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Chapter 1

1 Punching Shear Examples

This chapter presents three examples comparing the results of a RAM Concept punching analysis with hand calculations.

The code used is ACI 318-05.

1.1 Hand Calculations of Rectangular Corner Column Example

Column size = 12" x 24"

Slab thickness = 8"

fc' = 5 ksi

d = 6.4"

Figure 1-1 Corner column reactions

The reactions at the centroid of the column are:

Vux = 26.0 kips

Mox = -44.3 kip-ft

Moy = -56.7 kip-ft

For the purposes of these calculations, we will assume the centroid of the column is located at coordinate (0, 0).

The coordinates of the long side of the critical section (from the origin at the center of the column) are (-12, -9.2) and (15.2,
-9.2) and its centroid is located at (1.6, -9.2). The length of this side is 27.2" and its area is 174.1 in2. Its angle is 0.

The coordinates of the short side are (15.2, 6) and (15.2, -9.2) and its centroid is located at (15.2, -1.6). The length of this
side is 15.2" and its area is 97.28 in2. Its angle is – Π ⁄ 2 .

The points used to calculate stresses are at each end of each side. To summarize, the long side properties:

End 1 - (-12, -9.2)

End 2 - (15.2, -9.2)

Centroid - (1.6, -9.2)

Length, L - 27.2 in

Area, A - 174.1 in2

RAM Concept 1
Chapter 1

Short side properties:

End 1 - (15.2, 6)

End 2 - (15.2, -9.2)

Centroid - (15.2, -1.6)

Length, L - 15.2 in

Area, A - 97.3 in2

Properties of the entire critical section:

(174.1 ⋅1.6) + (97.3 ⋅15.2)

x= = 6.48in
(174.1 + 97.3)
(174.1 ⋅ −9.2) + (97.3 ⋅ −1.6)
y= = −6.48in
(174.1 + 97.3)
bo = 15.2 + 27.2 = 42.4in
Again, these coordinates are referenced from the origin at the centroid of the column.

To calculate the moment of inertias for the critical section, we need to sum the inertias of the individual sides.

For the long side:

6.4 ⋅ 27.23
I xx =
( )
sin 2 0 + 27.2 ⋅ 6.4(−6.48 + 9.2) 2 = 1,288in 4

6.4 ⋅ 27.23
I yy =
( )
cos 2 0 + 27.2 ⋅ 6.4(6.48 − 1.6) 2 = 14,878in 4

6.4 ⋅ 27.23
I xy = (sin 0 ⋅ cos 0) + 27.2 ⋅ 6.4(6.48 − 1.6)(−6.48 + 9.2) = 2,311in 4
For the short side:

6.4 ⋅15.23  2  π 
I xx = sin  − 2  + 15.2 ⋅ 6.4(−6.48 + 1.6) = 4,190in
2 4

12   
6.4 ⋅15.23  2  π 
I yy = cos  − 2  + 15.2 ⋅ 6.4(6.48 − 15.2) = 7,397in
2 4

12   
6.4 ⋅15.2   π   π 
I xy = sin  −  cos −  + 15.2 ⋅ 6.4(6.48 − 15.2)(−6.48 + 1.6) = 4,140in 4
12   2   2 
Properties for the entire critical section:

I xx = 1,288 + 4,190 = 5,478in 4

I yy = 14,878 + 7,397 = 22,275in 4
I xy = 2,311 + 4,140 = 6,451in 4

2 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

Now we need to calculate the moments at the centroid of the critical section:

M ux = −44.3(12) + 26.0 ⋅ (0 + 6.48) = −363.1kip − in

M uy = −56.7(12) − 26.0 ⋅ (0 − 6.48) = −511.9kip − in
We need to calculate the gamma factor for moments about each axis. The gamma factors in Concept are always calculated
about the principal axes of each section. First, we need to find the orientation of the principal axes:

2 I xy
tan 2θ =
I yy − I xx
tan 2θ =
22,275 − 5,478
θ = 0.3275rad
This angle defines a local set of axes x' and y' rotated about the centroid of the critical section. About this set of axes, from
the geometry of the problem the x' maximum section width is 30.64 inch and the y' maximum section width is 14.38 inch.

Figure 1-2 Rotated axes according to principal axes calculation

γ vx ' = 1 − = 0.3135
2 14.38
3 30.64
γ vy ' = 1 − = 0.4932
2 30.64
3 14.38

These gamma factors are calculated and need to be applied about the principal axes of the section. However, it is more
convenient to calculate the stresses based upon the section properties we have already calculated about the global x and y
axes. In order to accomplish both requirements, we will transform the global axis forces to the critical section principal axes,
apply the gamma factors, then transform them back to the global x and y axes:

M ux ' = M ux cos θ + M uy sin θ

M uy ' = − M ux sin θ + M uy cos θ

M ux ' = −363.1 cos(0.3275) − 511.9 sin(0.3275) = −508.5kip − in

M uy ' = 363.1sin(0.3275) − 511.9 cos(0.3275) = −367.9kip − in

RAM Concept 3
Chapter 1

Apply gamma factors to these numbers:

γM ux ' = −508.5(0.3135) = −159.4kip − in

γM uy ' = −367.9(0.4932) = −181.4kip − in
Transform the forces back to the global axes:

γM ux = −159.4 cos(−0.3275) − 181.4 sin( −0.3275) = −92.57kip − in

γM uy = 159.4 sin( −0.3275) − 181.4 cos(−0.3275) = −223.03kip − in
Now we are ready to calculate the stresses for each side.

Long side

End 1-

vu =
(− 9.2 + 6.48) ⋅ [− 92.57 ⋅ 22,275 + −223.03 ⋅ 6,451]
42.4 ⋅ 6.4 5,478 ⋅ 22,275 − 6, 4512

(− 12 − 6.48) ⋅ [− 223.03 ⋅ 5,478 + −92.57 ⋅ 6,451] = −0.204ksi
5,478 ⋅ 22,275 − 6, 4512
End 2-

vu =
(− 9.2 + 6.48) ⋅ [− 92.57 ⋅ 22,275 + −223.03 ⋅ 6,451]
42.4 ⋅ 6.4 5,478 ⋅ 22,275 − 6, 4512

(15.2 − 6.48) ⋅ [− 223.03 ⋅ 5,478 + −92.57 ⋅ 6,451] = 0.411ksi
5,478 ⋅ 22,275 − 6, 4512
Short side

End 1-

vu =
(6 + 6.48) ⋅ [− 92.57 ⋅ 22,275 + −223.03 ⋅ 6,451]
42.4 ⋅ 6.4 5,478 ⋅ 22,275 − 6,4512

(15.2 − 6.48) ⋅ [− 223.03 ⋅ 5,478 + −92.57 ⋅ 6,451] = −0.250ksi
5, 478 ⋅ 22, 275 − 6,4512
End 2-

Same point as End 2 for the long side, resulting in an identical stress. Comparing the calculations to the resulting output, we
see that the results are correct. Please note that our calculated stresses are in ksi, while the graphically reported stresses are
in psi.

Figure 1-3 Punching shear stresses

4 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

1.2 Hand Calculations of Rectangular Edge Column with Moment Example

Column size = 24" x 36"

Slab thickness=7"

fc' = 5 ksi

d = 5.625"

Figure 1-4 Edge column reactions

The reactions at the centroid of the column are:

Vux = 41.9 kips

Mox = 0 kip-ft

Moy = -84.5 kip-ft

For the purposes of these calculations, we will assume the centroid of the column is located at coordinate (0, 0).

The properties of the sides of the critical section are:

Side 1

End 1 - (-18, 14.81)

End 2 - (20.81, 14.81)

Centroid - (1.41, 14.81)

Length - 38.81 in

Area - 218.32 in2

Angle - 0

Side 2

End 1 - (20.81, 14.81)

End 2 - (20.81, -14.81)

Centroid - (20.81, 0)

Length - 29.63 in

RAM Concept 5
Chapter 1

Area - 166.64 in2

Angle - – Π ⁄ 2 .

Side 3

End 1 - (20.81, -14.81)

End 2 - (-18, -14.81)

Centroid - (1.41, -14.81)

Length - 38.81 in

Area - 218.32 in2

Angle - – Π .

Properties of the entire critical section:

2(218.32 ⋅1.41) + (166.64 ⋅ 20.81)

x= = 6.77in
(2(218.32) + 166.64)
(218.32 ⋅14.81) + (218.32 ⋅ −14.81) + 0
y= = 0in
(2(218.32) + 166.64)
bo = 38.81 + 29.63 + 38.81 = 107.25in
Again, these coordinates are referenced from the origin at the centroid of the column.

To calculate the moment of inertias for the critical section, we need to sum the inertias of the individual sides.

For side 1:

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xx =
( )
sin 2 0 + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(0 − 14.81) 2 = 47,882in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I yy =
( )
cos 2 0 + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41) 2 = 33,673in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xy = (sin 0 ⋅ cos 0) + 38.81⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41)(0 − 14.81) = −17,330in 4
For side 2:

5.625 ⋅ 29.633  2 π 
I xx =  sin (− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(0 − 0) = 12,194in
2 4

12  2 
5.625 ⋅ 29.633  2 π 
I yy =  cos (− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 20.81) = 32,854in
2 4

12  2 
5.625 ⋅ 29.633  π π 
I xy =  sin( − ) ⋅ cos(− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 20.81)(0 − 0) = 0in

12  2 2 

6 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

For side 3:

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xx =
( )
sin 2 π + 38.81⋅ 5.625(0 + 14.81) 2 = 47,882in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I yy =
( )
cos 2 π + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41) 2 = 33,673in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xy = (sin π ⋅ cos π ) + 38.81⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41)(0 + 14.81) = 17,330in 4
Properties for the entire critical section:

I xx = 2(47,882) + 12,194 = 107,958in 4

I yy = 2(33,673) + 32,854 = 100,200in 4
I xy = −17,330 + 17,330 = 0in 4
Now we need to calculate the moments at the centroid of the critical section:

M ux = 0 + 41.9 ⋅ (0 − 0) = 0kip − in
M uy = −84.5(12) − 41.9 ⋅ (0 − 6.77) = −730.3kip − in
Lastly we need to calculate the gamma factor for moments about each axis:

γ vx = 1 − = 0.3681
2 29.63
3 38.81
γ vy = 1 − = 0.4328
2 38.81
3 29.63
Now we are ready to calculate the stresses for each side.

Side 1

End 1-

vu =
(14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(− 18 − 6.77 )⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = −0.009ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
End 2-

vu =
(14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(20.81 − 6.77 ) ⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.114ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

RAM Concept 7
Chapter 1

Side 3

End 1-

vu =
(− 14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(20.81 − 6.77 ) ⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.114ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
End 2-

vu =
(− 14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(− 18 − 6.77 )⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ −730.3 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = −.009ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
Side 2 points coincide with Side 1, end 2 and Side 3, end 1, with identical stresses. Comparing the calculations to the
resulting output, we see that the results are correct. Please note that our calculated stresses are in ksi, while the graphically
reported stresses are in psi.

Figure 1-5 Punching shear stresses

1.3 Hand Calculations of Rectangular Edge Column with No Moment Example

Column size = 24" x 36"

Slab thickness = 7"

fc' = 5 ksi

d = 5.625"

If we release the fixity at the top of the column from the previous example, the corresponding moment reactions are shown
in Figure 1-6.

8 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

Figure 1-6 Edge column reactions

Given that there is no moment on the column, it might be tempting to think that the resulting stress distribution around the
critical section would be uniform. However, it is clear to see that this is not the case from the free body diagram below. The
diagram is an elevation of the column with the associated critical section. With a uniform stress distribution, the resultant
force Vu is applied at the centroid of the critical section. Because there is an eccentricity between the centroid of the critical
section and the centroid of the column, a uniform stress distribution would require a column reaction of:

M u = Vu ⋅ e

Figure 1-7 Resultant and reaction for an edge column with uniform shear stress

RAM Concept 9
Chapter 1

So, in order to create a situation where the moment reaction on the column is 0, the resultant force from the stress
distribution will need to be applied at the centroid of the column. This will require a non-uniform stress distribution with the
largest downward shear stress occurring at the free edge of the slab, as shown below.

Figure 1-8 Resultant and reaction for a pinned edge column

The reactions at the centroid of the column are:

Vux = 37.1 kips

Mox = 0 kip-ft

Moy = 0 kip-ft

For the purposes of these calculations, we will assume the centroid of the column is located at coordinate (0, 0).

The properties of the sides of the critical section are:

Side 1

End 1 - (-18, 14.81)

End 2 - (20.81, 14.81)

Centroid - (1.41, 14.81)

Length - 38.81 in

Area - 218.32 in2

Angle - 0

10 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

Side 2

End 1 - (20.81, 14.81)

End 2 - (20.81, -14.81)

Centroid - (20.81, 0)

Length - 29.63 in

Area - 166.64 in2

Angle - – Π ⁄ 2 .

Side 3

End 1 - (20.81, -14.81)

End 2 - (-18, -14.81)

Centroid - (1.41, -14.81)

Length - 38.81 in

Area - 218.32 in2

Angle - – Π .

Properties of the entirecritical section:

2(218.32 ⋅1.41) + (166.64 ⋅ 20.81)

x= = 6.77in
(2(218.32) + 166.64)
(218.32 ⋅14.81) + (218.32 ⋅ −14.81) + 0
y= = 0in
(2(218.32) + 166.64)
bo = 38.81 + 29.63 + 38.81 = 107.25in
Again, these coordinates are referenced from the origin at the centroid of the column.

To calculate the moment of inertias for the critical section, we need to sum the inertias of the individual sides.

For side 1:

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xx =
( )
sin 2 0 + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(0 − 14.81) 2 = 47,882in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I yy =
( )
cos 2 0 + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41) 2 = 33,673in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xy = (sin 0 ⋅ cos 0) + 38.81⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41)(0 − 14.81) = −17,330in 4

RAM Concept 11
Chapter 1

For side 2:

5.625 ⋅ 29.633  2 π 
I xx =  sin (− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(0 − 0) = 12,194in
2 4

12  2 
5.625 ⋅ 29.633  2 π 
I yy =  cos (− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 20.81) = 32,854in
2 4

12  2 
5.625 ⋅ 29.633  π π 
I xy =  sin( − ) ⋅ cos(− )  + 29.63 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 20.81)(0 − 0) = 0in

12  2 2 
For side 3:

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xx =
( )
sin 2 π + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(0 + 14.81) 2 = 47,882in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I yy =
( )
cos 2 π + 38.81 ⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41) 2 = 33,673in 4

5.625 ⋅ 38.813
I xy = (sin π ⋅ cos π ) + 38.81⋅ 5.625(6.77 − 1.41)(0 + 14.81) = 17,330in 4
Properties for the entire critical section:

I xx = 2(47,882) + 12,194 = 107,958in 4

I yy = 2(33,673) + 32,854 = 100,200in 4
I xy = −17,330 + 17,330 = 0in 4
Now we need to calculate the moments at the centroid of the critical section:

M ux = 0 + 37.1 ⋅ (0 − 0) = 0kip − in
M uy = 0 − 37.1 ⋅ (0 − 6.77) = 251.2kip − in
Lastly we need to calculate the gamma factor for moments about each axis:

γ vx = 1 − = 0.3681
2 29.63
3 38.81
γ vy = 1 − = 0.4328
2 38.81
3 29.63

Now we are ready to calculate the stresses for each side.

Side 1

End 1-

vu =
(14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(− 18 − 6.77 )⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.088ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

12 RAM Concept
Chapter 1

End 2-

vu =
(14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(20.81 − 6.77 ) ⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.046ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
Side 3

End 1-

vu =
(− 14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(20.81 − 6.77 ) ⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.046ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
End 2-

vu =
(− 14.81 − 0) ⋅ [0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅100,200 + 0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅ 0]
107.25 ⋅ 5.625 107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2

(− 18 − 6.77 ) ⋅ [0.4328 ⋅ 251.2 ⋅107,958 + 0.3681⋅ 0 ⋅ 0] = 0.088ksi
107,958 ⋅100,200 − 0 2
Side 2 points coincide with Side 1, end 2 and Side 3, end 1, with identical stresses. Comparing the calculations to the
resulting output, we see that the results are correct. Please note that our calculated stresses are in ksi, while the graphically
reported stresses are in psi.

Figure 1-9 Punching shear stresses

RAM Concept 13
Chapter 1

14 RAM Concept

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