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The Need for Training and Development

Companies progress by developing their employees’ capabilities and maximising their ability to
work effectively. The object of a TPM programme is to build a corporate organisation and
culture that continuously evolves in response to changes in the economic environment, technical
innovations, the introduction of more advanced equipment, and the development of more up-to-
date management practices – and the first essential requirement for this is to have people who are
thoroughly conversant with their equipment and competent at their jobs.

If a company wants to put an effective training and development system in place, the first thing it
must do is identify the gap between the knowledge and skills it needs and the knowledge and
skills it currently possesses. It must then prepare the training materials, systems and facilities
required to close that gap. Finally, after implementing the training, it must review the results.
The specific procedure for doing this is as follows:

(1) Clarify the business strategy

(2) Sort out what knowledge and skills the company needs (prepare a technology/skill map)

(3) Assess the current situation (identify what training is needed)

(4) Prepare training manuals

(5) Formulate and implement a training plan

(6) Evaluate and certify the training

This chapter focuses on the operating and maintenance skills training that should be
carried out right away, as soon as a TPM programme is started. These methods and approaches
can also be used in other situations, Of course, it goes without saying that a training and
development programme can only deliver good results if the methods used are tailored to the
work responsibilities, abilities, individual characteristics and specific requirements of individual
trainees (see Figure 9.1).
Figure 9.1
2. The Basic Philosophy Behind Training and
Development 2.1 What is Skill?
Skill is the ability to do one’s job effectively. As Figure 9.2 illustrates, it has been defined as ‘the
ability to continue to act instinctively (i.e. without thinking) and correctly over a sustained time
period in relation to various phenomena, based on knowledge acquired’. The quicker a person
can discover and solve problems, the more skilled he or she is. Skill can only be developed
through training and the systematic acquisition of knowledge and experience. The highest level
of skill, or ‘mastery’, is achieved through good training combined with personal motivation, and
is what any self-respecting training and development programme should aim at.

2.2 The 5 Steps to Mastery

2.2.1 The 5 Steps

The first step in establishing a training and development programme is to work out what levels of
understanding, knowledge and ability each individual needs in order to do his or her job
effectively (taking account of forthcoming advances in engineering technology and management
technique), and assess the level that individual has currently achieved. Much of the training that
companies give their employees is ineffective because it fails to cover the necessary topics as
and when needed. It is important to establish a thorough, down-to-earth system of training and
development that focuses on improving areas of weakness one step at a time.

The 5 steps to mastery can be classified as follows:

Figure 9.2 What is Skill?

A function of time

2.2.2 Assessing skills

To train individuals effectively, it is first necessary to assess the levels of understanding,
technical ability and skill they will need for the types of job they will do and the positions they
will occupy, as in the example shown in Figure 9.3. Plans must then be put in place to
systematically upgrade their expertise and fill in any gaps. After the skills and level of ability
required by each individual have been identified, development targets should be set. The
progress of the individual’s training plan should then be monitored, and the degree to which they
have improved should be periodically assessed.
Figure 9.3 Example of Skill Assessment

2.3 The Abilities Most Needed in Operators

Apart from being able to operate and adjust their equipment correctly, operators need to be fully
capable of:

2.3.1 Detecting problems with the equipment and carrying out

continuous improvement
Specifically, they must:

 Be able to detect problems with their machinery.

 Understand the importance of lubrication, and know how to lubricate their
equipment correctly and check the results.
 Understand the importance of checking through cleaning and know how to do it
 Understand the importance of localising the spattering of coolant, swarm or other
debris, and be able to do the necessary improvements.
 Be able to restore or improve their machines to eliminate faults that they
themselves have discovered.

2.3.2 Understanding the structure and functions of their

machinery, and discovering the root causes of abnormalities
Specifically, they must:

o Understand which parts of their machines they must pay particular attention to.
o Be able to clean and check their machines properly in order to maintain their
o Understand the criteria for deciding whether or not something is wrong.
o Understand the root causes of abnormalities.
o Be able to make sound judgements about whether or not to stop the machinery
when problems are found.
o Be able to diagnose breakdowns to some extent.

2.3.3 Understanding the relationship between machinery and quality,

and foreseeing and detecting quality problems
Specifically, they must:

o Be able to do a physical analysis of problem phenomena.
o Understand the relationships between machinery and quality characteristics.
o Understand the range within which the static and dynamic precision of
machinery must be maintained, and be able to check these.
o Understand the root causes of quality defects

2.3.4 Carrying out repairs

Specifically, they must be able to:

 Replace parts.
 Estimate how much longer parts will last for.
 Work out the root causes of breakdowns.
 Install temporary solutions to problems.
 Assist with overhauls.

2.3.5 Doing Focused Improvements on suitable topics, either

independently or with other departments
Specifically, they must:

o Be concerned about avoiding waste, and be able to reduce the time taken for
cleaning, lubricating, checking, changeovers, and adjustments.
o Be able to carry out improvements to extend the life of machine parts.
o Be able to predict breakdowns and minor stops, and carry out improvements to
reduce them.
o Be able to carry out improvements to extend the life of cutting tools and reduce
cutting-tool replacement losses.
o Be able to carry out improvements to reduce speed losses.
o Be able to carry out improvements to reduce quality defects.
o Be able to improve methods and procedures.
o Be able to improve the safety of work and machinery.
These skills are developed through participation in Autonomous Maintenance, Focused
Improvement and Quality Maintenance, eventually leading to operators knowing their equipment
so well that its operation and maintenance become second nature to them.

2.4 The Abilities Most Needed in Maintenance Staff

Maintenance personnel need to be able to do the following:

o Instruct operators in daily maintenance and the correct handling of machinery.
o Know when something is not right with the equipment.
o Investigate the root causes of problems and solve them correctly by the most
appropriate methods.
o Increase the reliability of machines and components, make them last longer, and minimise
the rate of occurrence of breakdowns and other such problems (i.e. extend the MTBF, or
mean time between failures).
o Increase equipment maintainability (e.g. by making it possible to replace complete units
instead of individual parts) in order to minimise the time spent on repairs (i.e. reduce the
MTTR, or mean time to repair).
o Acquire and apply diagnostic techniques and develop standardised ways of using them.
o Optimise all of these activities and maximise their cost benefits.
As production equipment becomes increasingly sophisticated and levels of automation rise,
maintenance personnel become more and more extensively involved with programmes for
enhancing safety, preventing pollution, saving energy and so forth, in addition to their normal
maintenance duties. This makes it essential for any company to define the technical skills it
needs, establish effective development and training curricula, and systematically implement
internal and external training programmes closely tailored to its requirements.

3. A 6-Step Training and Development Programme

To ensure effective skills improvement, it is recommended that the training and development
programme be rolled out in accordance with the six steps shown in Figure 9.4.
3.1 Step 1: Decide on Strategic Thrusts Based on Evaluation of
Current Training and Development
Every business carries out training and development in one form or another. However, to become
an organisation of individuals who fulfil their particular roles highly professionally and know far
more about their equipment than their counterparts at rival companies, it is essential to design
and implement a training and development programme that exactly suits the company’s needs.
The first step in doing this is to assess the current situation and work out what the training and
development programme’s basic policy, goals and strategic thrusts should be (see Figure 9.5).
Figure 9.5 An Example of a Training and Development Programme’s Basic Policy, Goals and
Strategic Thrusts
Basic Policy

‘The basic policy for training and development

in our factory is that improving everyone’s
individual abilities helps to improve the
company’s business results, as well as giving
people a sense of pride and achievement in their
work and daily lives. We will use on-the-job
training and self-development, in conjunction
with off-the- job training, to actively raise our
levels of expert skills.’

1. Use the TPM programme to develop people

who are highly competent at handling their
equipment and performing administrative tasks.

2. Develop people capable of responding to the

needs of the workplace over the long term.
Strategic Thrusts

To achieve these goals, we will review our

existing training and implement the following
strategic thrusts:
1. Develop people who understand their
equipment extremely well
 Enable maintenance staff to acquire even greater skills and analytical strengths.
 Establish maintenance training curricula, and teach operators to know their equipment
 Develop specialised skills by sending people on courses run by outside organisations such
as the JIPM.
2. Develop people who can perform their
administrative duties extremely well • Roll out
the Autonomous Maintenance steps and give
training in

automated office systems.

3. Establish skill upgrade programmes
Identify essential core skills in order to
systematically develop people with a high level
of competence in handling their equipment and
performing administrative tasks.
The next step is to determine what kinds of people and skills the company’s business policies
and strategies require, put together training and development plans, and create systems for
monitoring progress against those plans and the results achieved.

The human resources and skills a company needs should be examined in the light of the systems
and equipment in its factories, its business processes, and the organisation and business model by
which it operates. It is generally sufficient for people in leadership positions to conduct a review
based on this information, and identify the necessary work skills. The CUDBAS method
described in Section 4.2 is available if a more detailed analysis is required.

3.2 Step 2: Set up Training and Development Systems for

Improving Operating and Maintenance Skills
Unattended operation is becoming more and more prevalent on the production floor owing to
modern advances in robotisation, numerical control and automation. Many firms are
endeavouring to hire and train engineers and specialists with strong technical skills and abilities
in mechatronics and machinery in order to cope with this trend, but it is not something that can
be done overnight. It is particularly important to have an effective training and development
programme for giving operators and maintenance personnel at every level a high degree of
competence in equipment systems. The kind of programme shown in Figure 9.6 should be
developed in tandem with the company’s equipment environment as part of its overall training
and development system.

Figure 9.6 A Typical Training and Development Programme

Figure 9.7 A Typical Maintenance Skills Training System

3.3 Step 3: Upgrade Operating and Maintenance

3.3.1 Linkage of training to work

Skills can be mastered much more effectively if learning opportunities are linked directly to what
people actually do at their places of work, as illustrated in Figure 9.8.
Figure 9.8 How Maintenance Skills Training Can be Linked to Work
3.3.2 Aims
The purpose of technical training is to upgrade the skills of operators and maintenance personnel
in response to modern advances in automation, mechatronics, etc. and develop people with a
sound understanding of the equipment they are responsible for.

3.3.3 Practical agenda

(1) Develop instructors to teach maintenance skills

• Select key maintenance personnel and shop-floor leaders, and develop them into instructors by
sending them on external or internal maintenance skills courses.

(2) Upgrade operators’ operating skills

 Carry out training to improve operators’ basic operating skills.

 Carry out training to improve changeover, adjustment, tool replacement and other skills as
(3) Train operators in maintenance skills
 Train operating team leaders in maintenance skills, using in-house instructors.
 Having received the training, the leaders then train the members of their ownteams (‘relay
 The team leaders prepare collections of one-point lessons, cutaway models, teaching
materials for use in teaching the operators
(4) Upgrade maintenance personnel’s skills

o Train all maintenance personnel in maintenance skills, using in-house instructors.
o Encourage them to acquire a nationally recognised maintenance skills qualification.
3.4 Step 4: Establish Systems to Further Develop and
Enhance Abilities

3.4.1 Link to Autonomous Maintenance Step 4

It is best to combine technical operating skills training with the training given at Step 4 of the
Autonomous Maintenance programme.

3.4.2 The role of managers

(1) Secure the funds needed for technical training
(2) Review the company’s technical training programme and emphasize the importance of
people development.

3.4.3 Key points for training to improve people’s ability to get the job
The training and development programme should be based on on-the-job training and self-
development. Training and development plans should take account of the needs of the individual.

(1) It is important to establish what skills, knowledge and qualifications are needed for the job,
devise a training plan that takes into account the development needs of the individual, and carry
out regular assessments as the course progresses.

(2) Personal training and development plans should be implemented systematically in

accordance with a system like that shown in Table 9.2 – 9.5, using a combination of on-the-job
training, self-development and off-the-job training.
3.5 Step 5: Create an Environment that Encourages Self-
Every company should create a training environment suited to its needs, with distance learning,
video training, literature, assistance with funding and other training opportunities made available
to employees. All employees should be assigned a new self-development topic every six months,
and progress against targets should be monitored. They should also be given the chance to
acquire nationally recognised qualifications. Operators’ Autonomous Maintenance skill levels
should be raised by encouraging them to study for tests such as the JIPM’s Autonomous
Maintenance Practitioner Test.

3.6 Step 6: Evaluate Programme So Far, and Decide on Future

Regularly evaluate progress made against the training plans to see how well the necessary skills
are being developed in individuals in every type of job and at each level of the organisation.
Technology, equipment and management approaches are advancing day by day, and the
company’s training and development programme must keep pace with and even anticipate these
changes. This makes it essential to continually monitor the contents of the programme and the
results it is producing, supplementing and enhancing it wherever necessary.
Subjects, Main Topics and Sub-Topics of Written Examination
Table 9.6 Autonomous Maintenance Practitioner Test Curriculum
N/A – not applicable
Overview – outline knowledge (true/false) General – general knowledge (4-choice)
Detail – detailed knowledge (fill in the blanks)
Subjects and Main Topics of Practical Examination

4. Important considerations regarding training

4.1 Conducting In-House Skills Training

4.1.1 Developing in-house instructors

(1) Setting the curriculum
The first thing to do is to establish the curriculum by looking at the equipment the company
possesses and deciding on the level of skill the trainees will need, what should be taught, and
how long should be spent teaching it.

(2) Preparing lesson plans

1 If training is to be effective, the trainees must be made to study the material for themselves
until they have mastered it.

2 Highly practical lesson plans tailored to the company’s particular requirements should be
prepared for each item to be taught.
3 The most important thing is to prepare in-house textbooks that will permit self-study

4 Prepare practical training materials (see photographs on Page 9-14), cut-away models, etc. It is
particularly important to prepare sufficient materials for each person to be able to perform the
practical training individually. Expensive equipment such as transmissions, lubrication systems
and control devices can be shared between 2-3 trainees.
5 A permanent skill training centre should be provided.

6 Classrooms should also be set up.

It is important for the training to be carried out on a one-to-one basis, with 6-10 trainees per class
being the best number. An environment conducive to study, with space to accommodate training
rigs, should be arranged.

When developing skilled people able to handle sophisticated equipment, the important thing is
not so much to teach them but rather to provide an environment that motivates them to learn for
themselves (see Figures 9.10 and 9.11).
Figure 9.10 Pattern for Self-Study

Figure 9.11 Layout for Training

Figure 9.12 A Theory of Motivation

Figure 9.13 What is Teaching?

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