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OPINION Childhood skin and soft tissue infections: new
discoveries and guidelines regarding the
management of bacterial soft tissue infections,
molluscum contagiosum, and warts
Jessica Rush a and James G. Dinulos b,c

Purpose of review
Pediatric skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) constitute a significant number of office-based pediatric visits.
With SSTIs on the rise, it is not only important to effectively treat the individual, but to do so appropriately
and cost-consciously. In this article, we highlight new research related to the treatment of bacterial skin
infections, molluscum contagiosum, and cutaneous warts, with the goal of guiding pediatricians in their
practice against these common skin conditions.
Recent findings
Recent data supports the use of topical antibiotics for noncomplicated impetigo. Systemic antibiotics
covering gram-positive cocci are recommended for complicated cases of impetigo and deeper nonpurulent
SSTIs. Localized purulent bacterial SSTIs can be treated with incision and drainage alone but more systemic
involvement warrants treatment with systemic antibiotics covering Staphylococcus aureus species, especially
community acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus. For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, topical
cantharidin has a high satisfaction rate among patients and providers. Potassium hydroxide solution is a
potentially effective and cheap form of molluscum contagiosum treatment. Imiquimod, however, has an
unfavorable efficacy and safety profile as a therapy for molluscum contagiosum. Regarding warts, high-risk
human papilloma virus strains have been detected in cutaneous warts in children.
The high-risk human papilloma virus vaccine may play a role in treating pediatric cutaneous warts in the
future, and topical squaric acid dibutylester may effectively treat recalcitrant warts. Finally, both molluscum
contagiosum and warts have a high rate of resolution after an extended period of time without any
impetigo, molluscum contagiosum, skin infections, verruca vulgaris


Pediatric cutaneous infections represent a signifi-
cant number of all pediatric office-based visits. Some Background information
of these infections include purulent and nonpuru- A US national study between 1997 and 2005 dem-
lent bacterial skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) onstrated a significantly increased incidence of
and viral skin infections, including molluscum con- bacterial SSTIs presenting to primary care practices
tagiosum and warts. With pediatric SSTIs on the rise,
there are growing health and economic burdens a
Dartmouth Medical School, bGeisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth,
placed on both society and the individual. This Hanover, New Hampshire and cUniversity of Connecticut, Farmington,
article aims to highlight new discoveries and evi- Connecticut, USA
dence regarding certain SSTIs to guide office-based Correspondence to James G. Dinulos, MD, Seacoast Dermatology, 330
pediatricians in their management of common Borthwick Avenue, Suite 303, Portsmouth, NH 03801, USA. Tel: +1 603
pediatric cutaneous infections in a way that maxi- 431 5205; fax: +1 603 436 4257; e-mail:
mizes benefit to the patient and minimizes harm Curr Opin Pediatr 2016, 28:250–257
to society. DOI:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000334 Volume 28  Number 2  April 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Childhood skin and soft tissue infections Rush and Dinulos

establish the need to perform an incision and

KEY POINTS drainage (I&D) procedure but also as a guide in
 Simple cases of impetigo should be treated with topical selecting the appropriate antibiotic. Although this
antibiotics while complicated cases of impetigo and first step may seem straightforward, detecting an
other nonpurulent SSTIs affecting deeper subcutaneous occult abscess can sometimes be a challenge. In the
tissues should be treated with systemic antibiotics. pediatric emergency department setting, when the
clinician is confident of the lesion being purulent or
 Noncomplicated purulent SSTIs can be treated with I&D
alone but evidence of systemic involvement requires the not, the clinical exam alone is highly accurate in
use of systemic antibiotics covering S. aureus, determining the need for I&D with sensitivity 95%
especially CA-MRSA in severe cases. and specificity 84%. The accuracy is not improved
with the addition of bedside ultrasound. However,
 Cantharidin is a noninvasive, safe, and efficacious
when there is uncertainty of the lesion requiring
therapy against molluscum contagiosum. With more
research, potassium hydroxide solution may prove to I&D, addition of bedside ultrasound by trained
be a cheap and effective treatment against molluscum emergency department physicians improved the
contagiosum. sensitivity and specificity of correctly diagnosing
the lesion from 44 to 78% and 42 to 61%, respect-
 Imiquimod is not a preferred therapy for molluscum
ively [5]. Thus, for appropriately trained physicians,
contagiosum because of its limited efficacy and
unfavorable safety profile. using an ultrasound enhances the initial workup of
an SSTI when there is a question of whether the
 HPV-16, a high risk HPV strain, has been identified in lesion is purulent versus nonpurulent.
cutaneous warts in children. If a lesion is determined to be purulent, it is
 The HPV vaccine may prove to be an important recommended to culture and gram-stain the pus or
treatment against extragenital cutaneous warts among exudates [6 ]. Obtaining a blood culture has been
children in the future. shown to be of low yield in uncomplicated SSTIs in
an immune-competent child. A blood culture, how-
ever, may be required in a complicated SSTI, which
is defined as a lesion that arises from a surgical or
and emergency departments, with a disproportion- traumatic wound infection, one that requires surgi-
ate increase in patients younger than 18 years old cal intervention beyond an I&D, or an infected ulcer
[1]. Numerous other studies have confirmed the or burn [7,8].
increased incidence of SSTI visits paralleling an
increased incidence of community acquired methi-
cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) Management of nonpurulent soft tissue
since it emerged in the 1990s [2,3]. A retrospective infections: impetigo, ecthyma, cellulitis,
study of US SSTI hospitalizations found that the staph scalded skin syndrome, erysipelas,
incidence of S. aureus SSTIs increased by 105% and necrotizing fasciitis
between 2001 and 2009, with persons less than Impetigo, classified as either bullous or nonbullous,
18 years old representing the age group with the is caused by pathogens invading the epidermis.
greatest relative rise of S. aureus SSTI-related hospi- Ecthyma is a nonpurulent SSTI that occurs when
talizations. S. aureus SSTI-associated hospitalizations pathogens invade the dermis and it can be treated
of children less than 18 years old cost an estimated similarly to nonbullous impetigo [6 ].
4.22 billion dollars, representing a 61% increase in Nonbullous impetigo accounts for more than
cost since 2001 [4]. Furthermore, as prescribers are 70% cases of impetigo. S. aureus and group A strep-
tailoring their antibiotics of choice to the growing tococcus (GAS) are responsible for the vast majority
number of CA-MRSA SSTIs [3], there is increasing of these cases. Glomerulonephritis may arise after
concern and evidence for resistance to these com- cutaneous GAS infections, occurring in up to 5% of
monly prescribed medicines. Therefore, using the patients with impetigo. Although treating GAS
appropriate therapy for bacterial SSTIs has import- impetigo does not reduce the risk of developing
ant implications not only for the patient but also for glomerulonephritis, it reduces the risk of spreading
public health. the nephritic strains throughout the community
Bullous impetigo most commonly affects
Workup of bacterial infections children 2–5 years old in intertriginous regions. It
When working up a presumed bacterial skin infec- is almost exclusively caused by S. aureus, which
tion in a child, it is important to determine whether produces exfoliative toxins that can hydrolyze
the infection is purulent or nonpurulent not only to intracellular adhesion molecules located in the

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Office pediatrics

epidermal granular layer. These exfoliative toxins Other emerging topical therapies for impetigo
can lead to blister formation, seen in both bullous include ozenoxacin 1% cream, a new quinolone
impetigo and staph-scalded skin syndrome [11]. CA- antibiotic, and clary sage oil. A recent randomized,
MRSA possesses the Panton-Valentine Leukocidin double blind, multicenter study revealed that oze-
gene rather than the exfoliative toxin gene, making noxacin 1% used twice daily for 5 days was superior
CA-MRSA less likely to cause exfoliative infections to placebo in treating impetigo. Its use even pro-
such as impetigo and more likely to cause suppu- duced a more rapid microbiological clearance than
rative infections such as abscesses [12]. Con- retapamulin, the control [18]. Authors of an in-vitro
sequently, there is less need to cover CA-MRSA study demonstrated that clary sage oil was active
when treating bullous impetigo. against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and S. xylosus and
Both bullous and nonbullous impetigo can be therefore suggest its use in skin infections [19].
treated with topical antibiotics, unless the disease is Other nonpurulent infections, including cellu-
associated with numerous lesions or associated with litis, erysipelas, and necrotizing fasciitis, represent
an outbreak in the community in which case pathogen invasion of the deeper subcutaneous tis-
systemic antibiotics are recommended [6 ]. A 2012 sue. Systemic antibiotics are warranted for these
Cochrane review demonstrated that topical mupir- infections and are appropriately outlined in Fig. 1,
ocin and topical fusidic acid, two commonly used taken from the 2014 SSTI Executive Summary by the
agents in treating impetigo, were found to be as Infectious Diseases Society of America. Recent stud-
good or even better than oral treatment for impetigo ies have shown that nonpurulent cellulitis is most
and with fewer side-effects. The study could not commonly caused by Streptococcus species and is
discern whether or not oral antibiotics were superior sufficiently treated by antibiotics targeting GAS
to topical antibiotics in systemic disease [13]. and methicillin susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), that
Topical agents used for impetigo should be is, cephalexin use alone rather than cephalexin in
directed against gram-positive cocci, specifically addition to TMP–SMX [20–22].
S. aureus and GAS, such as mupirocin, retapamulin, Staph-scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is a toxin-
or fusidic acid outlined by Table 1. It should be mediated skin disease commonly affecting children
cautioned that recent studies have documented less than 5 years of age that causes painful desqua-
increasing resistance to these agents [14,15 ,16,17] mation around orifices and flexural surfaces. It is a
and that increased use of these agents is related to pediatric emergency because it can be complicated
growing resistance [16,17]. A study using in-vitro S. by sepsis, superinfection, and electrolyte imbalances
aureus isolated from healthy children with SSTIs in with a 5% mortality rate [23]. A recent study per-
Texas demonstrated that 9.5% isolates were resistant formed in a US city suggests that clindamycin and a
to retapamulin and 9.8% were resistant to mupir- penicillinase-resistant penicillin should be provided
ocin [15 ]. Fusidic acid, although not marketed in as empiric treatment for SSSS until culture suscepti-
the United States, has also demonstrated S. aureus bility data are available to dictate therapy [24].
resistance. Resistance was positively correlated to Another study in China advised the immediate
recent prior use of fusidic acid [17]. Clearly, there treatment with cephalosporins, b lactamase-resist-
is a growing need for new therapies in the age of ant semisynthetic penicillins, or both when suspi-
increasing antibiotic resistance. cious for SSSS [25]. It is important that one considers

Table 1. Commonly used topical antibiotic agents used for uncomplicated impetigo and compares mechanism of action and
cost in the United Statesa
Topical Mechanism of Action Comment Cost (in US)

Mupirocin Competitive inhibitor of bacterial Active against most gram-positive and some Ointment 2% (22 g) $42.75
isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase gram-negative bacilli
Retapamulin Inhibition of protein synthesis by Bacteriostatic, so bacterial eradication may not Ointment 1% (15 g) $181.97
selectively binding to bacterial occur after clinical cure
ribosomes Can be used in children >9 months
Fusidic acid Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis; Active against S. aureus, less so against Not available in US
bacteriostatic Streptococcus and Propionibacterium acnes
Not active against gram-negative bacilli
Not marketed in the United States

Adapted from Pereira [10].

252 Volume 28  Number 2  April 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Childhood skin and soft tissue infections Rush and Dinulos

Management of
Nonpurulent SSTIs Purulent
Necrotizing infection/cellulitis/erysipelas furuncle/carbuncle/abscess

Severe Moderate Mild Severe Moderate Mild

 Emergent surgical Intravenous Rx Oral Rx I&D I&D I&D

Inspection / debridement • Penicillin or • Penicillin VK or C&S C&S
 Rule out necrotizing process • Ceftriaxone or • Cephalosporin or
 EMPIRIC Rx • Cefazolin or • Dicloxacillin or
• Vancomycin PLUS • Clindamycin • Clindamycin
Empiric Rx1
• Vancomycin or Empiric Rx
• Daptomycin or • TMP/SMX or
• Linezolid or • Doxycycline
• Telavancin or
Defined Rx (necrotizing infections) • Ceftaroline
monomicrobial Streptococcus
pyogenes Defined Rx
Defined Rx MRSA
• Penicillin PLUS clindamycin MRSA • TMP/SMX
Clostridial sp. • See empiric
• Penicillin PLUS clindamycin MSSA • Dicloxacillin or
Vibrio vulnificus • Nafcillin or
• Cephalexin
• Doxycycline PLUS ciprofloxacin • Cefazolin or
Aeromonas hydrophila • Clindamycin
• Doxycycline PLUS ciprofloxacin
Polymicrobial 1Since daptomycin and telavancin are not approved for use in children,
• Vancomycin PLUS vancomycin is recommended; clindamycin may be used if clindamycin
piperacillin/tazobactam resistance is <10–15% at the institution.

FIGURE 1. Purulent skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs). Mild infection: for purulent SSTI, incision, and drainage is indicated.
Moderate infection: patients with purulent infection with systemic signs of infection. Severe infection: patients who have failed
incision and drainage plus oral antibiotics or those with systemic signs of infection such as a temperature >388C, tachycardia
(heart rate >90 beats/min), tachypnea (respiratory rate >24 breaths/min) or abnormal white blood cell count, or
immunocompromised patients. Nonpurulent SSTIs. Mild infection: typical cellulitis/erysipelas with no focus of purulence.
Moderate infection typical cellulitis/erysipelas with systemic signs of infection. Severe infection: patients who have failed oral
antibiotic treatment or those with systemic signs of infection (as defined above under purulent infection), or those who are
immunocompromised, or those with clinical signs of deeper infection such as bullae, skin sloughing, hypotension, or evidence
of organ dysfunction. C&S, culture and sensitivity; I&D, incision and drainage; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus; MSSA, methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus; Rx, treatment; TMP/SMX, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
Adapted from Stevens et al. [6 ]. &

the local strains and resistance patterns of his or her who have failed initial antibiotic treatment, or those
community prior to selecting empiric therapy for with impaired host defenses. Table 2 lists appropri-
presumed SSSS. ate antibiotic therapy for both MSSA and MRSA

Management of purulent soft tissue

Purulent SSTIs include furuncles, carbuncles, and
abscesses. Incision and drainage is warranted in all Molluscum contagiosum
purulent SSTIs. Current research suggests that unless Molluscum contagiosum, a common skin condition
there is evidence of systemic symptoms or a com- seen by pediatricians, is caused by the pox-virus
plicated SSTI, children should not be treated with known as the molluscum contagiosum virus. A
additional antibiotics [26,27]. As outlined in Fig. 1, recent review found that molluscum contagiosum
oral antibiotic treatment for MRSA is warranted in is most common in children aged 1–4 and is associ-
patients with signs of systemic inflammatory ated with swimming and eczema without a clear
response syndrome and hypotension, patients causal relationship. There was inconclusive

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Office pediatrics

Table 2. Appropriate treatment and dosing for impetigo, methicillin susceptible S. aureus soft tissue infections, and methicillin-
resistant S. aureus soft tissue infections
Disease entity Antibiotic: dosage, children Comment

Impetigo (Staphylococcus Dicloxacillin: N/A N/A

and Streptococcus) Cephalexin: 25–50 mg/kg/day in 3–4 divided N/A
doses PO
Erythromycin: 40 mg/kg/day in 3–4 divided doses Some strains of S. aureus and S. pyogenes may be
PO resistant
Clindamycin: 20 mg/kg/day in three divided N/A
doses PO
Amoxicillin–clavulanate: 25 mg/kg/day of the N/A
amoxicillin component in two divided doses PO
Retapamulin ointment: apply to lesion BID For patients with limited number of lesions
Mupirocin ointment: apply to lesion BID For patients with limited number of lesions
MSSA SSTI Nafcillin or oxacillin: 100–150 mg/kg/day in four Parental drug of choice; inactive against MRSA
divided doses
Cefazolin: 50 mg/kg/day in three divided doses For penicillin-allergic patients except those with
immediate hypersensitivity reactions. More
convenient than nafcillin with less bone marrow
Clindamycin: 25–40 mg/kg/day in three divided Bacteriostatic: potential of cross-resistance and
doses IV or 25–30 mg/kg/day in three divided emergence of resistance in erythromycin-resistant
doses PO strains; inducible resistance in MRSA
Dicloxacillin: 25–50 mg/kg/day in four divided Oral agent of choice for methicillin-susceptible
doses PO
Cephalexin: 25–50 mg/kg/day in four divided For penicillin-allergic patients except those with
doses PO immediate hypersensitivity reactions
Doxycycline, minocycline: not recommended for Bacteriostatic: limited recent clinical experience
age <8 years
Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole: 8–12 mg/kg Bactericidal; efficacy poorly documented
(based on trimethoprim compound) in either four
divided doses IV or two divided doses PO
MRSA SSTI Vancomycin: 40 mg/kg/day in four divided doses For penicillin allergic patients; parenteral drug of
IV choice for treatment of infections caused by
Linezolid: 10 mg/kg every 12 h IV or PO for Bacteriostatic; limited clinical experience; no cross-
children <12 years resistance with other antibiotic classes; expensive
Clindamycin: 25–40 mg/kg/day in three divided Bacteriostatic: potential of cross-resistance and
doses IV or 30–40 mg/kg/day in three divided emergence of resistance in erythromycin-resistant
doses PO strains; inducible resistance in MRSA. Important
option for children
Daptomycin: N/A Bactericidal; possible myopathy
Ceftaroline: N/A Bactericidal
Doxycycline, minocycline: not recommended for Bacteriostatic; limited recent clinical experience
age <8 years
Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole: 8–12 mg/kg/day Bactericidal; limited published efficacy data
(based on trimethoprim component) in either four
divided doses IV or two divided doses PO

BID, twice daily; IV, intravenous; MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. aureus; MSSA, methicillin susceptible S. aureus; PO, by mouth; SSTIs, soft tissue infections.
a &
Adapted from Stevens et al. [6 ].

evidence regarding risk factors, duration of symp- dermatitis and can manifest as a hypersensitivity
toms, transmission between family members, or reaction known as ‘molluscum dermatitis’ [29].
temporal and geographic incidence of molluscum Severe cases of molluscum contagiosum can also
contagiosum [28]. Occasionally, molluscum conta- present in immunocompromised patients who are
giosum can be symptomatic in children with atopic often recalcitrant to standard therapy. Most of the

254 Volume 28  Number 2  April 2016

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Childhood skin and soft tissue infections Rush and Dinulos

time however, molluscum contagiosum is con- therapy for molluscum contagiosum despite the
sidered a benign and self-limited disease for which adverse effects [36]. In another small study of 30
treatment is sought for cosmetic purposes and to children with molluscum contagiosum, KOH was
prevent the spread of the virus [30]. found to be equally effective to cryotherapy with
Despite numerous studies looking into mollus- fewer rates of postinflammatory hyperpigmenta-
cum contagiosum therapy, there is no consensus tion. In total, 15 patients were treated with KOH
on the best treatment. Forms of therapy include 10% solution applied twice daily until the lesions
destructive therapies and techniques, immune- disappeared completely and 15 patients were treated
modulating therapies, and antiviral therapies. Treat- with weekly cryotherapy for 4 weeks [37]. KOH has
ment should in part be guided by a child’s personal yet to be studied against cantharidin. Although
tolerance to the mode therapy. more studies need to better evaluate the efficacy
Cryotherapy, curettage, and cantharidin are of KOH and determine the optimal solution
three forms of destructive therapy that demonstrate required for treatment, it is a potentially inexpen-
clinical response. Among them, cantharidin is the sive alternative form of therapy for molluscum con-
least intrusive. It is an extract from blister beetles tagiosum.
and acts as a protein phosphatase inhibitor. It is Imiquimod has been a longstanding, commonly
applied directly to lesions and covered for 2–6 h prescribed, and expensive form of treatment for
after which it should be washed off with soap and molluscum contagiosum that has recently been
water. It can be repeated every 2–4 weeks until shown to be neither efficacious nor safe in the treat-
resolution occurs. A prospective double-blinded, ment of molluscum contagiosum. A recent article
placebo-controlled, randomized controlled trial revealed that two unpublished RCTs performed in
(RCT) found that after 2 months, the effects of 2006 demonstrated poor therapeutic efficacy of imi-
cantharidin treatment on molluscum contagiosum quimod in treating molluscum contagiosum. The
lesions were not much better than the placebo [31]. RCTs also highlighted imiquimod side effects such
The study, however, was small and was shown to be as application-site reactions, leukopenia, and lym-
underpowered to yield a statistically significant phadenopathy [38 ]. Imiquimod is therefore out of
result [32,33]. Although there are no other double favor as a first-line treatment against molluscum
blind RCTs comparing cantharidin to placebo, there contagiosum.
is numerous retrospective and anecdotal data sup- Finally, in a retrospective review performed at
porting cantharidin’s efficacy in treating molluscum Johns Hopkins Medical Center, treatment, sex, race,
contagiosum [32,33]. A comprehensive literature diagnosing physician (dermatologist versus pedia-
review of studies looking at cantharidin treatment trician), number of lesions at diagnosis, number of
for molluscum contagiosum concluded that can- anatomic locations, or history of atopic dermatitis
tharidin is a safe and effective treatment [34 ]. In did not predict time to resolution, nor did treatment
a study that sought to create a safety profile for shorten time to resolution. Regardless of treatment
cantharidin, the authors found that 86% parents or not, molluscum contagiosum lesions completely
reported satisfaction with the treatment and 11% resolved in about 50% of children within 1 year and
endorsed adverse effects with pain being most com- 70% of children within 18 months [39]. Foregoing
mon (7%) and severe blistering being second most treatment is a reasonable approach to molluscum
common (2%) [35]. contagiosum in healthy children who cannot toler-
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution is another ate therapy because of adverse effects and who do
form of destructive therapy that has demonstrated not desire an immediate response.
promise as a potential treatment for molluscum
contagiosum. In a recent trial, children with mol-
luscum contagiosum lesions were treated with Warts
either 10% KOH solution or 5% imiquimod, an Cutaneous warts are caused by the human papillo-
immune-modulating topical therapy intended to mavirus virus (HPV). Cutaneous warts are com-
induce an inflammatory response against mollus- monly caused by HPV strains with low malignant
cum contagiosum lesions. After 12 weeks, 17 out of potential including 1, 2, 3, 4, 27, and 57. Up until a
20 patients who received KOH therapy showed com- recent study in Greece, only low-risk HPV strains
plete resolution, whereas only 10 out of 20 patients had been detected in the warts of immune-compe-
receiving imiquimod showed total clearance of the tent children. However, the study in Greece found
lesions. Patients receiving KOH, however, had more that HPV 16, a high-risk strain found in mucosal
frequent adverse effects, specifically pigmentary warts, was detected in 33% of the cutaneous warts
disturbances. With these data, the authors suggest that were positive for HPV. Although the malignant
that KOH 10% may be an inexpensive and effective potential of these warts is unclear, the authors

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Office pediatrics

suggest that these data may be important when resolution. Therefore, the authors suggest that coun-
determining who should receive HPV vaccines seling without aggressive treatment is a reasonable
and which strains should be included in these approach to managing warts in most children [43 ].
vaccines [40].
There is also emerging research regarding the
utility of the HPV vaccine in the treatment of CONCLUSION
cutaneous warts. A 2015 study in Germany showed Cutaneous infections account for a significant num-
that six out of six children aged 9–11 years old ber of office-based pediatric visits. Recent data sup-
who had therapy-resistant extragenital warts for port the use of topical antibiotics for limited cases of
at least 32 months demonstrated a complete impetigo and systemic antibiotics covering gram-
recovery after three doses of the quadrivalent HPV positive cocci (GAS and MSSA) for more complicated
vaccine targeted against HPV-6, 11, 16, and 18. Not cases of impetigo and deeper nonpurulent SSTIs.
included in the study were three out of six adoles- Noncomplicated purulent SSTIs can be treated with
cents 14–17 years old and three out of four adults I&D alone, but more systemic involvement should
who did not experience resolution of their extra- include systemic antibiotics that cover S. aureus
genital warts after vaccination. The authors pro- species, especially CA-MRSA, in severe cases. For
posed that the vaccine induces a cross-protective viral infections including molluscum contagiosum
effect against various HPV strains explaining why and warts in immune-competent children, no treat-
children cleared their warts despite vaccination with ment may be a sufficient option in regard to either
four strains not typically associated with cutaneous disease. Cantharidin has a high-satisfaction rate
warts. The authors also hypothesized that the among patients and providers. KOH is a potentially
vaccine was more effective in children compared effective and inexpensive form of therapy for mol-
to adolescents and adults because the major histo- luscum contagiosum. Imiquimod is running out of
compatibility complex class I molecule of the HPV- favor as a form of molluscum contagiosum therapy
infected cell disappears with puberty, resulting in a because of limited efficacy and unfavorable safety
decrease in the vaccine-induced HPV-specific cyto- profile. For warts, high-risk HPV types have been
toxic T-cell immune response in adolescence and detected in cutaneous warts, the HPV vaccine may
adults [41]. More studies must be performed to play a role in treating cutaneous warts in the future,
further evaluate the efficacy of the HPV vaccine in and topical SADBE may effectively treat recalcitrant
treating recalcitrant cutaneous warts. warts.
Currently, the treatment options for warts are
numerous and include physically destructive or Acknowledgements
immunomodulating modes of therapy. Examples None.
of destructive methods include cryotherapy, sali-
cylic acid, cantharidin, and paring or excision. Financial support and sponsorship
Topical immunotherapy examples include 5-fluo- None.
rouracil, imiquimod, and intralesional antigens. A
recent study looked at the efficacy of a contact Conflicts of interest
sensitizer known as squaric acid dibutylester
There are no conflicts of interest.
(SADBE), which causes a type IV hypersensitivity
reaction leading to cell-mediated response against
the hapten-bound viral proteins. Full long-term fol- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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