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Notes of Pakistan Studies BBA 2nd Semester Class No.


Aims and objectives of the establishment of Pakistan
Following factors can be said to be the objectives of the establishment of Pakistan.
1. Enforcement of the Sovereignty of God Almighty
The prime objective of the demand of the Pakistan was the establishment of a State where
Almighty God’s supremacy could be enforced and where a government based on the Islamic
principles could be instituted, The Quaid-e-Azam said “we did not demand Pakistan to acquire a
place of Land, but we wanted a homeland where we could introduce Islamic principles”
2. Establishment of Islamic Democracy
One of the main objectives of the freedom movement was that the Muslims of the sub-continent
wanted a country where the ideal system of Islamic democracy could be installed. In Islamic
democratic system everyone is equal and no one enjoys a privileged position on the basis of the
social status, color or creed. The Khalifa, the ‘Naib’ of God on earth, strictly follows the
principles of Islam and Sunnah in the administration of the state affairs. The Khalifa has dual
accountability; on earth he is responsible to the people and in heaven to the God almighty.
3. Revival of Muslim Image and Identity
In the United India the Muslims were dominated by the Hindus in every social Field. The
Muslims were not in position to compete with the Hindus because of their backwardness in
education and politics. The Hindus had adopted a prejudicial attitude which blocked all channels
to prosperity and progress for the Muslims. The national image and identity of the Muslims was
in great jeopardy because of the Hindu hatred and antagonism. If the British would have left the
country as a united India, the Muslims would have fallen a humble prey to the perpetual Hindu
domination and caprice. The demand for Pakistan was aimed at protecting the Muslims from this
Hindu domination and subjugation and also at the revival to the Muslim Identity and National
Image which was in disastrous jeopardy in the united India.
4. Protection of Muslim Culture and Civilization
The Hindus always desired to crush the Muslims as a nation and ultimately to merge them into
Hindu society. Several attempts were made by the Hindus to erase the Muslim culture and
civilization. Hindi-Urdu controversy, Suddi and Sanghtan movements are the most glaring
examples to the ignoble Hindu mentality. These attempts were aimed at the total elimination of
Muslim culture in order to merge it into Hindu culture and Nationalism.
One of the great objective of the Pakistan movement was the protection of Muslim culture and to
save it from Hindu domination. The Muslims were not prepared to accept Hindu superiority over
them. They were very much alive to their sense of supremacy as separate and distinct nation. In
fact, this feeling of separateness was motivating element of the Pakistan movement. The Muslim
wanted to give stability to their nationhood which was not possible in the United India under the
Hindu hegemony. The Muslim therefore, decided to separate themselves from the Hindus in
order to safeguard their cultural values.
5. Two Nation Theory
Sir Syed Ahmed khan was the first Muslim leader who propounded this theory. In the beginning
he was a staunch advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity. Later on while observing the prejudiced
Hindu and Congress attitude toward the Muslims, he came forward with his Two-Nation concept
and declared that the Muslims were a separate nation having their own culture and civilization.
The establishment of Pakistan further strengthened the Two-Nation concept which meant that
Pakistan would be a country where Islamic principles would be followed. With the creation of
Pakistan, it became possible for the Muslims to mould their lives according to the principles of

University of Balochistan, Sub-campus Kharan

Notes of Pakistan Studies BBA 2nd Semester Class No. 2

6. Emancipation from the Prejudicial Hindu majority

The Muslims came to India with conquering armies and permanently settled there in the Indian
society, though maintaining their separate identity. The conversion of Hindus to Islam, in the
later stages, caused the population of India to undergo a gradual change. With lapse of time the
Muslims came to form one-fourth of the total population of India.
The Muslims belonged to all walks of life and understandably dominated in all spheres of social
life during their rule. The Arab conquest was blessing for the sub-continent which attained
maximum economic prosperity during Muslim rule. The Muslims domination aroused Hindu
jealousy who had to live under the Muslim hegemony in spite of their numerical majority.
With the advent of the British ruled the Muslims lost their empire and political supremacy. The
British extended favors to the Hindus in view of their numerical strength in order to win their co-
operation The Hindus who were eagerly looking for an opportunity to settle their old score with
the Muslims, for living under their subjugation for centuries, were very happy on the turn of the
events. They quickly snatched the golden opportunity, offered to them by their new masters, and
joined hands with the new rulers of India for the elimination of the Muslims from the Indian
The British and the Hindus adopted a cruel policy of mass exodus against the Muslims to erase
them as a nation and subsequently merge them in the Hindu nationalism. This policy created
great difficulties tor the Muslims in their social life. The congress ministries further strengthened
the Muslim suspicions, who were now fully convinced that there was no other way then
separating themselves from the Hindus in order to avoid total elimination. The demand for
Pakistan was based on this very feeling that the Muslims should be emancipated from the
clutches of the eternal Hindu domination.
7. Establishment of a Balanced Economic system
The economic condition of the Muslims, before partition was deplorable. The Hindus had
monopolized commerce and trade. The Muslims were not in a position to enter in the business
and trade because of biased policy of the government. After the war of independence of 1857, the
British Government had banned Muslim entry into government service. All high civil and
military positions were reserved for the Hindus. The Muslims were only considered eligible for
peon’s and low raking jobs. The Government had confiscated estates and properties of the
Muslims to punish them for their involvement in the war of independence. The agricultural land
was mostly owned by the Hindus who fully exploited the Muslim cultivators. The government
policy provided no shelter to the Muslims for earning their sustenance in a respectable manner.
The Muslims also lagged behind in the field of education. The Hindus on the other hand had
advanced in modern Knowledge and were in a better position. The ignorance in education also
played havoc with the economic condition of the Muslims as they were not capable of getting
reasonable job.
These measures and biased policies of the government badly affected the condition of Muslims.
Their future as nation destined to be ruined and they reached at the lowest ebb of their social and
economic life in India. The inexorable economic exploitation of the Muslims at the hands of the
British and Hindus, compelled them to think about their separate homeland for their economic
security. They wanted a country where they could erect a social and economic system free of
exploitation and which could pull them out to show them a new horizon of life.
The economic system of Islam is based on the balanced principles which do not permit an
individual to keep wealth and economic resources more than one’s needs and requirements. By
the systems of Zakat and Ushr, extra wealth is extracted from the people and distributed amongst
the poorer and more needy persons of the society to maintain economic balance.

University of Balochistan, Sub-campus Kharan

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