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Chapter III


3.1 Segmentation
3.1.1. Demography
A. Age : >= 18 Years old
In.Lve is targeting from the youngsters who are 18 years old or older
because this age is the minimum age for consuming coffee. There are
808,939 numbers of the population that has age from 18 years old – 40
years old.
B. Gender : Male and Female
C. Occupation : Students, workers, house-wife
The occupation of customers in In.Lve are students, workers and house-
wife. Since our target based on age is starting from 18 years old so the
students are also becoming our concern. Not to mention for house-wife,
because our location is located near residence so we also targeting the
D. Income : >= 1,500,000
E. Religion : All religions
Since all of our products are halal, so for the religion we did not classify it.
F. Race : Every single race

3.1.2. Geography
A. State : Indonesia
B. Location : Tangerang – Banten

3.1.3 Psychrography
A. Social Class : Middle – Upper Class
Basically, the trend of hanging out to coffee shop like this are the lifestyle
of middle – upper social class.
B. Lifestyle : Modern Lifestyle
Since Coffee shops become modern lifestyle and be “a-must” for the
teenagers and adults nowadays, so we are segmenting the target based on
their lifestyle which is modern lifestyle and loved to hanging out.

3.1.4 Buyer Behavioral

A. Purchasing Occasion : Regular occasion
B. Benefits : The benefits that the buyers can get are that they
can feel relax by consuming our coffee and our cakes, also the atmosphere
that we offer to them. Also In.Lve can become place for meet up with
friends, colleagues and family.
C. Loyalty rate : Medium – Strong

3.2 Targeting
After done the segmentation process, we can classified the most potential,
beneficial and appropriate target market for In.Lve
Age : 18 years old – 40 years old
Gender : Male and Female
Occupation : Students, workers, and house wives
Income level : Rp. 1,500,000,-
Lifestyle : Modern
Social class : Middle – Upper class
Benefits : who want to relax and meet up with their colleagues and family

3.3 Positioning
Positioning is all about implementing targeting strategy with find some common
needs of target market and fulfill the needs
a. Identifying the positioning concept
In.Lve will display the cakes and breads that we will sell to the customers with
attractive decoration so their appetite will be increasing. By buying our coffee and
cakes or breads, we would like to let the customers know that they can enjoy the
feeling of being relaxed in the best place.
b. Select the concept
The concept is giving the original taste of coffee that will make the customers feel
relax and peace in In.Lve café which also will has interior design that can bring
those feelings.
c. Develop the concept
By controlling the situation in In.Lve café we can develop and appeal the concept
to the customers.
d. Communicate the concept
Making a video that shows relax and peace feeling to the customers and spread it
through our social media and website.
e. Offer the product
In.Lve will always try to keeping the taste and quality of our product, the services
that our employees give to the customers and the atmosphere in In.Lve café itself.
f. Post sales feedback.
g. After sales service
We offer the customers with membership card. In.Lve card is a card that can be
used as e-money for the customers, and purchasing through this card also will get
points which can be exchanged with the special beverages or foods. Points will be
added to the card after purchasing minimum IDR 50,000 and for each IDR 50,000
will get 100 points. After customers had collected 250 points and multiples, they
can exchange the points with our special products. Those products only available
if they do the point exchange. Also the other benefit that we offer to the customers
through membership card is that they can get one free special birthday dessert for
them to enjoy. So by doing this promotion strategy, the customers will keep
coming to our café and we will not leave the customers just like that. Also, the
employees should treat them like a friend not like a customer and by giving the
best services to the customers, they will feel love to come to our place.

For positioning our café, the tagline will be:

“Tastes with Love, Feels with Passion”
Positioning statement:
To the youngsters and adults, who would like to feel relax and peace, In.Lve is
your solution that gives you the best taste of coffee, cakes and bread also café
atmosphere that will bring to relax feelings.

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