affairs within the land had to reach the

new middle class in their areas of habitat. Some of the ways of conveying information were

expensive to acquire. However, there efficiency was greater than the rest of the means.


Speier, H. (1950).Historical Development of Public Opinion,American Journal of Sociology, 55,

4. 376-388

Mitchell, A.(2015). State of the News Media 2015: Retrieved from:m

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