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Assessment Cover Sheet

SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

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Declaration: I declare that:

 This assessment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately
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 This assessment has not previously been submitted in this or any other subject. For
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 This assessment is my own work.
 This assessment does not involve plagiarism or collusion.
 I have retained a copy for my own records.


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Notes to Students:

You are required to:

 Complete the front cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student declaration.
 Read through and follow all instructions provided.
 Complete each assessment task/activity.
 Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS).
 Ensure your submission identifies your name, student number, unit code and title.

Name: SITHCCC006 - Assessment Version: 2017.1 Last Reviewed: October 2017

SITHCCC006 - Student Assessment


 Each multiple-choice question has four responses
 You are to answer all questions
 There is only one right answer

1. What information is provided on a food preparation list?

Standard recipes with an ingredients list.

Anticipated bookings for the next service period.

Requirements for preparation of daily specials and menu variations.

Food production requirements and preparation deadlines.

2. What are two factors that determine the quantities of ingredients required to prepare a dish?
The standard recipe and number of portions required.

The standard recipe and any dietary variations required.

The number of portions and a list of menu items.

The preparation list and ingredients list.

3. What are three factors which help you select from stores the appropriate ingredients required for your menu

Number of portions required, availability of ingredients, and location in storage area.

The requirements listed in the standard recipe, expiry dates of ingredients, and workplace quality
standards. ☐
If any of the ingredients have already been pre-prepared, expiry dates of ingredients, and their
appearance. ☐
Preparation deadlines, the ingredients list of the recipe, and access to appropriate equipment.

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4. What are two indications of spoilage in fresh lettuce and leafy greens?
Clear green colour and brown stems where it has been cut.

Mould where the leaves join the stem and a soft texture.

An earthy smell that indicates soil damage and an open, soft head.

Browning and limp, soggy leaves.

5. If you wanted to remove excess moisture from washed lettuce, which item of equipment would remove the
most water?
A colander

A steamer

A cake rack

A salad spinner

6. Why is it very important to make sure equipment is clean before preparing ingredients for salads and
Many ingredients in salads have a high-water content, which could cause the equipment to rust and
discolour the ingredients being prepared. ☐
Recipes require ingredients to be cut very finely so there is a greater risk of food becoming stuck in
the equipment. ☐

Many of the ingredients are high-risk foods that may not be processed further during preparation,
so the risk of cross-contamination is higher.
The recipes usually combine ingredients from many different types of food groups together, so the
risk of cross-contamination is higher. ☐

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7. What safety procedures should you follow when steaming potatoes in an atmospheric steamer for a potato
Use protective gloves and open the door carefully to release the steam before retrieving the tray of
hot potatoes. ☐
Make sure there is a towel on the floor in front of the steamer so the floor does not become wet
and slippery. ☐
Turn the steamer off and allow it to completely cool before opening.

Use a damp tea towel to carry the tray of hot potatoes as this will absorb the steam and reduce the
risk of burns. ☐

8. Why should you sort and assemble all your ingredients prior to starting to prepare them?
It allows you to check your portion sizes before you start preparation.

It makes you read the recipe prior to commencing.

It helps ensure you have all the required ingredients and speeds up the preparation process.

It helps you get the meals out on time.

9. Weighing and measuring ingredients accurately is an important part of the preparation process (mise en
place). Why?
It ensures that the dish is presented the same way every time it’s made.

It will help produce dishes that look and taste appropriate and yield the correct portions.

Correctly calculating measurements increases yield and allows you to accurately portion food later.

If ingredients are weighed and measured accurately, you will be able to make the dish faster.

10. Why must you thoroughly wash lettuce, salad greens and other vegetables?
To remove all grit, dirt, soil and other vegetable matter.

To make sure they have a fresh, brightly coloured appearance.

To remove all traces of cross-contamination from other vegetables, especially root vegetables.

To remove any part which has begun to show signs of spoilage.

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11. How can you minimise waste to maximise profitability of a dish when preparing salads and appetisers?

Make sure all off-cuts, such as stems from leafy greens and bread crusts, are used in other production
Use stock rotation processes to ensure only the freshest, most recently delivered ingredients are
used. ☐

Keep a log of all wastage for a period of time to identify which dishes have the highest wastage and
remove them from the menu.
Use as much of the ingredient as possible while not compromising quality.

12. What method of cookery is used to very lightly cook vegetables while keeping their colour and texture?




13. You are making bread bases for canapés. What are two methods of cookery you could use to produce a golden,
crisp base?
Deep frying or roasting.

Shallow frying and grilling.

Steaming and baking.

Baking and grilling.

14. When making mayonnaise, you are using egg yolks to combine two different types of liquid together. What is
this called?
An emulation.

An emulsion.

A vinaigrette.

A hollandaise.

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15. What modern salad dressing for warm salads requires the dressing to be boiled and then cooled?
An Asian salad dressing.

A reduction sauce.

A caesar salad dressing.

A vinaigrette.

16. What food quality adjustments might you need to make during the preparation process?
Adjust the flavour by adjusting seasonings, amount of dressing or sauces, or ratio of ingredients.

Adjust the type of service ware used to serve the dish.

Adjust the size of each portion to achieve the required yield.

Select different ingredients from those listed in the standard recipe if they are fresher.

17. What type of service ware would be used to present hot and cold multiple portion appetisers at a stand-up
cocktail party?
Dinner plates.

Large bowls.

Entrée plates.

Large platters.

18. What must you consider when garnishing cold canapés?

Canapés are relatively small so the garnish must be in proportion to the item.

Canapés must catch the customer’s eye, so a brightly coloured garnish is required.

When producing large numbers of the same canapé, use different garnishes for variety.

Fruit garnishes will deteriorate quickly, making the base of the canapé soggy.

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19. What are two mayonnaise-based sauces often served with hot seafood appetisers?
Mustard and vert sauce.

Piquant and roquefort sauce.

Aioli and cocktail sauce.

Acidulated and chilli sauce.

20. What adjustments to presentation might you need to make after visually evaluating a dish before service?
Modify ingredients to adjust the flavour and texture of the dish.

Increase portion sizes if the dish looks too small.

Clean up drips and spills. Change dips or sauces if they are incorrect.

Make sure any special dietary requests have been met.

21. As appetisers and salads contain high-risk, perishable items, what temperature should they be stored at?
In the dry store at 10 °C to 15 °C so canapé bases don’t become soggy.

In the refrigerator between 1 °C and 4 °C.

In the refrigerator between 1 °C and 3 oC until one hour before service, when they can be placed on
a kitchen bench to warm up. ☐
In the refrigerator at 1 °C.

22. How should you store by-products and off-cuts for later use elsewhere in the production process?
Cover and place in the area of the kitchen where they will be required later.

Place in a lidded, tightly sealed container, label with the date and freeze until required.

Refrigerate food items on a tray near the door of the refrigerator for easy visibility and access.

Place in a clean container, cover and clearly label what the contents are. Place in the refrigerator.

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23. How can you reduce the number and type of cleaning tasks you have to complete at the end of a service
Use the cleaning schedule to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities.

Allocate cleaning tasks at the start of a shift amongst the team and monitor completion.

Clean and tidy your work area as you complete each task during preparation and service.

Train all staff in correct cleaning techniques, so equipment and work areas are cleaned correctly,
reducing repetition of tasks.

24. How you should store prepared cold canapés and appetisers to maintain their quality and optimise shelf life?
On a ceramic plate or lined tray in a refrigerator for two to three hours only as the bases will
become dry and brittle. ☐
Store in a cool, dry area of the dry store that is not exposed to direct sunlight until required for
service. ☐

Place in a single layer in a sealed container or tray covered with cling film and refrigerate at low
humidity. (Correct)

Prepared bases and filling must be stored separately to maintain quality. Assemble, garnish and
present on serviceware 30 minutes prior to service.

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 You are to answer all questions.
 Read each question carefully.
 Ensure you have provided all required information.

SECTION 1: Select Ingredients

Q1: List three factors you must consider when confirming food production requirements.



Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q2: You need to prepare 50 mini quiches for a cocktail function. Based on the recipe below, calculate the amounts
required for each ingredient.

Ingredients Quantity (10 Quantity (50 portions)

Shortcrust or puff pastry 250 g

Bacon, small dice 70 g

Cheddar cheese, grated 70 g

Chives, finely chopped ¼ bunch

Eggs 2

Cream 360 ml
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q3: List three quality checks you should make when selecting lettuces and other leafy greens for appetisers or salads.



Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q4: You are making a caesar salad and must locate the cos lettuce in the refrigerator. What is a key characteristic of
this lettuce that will help you identify it?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: You are about to prepare fresh prawns for canapés. What are two signs of spoilage or contamination you should
look for before commencing preparation?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

SECTION 2: Select, Prepare and Use Equipment

Q6: What is the purpose of a spinner? How does it work?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q7: When making mini curried vegetable filo parcels as a hot appetiser, what are six items of equipment you need
to prepare them?






Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: One of the main items of equipment you use to prepare dressings and sauces for salads and appetisers is the
food processor. What should you check before you start preparing your next recipe.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q9: You are preparing roast beef and wasabi cream cold canapés. Your preparation tasks include finely slicing the
pre-cooked beef using the mechanical slicer, baking bread bases and making a wasabi-flavoured mayonnaise
using the mixer. What are four safety and hygiene practices you should follow when assembling and using
equipment to prepare these items?




Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

SECTION 3: portion and prepare ingredients

Q10: Match the required tasks to the preparation sequence for the caramelised onion, olive and goat cheese tart.
Enter the correct task number for each stage in the preparation sequence.

Sequence Tasks
1. Assemble ingredients.

2. Complete basic pre-preparation tasks.

3. Weigh or measure ingredients.

4. Portion ingredients if necessary.

5. Sort ingredients.

1. Calculate requirements based on number of portions required. Weigh olives, goat cheese and puff pastry.
Measure oil, sugar and vinegar as required.
2. Obtain ingredients. Oil, vinegar, onions and sugar from the dry store. Goat cheese, olives and thyme from
the refrigerator. Pastry from refrigerator or freezer.
3. Separate ingredients needed to make caramelised onion – oil, vinegar, sugar, onions, salt and pepper.
Assemble items – olives, goat cheese and puff pastry.
4. Slice the onions and goat cheese. Roll out puff pastry if necessary.

5. Cut puff pastry into required number of portions.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q11: The tart recipe requires 150 g puff pastry, 60 g olives and 1 tbsp brown sugar. What equipment do you use to
accurately weigh or measure these ingredients?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: Why is it important to thoroughly wash vegetables and leafy greens before preparing salads and appetisers? List
two (2) reasons.


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q13: What does it mean if your recipe requires vegetables to be cut into julienne?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q14: You are cutting potatoes into a 6-mm dice. What is this cut called?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q15: Salads and appetisers are highly perishable, and surplus prepared dishes are often disposed of after service as
they don’t maintain their quality if stored for long periods of time. How can you minimise this form of wastage?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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SECTION 4: Prepare appetisers and salads

Q16: What method of cookery is used to make caramelised onions for the caramelised onion, olive and goat cheese
tart mentioned in Q11?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q17: What method of cookery would you use to cook crumbed prawns and chicken?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q18: What is the oil to vinegar ratio for vinaigrette dressing?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q19: List the steps to make mayonnaise.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q20: What are three (3) examples of modern salad dressings?




Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q21: What are four (4) examples of classical salads?





Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q22: What are the five components of a cold canapé?






Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q23: List the five (5) mise en place tasks you should complete when preparing large quantities of canapés.





Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q24: List four (4) checks you should complete during preparation of salads and appetisers.




Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q25: What food quality adjustments should you make if the mayonnaise (or mayonnaise-based dressing) is very thin
and looks curdled.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q26: What food quality adjustments should you make if the base of the canapé is no longer firm and crunchy?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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SECTION 5: Present and Store Appetisers and Salads

Q27: What service ware should be used to present the following dishes?
Dish: Service ware:
Green salad served as a side salad to accompany a main meal
Antipasto appetiser for six seated guests to share
Potato salad to be placed on a buffet table

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q28: List five (5) dips or sauces which could be served with appetisers.





Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q29: What adjustments to presentation should you make in these situations?

 Incorrect sauce has been placed on a platter of hot appetisers.

 The salad is not visually appealing as it looks bland and colourless.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q30: List three (3) food safety or environmental requirements when storing salad and appetisers.



Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q31: What information should you put on a date label attached to surplus food being stored for service at another
time or day?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q32: What are three (3) common tasks you complete when cleaning your work area at the end of service?



Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to identify equipment, preparation tasks and methods of cookery for different recipes
and types of food for salads and appetisers.
You are required to do the following.
 Complete Activities 1 and 2.
 Read the recipes and answer the questions.

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Activity 1:
 Use the recipe provided or one supplied by your assessor.
 Respond to all questions.


Ingredients Quantity
White cabbage ½
Onion 200 g
Carrot 400 g
Celery 3 sticks
Pepper and salt to taste
French dressing 120 ml
Mayonnaise 120 ml

Step Method
1 Remove the outer leaves from the cabbage until you reach the shiny unblemished leaves. Cut into quarters
and remove the hard centre stalk.
2 Cut the cabbage into a fine shred or julienne. Wash the cabbage in cold water and drain well.
3 Peel and grate the carrot. Wash and finely slice the celery, and finely slice the onion.
4 Mix all vegetables together evenly in a large stainless-steel bowl.
5 Moisten with equal quantities of mayonnaise and French dressing and mix well.
6 Adjust the seasoning and dress neatly in a salad bowl. Garnish as desired.

Q1: How many portions does the recipe yield?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q2: What are two (2) quality indicators you should look for when selecting the cabbage?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q3: What are two (2) signs of spoilage you can look for when selecting the cabbage, carrots, celery or onions?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q4: List the equipment required to prepare and present this dish. Include size or dimensions if appropriate.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: List the equipment needed to measure or weigh ingredients.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q6: What preparation technique(s) are used to prepare ingredients for cooking?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q7: What cutting techniques are used to prepare ingredients for cooking?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: The cabbage can be cut into a fine shred. What is this cut called?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q9: Why must you thoroughly wash the cabbage in cold water before slicing it?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q10: Mayonnaise is an emulsion sauce. What is an emulsion?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q11: There are carrot, celery and onion off-cuts. How can they be used to minimise waste and increase

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: You decide to modify the recipe to put a modern twist on it by substituting the French dressing with
acidulated cream and some spices. How do you make acidulated cream? What is the ratio?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q13: What type of service ware would you present this dish in? Base your responses on the service ware available
in your workplace or training environment.

Dish: Service ware:

As a side dish to accompany a main meal
For a buffet function for 100 people

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q14: What are you looking for when you visually assess this dish?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q15: Where and how would you store this dish prior to service?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q16: How do you classify this salad: classical, modern, cold, warm or fruit?

Classical ☐
Modern ☐
Cold ☐
Warm ☐
Fruit ☐
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Activity 2:
 Use the recipe provided or one supplied by your assessor.
 Respond to all questions.


Ingredients Quantity
Bamboo skewers 6
Chicken breast 1
Soy sauce 40 ml
Garlic, crushed 1 clove
Lemon juice 30 ml
Peanut oil 20 ml
Onion, finely chopped 1
Peanut butter, crunchy 130 g
Chicken stock 250 ml
Salt pinch
Sugar 5g
Coconut milk as required
Rice, steamed 160 g

Step Method
1 Soak the bamboo skewers in cold water for 1 hour so that they do not burn when cooking.
2 Cut the chicken breast lengthwise into six even strips and thread each piece onto the end of a skewer.
3 Prepare the marinade by mixing soy sauce, garlic and lemon juice together. Marinate the chicken skewers in
the mixture for 1 to 2 hours.
4 To make the sauce, place the peanut oil into a pan and add the onion. Cook until it takes on a light brown
5 Add peanut butter and stock to the pan and stir over a gentle heat until combined.
6 Remove from the heat and add salt, sugar and chicken marinade. Adjust the sauce to a thick pouring
consistency with the coconut milk.
7 Cook the chicken skewers on a chargrill, turning regularly to ensure even cooking and colour.
8 To serve, heap hot, steamed rice onto two warm plates and place three skewers of chicken on top of each
mound of rice. Pour a little of the satay sauce over each and garnish as desired.

Q1: You are preparing 30 portions for a small cocktail party. Calculate the amounts needed to prepare 30 portions
of the recipe for the listed ingredients.

Chicken breast
Soy sauce
Peanut butter
Chicken stock

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q2: What are two (2) quality indicators to look for if you are using frozen chicken breasts to prepare this recipe?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q3: Describe how you can sequence your mise en place and preparation tasks to meet deadlines.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q4: Briefly list the tasks you need to complete at each stage of the preparation sequence for the chicken satay

Sequence Tasks
1. Assemble ingredients.

2. Complete basic pre-preparation tasks.

3. Weigh or measure ingredients.

4. Portion ingredients if necessary.

5. Sort ingredients.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: What are two (2) safety techniques you should use when cutting and preparing the ingredients with a knife?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q6: You are about to start measuring your wet ingredients? What should you check before you start to use the
measuring equipment?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q7: What method(s) of cookery for which food item are used in this recipe?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: What is the purpose of marinating the chicken in this recipe?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q9: What is one safe operating practice you should follow when using a char-griller?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q10: What is one (1) technique you can use to minimise waste when preparing this recipe?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q11: The chicken skewers are going to be served with other dishes as finger food at a stand-up cocktail party.
They will not be served with the rice. What service ware would you serve the skewers on? Base your
responses on the service ware available in your workplace or training environment.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: Can this dish be stored for use at another time after it has been displayed on a buffet table for two hours?
Why/why not?

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Assessment Result:

Task A – Multiple choice: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Task B – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task C – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

A ‘COMPETENT’ unit result will be awarded at the successful completion of the practical component for SITHCCC006
– Prepare appetisers and salads.


Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner:

Assessor’s signature:


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