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Web Browser Performance Perception: Survey Questionnaire



Thank you for participating in our survey about web browser performance. As you answer the questions, please do
your best in recalling your experience using a web browser on the desktop or laptop you use most often.

Please click the next question button to begin.


Q1. What country do you live in? [Select One] Terminate if US or India not selected. Terminate if does not match
a. United States
b. India
c. Canada [Screen Out]
d. United Kingdom [Screen Out]
e. Mexico [Screen Out]
f. Japan [Screen Out]
g. Other [Please Specify] [Screen Out]

Q2. Which web browser are you using to complete this survey? [Select One] Randomize; Screen out if choice does
not match browser being used
a. Apple Safari
b. Google Chrome
c. Microsoft Edge
d. Mozilla Firefox
e. Opera
f. Internet Explorer
g. UC Browser [Flag if selected for US]
h. Other [Please Specify] [Screen Out] [Anchor at end of list]
i. Don’t know [Screen Out] [Anchor at end of list]

Q3. Which of the following devices do you use to browse the internet? [Select All That Apply]
a. Computer – Desktop / Laptop (includes 2:1 devices) [Screen Out if not Selected]
b. Tablet
c. Mobile Phone
d. Other Smart Device (Smart TV, Smart Watch, etc.)

Q4. On average, how many hours a day do you spend browsing the Internet? [Select One]
a. I do spend time browsing the Internet, but less than 1 hour per day
b. 1 hour to less than 2
c. 2 hours to less than 3
d. 3 hours to less than 4
e. 4 hours to less than 5
f. 5 hours to less than 6

g. 6 hours to less than 7
h. 7 hours to less than 8
i. 8 hours to less than 9
j. 9 or more hours
k. I don’t spend time browsing the Internet [Screen Out] [SHOW first on the list on screen]

Between Q5, Q6, and Q7: Respondents only qualify if they select a or b for at least 5 of the 8 statements and
select a for at least 2 of the 8 statements.
Q5. How well does each of the following statements describe you? [Select One per Row]
a. Always describes me
b. Often describes me
c. Somewhat describes me
d. Occasionally describes me
e. Does not describe me at all
a. Fulfilment does not come from doing more “things”; it’s doing the right thing at the right time
b. I am first among my friends to try new experiences
c. I will try new technology if it will help me be more productive
d. I feel fulfilled when I check things off my list
e. I must use a calendar, planner, to-do list, or organization app to help me manage my time or I feel

Q6. How important is keeping up with cultural or social trends? [Select One]
a. Always important
b. Often important
c. Somewhat important
d. Occasionally important
e. Not important at all

Q7. How strongly do you agree with the following statements? [Select One per Row]
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither agree nor disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
a. I frequently try new technology / products before other people do
b. Technology helps make the world a better place

Q8. Which of the following activities do you do on your main PC? [Select One per Row]
a. I do this daily
b. I do this weekly
c. I do this sometimes
d. I never do this activity
e. Don’t Know [Screen Out if selected for all rows]
a. Play PC based video games
b. Stream movies and videos

c. Create content (photos, videos, websites, graphics, etc.)
d. Develop software/code
e. Perform data analysis and visualization
f. Heavy web usage (web browsing making up 50% of the activity on my PC)

Q9. What best describes the activities that you perform daily/weekly? [Select One per Row] Only show rows that
were indicated as column code a and b in Q8
a. This activity is part of my full-time job
b. This activity is part of my part-time job
c. This activity is part of a side job/ side hustle
d. This activity is part of my hobby
e. I don’t do this activity [Screen Out]
a. Play PC based video games
b. Stream movies and videos
c. Create content (photos, videos, websites, graphics, etc.)
d. Develop software/code
e. Perform data analysis and visualization
f. Heavy web usage (web browsing making up 50% of the activity on my PC)

Q10. How many hours a day do you do each of these activities? [Select One per Row] Only show rows that were
indicated as column code a and b in Q8
a. Less than an hour
b. 1 hour – 2 hours
c. 2 hours – 3hours
d. 3 hours – 4 hours
e. More than 4 hours a day
f. I don’t do this activity [Screen Out]
a. Play PC based video games
b. Stream movies and videos
c. Create content (photos, videos, websites, graphics, etc.)
d. Develop software/code
e. Perform data analysis and visualization
f. Browse the web


Hover over definition for PC – A desktop, laptop, notebook, or professional tablet computer
Display the following text before in a separate screen before the rest of the survey: In the following section we
would like to better understand your usage of web browsers and the devices on which you browse the internet.
Please use your experience of browsing the internet on the PC you use most often.

Q13. What web browser is the primary browser you use? [Select One]
a. Apple Safari
b. Google Chrome
c. Microsoft Edge
d. Mozilla Firefox

e. Opera
f. Internet Explorer
g. UC Browser [Flag if selected for US]
h. Other [Please Specify] [Screen Out] [Anchor at end of list]
i. Don’t know [Screen Out] [Anchor at end of list]

Q14. What best describes how you feel about your primary web browser? [Select One]
a. I love my web browser and would never switch to another browser
b. I love my browser, but would be willing to switch for major feature updates
c. I like my browser and it needs a few updates, but I would not switch to another browser
d. I like my browser, it needs a few updates, and I would be willing to switch to another browser
e. I don’t really like my browser and am actively looking for a different browser to switch to
f. I don’t really like my browser, but am not willing to switch to another browser

Q17. What brand/manufacturer makes the PC on which you browse the internet most often? [Select One]
a. Acer
b. Apple
c. Dell
d. HP
e. Lenovo
f. LG QC check, flag if selected
g. Microsoft
h. Samsung
i. Other [Please specify]

Q18. How long ago was the PC on which you browse the internet most often purchased? [Select One]
a. 0 to 6 months
b. 7 months to less than 1 year
c. 1 to less than 2 years
d. 2 to less than 3 years
e. 3+ years
f. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Flag]

Q19. What was the price point at purchase for the PC on which you browse the internet most often? [Select One]
a. <$300
b. $300 – $499
c. $500 – $799
d. $800 - $999
e. $1000 - $1499
f. $1500 - $2000
g. >$2000
h. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Flag]

List for India only

a. < ₹20,000
b. ₹20,000 - ₹34,499
c. ₹35,000 - ₹54,999
d. ₹55,000 - ₹68,999
e. ₹69,000 - ₹103,999
f. ₹104,000 - ₹138,000
g. >₹138,000

h. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Flag]


Q25. How often do you experience issues with your primary web browser? [Select One]
a. Daily
b. About once a week
c. About once a month
d. A few times a year
e. I don’t recall having any issues with my web browser [If selected skip to Q29]

Q28. Which browser did you install or use because of the issues you experienced while browsing? [Select One]
Randomize; only show if code g or h in Q27
a. Apple Safari
b. Google Chrome
c. Microsoft Edge
d. Mozilla Firefox
e. Opera
f. Internet Explorer
g. UC Browser [Flag if selected for US]
h. Other [Please Specify] [Anchor at end of list]

Q29. How important is your web browser in your daily life? [Select One]
a. Absolutely critical. I could not do my daily activities without my web browser.
b. Very important. My daily life would be impacted.
c. Neutral. My daily like would be slightly impacted.
d. Unimportant. My daily life would not be impacted much.

Q30. How satisfied are you with your primary web browser’s performance? [Select One per Row] Randomize Rows
a. Very Satisfied
b. Somewhat Satisfied
c. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
d. Somewhat Dissatisfied
e. Very Dissatisfied
a. How fast the browser launches
b. How fast new tabs open
c. How fast content loads
d. How many tabs I can have open at one time
e. Available plugins and extensions
f. How responsive the browser is
g. How reliably the browser performs
h. How secure the browser is
i. My browser does not slow down
j. Overall performance [Anchor at end of list]

Q34. How likely are you to switch from your primary web browser? [Select One]
a. Very Likely
b. Somewhat Likely
c. Neither Likely nor Unlikely

d. Somewhat Unlikely
e. Very Unlikely


Display the following text: You are almost done! We have a few additional demographic questions.

Q37. With which gender group do you identify? [Select One]

a. Male
b. Female
c. Non-Binary / Third Gender
d. Prefer Not to Say

Q39. Which range best describes your current age? [Select One]
a. Under 20
b. 20 - 29
c. 30 - 39
d. 40 - 49
e. 50 - 59
f. 60 – 69 [Flag]
g. 70 – 79 [Flag]
h. 80+ [Flag]
i. Prefer not to say

Q40. What is your marital status? [Select One]

a. Single, never married
b. Married or domestic partnership
c. Widowed
d. Divorced
e. Separated
f. Other [Please Specify]
g. Prefer Not to Say

Q41. What is your employment status? [Select One]

a. Employed for wages
b. Self-employed
c. Out of work and looking for work
d. Out of work but not currently looking for work
e. A homemaker
f. A student
g. Military
h. Retired
i. Unable to work
j. Other [Please Specify]
k. Prefer Not to Say

Q42. What is your personal gross (before tax) annual earnings? [Select One]
List for US Only
a. < $25,000 / yr.
b. $25,000 - $49,999 / yr.

c. $50,000 - $74,999 / yr.
d. $75,000 - $99,999 / yr.
e. $100,000 - $124,999 / yr.
f. $125,000 - $149,999 / yr.
g. $150,000 - $174,999 / yr.
h. $175,000 - $199,999 / yr.
i. $200,000 + / yr.

List for India only

i. < ₹1,068,000 / yr.
j. ₹1,068,000 - ₹1,779,999 / yr.
k. ₹1,780,000 - ₹3,559,999 / yr.
l. ₹3,560,000 - ₹5,339,999 / yr.
m. ₹5,340,000 - ₹7,119,999 / yr.
n. ₹7,120,000 - ₹8,899,999 / yr.
o. ₹8,900,000 - ₹10,679,999 / yr.
p. ₹10,680,000 - ₹12,459,999 / yr.
q. ₹12,460,000 - ₹14,239,999 / yr.
r. ₹14,240,000 + / yr.
s. Prefer not to say

Q43. What is your highest level of educational attainment? [Select One]

List for US only
a. Middle School (6-8th Grade)
b. Some High School (Completed 9th, 10th, or 11th Grade)
c. High School Graduate
d. Some College
e. Associates Degree
f. Bachelor’s Degree
g. Master’s Degree
h. Doctorate
i. Prefer not to say

List for India only

a. Elementary School
b. Some Secondary School
c. Secondary School Graduate
d. Some Tertiary Education
e. First University Degree
f. Second University Degree
g. Doctoral Degree
h. Prefer not to say


Thank you for completing our survey. We greatly appreciate your participation!

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