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Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528

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Food Chemistry
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Analytical Methods

Extraction of ochratoxin A in bread samples by the QuEChERS methodology

Paula Paíga a, Simone Morais a, Teresa Oliva-Teles a, Manuela Correia a, Cristina Delerue-Matos a,
Sofia C. Duarte b, Angelina Pena b, Celeste Matos Lino b,⇑
REQUIMTE, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal
Group of Health Surveillance, Center of Pharmaceutical Studies, University of Coimbra, Health Sciences Campus, Azinhaga de Santa Comba, 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A QuEChERS method for the extraction of ochratoxin A (OTA) from bread samples was evaluated. A fac-
Received 29 November 2011 torial design (23) was used to find the optimal QuEChERS parameters (extraction time, extraction solvent
Received in revised form 6 June 2012 volume and sample mass). Extracts were analysed by LC with fluorescence detection. The optimal extrac-
Accepted 8 June 2012
tion conditions were: 5 g of sample, 15 mL of acetonitrile and 3 min of agitation. The extraction proce-
Available online 4 July 2012
dure was validated by systematic recovery experiments at three levels. The recoveries obtained ranged
from 94.8% (at 1.0 lg kg1) to 96.6% (at 3.0 lg kg1). The limit of quantification of the method was
0.05 lg kg1. The optimised procedure was applied to 20 samples of different bread types (‘‘Carcaça’’,
Ochratoxin A
‘‘Broa de Milho’’, and ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’) highly consumed in Portugal. None of the samples exceeded
QuEChERS the established European legal limit of 3 lg kg1.
Factorial design Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Agency for Research on Cancer has classified OTA in group 2B as

a possible carcinogenic compound to humans (IARC, 1993).
Cereals are consumed nearly worldwide and provide significant OTA occurs predominantly in cereal grains, cereal products, co-
amounts of most nutrients, playing an important position in hu- coa, spices, oilseeds, coffee beans and legumes. However, cereal
man nutrition (Dewettinck et al., 2008). In Portugal, bread is one products are the major group of food commodities where the toxin
of the most consumed cereal derived products (Duarte et al., is of greatest impact. The frequency of food contamination with
2010). In 2005, 323,194 tons of bread were produced, of which OTA represents an important source of OTA daily intake (Pena,
278,161 tons were wheat bread (INE, 2008). The most recent na- Cerejo, Lino, & Silveira, 2005). The maximum levels (MLs) fixed by
tional consumption data, from 1994, show an average bread con- European regulations for OTA in cereals and cereal products are 5
sumption of 32 kg/person/year (IPC, 2005). and 3 lg kg1 wet weight, respectively (EC, 2006b; FAO, 2002).
Portugal possesses a long standing history of bread-making, Recently, Anastassiades, Lehotay, Stajnbaher, and Schenck
with numerous traditional recipes, different shapes, grains incor- (2003) developed an original analytical methodology combining
porated and taste, as the craft of baking is typical for each region. the extraction/isolation of pesticides from food matrices and ex-
The different types of bread are therefore part of the national cul- tract cleanup. This technique involves micro-scale extraction with
tural heritage. The traditional maize bread, ‘‘Broa’’, continues to acetonitrile coupled to a clean-up based on a dispersive solid-
compete with novel bread types, especially in the Oporto, Coimbra phase extraction (d-SPE). Since the development of the ‘‘Quick,
and Lisbon areas. In Oporto metropolitan area, ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ is Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe’’ (QuEChERS) method, it
a variation, with half maize and half rye constituents (Duarte et al., has been gaining significant popularity. It is the method of choice
2010). for food analysis because it combines several steps and extends
The worldwide contamination of foods and feeds with myco- the range of pesticides recovered over older and more tedious
toxins poses a significant health problem. Ochratoxin A (OTA), extraction techniques. Recent studies showed that QuEChERS can
chemically known as N-{[(3R)-5-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl- be successfully used for extraction of other analytes besides pesti-
1-oxo-7-isochromanyl]-carbonyl}-3-phenyl-L-alanine, is a myco- cides. Such studies include analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydro-
toxin mainly produced by Penicillium verrucosum and some Asper- carbons (PAHs) in fish (Ramalhosa, Paíga, Morais, Delerue-Matos,
gillus species (e.g. A. ochraceus, A. carbonarius and A. niger) (Abarca, & Oliveira, 2009), acrylamide in food (Mastovska & Lehotay,
Accensi, Bragulat, Castella, & Cabañes, 2003). The International 2006), veterinary drugs in animal tissue (Stubbings & Bigwood,
2009), and in milk (Keegan et al., 2009), as well as in other matrices
besides foods (Wilkowska & Biziuk, 2011).
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 239859994; fax: +351 239827126. Analysis of mycotoxins using QuEChERS extraction is starting to
E-mail address: (C.M. Lino). appear in the literature. Extraction of Fusarium toxins in cereals

0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528 2523

and cereal based products (Zachariasova et al., 2010), zearalenone up column D contained 1.5 g of magnesium sulphate and 0.5 g of
in barley (Wu, Zhao, Chen, & Yang, 2011), aflatoxins and OTA in CEC18 and was supplied by Unit Chemical Technologies, Inc. (Bris-
dried figs. (Broszat, Welle, Wojnowski, Ernst, & Spangenberg, tol, PA, USA); QuEChERS E (4 g of magnesium sulphate, 1 g of so-
2010), 27 mycotoxins and other secondary metabolites in maize si- dium chloride, 1 g of trisodium citrate dihydrate and 0.5 g of
lage (Rasmussen, Storm, Rasmussen, Smedsgaard, & Nielsen, 2010), disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate), supplied by Restek RES-
deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, zearalenone, actyldeoxynivalenol, deep- PREP (Bellefonte, PA, USA) and QuEChERS F (4 g of magnesium sul-
oxy-deoxynivalenol, fusarenon-X, altenuene, alternariol, alternari- phate, 1 g sodium chloride, 1 g of sodium citrate and 0.5 g of
olmethylether, diacetoxyscirpenol, sterigmatocystin in wheat and sodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate), supplied by Agilent Tech-
maize (Vaclavik, Zachariasova, Hrbek, & Hajslova, 2010) and type nologies (Santa Clara, PA, USA).
A- and B-trichothecenes in wheat flour samples (Sospedra, Blesa,
Soriano, & Mañes, 2010) has already been described.
The state-of-the-art regarding the analysis of ochratoxin A in 2.2. Bread samples collection
food is presented by Duarte, Silva, Lino, and Pena (2011), who con-
clude that the majority of the reported methods generally involve Fresh bread samples of wheat bread ‘‘Carcaça’’, maize bread
extraction with mixtures of polar solvents followed by a clean-up ‘‘Broa de Milho’’, and half maize and half rye bread ‘‘Broa de Avin-
procedure that usually employs solid-phase extraction (SPE), such tes’’, were purchased from different local markets and supermar-
as immunoaffinity columns (IACs), that present high specificity. kets in Oporto metropolitan region. Each bread sample was
Detection and quantification are traditionally performed by liquid mechanically homogenised with a blender (Brio 400 WMAX, Ufesa,
chromatography with fluorescence (FLD) or mass spectrometry Spain). The samples were divided accordingly to Commission
(MS) detection (Duarte et al., 2011). Directive (EC) No. 401/2006/EC (EC, 2006a) and a subsample of
In the current study, the possibility to apply QuEChERS extrac- 200 g was collected in a plastic bag and kept at 20 °C until anal-
tion for OTA determination in bread samples was investigated. This ysis. Moisture was determined in the fresh bread samples using a
is a very convenient extraction technique that due to its simplicity MLS moisture analyzer from Kern (Balingen, Germany).
and rapidity is being applied in the analysis of complex matrices
and replacing traditional extraction methods. A factorial design 2.3. Liquid chromatography
was used to examine the effect on extraction efficiency of the QuE-
ChERS conditions (x1 – extraction time, x2 – extraction solvent vol- OTA analysis was carried out by LC using a Shimadzu system
ume and x3 – sample mass). The method was applied to 20 bread (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a LC 20AB
samples commercially available in Oporto metropolitan area (NW prominence pump, a DGU-20A5 prominence degasser, a SIL 20A
Portugal). prominence autosampler and a RF-10AXL fluorescence detector.
An Atlantis column (dC18, 5 lm, 2.1  150 mm, Waters, Milford,
MA, USA) was used and maintained at room temperature. The fluo-
2. Experimental rescence intensity was measured at the following optimised exci-
tation/emission wavelength pair: 333/460 nm. LCsolution
2.1. Reagents, solvents and materials software version 2.1 (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) was
used for control and data processing. The injection volume was
Acetonitrile, methanol and n-hexane were acquired from Merck 15 lL. The mobile phase consisted of 40% of acetonitrile and 60%
(Darmstadt, Germany), acetone (purity P99.8%) and glacial acetic water solution pH 2.60, adjusted with acetic acid, at a flow rate
acid (purity P99.7%) from Carlo Erba (Rodano, Italy). OTA (P98% of 0.5 mL min1. Using the described experimental conditions,
purity) was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, OTA retention time was 11.53 min (OTA standard solution,
USA). RSD = 0.18%, n = 10).
The water used was previously purified (15.0 MX cm) using an
Elix apparatus (Millipore, Molsheim, France) and subsequently a
Simplicity 185 system (18.2 MX cm) (Millipore, Molsheim, 2.4. Extraction procedure
France). All chromatographic solvents were filtered through a
0.20 lm Supelco membrane filter (Ø 47 mm, Bellefonte, PA, USA) An aliquot (5.0 g) of homogenised bread sample was placed into
under vacuum and degassed for 15 min in an ultrasonic bath (Ray- a 50 mL Teflon tube (QuEChERS). For recovery studies, samples
paÒ Trade, Terrassa, Spain). were fortified at three levels, 3.0 (I), 2.0 (II), and 1.0 (III) lg kg1
All solutions and samples extracts were filtered through an wet weight. The spiking volume was 300 lL in all cases. The
OlimPeak syringe filter, PTFE, 0.20 lm, from Teknokroma (Ø concentrations of the OTA standard solutions used in the spiking
13 mm, Barcelona, Spain). For homogenisation a vortex mixer Nah- procedure were 50.0, 33.3 and 16.7 lg L1, respectively. For non-
ita 681/5 (Navarra, Spain) was used. spiked samples 300 lL of the solvent mixture (95% acetonitrile
A standard stock solution was prepared by diluting OTA with and 5% water solution pH 2.60) were added. Fortified and non-
95% acetonitrile and 5% water solution pH 2.60 (adjusted with ace- spiked samples were allowed to stand for 30 min before extraction,
tic acid) at 250 lg mL1, and stored at 20 °C. For calibration protected from light. Then, the tested extraction solvent (acetoni-
curves, six standard solutions (0.5–10.0 lg L1) were also prepared trile, acetonitrile:methanol (1:1, v/v), methanol, methanol:water
in 95% acetonitrile and 5% water solution pH 2.60. Amber glass- (95:5, v/v), n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v)) and volume (13.5–
ware was used to prevent light deterioration of the mycotoxin. 16.5 mL) were added to the selected QuEChERS (A; B; C; E; F).
Five different types of QuEChERS and one clean-up column were The QuEChERS tubes were shaken vigorously during a tested time
tested. Their corresponding content in the 50 mL Teflon centrifuge (2–4 min). After centrifugation in a 2.16 Sartorius centrifuge (Sig-
tubes were: QuEChERS A (6 g of magnesium sulphate and 1.5 g of ma, Goettingen, Germany), for 10 min at 2575g, the solvent layer
anhydrous sodium acetate); QuEChERS B (4 g of magnesium sul- was filtered through a 0.20 lm syringe filter. A 2.0 mL aliquot
phate and 1 g of sodium chloride); QuEChERS C (6 g of magnesium was transferred to an amber vial, evaporated with a gentle stream
sulphate, 1.5 g of sodium chloride, 1.5 g of sodium citrate dihy- of nitrogen to dryness and redissolved with 200 lL 95% acetoni-
drate and 0.750 g of sodium citrate sesquihydrate), all supplied trile–5% water solution (pH 2.60). The extract was placed in an
by Unit Chemical Technologies, Inc. (Bristol, PA, USA); the clean- autosampler amber vial for LC–FLD analysis.
2524 P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528

2.5. Strategy for optimization of QuEChERS extraction lected as a preliminary volume to treat 5 g of sample. In a previous
study, concerning the QuEChERS extraction of PAHs (Ramalhosa
To find the optimum conditions for OTA extraction in bread et al., 2009), it was concluded that vortex allowed an efficient mix-
samples, the experimental design as a function of the selected ture of the QuEChERS content with the sample and solvent, with an
main factors had to be determined. The assays were organised in optimum extraction time of 3 min. For this reason, shaking was
a 23 factorial design (Box & Hunter, 1957). The levels chosen for performed by vortex, and an extraction time of 3 min was chosen
each process variable were based on preliminary studies (see Sec- for the preliminary studies.
tions 2.4 and 3.1.2). Three variables with two levels (high (+) and Acetonitrile is the extraction solvent of preference in the QuE-
low ()) were studied: extraction time (x1: 1, +1 (min)), extrac- ChERS methodology because extracts contain fewer interfering
tion solvent volume (x2: 1, +1 (mL)) and sample mass (x3: 1, substances than the corresponding ethyl acetate and acetone ex-
+1 (g)). tracts, and acetonitrile can be separated fairly easily from water
The OTA recovery after QuEChERS extraction from bread spiked by the salting out effect (Wilkowska & Biziuk, 2011). Moreover,
samples at 3.0 lg kg1 wet weight was taken as the dependent var- acetonitrile, methanol, methanol–acetonitrile mixtures and aque-
iable or response of the design experiments. There are seven de- ous solutions of acetonitrile or methanol were tested as extraction
grees of freedom between the eight treatment combinations in solvents for other mycotoxins (type A- and B-trichothecenes) from
the 23 design. Three degrees of freedom are associated with the wheat flour using QuEChERS (Sospedra et al., 2010). Additionally,
main effects x1, x2 and x3. Four degrees of freedom are associated the mixture n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v) has proven to be an effi-
with interactions, being x1x2, x1x3, x2x3 and x1x2x3 (Montgomery, cient solvent system for the extraction of different pollutants from
2001). environmental samples (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for determination of 2000). In this study, for the selection of the adequate extraction
the significant factors affecting OTA recovery using STATISTICA solvent and QuEChERS composition, extraction efficiency was
program version 6.0 (Statsoft, USA) which equation was deter- firstly evaluated testing five solvents (acetonitrile, acetoni-
mined by multiple regression analysis (Montgomery, 2001). trile:methanol (1:1, v/v), methanol, methanol:water (95:5, v/v),
In most response surface methodology (RSM) problems, the and n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v)) and three different QuEChERS
form of the relationship between the response (y) and the indepen- types using spiked bread samples. The results are presented in
dent variables (xi) is unknown. Thus, the first step is to find a suit- Fig. 1. The highest recoveries were obtained, by descending order,
able approximation for the true functional relationship between with QuEChERS C, B and A. Concerning QuEChERS A, quantitative
the response and the set of independent variables, usually applying extraction was not attained with any of the extraction solvents
a second-order model, where bo represents the global mean, bi the and they were not further considered. Using QuEChERS B, the best
other regression coefficients and e the error of the model recoveries were reached using methanol mixtures (86.0 ± 2.5% and
(Montgomery, 2001): 67.6 ± 3.2%, for acetonitrile:methanol (1:1, v/v) and metha-
nol:water (95:5, v/v), respectively) and methanol (75.9 ± 2.5%).
k X
k XX
y ¼ b0 þ bi xi þ bii x2i þ    þ bij xi xj þ e ð1Þ Clean-up suggested by the supplier (Unit Chemical Technologies)
i¼1 i¼1 ii <j j was tested in order to improve the highest results of OTA recovery
in QuEChERS B. No improvement was observed in the recovery val-
Pareto chart, normal probability and response surface plots ues (81.1%, 62.5% and 66.9%, for acetonitrile–methanol (1:1, v/v),
were constructed from the OTA recovery results after application methanol and methanol:water (95:5, v/v), respectively). Thus, the
of 23 factorial design. approach of using a clean-up step after extraction was discarded.
The quality of the polynomial model equations was judged sta- Acetonitrile (96.7 ± 1.3%), acetonitrile:methanol (1:1, v/v)
tistically by the lack of fit, coefficient of determination, R2, and its (88.1 ± 3.3%) and n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v) (87.2 ± 2.0%) pro-
statistical significance was determined by the F-test, within a level vided the overall highest average recoveries with QuEChERS C.
of confidence of 95% and p values <0.05. Pure Error of the model Excellent quantitative extraction efficiencies were clearly attained
was determined by central point duplications. with QuEChERS C and acetonitrile. These results were obtained
After optimization of QuEChERS extraction using the without the inclusion of a clean-up step, thus minimising sample
3.0 lg kg1 wet weight level and RSM, the overall QuEChERS-LC preparation. Taking all these observations in consideration, aceto-
procedure for analysis of OTA in bread samples was validated by nitrile was chosen as the extraction solvent to be used with QuE-
systematic recovery experiments at two other fortification levels ChERS C.
(2.0 and 1.0 lg kg1 wet weight). In order to evaluate different suppliers, two types of QuEChERS
with a composition similar to QuEChERS C were tested, namely,
3. Results and discussion QuEChERS E (Restek) and F (Agilent) (Section 2.1). No significant
differences were observed in the chromatograms or in the recovery
3.1. QuEChERS extraction values obtained with acetonitrile as the extraction solvent
(96.4 ± 2.0% and 96.3 ± 1.4%, for QuEChERS E and F, respectively).
3.1.1. Preliminary tests Therefore, the tested commercial QuEChERS composed of magne-
OTA recovery can be affected by several factors, including QuE- sium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate and so-
ChERS composition, extraction solvent, volume and time, sample dium citrate sesquihydrate (4:1:1:0.5, w/w/w/w) are adequate
mass, contamination level and bread type. The preliminary tests for OTA extraction from bread samples, according to the minimum
were carried out with ‘‘Carcaça’’ samples (wheat bread), the most performance criteria established by EC (2006a). QuEChERS C were
consumed type of bread in Portugal (INE, 2008). used in the subsequent essays.
The original QuEChERS procedure consists of extracting a cer-
tain amount of homogenised sample by hand-shake or vortex dur- 3.1.2. Optimization studies
ing 1 min with the same amount of solvent (acetonitrile; 1 mL final Experiments were organised in a typical 23 factorial design,
extract/g sample). A preliminary study was performed testing dif- with three process variables (x1 – extraction time, x2 – extraction
ferent ratios of mass of sample per volume of solvent, ranging from solvent volume and x3 – sample mass) evaluated at two levels
1 to 0.33. In order to maximise sensitivity and to obtain a suitable (high and low) for a total of eight independent experiments
mixture/dispersion and OTA extraction, 15 mL of solvent were se- (Table 1).
P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528 2525

Fig. 1. Recoveries of OTA (n P 3) from ‘‘Carcaça’’ spiked bread sample (5 g fortified at 3.0 lg kg1 wet weight) using QuEChERS extraction with different QuEChERS
compositions (A, B and C defined in Section 2) and 15 mL of extraction solvent (ACN – acetonitrile; MeOH – methanol; Hex – n-hexane; Ace – acetone).

Table 1
Real values and coded levels for the experimental design 23 (x1 – extraction time (min), x2 – extraction solvent volume (mL) and x3 – sample mass (g)), and results for OTA
experimental (y1 observed, %) and model predicted (y1 predicted, %) recovery from ‘‘Carcaça’’ spiked bread sample at 3.0 lg kg1 wet weight.

Experiment x1 (min) x2 (mL) x3 (g) y1 (%) Observed y1 (%) Predicted

1 2 () 13.5 () 4.5 () 95.89 95.90
2 2 () 13.5 () 5.5 (+) 94.06 94.57
3 2 () 16.5 (+) 4.5 () 94.77 95.29
4 2 () 16.5 (+) 5.5 (+) 94.32 94.28
5 4 (+) 13.5 () 4.5 () 94.74 95.27
6 4 (+) 13.5 () 5.5 (+) 93.52 93.50
7 4 (+) 16.5 (+) 4.5 () 95.68 95.68
8 4 (+) 16.5 (+) 5.5 (+) 93.75 94.23
9 (CP) 3 (0) 15.0 (0) 5.0 (0) 96.34 94.84
10 (CP) 3 (0) 15.0 (0) 5.0 (0) 96.59 94.84

CP, central point.

The preliminary tests allowed defining the values of the vari- extraction was performed (Daniel, 1959) and an unreplicated fac-
ables at the central point (5 g of sample, 15 mL of acetonitrile torial design was used. The experimental error of the method
and 3 min of agitation). Subsequently, the increments in the vari- was derived from duplicate experiments carried out at the central
ables (x2 – extraction solvent volume and x3 – sample mass) were point of the selected variables (3.0 min of extraction time, 15.0 mL
studied in attempt to achieve the maximum mass and solvent vol- of extraction solvent volume and 5.0 g of ‘‘Carcaça’’ bread sample).
ume inside the Teflon QuEChERS tube. Firstly, increments of Results of OTA recovery from spiked bread sample are shown in
2.5 mL, in solvent volume, and 1 g, in sample mass, were assessed. Table 1.
For these increments the solvent volume ranged from 10 to 20 mL Regression coefficients for the applied 23 design are shown in
(1.682 and +1.682 levels) and the mass ranged from 3 to 7 g Table 2. Substituting the coefficients in Eq. (1):
(1.682 and +1.682 levels), respectively. A solvent volume of
Y ¼ 114:60  1:62x1  1:04x2  2:38x3 þ 0:17x1 x2
10 mL was not sufficient to promote the adequate mixture be-
tween the sample and solvent with the QuEChERS content. Simi-  0:22x1 x3 þ 0:11x2 x3 ð2Þ
larly, the use of a sample mass of 7 g inside the QuEChERS tube
did not allow enough space to make the correct mixture with the
solvent and the QuEChERS content. Table 2
Increments of 1.5 mL and 0.5 g were then studied. The solvent Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the regression model for OTA recovery (y1, %) from
‘‘Carcaça’’ spiked bread sample at 3.0 lg kg1 wet weight.
volume ranged from 12 to 18 mL (1.682 and +1.682 levels) and
the mass ranged from 4 to 6 g (1.682 and +1.682 levels), respec- Response Source SS DF MS F-value p
tively. An adequate mixture was observed between the sample and OTA, y1 (%) Model 9.54 4 2.39 9.60 0.014483
solvent with the QuEChERS content for all the sample mass/solvent Residual 1.24 5 0.25
volume combinations and these were used to investigate the ef- Lack of fit 1.21 4 0.30 9.69 0.235835
Pure error 0.031 1 0.031 76.34 0.085604
fects of the variables in the OTA QuEChERS extraction.
Total 10.78 9
The results obtained in preliminary tests showed that QuE- R2 0.8847
ChERS extraction of OTA was highly reproducible. Therefore, to
SS, Sum of squares; DF, Degree of freedom; MS, Mean square; R2, quadratic corre-
simplify the optimization study only one experiment for each
lation coefficient.
2526 P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528

The model reached statistical significance (p < 0.05) and the lack tion levels, level II (2.0 lg kg1 wet weight) and level III
of fit was not significant (p > 0.05) as desired. The model presented (1.0 lg kg1 wet weight) using the optimum extraction conditions.
a quadratic correlation coefficient of 0.8847, fitting the statistical Level I corresponds to the maximum level fixed by European regu-
model quite well. lation for OTA in cereal products (EC, 2006b) and levels II and III
An attempt of applying a face-centred central composite design were chosen to be below that level. The extraction efficiency was
was made. Six additional experiments were carried out at the low- nearly constant for all fortifications levels with average recoveries
est (1.682) and the highest (+1.682) levels. However, no differ- for fortification levels II (96.1 ± 2.0%) and III (94.8 ± 1.6%) similar to
ence in OTA recovery was observed and the obtained values the one obtained for level I (96.6 ± 1.0%).
ranged from 95.2 (x1 = 1.0 min, x2 = 15.0 mL and x3 = 5.0 g) to In order to assess the adequacy of the optimised methodol-
96.8% (x1 = 3.0 min, x2 = 15.0 mL and x3 = 6.0 g). Thus, the model ogy, samples of different bread types fortified at 3.0 lg kg1
quadratic correlation coefficient decreased significantly wet weight were studied. The types chosen are the most com-
(R2 = 0.1103) and so, standard design (Box & Hunter, 1957) without monly consumed in Portugal, namely, ‘‘Broa de Milho’’ (maize
model expansion was chosen. bread) and ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ (half maize and half rye bread).
For determination of the significant factors affecting OTA recov- OTA recoveries were 96.0 ± 1.2% and 94.3 ± 2.0% for ‘‘Broa de
ery an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. Main (x1, x2 Milho’’ and ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’, respectively. No significant differ-
and x3) and interaction effects (x1x2, x1x3 and x2x3), were not statis- ences were observed in OTA recovery for the three types of
tically significant for p < 0.05 or p < 0.1. The values of these esti- bread and therefore QuEChERS extraction may be considered a
mated effects on OTA recovery (for p value < 0.05 for a 95% suitable technique for OTA extraction from the different types
confidence level) were: 0.33215 for x1 (extraction time, min), of bread that were studied.
0.07627 for x2 (solvent volume, mL), 1.33600 for x3 (sample mass, Representative chromatograms of naturally contaminated sam-
g), 0.49946 for x1x2, 0.21405 for x1x3 and 0.16485 for x2x3. ples are presented in Fig. 3. When analysing the chromatograms of
According to the analysis of variance and the Pareto charts (not the last two types of bread (maize and maize/rye bread), these
shown) all effects were discarded, because they did not exhibit showed, in some cases, more matrix interference than from wheat
any statistical significance. bread. Therefore quantification by standard addition was used for
The distribution of the residual values, defined as the difference all the types of bread. Nevertheless, the matrix effect for wheat
between the predicted (model) and the observed (experimental) bread was almost neglectable as the results obtained by external
ones were examined. Normal probability plot (not shown) indi- standard and standard addition were very similar (slope values:
cated a close relation between the values predicted by the model 40,896 (external standard in solvent) and 40,930 (standard addi-
and the experimental ones (Table 1). tion to a wheat sample)).
Based on the high statistical quadratic correlation coefficient The detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits were 0.02
(R2 = 0.8847; Table 2), the mathematical model was used to gener- and 0.05 lg kg1 wet weight, respectively, in the bread samples.
ate the response surface plots (Fig. 2) and to calculate the condi- They were calculated according to Miller and Miller (1989) from
tions for maximum OTA recovery from bread samples. According the standard addition calibration curve of an unfortified wheat
to the model, these conditions are likely to provide the highest re- bread sample. Considering the EC maximum level of 3 lg kg1
sponse. The optimum conditions were: x1 = 3.0 min, x2 = 15.0 mL wet weight for OTA, the LOQ attained permits the use of the de-
and x3 = 5.0 g (central point). Five experiments were carried out scribed method for monitoring purposes.
using these conditions and the average response (y1, OTA recovery) The reported results are better than the ones presented in pre-
was 96.6 ± 1.0%. Hence, there was a considerable agreement be- vious studies concerning OTA extraction from bread samples using
tween the experimental and the predicted values and this con- immunoaffinity columns, which in spite of providing very high
firmed that the 23 factorial design was suitable to predict the recoveries (80.4–102.0%) (Juan et al., 2007), are considered a more
course of QuEChERS extraction of OTA and high reproducibility expensive technique. As already reported for pesticides, the use of
was attained. The results show that the method is quite robust QuEChERS extraction for OTA is also clearly advantageous over
as changes in the extraction time, solvent volume and sample mass other extraction techniques involving intensive treatments since
have little effect on OTA recovery. accurate results can be achieved with minimal sample preparation
The accuracy of the method was also evaluated by analysing in a short time. This method is suitable for laboratories engaged in
OTA in ‘‘Carcaça’’ bread sample spiked at two additional fortifica- routine analysis of a large number of samples.

Fig. 2. Three-dimensional response surface showing OTA recovery from ‘‘Carcaça’’ spiked bread sample at 3.0 lg kg1 wet weight as a function of: (a) extraction time (x1) and
solvent volume (x2) (sample mass (x3) = 5.0 g), (b) extraction time (x1) and sample mass (x3) (solvent volume (x2) = 15.0 mL) and (c) solvent volume (x2) and sample mass (x3)
(extraction time (x1) = 3 min).
P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528 2527

Fig. 3. Overlay chromatograms of OTA standard solution (10 lg L1) and naturally contaminated bread sample extracts: (a) ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ (2.24 ± 0.03 lg kg1), (b) ’’Broa
de Milho’’ (1.32 ± 0.05 lg kg1) and (c) ‘‘Carcaça’’ (0.06 ± 0.006 lg kg1).

Table 3
Moisture contents and OTA contamination of the analysed bread samples.

Bread type Moisture (%) OTA

Range Mean ± SD Frequency of contamination (%) Range (lg kg1 wet weight) Mean ± SD (lg kg1 wet weight)*
‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ (Half maize half 32.6–41.1 36.1 ± 3.1 8/8 (100%) 0.05–1.93 0.89 ± 0.74
rye bread)
‘‘Broa de Milho’’ (maize bread) 27.6–43.1 34.6 ± 6.4 3=
4 (75%) n.d. – 1.01 0.42 ± 0.51
‘‘Carcaça’’ (wheat bread) 21.8–31.6 27.3 ± 3.2 2/8 (25%) n.d. – 0.12 0.12 ± 0.00
Contaminated samples.

3.2. Application to bread samples between n.d. – 0.12 lg kg1 wet weight, with an OTA mean value,
for the contaminated samples, of 0.12 lg kg1 wet weight. These
The proposed QuEChERS method for OTA extraction followed by results are in line with the ones presented in previous studies.
LC–FLD was applied to 20 bread samples (‘‘Carcaça’’, ‘‘Broa de Mil- Duarte et al. (2010) concluded that a widespread low level of
ho’’, and ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’). Representative chromatograms of an OTA contamination was observed in all Portuguese regions and
OTA standard solution (10 lg L1) and bread samples of ‘‘Carcaça’’, types of bread products analysed, especially in the Oporto and
‘‘Broa de Milho’’ and ‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ are presented in Fig. 3. Ta- Coimbra regions, and in the maize and whole-grain or fibre-
ble 3 shows the results of samples’ moisture contents and OTA con- enriched bread.
centrations. Differences concerning moisture contents were
detected between bread types that contain maize (‘‘Broa de Avin- 4. Conclusions
tes’’ and ‘‘Broa de Milho’’) and those having wheat in their compo-
sition (‘‘Carcaça’’). Average moisture contents ranged from 21.8% This paper describes a simple, rapid, inexpensive and effective
(‘‘Carcaça’’) to 43.1% (‘‘Broa de Milho’’). procedure for quantification of OTA in bread samples by QuEChERS
OTA was detected in 13 of the 20 samples in levels below the and LC–FLD. Good accuracy and precision were obtained using an
established European legal limit for cereal based products extraction time of 3.0 min, 15.0 mL of acetonitrile, 5.0 g of bread
(3 lg kg1 wet weight; EC, 2006a). In the contaminated bread sam- sample and QuEChERS containing magnesium sulphate, sodium
ples, OTA concentration ranged from 0.05 to 1.93 lg kg1 wet chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate and sodium citrate sesquihy-
weight. The repeatability expressed as the relative standard devia- drate (4:1:1:0.5, w/w/w/w).
tion (n = 3) ranged between 1.02% and 10.1%, with a mean value of The method was applied to different types of bread very con-
5.1% for all the 20 samples analysed. sumed in Portugal and none of the samples exceeded the legal
As regards the different types of bread considered in this study, European limit of 3 lg kg1 wet weight for cereal based products.
‘‘Broa de Avintes’’ presents a higher percentage of contamination However, maize-based breads seem to present higher OTA levels.
(100% of the samples showed values P the LOQ, 0.05 lg kg1) with The results of this study show that QuEChERS methodology is
OTA levels in the range 0.05–1.93 lg kg1 wet weight and an aver- clearly useful beyond pesticide analysis, particularly in food
age contamination of 0.89 lg kg1 wet weight. Samples of ‘‘Broa de matrices.
milho’’ showed OTA levels between n.d. – 1.01 lg kg1 wet weight
and contamination of 75% of the samples. The OTA mean value for Acknowledgements
the contaminated samples was 0.42 lg kg1 wet weight. Finally,
the least contaminated bread samples were ‘‘Carcaça’’ (wheat The authors are grateful to FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e
bread) (25% of contaminated samples). OTA concentrations ranged Tecnologia, for supporting this work through the Project
2528 P. Paíga et al. / Food Chemistry 135 (2012) 2522–2528

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