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CLASSROOM DEBATE RUBRIC --Levels of Performance

Criteria Weak fair good excellent

Opening Does not show an Has attention getter: Attention getter Strong, effective attention
statement adequate Introduces main points interesting; Clearly getter; Team members
understanding of topic. of the topic with ease. understood the topic in- clearly understood topic in-
Uninteresting, Somewhat unrelated depth and presented depth and presented
unprepared; to what team information with ease; information forcefully and
background info did not presents; provides effective intro to convincingly
match what follows points that follow;


Closing closing mere summary closing mere summary closing effectively Closing effective sums up
Statement of team’s original provides call to action, all points raised by team
points without mention Strong summary not mere and opponents; closes on
of rebuttals restatement forcible clincher


Organization and Unclear in most parts; Clear in some parts Most clear and orderly in Completely clear and
Clarity: Viewpoints disorganized and but organization is not all parts; somewhat orderly presentation; logical
and responses difficult to follow logical logical in organization organization of major points
outlined clearly and and details


Use of Few or no relevant Some relevant Most reasons given: most Most relevant reasons given
Arguments: reasons given/ fallacies reasons given’ relevant; not overly in support; no fallacies in
Reasons are given in reasoning fallacies in reasoning logic used; reasons develop
to support used position effectively


Use of Examples Every point was not Every major point Every major point was Every major point was well
and Facts: supported. Examples supported with facts, adequately supported supported with several
Examples, and statistics are statistics and/or with relevant facts, relevant facts, statistics
statistics,and facts weak or non-existent examples, but statistics and/or examples and/or examples.
are given to relevance
support reasons. questionable

Use of Refutation: Ineffective, inaccurate Few effective counter- Most counter-arguments Each rebuttal responded to
Each argument and/or irrelevant arguments made but were accurate, relevant, with effective, relevant and
made by opposing counter-arguments several were weak and effective strong counter-argument
team responded to made
and dealt with


Use of Rebuttal: Off-topic, unsupported, Few of the points Most points are All points are thoughtful,
Response to illogical rebuttals raised raised are effective; thoughtful, effective, effective, relevant; points
points raised relevant; some relevant; points raised, raised, supported by
by opposing supported by research supported by research research


Presentation presentation style did Some features were gestures, eye contact, Consistently used gestures,
Style: Tone of not keep attention of used convincingly; tone of voice and level of eye contact, tone of voice
voice, volume, use audience; eye contact kept attention of enthusiasm that kept the and a level of enthusiasm in
of gestures, and weak; read from paper; audience some of the attention of audience. a way that kept the attention
enthusiasm are could not hear; tone time of the audience.
convincing monotone


Debate format
Opening Statement Presenter: (1)
Gathers the main arguments into an introductory statement. Provides general overview of the main
arguments, does not provide specific information.
Topic Presenters: (3)
Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that prove points A ,
B and C.

Rebuttal Presenters: ( 2)
Answer the arguments of the other team. These presenters must take notes as the other team is
presenting their arguments and respond to every argument, using specific information to disprove
Closing Statement Presenter:
Presents the closing arguments for the team. Repeats the main idea for this and states the reasons
(with necessary changes.)
Format of the debate
First day

Team A Welcomes and presents position in the introduction (done by opening statement
presenter.) (4 min)

Team A The three topic presenters will present their positions with supporting details. (3 minutes each)

Team B the team will present questions or points to refute Team A’s position. (Max 6 minutes)

Team A’s Rebuttal presenters will answer each argument, using specific information to disprove
the arguments. (max 6 minutes)

Team B will present respond to every argument, using specific information to disprove them. (max 6 minutes)

Closing statement (max 5 minutes)

Second day

Team B Welcomes and presents position in the introduction (done by opening statement
presenter.) (4 min)

Team B The three topic presenters will present their positions with supporting details. (3 minutes each)

Team A the team will present questions or points to refute Team B’s position. (Max 6 minutes)

Team B’s Rebuttal presenters will answer each argument, using specific information to disprove
the arguments. (max 6 minutes)

Team A will present respond to all arguments, using specific information to disprove them. (max 6 minutes)

Closing statement (max 5 minutes)

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