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Multiple Choice:
1. What is Gandhi's full name?
A. Muhatma Gandhi Karando C. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
B. Mohandas Gandhi Karamchand D. Muhatma Kando Gandhi
2. What is Gandhi best known for?
A. Leader of the nonviolent resistance C. Running across the Middle East in 80 days
movement D. Leader of the buddhists
B. Freedom of slaves
3. What does Mahatma stands for?
A. New spirit C. Sunshine
B. Peacemaker D. Great soul
4. It was the important principle of Gandhi that not only purifying himself of any lust and sexual urges, but also to
purify his love for his wife as genuine and not an outlet for any turmoil or aggression within his mind.
A. Ahinsa C. Khadi
B. Brahmacharya, D. Satya
5. It is a concept/principle of Gandhi for nonviolence and nonresistance movement.
A. Ahinsa C. Khadi
B. Brahmacharya, D. Satya

Explain and elaborate this quote of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.

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