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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboangadel Norte
Gov. GuadingAdaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Philippines
Registration No. 62Q17082

Human Resources Management

Midterm Examination
Name: Date:
Year & Program: Score:
I. Select the best answer. Afterwards, encircle the incorrect letters. Erasures
and alterations shall invalidate your answer.
1. The following are the other m’s in the organization which are acquired and
utilized by men, except for one. Which one is it?
a. Money
b. Machines
c. Materials
d. Manpower
e. Methods
f. Markets
2. Statement I.An organization may start with zero funding; but with
creative, resourceful, hardworking and honest people, it
becomes financially liable.
Statement II. An organization cannot start with zero funding because money
is the most important source in the organization.
a. Statement I is true while statement II is false.
b. Statement II is true while state I is false.
c. Both statements are absolutely correct.
d. Neither statement I nor statement II is correct.
3. “The only resource which can have an output greater than the sum of its
parts is human resource.”
a. Tomas Andres
b. Fred Luthans
c. Peter Drucker
d. Sam Walton
4. The following are the primary concern of the organization for its people to
become assets that will contribute to organization growth and development.
Which of the following does not belong to the group?
i. Personal
ii. Needs and values
iii. Career development
iv. Educational broadening
v. Professional
vi. Promotion and work orientation
vii. Philosophy
b. ii, iii, iv, vi
c. ii, iv, vi, vii
d. i, iii, v
e. none
5. It is the art and science of acquiring, motivating, maintaining and
developing people in their jobs in light of their personal, professional and
technical knowledge, skills, potentialities, needs and values and in
synchronization with the achievement of individual, organization and
society’s goals.
a. Human resources department
b. Human resources management
c. Personnel management
d. General management
e. Either b or c
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f. Either c or d
g. None of the above
6. The domain of general management are as follows, except for one –
a. Man
b. Money
c. Machine
d. Methods
e. Materials
f. Market
g. None of the above
7. Statement I: Personnel management is subsumed in human resources
Statement II: Human resources management involves only man.
a. Statement I is true while statement II is false.
b. Statement II is true while state I is false.
c. Both statements are absolutely correct.
d. Neither statement I nor statement II is correct.
8. This function of the human resources management starts with the planning of
human resources in relation to available jobs.
a. Development
b. Maintenance
c. Acquisition
d. Job organization and information
9. This phase of the function of the human resources management consists of
knowing the demand and supply of the resources and integrating it into the
strategy of acquiring more or retrenching the force in light of the
organization needs and goals.
a. Development
b. Maintenance
c. Acquisition
d. Job organization and information
10. This phase of the function of the human resources management includes
recruitment, screening, selection, and placement of employees.
a. Development
b. Maintenance
c. Acquisition
d. Job organization and information
11. Statement I: Personnel management includes basically the rank and
file employees or workers.
Statement II: all those who help in the achievement of organization goals
from top to bottom level of the organization are covered in the more
embracing umbrella of human resources management.
a. Statement I is true while statement II is false.
b. Statement II is true while state I is false.
c. Both statements are absolutely correct.
d. Neither statement I nor statement II is correct.
12. Human resources department is tasked with various services while
personnel management has been offering relatively limited services.
a. The statement above is absolutely incorrect.
b. The statement above needs to be proven through further research.
c. The statement above is absolutely correct.
d. The statement above is neither correct nor incorrect.
13. Statement I: Personnel management views people as an investment and
a resource.
Statement II: Human resources management views people as an expense and a
factor of production.
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a. Statement I is true while statement II is false.
b. Statement II is true while state I is false.
c. Both statements are absolutely incorrect.
d. Neither statement I nor statement II is correct.
14. This department generally requires highly skilled and innovative
people to provide new goods, services, and methods.
a. Research and development department
b. Administrative department
c. Selling and product service department
d. Administration and general service department
15. Where political stability, expression of ideas and opportunities for
innovation are curtailed; the desire for humane and participative avenues
stands strong at a cover letter.
a. Economic environment
b. Political environment
c. Education environment
d. None of the above
16. Where masses are enlightened through training, education and mass
media like in the post war, martial law and post martial law periods, the
workers become conscious of their rights, even risking their lives in their
defense of these.
a. Economic environment
b. Political environment
c. Education environment
d. None of the above
17. Where the windfall of trade, business and industry is robust and there
is plenty of activity like in the post war period, employment is high. The
concomitant need is felt to regulate employment conditions to maintain and
sustain motivation and interest among management and workers.
a. Economic environment
b. Political environment
c. Education environment
d. None of the above
18. The most important, potent, and critical resource of any organization,
and yet are the least understood and the worst managed of its resources.
a. Human beings
b. Manpower
c. People
d. Men
19. The structure created as a result of the grouping of functioning
segments like departments, divisions, sections and units that work into a
harmonious relationship so that all the different processes within the
system can operate efficiently and effectively.
a. Division
b. Department
c. Organization
d. Community
20. The three dimensions of organization structure are the following,
except –
a. Structure of skills
b. Structure of qualifications
c. Structure of rewards
d. Structure of authority
e. None of the above
21. Comprises the number of subsystems, departments, sections and units of
the organization.
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a. Height of the organization
b. Width of the organization
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
22. Refers to the degree of centralization or decentralization of decision
making normally expressed in terms of the four given measures.
a. Width of the organization
b. Height of the organization
c. Span of control
d. Decision making
e. Structure of authority
23. Refers to the existing number of levels, statuses and positions in the
a. Height of the organization
b. Width of the organization
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
24. Refers to the number of employees supervised at a various levels of
the organization.
a. Width of the organization
b. Height of the organization
c. Span of control
d. Decision making
25. This function of human resources management includes training and
education that aim to upgrade knowledge and skills and improve attitudes of
both the managers and the rank and file workers.
a. Job organization and information
b. Acquisition
c. Development
d. Maintenance
26. This function comprises motivation, compensation administration,
rewards and sanctions, performance evaluation, benefits, services,
maintenance of discipline and working conditions that are necessary for
worker retention.
a. Job organization and information
b. Acquisition
c. Development
d. Maintenance
27. Statement I: Any individual who plans to be a Human Resources
Department Manager or any type of manager for that matter, should start
assessing his own personal qualities before he receives
professional training or education.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly correct
d. Partly incorrect
28. Statement II: Any individual, who plans to be a Human Resources
Department Manager or any type of manager for that matter, should start
assessing his professional qualifications before he receives
professional training or education.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly correct
d. Partly incorrect
29. Statement III: Any individual, who plans to be a Human Resources
Department Manager or any type of manager for that matter, should start
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assessing his work experience before he receives professional training
or education.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly correct
d. Partly incorrect
30. The organizational structure of the human resources department becomes
wider as the number of services it offers increases.
a. The statement above is absolutely incorrect.
b. The statement above needs to be proven through further research.
c. The statement above is absolutely correct.
d. The statement above is neither correct nor incorrect.
31. The human resources department is either a separate department or is
integrated with another department of an organization.
a. The statement above is absolutely incorrect.
b. The statement above needs to be proven through further research.
c. The statement above is absolutely correct.
d. The statement above is neither correct nor incorrect.
32. This phase consists of the determination of the duties,
responsibilities, working conditions and working relationships of and
between jobs and the qualifications of the employees who should man each
a. Job analysis
b. Job design
c. Job evaluation
d. Job organization and information
e. None of the above
33. Refers to the content of the job, specifically the following items –
job title, code number, division/ department, nature of the job, duties and
responsibilities, methods and tools used, hours of work the person the
worker is responsible to, funds and properties responsible for, compensation
and benefits, hazards and risks, potentialities for promotions.
a. Job analysis
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job organization and information
e. None of the above
34. The costing of each job attaching to it its proper money value.
a. Job rating
b. Job analysis
c. Job description
d. Job organization and information
e. None of the above
35. This record is an enumeration of the qualifications of the employee
who is supposed to be appointed for the job that is described.
a. Job analysis
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job organization and information
e. None of the above
36. The process of anticipating the manpower needs of the organization in
light of its goals and putting them into formal written form of
a. Acquisition of human resources
b. Job planning
c. Job designing
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d. Human resources planning
e. None of the above
37. The following are the steps in human resources planning. Arranged them
in its proper order.
i. Surveying of existing human resources
ii. Identifying errors and plans of the organization
iii. Determining overstaffing and understaffing
iv. Projecting manpower requirements of plans
v. Projecting available manpower resources
b. ii-iv-iii-v-i
c. ii-iii-iv-v-i
d. ii-i-iii-v-iv
e. ii-iv-i-v-iii
f. The above steps are properly ordered, thus re-arranging it is not
II. Give what is asked in the situation. Erasures and alterations shall
invalidate your answer.
The functions of the human resources department can be categorized according to
its five functions.
a. Job Organization and Information
b. Acquisition
c. Maintenance
d. Development
e. Research on human resources
Choose among the functions listed above whether where the statement of each item,
as followed, belongs. Write only the letter of your choice after each statement.
38. Prepares short and long range plans for training and education for the
entire organization from top management to rank and file.
39. Develops a sound compensation program for the entire company.
40. Prepares periodically a list of possible research projects on human
resources that can be conducted by the organization and by external groups.
41. Develops and administers job evaluation programs for the entire
42. Takes care of management in negotiations over labor contracts.
43. Recommends to top management some external organizations that can be
commissioned to conduct studies that the organization itself may not be able
to perform.

III. Illustrate the paradigm of human resources management function completely

and legibly. Draw it on the vacant portion (below) of this paper. (15 points)

“We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is

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