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Temperature Detection with ESP8266

Components Required:
Temperature sensor LM35, ESP8266,2-channel Relay,
Software Required:
Arduino IDE.
Temperature Sensor LM35:

1) VCC
2) Output
3) Ground
LM35 is a measuring device used to measure the temperature .Temperature is
used to measure the temperature through the analog pin which is proportional
to current temperature value.

2-Channel Relay:
The relay module is a separate hardware device used for
remote device switching. With it you can remotely control devices over a
network or the Internet. Switching is done through electromagnetic switch.
Working :
STEP 1: Esp8266 GPIO pin is connected to the analog pin of the
temperature sensor,Ground is connected to the ground pin, vcc is connected the
STEP 2: Once the code is dumped into the esp8266 Temperature sensor
will detect the temperature and display in serial monitor. Voltage calculated in
analog pin is converted to the temperature through the formula,
Formula To Convert Voltage to Temperature Value
Temperature sensor outputs the analog signal which is
proportional to the instantaneous temperature .The obtained voltage can be
easily interrupted to temperature in Celsius using the above mentioned formula.

STEP 3: The calculated temperature value is displayed in serial Monitor.

STEP 4: Connect with Blynk:
1.Install the Blynk App from play store or Apple store.
2.Sign in with Google or any other service.
3.Create new project by pressing + button on the top right of the
4.Create Textbox widget in your project.
5.Add virtual pin your widget button,Here I used V0 Pin.
6. After finishing project you will Authentication no. to your mail.
7.Add Authentication to the firmware.
8.Add ssid and Password of the hotspot
9.Set virtual Pin V0 in code display the Temperature value
10.Code is dumped into the esp board and now phone and board are
connected through the wifi
11.Temprature value will be displayed in Blynk app.
STEP 5: IN 1 in 2-channel relay is connected to the GPIO pin of ESP8266
and VCC to 5v and Ground is connected to the ground
STEP 6: 2-channelrelay model is used to turn on the in-built led if the
temperature is greater than 30 degree else turn off the led .

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