Theories of Media & Society

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 Mass society tradition

 Liberal-pluralist school of thought
 Critical theory of Frankfurt school (mass society critique)
 Marxist approach (class domination)

 Critique of modern society is done by linking historical contrasts, the past & present
 Contrast between organic community and mass society (shift from organic solidarity to
mechanical solidarity)
 Mass society theorists attribute responsibility for the demise of organic community to
factors like; rise of democracy, spread of literacy, development of media
 Frankfurt school: focus on ideology WHILE Marxism: focus on economics
 Ideological role of media has been questioned
 Nature of social control exerted over the Media (extent of ruling-class control)
 False consciousness among the proletariats
 Ideological state apparatus used to spread ideologies of the elite (contributes to the
reproduction of existing social relationships)
 Means of production in capitalist states owned and controlled by the bourgeoisie
 Relationships of dominance and subjection

1. Mass media, communications

2. Theories of mass society & critique of mass culture

3. The tensions of liberalism

3. Mass/elite theories

4. The masses & moral disorder

5. The masses & totalitarianism

6. Mass culture vs. folk culture

7. The mass society outlook & media research

8. The Frankfurt school & critique of culture industry

9. Marxism, class, ideology & media

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