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Time and the Other HOW ANTHROPOLOGY MAKES ITS OBJECT Johannes Fabian COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK 1983 Chapter One/Time and the Emerging Other perf time hes omer mans ring a pot chnge-force If one ors Howth thr ‘sil dif. Georg Caps Lihebrg Ofcourse ad pra sty of an ike ‘rope places in the gee che of eld Of cone le dcrinof thr wor og ean gf eisaon nich ppc min tah ut ager intr hvac ahem of earactcice But jr ti sich = (fee ha ria si ora wane of post dined 0 {fener eee of madera ond ation ‘Ebvo Bure Tyr* KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. That commonplace applies to nthropology as much as to any other feld of knowledge. But commonplaces usualy cover up for notso-common that, In this frat chap Twat fst down some of the terms fran argument to be pursed throughout these “aye: Anthropology cata to'power originated st its roots Tbciong ts Sence and frnot a mater of accidental ‘misuse: Nowhere i this more clearly vse, atleast once we Took for ty than in the wes of Tame anthropology makes tien it stives to conse is own object savage, the brimve, the-Oller It's by. diagnosing. anthropology’s TEhnponl discourse that one reiscovers the obvious, namely that thre js no hnowledge of the Other which snot also & | temporal, storia, a poli act. : ‘Time and the Emerging Other Se ae cen mech nt be on ens sng ‘poe pre anarchic mead (Sten, Ta carers Shes i ager ee mle aku sen il ye Seas ae te Bperaecksuroaet seh Geeta srvopgal nln dep ae i a bag lente nay se onde opened iat opeasey, Anmepe ay drag Be pet et ha a et cables te an From Sacred to Secular Tine: The Philosophical Traveler {Tt the Judeo-Christian tradition ‘Time has been conceived \ as the medium of a sacred history. Time was thought, but ‘ efall a chosen people. Much as been saidl about the linear Sere es etna ot sa fee et ge pete Soe Poa er peiemad tke a te ee en toxin ine invention of near conception, cing scees | raat gi eerie a ‘Time and the Emerging Other 3 thought In fc, "universal Time” was probably established oncfoely and poiealy i the Renaance i reponse te Wea cael plosophy and to the cognitive callnges Dresonted bythe age of dcovere open up in he wake EM canis crcutnavgaion Neterticles tere ae good Teatons to look for deckve development, notin the to: tren of ileus rupture atkired by Copernicus and Galo no, for that matter, by Newton and Lack, bt I he century tat elaborated te devices of dscourse we now Fecogroe asthe foundations of moder sntbropalogy—the J Age af Enlightenment Ive follow G. Guadorf we may locate the sarin point of these developments sot of barrier that had to 6 bo: en trough, i one of the lat atemps during the seven- teenth century to write a univer sory fromthe Chris tn vlewpoing Boatets Dacor sur Phe unr ire in evn ets nes ne Fry el oe Suet atthe otter sde of premodera/medern warrhcd, forin many ways e antiga the Balighenmen genre of “philosophic history’” His opposition to modernity is Mot fo much in the detail of hie methodologeal preslpe Aeneas athe pston hat nests si ah a he evangelial speci ofall. of Rory at history o vation: A bret reading of the introducton To the Dicots, ‘€iititled “The General Plan of this Work,” will illuminate the importance of Hosuets eae osuers profesed an 1 alleite confusion caused wi mle of ira it. Ti ee Sc shed by aching she reader to angus dierent times Temps) withthe help of “unieral history,” device which into whe Neories of every county and of every people oot a general map sto parucular ape" (16684) Tn this onalogy the unr a i which signals a certain ambiguity (one which, incidentally, i sill wns in anthropology ques. for uivera), Unio Appeat to have to cosnolsions, One that of tai ed tus sense, universal designates the whole world at all tim ‘The ather is one of generality: that whieh is applicable large number of instances. The important point, borne out by the body of the Divours, is that Bossuet does not thema- 4 Time and the Emerging Other tae the first connotation, His acount does not cover the Worlds i never eaves the cicim Mediterranean, Writing ‘Wihin the horizon ofthe history of Christian religion, he Toes not ee his perspective, nor does he look beyond his ‘horizon. The former is self-evident as an article of faith, the Inter i bounded by bis poiical posion a te French court af Lous XIV, whose succession to the Chrisian Roman Empire he kes for granted Perspective and horizon o te Diadurs are bed togeher bythe sl-pereading intention to Yaleate (abel not nerdy) the politcal Fale of his Gay bya history that i universal becaane i expresses the ‘mipresent signs of divine providence Mr contrast, Bosses quite conscious of problems i plc nthe ead onssation af west Flow etn one Present history terms of gencrally valid. principle? He goes that ta pret re on tly to discern in sequence of things Gute dex chats) the "order of tines” Meakodotogctty the call for an abbreviation” of s- Guencesinvsich a way that order can be perceived “at a Rance ono dm csp on 1845:2) Along history of the Sit of memory” is behind this remark, and histor of the isa reduction of temporal sequences “synchron Aersandingties ahead of i "A methodologies! device that opens the view over Time is the qorh, conceived, not in i farrenty most common Understanding ofa period or interval of time, bu in a tran- ‘Rent died fem Gres ro, Ache gD loving te pasts every step he maken the patage of sage Both prof real hat happened before or steno heron yaoi achronig, at aod of ro ‘hich results in confusing the Ges "In exposing universal Hislony ‘one proceeds by tenting 2 “xml number of > ‘chs in secular sind religious history, the outcome of whith Wl be~and here Bossaets methodelogy tejoins is fath— {Drake vibe the SrERPrTUnL DosaTtOn OF RELIGION, AND “Tue CAUSES OF THE-CAUAT CHaNGDS 1 THE AMPS" (se 3, 4). Thus both, the external, spatial boundaries of ok (history and ie inner eoninalty are of religion. Where mere Sequence might eause confusion, the distinction of tines i ‘Time and the Emerging Other 5 the light of divine providence creates order. It demon- ee emnipreadt work of slater ‘5. Rasurn, he editor of a reeent English version, re sind ut that Bossuet used the term dicouse in the ile of Faas ae deliberately. He wanted to break with conventions Aeonding to which highly sized secular and religous his ee ee produced during the seventeenth century (see inte ForBeh Bosnuerssserted his freedom to bbre- ae tondence, and emphasize witout being boura bythe then'imlyetahed canon of ston es oh ran edpecel to report In thi he antipated the Paphial history’ wie Valtaite opposed. ‘oats cerbnstng an bat of which the fst projects of moder wuhropolggy were to grow, Less obvious, but equally im Doran she mately Bost or a one nih Formoniang history, which f another possible connotarios ir Bosal prove Ne work foe el err, Sin education of the Dauphin (nd his fer, the Sun King) aa ea tsfonton of ataks on the eal wade anding ofthe bible and asa delenseof a Gallic, French enero, retrmed Cacia tn hor histo ‘Gee's embedded in concrete politcalsmoral concerns He sercasediaclf through dicate aes that were the: ‘okeal nthe eiasieal sense: aimed to move and convince {Revealer Tis poll intent and is rhetorical form were {blatiocnce the fring ofthe piesa, and vo become part of anthropologys henge as, in Tylor's words, a “reform ers uiency — *TSAWE set out to show in Boussuet’s Discours an_example— ee gw he ate Dw a a Compare his method and devices to those of the Englighten- ae hc cy gece Eocene eli ea oe oi mei etree oe it male Thao i lpi tera Sala 6 Time and the Emerging Other i thee thinkers replaced Bose’ Christian myth with the Sayiehstory of reason which, by and large, continued t0 toe the conrcaton and dewees of earer periods, If one ito show how fine frame secured the ee teenth century and onward he must concentrate om the tranformntion of the mesoe of Cuntveral sory” rather te deinen of cde. he ater diply ae tmarkible ooiey vith preceding pertos down (0 tie GrecorRoman canone of Ue ars of themory and rhetoric ‘fhe tangformaton of the tessage hal to be operated on Cte ‘we identified as the specificity of Christian “universal- "age alate ota oth level of piel tens °oF sjedgmesc” Has on at evel that tie Pngps had Te cherome Bose wh sys ever rent geal Of the past inthe ight of te sng most port Sent Stall doe: the bie pasage of the man god Jesus trough 1 eat ann TFB, nti ang the many expresion of change ont cou te thants}-saaonmaton of ona Siguiicant panage on earth into the psa eee U0 tne Christiana he Saviors and the sin pssages on tarch tal been perceed iy constuent cwens of cred Niory. Tobe fre this Bed occtonel) much travel 10 foreig parts the fon of pgvimage, crusade, and mais st for heeled ures of te tigen any, gate wae up bosometat estonia co that's ouree oF philosophical” secular Loowlge. Relige & ttanl sd heen othe centers of religion, orf the souls SE et Te a ei ees Diderot's encyclopedia (1973: 125-132), was definitively es- er arn cis oom wae oe vaca en Se one cere enee ‘Time and the Emerging Other 7 grammar formula: “The philosophical traveller, sai ploring the past; every step te inakes is the pastagi Sp (au h pemerctanca Ve origin and destiny. Were 10. gwe_place 0-2 ay ann ion ot a ror word Foe ee Mics nenéterson vis ‘Rn preteen, Prey So ett a agai mani n/ | feech i ture meee aaa LE spa tat the ope of evel 9g “fey oh eal of HP he Ane dose miranda fasogies,coleuons i aes Pin es at ih oul forme wea Soar pa HR “Faphy bee prsra n,n contention ct Bet However, do ome a ound Ng eu er Tine ar eos on, logealy speak? ld ceptions to be mentioned thelnew dacs ha om Binge Hn Peet arg ahora en wen, as San aera pi (ree eta om me eprint revere case AG Se a i re hema aye about a ae. \poral referent? As we shall sec, nineteenth-century pal eee A ety tes “posh nim a 2s Po el ae cold eve Fo a ty ine becse wl aon er salamat sc Singer ES ype bythe ibumpton 5 ‘Time and the Emerging Other out ripig ert fm i Sa i a a aaa Sony nr SPS nt Fe al at IPPs oe a a velo et gle Reet ay dane y eoeter eat COP .O Sachets ich Sell eer Mater 0 Spite hy Ie ae pence terme ea aa hr an ne nen ine wh ape Sc ERs Seals Sh cn in Laer rie Seri SR a nc al pie ate gious aastllrs Tatihone hee SiseF edna rt a iereeaeriiag ws Weta er setae chsh bun aden ae SSSR SESS coast Sen at ceetralinn eet Sica Wena ogee ice er Sen ote Wee fee Tad Sr tie Fonte ee a EAR SapMy iiewrtediteta re garnet ee eget Pe Mal Sina Sova Bela r Sate C SEINE Hm WE ne bos egermcaedy arent ae cellence, Linnaeus (Institutio Perigrinatoris, Uppsala, 1759)! ‘Ata Sc well ye ro ie ee tant pet ne ea "The new travelers di not mindlessly subscribe to em- ‘Time and the Emerging Other 9 ircim and pure, postive description. Volney, one ofthe Fost eminent representaves of the gene, is also the one Wh cd nal ance ed hi be ce {o'the Romane revolt agus the Enlightenment) on ex- Diy historia, he» temporal considerations. Daring his yas in Fgypt and Syra he constant had to face the ‘Tigplisted notuments ofa once glonous pas. Contrasting fun and present became an ietelleeual concera a8 well Fray Sees pening No wrngs oe, Mon 1087 008). Te as cleated to a poeti=phlosophical vi Sn in is Lo Runes ans es Roslin ds Em ee Bets ay comatary. tbe opening ag um Fate el iustrae We poignancy of contrary exper Crete ofp al preseet Sd the poll nature of Val Sey concern with Tine Inthe cleventh year ofthe reign of Abd ami ton of ima, exppevor ofthe fur, aa tie when {he netortous Russe cook the Crimea and planted ths anne om the oat tat tad Conant tuple, 'was telling in the empire ofthe Ot seb and Traverse the provinces whch once had Bec gto Hapa Sr "Caryn with mee aenivenes to every thing tnt concer he wel beng of man 1 soc, Trentered the ees and studied the customs of thee Inaba venaed in the paces a ob {rye the conduct of those wo gover Lost my {SFin dhe countpide and examined the conditions ST hve who work the ad. Secing eeryvhere Stshing bu plage snd detastan, nothing but trea and aise, my are wan heme wih ade ew at indignation, Everyeay 1 found on my rad Mandonedfilds, deserted ils, sd ties fm ‘is cften | encountered ancien monuments atc Temples reduced to debris: pales and formes, (Shue, aquedce, tomb Ths spectacle turned sty spit mediating aout tines pas and ‘Std nny ea tog at were oe at profound, (Volney 1880'21 9 ‘When he later draws the “lessons from times past for times present” (thus the tile of chapter 12) he finds conso- 4 dena he, “10 Time and the Emerging Others! lation in a thought that rings with the optimism of the pil- pas 1a an oly that make hie in is pts a om ak fe Miwa Geran may they itn eee ee feeparcel elon he ale Ssh Bera that he dat of mtr See] iid Silt cnet nd nt icons | fied nd ase nt yrs ee Coed dc mii Sits ae | Istafthor oreo. dt “The diference Beween this new fh in reson and ose ol ah talvaton toll pot enced nas \denrt-Bomue preached undestaiing fo een tine a history of taaon and dyin peoedesee ley preaches, to, but a no recourse Resale hey at ® hin, broledge of te pa i'n wot of techno point rom whic So change broker Nope a Fiere erainy aay coSent of wena Pee otal nh eters onthe Orinda gic pat ac fae me if we conser te conten aehrcea Aas Ins enicety, we nd, beneath tne nage oft dean eh & rte conven hivsendery he aegis eae i at Ishi, the educated French travelers knowledge of past tha cous. Tela superior knowiedge, for X & bot liaed bythe Orientals caught in she presents the ice, ) cher deserted and dispidsting, or overpopulted and pa (4eid: Bossuet had evoked the stine opot atthe end of hs »Biuals ih see contin ay one wise, tumbles along drunken, dizry, because the Lord hae spre gidainess i is designs she no longer knot what, she'is doing, she lost. But peoples should not fol thes sees, When i pleases Him God il straighten et ene who err” (s45:h09), eiguret inthe Chriian, ton, bt ray traisformed inthe Age of Enlightenment the ides of & Knowledge of Ti, wig ‘ya inenoy nag ge at ‘sotne sivitegral pare of anthropblogyss intellcteal atin soent: We recognize in an outlook that hss aan cde Iva an aval for Plesiews Sova ‘Time and the Emerging Other 11 (ico icine dough mo of is ae pride ‘The posited authenticity of a part (savage, tal, peasant Terver to deaounce an inauthentic present, (he uprooted, ‘ey acstrated Urban anthropology” ina ‘exposes counterimages to the pristine wholeness of primi- fe life, was ian obvious seme the byproduct of an ad- ‘anced stage of colonization abroad and an advanced sage of urban decay at home. On a deeper level, as Volney’s ex fmple reminds us, i as the point of deparue for Our Giseptine in that ic expressed the consciousness and con- cemns of is urban, bourgeois founders. From History to Evolution: The Naturalization of Time Thanks to studies such a8 those by Burrow, Stocking, and Peel our understanding of evolubenin, the paradigm n-> der bic, a leat im Engin, antvopology gine ssa ts av an academic discipline, s much improved. Neverhe ite, there remain ouch confusion, sont ef i revved and perpetated in various forms of nseveltonary andropol Bey howe historical awareness does not ecm go beyond ate Wie fale dngut neon Dwi and Spencers views of evoiudon i responsible for a great dea oF elec Beka ov wang betes alge and ‘Sociocultural appictions, On the other hand, am admitare ff the two cantot simply be dismissed ag an error. Te stems Flom a taditon of ejunoraton fostered by Spencer him- self (ace Peel 1971:ch 8) and perhaps by Datwi in his later Stages, One way to get a grip on this slippery isu i to xinine iv inthe light of fcrdgue of aniepology: ses of Tne ifour conclusions inthe preceding section ar correct, fy the starting point for any attempt to uerstand evotuaon: _arytempordaing wil beth achieved secularization of Time resulted in a Conception which contains to elements of priuar impertanceo further developments inthe nine | teenth century 1) me is mmanen to, hence coextensive A vei, the world (or mah the argument); 3 relationships between parts oF the world . or the universe, depending on | ether 12 Time and the Emerging Other and sociocultural ent ite ie ss oe re: Dap spice reflects directly, which is not to. say simply oF in ob- Sons ways, sequence in Time, Given the sociopolitical con- ft mae he Eft ng en Sr A in nih 0 Pace sn i or en a ee ed sos engl iy Se gute shel fit te Ka tay wey seine ee al rae cone Soe Fe lan and wage eof log chet cr gear nc een sae re ee se ee et Oe areal Mra ee he roan bi pede tel rh ey an ony pene of ee eee spa aoa tad bee oth cl on nicht seeanacesen areca cen eo Na, latory re Care eee, hrs eee SOBA cunt came Pecans of ere leon len a gt tog Seles cans Se ah tec aches Ti Isr seer cosic ete Pe Tra pObce Ss glspetes Ga ine ly arin Oe, 8, Ts ior in Th Onigin of Specie: "He who can read Sir Charles Lyle ait ‘Time and the Emerging Other 13 the natural scenes, yet doesnot adit how incompreher. ce ang a! siti enh Stamey ital creation are referhle to one uninterrupted succason quoted in Pee 191189849). . copii esta wesmteren, ts shape St verarou iota at Calculations based on the Bible was nox only that they di ie toad eaten the chronology, There reas Tot contain the righ kd of Tne, Being ealeulated 23 the Rear sae ee ee ge seers teen reae tere ta ner aera abuls e, cid og alow for Time Boe ee err ances Tinie cae igs ele tao eae inet sega tacos 14 Time and the Emerging Other ists would ery to do), He could not have been clearer than inthe following patsage which he eee tendencies to real some sort of inner cenit oF inning into the tex poral dimension of evolution “The mere lapse of time by itelf does nothing either for of agains natural selection. [sae this because ichas been erroncouly asserted that ihe element of Sime is assumed by met play a0 allsmportant ert inrmtural slog, as all spats wee pce undergoing slow modification rom some innate few (881410) Second Darin hal ore tha Sing of dhe cemological satus of scene chronologies at sr 9 Etnguage or code am en we wl encounte eto Se Tet sttasan version For my pat folowing Lyel's metaphor, lok at {he sla geologal eor, ts Hoy of the, word imperteely kept and writen tne changing Sink ofthis tory ve powes the ant walutne ‘lone, relating only to two or thee countries, OF {his volume, on here and there a short chapter hat been preserved and of each page, only here ind het a few inc Esk wor he owl sthanging language, im which the history wren, being more or leas different in te suseaie cha ters, may represent the appareniy abrupaly haiged forms of life, entombed Ia our consecutive, tb widely separated formations (1801/3866) Unlike old sacred Time, oF even its secured form i the “ytihisory of reason” the new naturalized Time was longer the vehicle of continaous, meaning sary twat anh tet an ently acorns a gna logical and paleontlogial record, The social eletion, eat mentched belo bad orountaer e, on al the three secon in which ilfered om eal Conceptions ‘They could not ses vastness bec he hi tory Of mankind, recorded or reconsttcted, ocupied negligible span of the sale of naaral evolution fand Lan ‘ot sire whether ths has changed now that we Count hae ‘Time and the Emerging Other 15 ‘an fine in millions rather than thousands of year), Nor could the socal evelutonsts accept the sank meeting ness of mere physical duration, They were too feof onvicion that ine “acomplnhed” or brought about ais in the coune of etuton. And finaly they hace os per use for a puely astra methodologeal Sronsiogy hers ‘as a preoccupation with sages leading to Geilo ace of them a8 meaningfal as sentence ceding ted ake fonction of ssa Because they had no use forthe positive implications Gf naturalized Time, the socal evoluionists sceepted ie ia the end asa mere presupposition of matral ines se een ome took the consequence and ancarded Tine ctowetey from their speculations about human seca eolaeee ee insianes, Mongan sated: “Ie des not afc tre ng ne that diflerenctribes and nations on the sane conta at ren of the same linguini family, are in lifer saan tons a the same dine, the ondton of exe he ne fact, thes being immaterial” (1877:15), Frown Noseee timeles “condiuot” wo the ltr topes Of cuted ea "rations" was but 2 sinallogeal ep. In postlaiog oe radical itreductbiy of "supetorgant biacee mas e evolu suchas A Kraehe i his *Eighe sions” became executors ofthe legacy of natseees Te After_all_these. observations on what evolutionist ane Shropologists did not do. with Time we can. tow state what they dd dio they staal Time, We was ae this by going back o Spencer I°D.V. Pee Nowe ase See EF vino evolution, ots chain of beng na SP "That ths nage hold ue for soctetes as ell a one, isms, and for between thm a wll 9 for tal poeesoee sii them i ee fo te pening ote il valde ofthe Sociology where he says aca Progen ea Te but divergent and redivergent and sbeats of apenes ee genera of societies” (1971-D5), Whar tk deseises et Hot developed by Pel who inthis eomene pon ioeeed Sane inthe panous usu of tinea muir -B axononic approach to sococaltaal tealigy The tee he vay been one of the snp feos oP eee Siatory schemes based on subsumption an hese all tines and in all plac Phe enthusiasm and euphoria nerated by this tof made easy to overlook that wale {ied fed ito the machine might have been selected with sist neutrality and detachment, ts product the cv. fionarysequences~wereamhing hat htorcally or pol cally neutral, By claiming to make sense of contemporary Society in terms of evolutionary sages, the natural hRtoricd of evolutionism reintodaeedm hand of spechaty of tine 7 and placein fact a hitory of reronetve son dat hs | are back to Linnaeus and eighteenthcentary natural it- ty Tn oter words te scutes secon. plied a major feat of seentifeconsersansm by sng an ‘lder paradigm ffom what M. Foucault called "Ine rrupive violence of time” (1973:182). The implications of this wi be spall uta lng nthe caps hat flow Lt oe "eth ths point tha he fexporaldicurse of antio: ology asc wes formed decisively under the paradigm of Sroltnisn exe ona oneepion of Time Liat not | only secuarized and nauraized but also thoroughly sp \ tne sEver sce, | sll argue, anthropology’ eto onstract relations with te Oeics by eam of tesyporad devices implied affirmation of difference as dstnce, 16 Time and the Emerging Other | ‘Time and the Emerging Other 17 i cose counterpart in the Chan medical tested by che Engh : “Ths was polly al the more reactionary beause it src tao ay i eee mira Fe apatiens of clone ar Tie inl, In fact litle more had been done han replace vere News postr ae, umpaliaen of Time i Feith Srvtton by fut in progress a ust a the xcnt Darwin) unsertiarnan, [othe Neuowrsny Metuerancan teh of hry by Vora nd | {Gf anthropology things ate usualy let at that Tot oy The cultural evolutionists became the Bossues of Western Morgan ae for many atbropologis sil de uncon itpeialisn. founders of their discipline and, while most of their "art For better or worse, thete were the epistemological con-! dial consrucs” may nov be rejected, the naturalization af tions under which ethnography and ethnology took shape; ©! ‘Time which was evotonian’s cra epistemological sence siege le the cobs ind wh at cnmgg retains by and lage unquestioned. That, {subrae,beeaye snthropolopcal praxis (esearch, writing caching) came (o Zeod menue of aned. The te of ane a ea be inked coldly and imperala One exo ast anthropology, modeled on that of natural history undue, sy waa ep beyond premodern eoncepions But cn Stow be argued that whélesle adoption of tel land of their thetrial expresions én anthropological discourse) fom physics and geology was, for a wlenct of ryan, sadly "egrestie intellectaly, and quite reactionary plac et me explain, T consider regresve te fact tht an- thropology achieved as scenic eopecslty by adopting at esetally Newtonian physcalom (Time beings ures fal variable in equations dexerbing nature fm maou) aa ‘omen near the end of the nineteenth century when the jutines of post Newtonian phys and post Zauralie Go much that diese Haka were epitenologcal, not jst Moral or ethical Anthropology contibuted above al tote tlle justiscason of tne atonal enterprae Te gee Dolio and economee—ioth concerned ith human Fame {him belief in “natural Le, evlutonary "tune. 1 pro Bred one ems of nly pe inallikng soe were incvocsly laced Gen ca { slope, a.sticam of Time—some upaccam otiets doen: | Steam. Cizaion, evolution, development, sceltusaon, | modernisation (and ther cousins, indiaiston wba, 1 2ation) are all terms whose conceptual conten deeves io | Mays that can be specled, from frolutonary Tine They tory” history) were clearly visible. Radical naturalization of { all have an epistemological dimension apart from whatever } ‘Time (ie, ie radial deblatriaion) eo Crt | thie, or unethial, tendons thoy saree wmaterer | to the most celebrated stentlic achicvemest of hee nat | souree employing term such a priest fot ses i | the comparative method, that omnivorous intellectual ma: twibal, traditional, Third World, or whatever euphemism is ‘chime permitting the “equal” treatment of human euleure at current) does not chink, or observe, or critically stady, the 18 Time and the Emerging Other ive Primitive being exsentialy ace egor9, not an object, of Western ought 's poral te it thinks, observes, studies‘ tomas of the prim: nest pone to be made before we consider Time inthe eanext of modern antiopoogy Bouse the ery faragm that mae of minrepiog worthy of academic recognition, was ‘on both sides ofthe Atlantic. One mi soon Violently rejected ight be tempted to as- sume that this rejection included its use of Time. This, hows ever, was not the case. Litde needs to be said in this tegard about the diffusionist opponents of evolutionism. Supers “ysl alent, her bac Aumptons vere a ise ee 3A. of evolutionism that their dgbutcs could ore ks ote 1222 In any major rearienaton The excgoricd Renee tng) Flzed Time had become so powesha br aned r Bingeerth century that it exly absorbed ideas whith the Kulturhris people had inherited from the romantics, This applies, for instance, to Graeiner's textbook dif fasionism. "Throughout his Metade der Edinologie (191) eure history” is predominantly construed from spatial istibution. That he accepted the evolutionist equation of time and change i implied in the following exasrple of his Feasoning: “IF can demonstrate that the total culture, in 2 hen ae ae oe cae Spec gc ae en In petid nee a ea eee ch fal (1911:62). In other words, in the st tidy of “unchanging” rimitive culture, temporal relations can be diverge Frere spate estan Wie requ as about temporal sequence Ziolge), or temporal depth Zeit ff) ths express an Arinotlian notion a ele cu ssl; temporal seqence was indispensitle for geen concerning caltural causation Sil iffustonion nem {0 a project of wring a history without Tine of renee “without history." On the other hand, Graebner and other theoreticians of diffusionism should be read agains wt the background of ulturehisorical and calture-geographicdl writing whose intellecual substance had not yet been died fy ppostivist methodologization. A docu: rent for that period is ‘Time and the Emerging Other 19 an exraoenary essay by Fiedich Ravel, “ior, the tology and Histoncal Perspective” 1904) Hal of tne paper is addressed to questions of Time and temporal sequerices din is ae, romance hivorism and utara ny roduce arguments tht seem to run se BY ane. ae Ergin with remarks on the theory of sien, sling the esblutonst metaphor ef a dencopmentl tee Sch the poe nd rca vw ots he leanne shy and equality ofall sens Because all dscns Ue imately study phenomena tit ae on and of the ear they Sis earth scenes (eee 1904485) With ackoorlelge iets ede al aes dest is aa ISrapumes a coimpord canmuniy of tanking ety ‘was given fo the study of specific cultural idemtises under: the outorne of proscscs of iieracion betwecs popalition and ts envionment: Emphasis‘ real space (ebigy precluded concern wi mora gene of oes tenon eWohtonary wales acording posted gener ins ‘verte, inthe centarybetyeen Herder and Rate the eputeme of natural history hel cnablched hold on chelate fo be queen oe a of ental facts but affrin that the foundacon of such on Spproach mut be (naturalhsa) ealcton, description, ede re rat ee 19050) prep thy, rel ecologil spaces being replaced by dase, ye ecloge gage being reply cacy Rate is eware ofthis ae doscibesechiemporary laa ton wih conjctara history somewhat ial a tows" sours wey spl Se al histor event Se Gi nape we st EES omen he tine ey teedet lo greed by the detec: dat were covered reading of time on the clock of the globe” (1908391), Alt ton thmeditely he doubts tat eine ream of Noman Hnory such simple ganslaton of dgabucn in gpace ite sequence inn will ever be “Scentheal)® pose, Epc aly the determinason of angi i Gelopmertal se Squnce Ser of “praca rather than sepnae ae dons hear in pretense x conotston of abeah 20 Time and che Emerging Other ee hin te human mpi Oho Soe ee se ed seed a ce fr ac Sh ER i Fae Sa See ee eee eee Nee er i csucrie at eo eee a Se te ee igo ne re are oe tr si oarpact tloniae 2 sci not Mele Sm ee a, ons fun ha a or ter Ferry th eh ie oe at ncn sri og Fence re cel bc mani ol bing ais a0) Fn tin fa Sr wa Cae eee ees Fel ye Sune a ne a Neon Die aay he ae Po eter anim yan ox ore ia mil arpa, a dec oi en tae hy te See ae Mine ccc oui tacton Song er ae, ig py BE sg prop ange Keen ca ae pol sor fon ese peel ‘Time and the Emerging Other 21 domain irveducble to nauural history. It relaivized human, faltural tine and let universal me fo bloga evolution ‘Wid dat the Enlightenment project was infact ignored and TMlegated to the tatual scence Practically, concentration ‘On eultural configuradons and. paterns resulted in such jruleling concern withthe description of sates (albeit yar ae) tat Whe eigenen he search fora theory of univers Inman progress was all but Sinndoned’" In sum, fanctonalsm,euluraism, and sro turalsm db not solve the problem of univers human Time thoy inored tat best ad denied significance t Worst Some Uses of Time in Anthropological Discourse One might be tempted to conclude from allthis dat not tnuch has changed ince anthropology fst emerged. Yet leat one respect contemporary anthropology cifers from iis eightcenth and nineteenth century predecesors Tre- Specie of theoretic orientation, Reid esearch tas been ablshed as the. pracceal bani of theoretical. discourse ‘Phin alone alse poten of Tie In moderna ropology complex and interesting "rong compares uses of Time in anthropological writ ing with te ones in ethnographic rseareh be isovers te ‘minlable divergence Twi refer to tha asthe shizogenic “use of Time. lieve it can be shown that the anthropolo>~ sin the Beld often employs conceptions of Time quite ifferent from those that inform reports on his findings Furthermore yl gue that a cial analysis of the role {Time is alowed to play 2 conditon for producing eth- nographic Knowledge nthe practie of Aeldwork may serve 2's Zaring porat for a nique of ancvopeogeal di ourse in general But before that argument can be devel Spel wes moe msi athe mies Tine “sein anthropologial discourse we want to erie era ey sre sof ime hy appear in ropologkal dscourse, ie, mn dhe writing o¢ monographs invsjntneoe and anata works covering different ethno: {raph ates, o differen sypeets of culture and society over 22 Time and the Emerging Other seer acy ofa, a epost precoding in mn oF AE ek thank tuna ree nate on nae ae eo deer cree EET SIS ie A fe to nat 6 eel fe ee oc Ba Ta at ee ie ee rena bs a te or hans ie teed mea a cad Ema oa el a Te emp SY pia ht El ing te ara A Geran ir il owl hte ron eat ey rela © Ste ee a ne Re Teh eae Fo Non nee ne eg pe Oe plement an denen Tie Fa cin et a ace nology [Mest important, though, these methods of dating ak Hen porate ee ac Co a a cial tie To a et te er a a ip iy ctiee a ee Seay toy x pei, ny ee on ee eee ee ae erect senepinee Seva al dn eae sated fos, Ong Il cl Mes Fe ae Ce ‘Time and the Emerging Other 28 verse, ha no taste for pety chronologizng. Instead, it ne lges tn grandscale peoolsing Mt kes to devise Seas Ba unlike belet n the Shillennium or the Golden AEE keep a eook distance to all mes. The rheorie of #8 Ezotne dn therefore serve equally well the construcson St Siposing vision of the “human carer” and the mainte Stand of cet ak abou primitive mentality Gin ates ne ra fm ace mani opti! Tine Te sigtals a use of Time which is Sitanied nc as time elapsed, nor by reference to points ta neat) scale, but in terms of sociocultural meaning- freyns more ry mera ech Sh et lope ‘Time uvieriy such qualitcations a prelier- aoe Herat, raditonal vi modem, peasant vs indus SEy'S host of permutation whic ine ats such as cba 2 dal rua vo urban, In thn wae, ime may almost Daly ne divested ef Hs vectorial, physical connotations see CF beings meanne of movement it may appear a8 2 Miah of sates 2 quay, however, that is unenually dite cf eal “Motte among bumpan popilatios of this work. Earlier ot lenge 060 hye OE tit defn oer, The inet 2 a a ern ced worl earch ox uel col ene ers tions fen es cars conics TMs ‘ee oe tenon ae se ic pret Ex weil scent i cre oh aa ee ter er arya pec wisn on he een Fe er atom) fora mame ef ene prob om ane “se af than imps oe sae 2 a edn Crenterg 008175, Amn reece ch ee frien abe, F. Mao (198) Fs hen af ooh dec al be dace a on eee ese by Bote Oana i csi een eno Dee REAL a sre aver oer opening te ion rane dag ie eth = rhe fn oo chaps Mile Dubs wok 0 1681, Time and the Other See ome mina enntinsaegeereamnmmeen ‘onc! eng she mae of wae taconll no lager en Sacks Somer ee iri eae age aeerteeen eaten sree ron (inate in 1889 (gee Voget 1975:108), me ian a eee area Paar nee eer oacenees ois ieaneueaeeterogee Ee acapeemmenrs wee ere TR EA nme ome gone apy ect tena Sieun Rapisespaeerosnmes Sige nev aaaeeet ieee mete eo a eet ea acy peroneal eee Rovenees eager haa a seen ene aren ee eennaea es rt nia ea ame ose in a ouhisnenmkiantinentat rast cea eps move haniny cee musocy spa eae Tine irom il ab ad tron, redecoe tbeh ee ey ths re Nessa word quan er “nan Sv eel plea tier catet seca ira 1. Time and the Other 169 bedi bt matt id to prtourdy ato is i ses “Fan one rope ean wer mt so mucha ory oe ica cna sr itcaing ore aac, he rope ‘cy coy and hoy” (17118 eos cs done wo tke Mole or paral clin de ee cre fr eu sop) But he hes Here se we, a ah ee (S182, TESA nore ae grap appeion of at come turd Sgches"Gennn dfn rer mater Remar on ha ‘Ei emt ny ey an! gor ole et ae tte inls enon Geran Korn hgh nd ea Abe mcr ae lt gens rs Edvard apis work ime Psiae (er anh Cute Ach Meo, pblted ony Eve year air Grane tou G 1010) Por sont ne ie bok ete by J Toby (Pans 197 eel ces ae it Ceatontan cantor nly and saapalog 87> Poe ered nmr mak concep of Tete Toad Tear i Bons abel ted his patna ty ie "Ne Sei ED cig! Mae (100) Muh af the Haberman a Stet 2 cnr gated rem al ut cco ease SEIT aig segne Fr en fei ck Sogoer natar ctl betes af deerme ce then ine ees come Te shen, aotroplogi > i ee eects centr, D ley as Te, aac cette peti army, howee. a 6 the reaon of Settee ii ura mse eal a et ncey rey af aman fae Wich eee a aU i ctr cnenprary eno how 3. icon ding wt ay ried 7 WF iy 0: ier ei i Sl pee panera By Seen er anaen by 1904 (he owe of plea of wars by O2k Be eee rtrd ora wei oe nS Ket) Sn ee wn lyon) Hehe ee of proving late ne nome yp ae ren CE ra ery “mee! ate fel PES loge gnc Oa wih ee ) Fae er hc ener me sion or ne of he Gras ee en yng ec a xpos cr mann deere ce whe Neth Reason war no 20Te 1701. Time and the Other epee spa aap er ty ad eats et cae ade tane kta bop oe So ra ee eee eens ee cer aca Ua ey See ad Sa ayer a syste trees Tat pee cost rere grate en emnaes ace ES Se le St ce ee SRE IES aap akties Sas pn! a to An cn cas a re oe oe prs Sintaan aay eran kite et See ht na hake Tat gat pod Sh ec age a ae somber act ica al SUR STaeE eo noereptoel SEP RE a gee cape ea Tey tating pe eg FoSetindanmnanae may eyeog on rer Sie cree ucmec ae" Sas rnin Ne Srey crepes rare eet ee Sid eer acres eh ique of yenerativit hegemony in hopistis (1974) and my own reppin of Sere ere nena ce oat eee se epee ha re erect eo aie a pe nl Sepa ott ee Sra Soa erases weasel crs Some sey ea Ne a eee Creo ie teouna Fmt econ emer nerdy rae. nte as rns Henry Se Nair te oh of Bs pert eer rere oe ran eT eee eS aera mehenyeec as Feng org rep erga op cee PRES Muha octagon ed 2. Our Time, Their Time, NoTime 171 “the ory ee 0 coiono srt wth «Forages milan co Eig a they dcwoer for the sana fon mys w etsogapay ee Besar ni ong 1960, 5 Mal Sal sa orm wih ming anne ins ent ema toegtoe Seeril ee e d ete Ret} se Stine 1078 andy ocean er pan San see int exact on rey ey “The tn a. tee ane unger etl ver tnd mee a tne aa oF os ‘Sit upinthe Hed aia of Newton suche: (88:18). Ertl setae inpyses wn mathnsce propeed oe he noon of ‘Sthiy w kamen ne We mua mengnce hc aed mul. Th [Engi wil br he ely nay 10 sobeume Afi ad Ana uncer commen Se Sa aachg hm ne Won Iara SF Apert ot dnd in pipet ao age fo K. ag is, Fry tl af he een "ore Malnonis cde reveion sb Ns eon wh ex, drag race put tn hte pres nen HED ie inporoner sam eoneboogea! daca vt oretooked by mex {er not y © Goees se IVS Menon eel ended Spe Ci Sgelmcentne demon a espe rm eb eng novel ae an ives (5) a, len wen ee eporto ‘rand! ion eye ngs epee expen Cel emo rater han meta, bse of oy miserable wa {isgrth, Al tir elev, not ony cree of Manon pyeologal debi th fevers dosent huge wh an epnerncogsal Pre 2, Our Time, The Tine, No Tima: Coates Deiot 1. Oberaupe i der Pina der Rout Sher de Ze ela rg Xemancnen rsbtonarer Sa’ Blech 1823. Peknm oh {tetoyom deepen cited guening ef ehsentfc proedes synth a da ine ee met eth nc MY SORES at wwe apt a att per Monee at ‘any nl Sgueny hy Human Cgutan (7) he ae woe ight tse ap emptor he prem of Tae wan te coming fe cera cal appa of func bly de with change and x peso th Bopper approche Jari 1000 Tn i aan defense fone "Stn Cow ay ou he gle mw Seam ts Of Shor i the

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