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Receipt of payment

Name of Applicant Abhishek Bupkya Application ID NT24873

LT Name Transfer
Payment For LT Name Transfer Payment Of
Registration Fees
Payment Gateway Payment Gateway
18082253020169415891 CITIZEN
Transaction ID Channel ID
Date Of Payment 8/22/2018 6:20:28 PM

Payment Details

Registration Fess 105.0

Total Amount Paid 105

• LT Name Transfer ) - Amount Successfully Received(भुगतान सफलता पूर्वक प्राप्त सो चुका है)

• Target Date For Application Close(संभावित कार्य समाप्ती की तिथि )

• Thanks for Using our Online Services (ऑनलाइन सेवाओ का इस्तेमाल करनेकेलिए धन्यवाद)

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