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Build a boat - year 4 stem

Have you ever wondered what actually makes a boat float?

Have you wondered what types of skills it would take to
Introduction create your own? What kind of materials you would you
use and what engineering processes you could administer?
Stay tuned…..
Your challenge is to create a boat amongst your team
members who will all be using the same materials but you’ll
be using different designs (of course). you will also be using
Design Brief different things to stick them together with. Your boat must
be able to withstand a weight of 20grams and at the same
time be able to stay afloat with the force of wind created by
you blowing through a straw.
Your design must include the material that has been
assigned to your group (Paper, corks, elastic bands,
skewers, cardboard, pop sticks and plasticine). Along with
Specifications this, each one of your team members will be assigned to a
certain adhesive ( PVA glue, cellotape or masking tape).
You will evaluated on the structure of the boat and how well
it was able to handle the task of going in the water and be
Evaluation able to withstand the wind force from the straw without
When you have completed your boat, you and the other
members in your group will be showing off what you have
Presentation completed within the lesson using the material that you had
been assigned. This will be done in front of the other class
members as they will be showing theirs as well.
You will have the majority of one lesson to complete your
boats. It is your responsibility on how affectively you will use
Time this time. The more time spent on your boat the, the better
the end result when you test it will be.

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