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NAMA: Ahmad zabrjadul lucky


NO ABS: 02

12. Work in pairs. Answer these questions based on the previous dialogue.
a. What's the topic of the dialogue?

b. What does 'It has erupted again and again' mean?

c. Did the SAR team come to help the people? How do you know?

d. What would have happened if the people had not been evacuated?

e. What will happen if the mountain does not erupt again?

f. How do we know if there is a natural disaster in a place?

g. Look at this sentence.

If there is news about a natural disaster in a place, people will quickly know

what's happening there through a satellite radio, TV, as well as the Internet and

send their donation to the affected place.

1) Is it a conditional sentence? Why?

2) What is the function?

3) What is the meaning of the sentence?

h. Make a short summary about conditional sentence type I. Your summary should

cover the pattern, the function and the meaning.

A. The eruption of mountain on North Sumatra

B. They're talking about the Mount Sinabung who kept erupting

C. Yes they did come to help, in the dialog Markus says that the SAR Team came to rescue.

D. Those people would have surely died

E. If the mountain wont erupt again, the people who live there will live in a peaceful way.

F. We can know what's happening quickly by satellite, Radio, TV, as well the Internet.

G. Look at this sentence.

"If there is news about a natural disaster in a place, people will quickly know what's happening there
through a satellite radio, TV, as well as the Internet and send their donation to the affected place.".

1) Yes, because there are two types of sentences which are as a condition and as a consequence.

2) To tell the situation about hypothetical situation and the following consequences

3) Jika ada berita tentang bencana alam di suatu tempat, orang akan segera tahu apa yang terjadi di sana
melalui radio satelit, TV, serta Internet dan mengirimkan sumbangan mereka ke tempat yang terkena

H. Conditional sentences are statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their
consequences. Complete conditional sentences contain a conditional clause (often referred to as the if-
clause) and the consequence

Pattern 1 : If + Conditional, Consequence

Pattern 2 : Consequence + If Conditional

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