Product Story: Active Objectives of Main Ingredients

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Gandhak Rasayan

Product Story

Suddha Gandhak i.e. sulphur is the main ingredient of this Ayurvedic classical medicine and it is used
in the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, urinary tract disorders etc. It balances the
Tridosha. It is anti-aging medicine, improves digestion, skin complexion and immunity. It act as a

Active Objectives of Main Ingredients

Shuddh Gandhak: Known to reduce irritant and toxic effects in the body. Act as astringent, stimulant.
Useful in all types of skin diseases like acne vulgaris, eczema, scabies, pimples, bolis, etc.
Triphala: Act as antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory. Useful in digestive problems like
constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, itching, etc.
Chaturjaat: Excellent for Anorexia, Indigestion, Skin diseases.

शुद्ध गंधक: शरीर में जलन और विषाक्त प्रभाि ों क कम करने के वलए जाना जाता है ।त्वचा के सभी प्रकार के र ग ों में
उपय गी है जैसे मोंहासे िल्गररस, एक्जिमा, खाज, फों सी, फ डे , आवि।
त्रिफला: एों टी-माइक्र वियल, एों टी-ऑक्सीडें ट, एों टी-इों फ्लेमेटरी के रूप में कायय करता है । कब्ज, पे ट फूलना, पेट ििय जैसी
पाचन समस्याओों में उपय गी है ।
चातुर्ाा त: एन रे क्जक्सया, अपच, त्वचा र ग ों के वलए उत्कृष्ट।

4. Other:
Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhaka (Sulphur) Detailed Information -
Gandhak Rasayan | Uses, Side Effects, Composition, Dosage &

This classical ayurvedic medicine is used in the treatment of gout, sciatica, low back ache etc. It
balances the Vata and Kapha.

Active Objectives of Main Ingredients

Hogweed (Boerhaavia diffusa): UTI (Urinary Tract Infections), arthritis. Rejuvenator, antispasmodic,
anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.
Castor Plant (Ricinus communis): Rheumatism and gout. Strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
and analgesic effect.
Ginger (Zinigiber officinale): Anti-arthritis, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antispasmodic.
Indian Bdellium (Commiphora mukul): Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis

पुननावा: __
एरण्डमू ल: __
सठ ं : __
शुद्ध गुग्गुलु: __

Product Story

This classical ayurvedic formulation is used for the treatment of respiratory and digestive conditions.
Talisa Patra (Abies webbiana) is the main constituent of this medicine and it helps provide relief from
dry cough. It calms the Vata and Kapha.

Product Story
This classical Ayurvedic medicine is used for the
treatment of Fistula in ano, Spastic stages of gastrointestinal tract, Oedema, piles etc. The main
of this medicine is Trifala & Guggulu(Commiphora mukul) so it is widely used in Ayurvedic treatment
for weight loss.and balances the tridosha.

Punarnavadi Mandoor
This classical Ayurvedic formulation is used for the treatment of Anemia, splenomegaly,, hemorrhoids,
chronic fever, helminthiasis etc. It can be used as a source of iron as it contains Iron Oxide as main

Active Objectives of Main Ingredients

Mandoor Bhasma:
Hogweed (Boerhaavia diffusa): Sotha, pandu
Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Sopha, Kasa, kandu, Kustha, Meha, Mukharoga, Visajavrana, Atisara,
Visarpa, Pandu, Dantaroga, Krmi, Udardapra Samana
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum): Aadmaan, apachan, pravahika, amashya,shaithilya
Long Pepper (Piper longum): Sula, Arsa, Gulma, Hikka, Kasa, Krimi, Ksaya, Kustha, Pliha, Roga,
Prameha, Svasa, Trsna, Udara Roga, Ama Vata, Amadosa, Jvara

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