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Ramanujan School of Mathematics

Class Test for XI

Sept 2019

Total marks: 10 × 4 = 40 Time: 2 hours.

Attempt any four questions. Answers without proper explanations will fetch zero.
Show all your rough work – partial solutions may be rewarded. You can use any
result proved in the class; but you have to state it properly.

1. Let a 6= b, c 6= 0. Suppose that the equations x2 +ax+bc = 0 and x2 +bx+ca = 0

have a common root. Show that their other roots satisfy x2 + cx + ab = 0.

2. Suppose that a, b, c are side lengths of a triangle. Show that,

1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + ≥ + + .
b+c−a c+a−b a+b−c a b c
Can you tell why do we need the condition that a, b, c are sides of a triangle?

3. Find all natural numbers a, d ∈ N such that the number adda is a perfect square.
(Notation: abcd denotes the number 103 a + 102 b + 10c + d.)

4. Find the number of all 6-digits natural number such that the sum of their digits
is 10 and each of the digits 0,1,2,3 occurs at least once in them.

5. Suppose that x, y, z ∈ R such that x + y + z = 0 and xy + yz + zx = −3. Prove

that the value of the expression x3 y + y 3 z + z 3 x is constant. (Note, we do not
have unique solution for x, y, z since we have only two equations.)

Do not cheat to yourself. All the best!

Teacher: Aditya Ghosh

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