The External Environment and Its Effect On Strategic Marketing Planning - A Case Study For McDonald's

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The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning: a

case study for McDonald's

Article  in  J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development · January 2008

DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2008.019163


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Demetris Vrontis
University of Nicosia


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J. International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, 2008 289

2 The external environment and its effect on strategic
3 marketing planning: a case study for McDonald’s
7 Demetris Vrontis*
8 School of Business, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave.,
9 P.O. Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus
1011 Fax: 00357 22 353 722 E-mail:
1 * Corresponding author
3 Pavlos Pavlou
5 Department of Management and MIS, School of Business,
6 University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O. Box 24005,
7 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus
8 Fax: 00357 22 353 722 E-mail:
Abstract: This case study has been compiled in order to illustrate the effect of
2011 the external environment on the international marketing strategy of
1 McDonald’s, the fast food chain. An external environmental analysis is
2 necessary, as effective marketing strategies cannot be developed without firstly
3 analysing the environment in which the company operates. The paper analyses
4 a number of the theoretical approaches to strategic planning to be considered in
international marketing.
6 Keywords: adaptation; international; marketing; McDonald’s; standardisation;
7 strategy.
9 Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Vrontis, D. and Pavlou, P.
(2008) ‘The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning:
30 a case study for McDonald’s’, Journal for International Business and
1 Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 3, Nos 3/4, pp.289–307.
3 Biographical notes: Demetris Vrontis is the Founder and Editor of the
4 EuroMed Journal of Business and the Editor for the World Journal of Business
Management. He is a Professor in Marketing and the Dean of the School of
5 Business at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. His prime research interests are
6 international marketing, marketing planning, branding and marketing
7 communications. He has published over 45 refereed journal articles, contributed
8 chapters and cases in books/edited books and presented papers to conferences
9 on a global basis. He is also the author of eight books, mainly in the areas of
international marketing and marketing planning
1 Pavlos Pavlou graduated from the University of Leeds in England with a BSc
2 in Engineering and from Salford University with a PhD in Management.
3 He spent 13 years in the UK’s NHS and in consultancy organisations
(PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG) in the UK and Cyprus. In 2005 he joined
the University of Nicosia as an Assistant Professor in the School of Business.
5 He teaches international business, leadership development and quality

Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

290 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 management at the undergraduate level and strategic management at the MBA
2 level. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of the EuroMed Journal of
Business. His research interests include strategic performance management,
international business and corporate governance systems.
7 1 Introduction
8 1.1 McDonald’ s operations in international markets
1011 McDonald’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000 local
1 restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day. It is one of the
2 world’s most well-known and valuable brands and holds a leading share in the globally
3 branded quick service restaurant segment of the informal eating-out market in virtually
4 every country in which it operates.1
6 1.2 Situation analysis and marketing planning. A theoretical outlook
7 The importance of the internal and external environment and their effect on the
8 development and implementation of marketing planning is crucial and should be highly
9 considered by any organisation wishing to be profitable in the increasingly competitive
2011 international marketing arena. Multinational companies that desire to prosper, should
1 develop a coherent international marketing plan (see Figure 1) having, as a starting point,
2 the analysis of the environment. Based on that, the company objectives, strategies and
3 tactics are drawn, aiming for organisational success and profitability.
4 Multinational companies should have in mind that effective marketing strategies could
5 not be developed without firstly analysing the external and internal environment in which
6 the company operates.
7 The external environment for a company covers many aspects. It is suggested that the
8 environment covers two main areas:
 the macro-environment
1  the micro-environment.
2 The macro-environment consists of forces such social, cultural, legal, economic, political
3 and technological. Within this are included factors such as demographics, green issues and
4 larger societal and environmental forces. The micro-environment includes other
5 environmental constraints, such as the structure of the market, the suppliers, customers,
6 trends of the market, the public and competition.
7 Equally important is the internal environment incorporating the examination of the
8 company’s marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) and service mix (people,
9 process management, physical evidence). An analysis of the internal environment also
40 covers other factors such as sales, profitability, market share and customer loyalty.
1 The internal audit examines the company’s own resources and supplies suggestions as
2 to the company’s strengths and weaknesses. Internal considerations are mainly
3 controllable by the company and, therefore, companies should mostly avoid any problems
4 from this area. It is evidently proven that product development and strategic formation is
5 based upon the internal organisational capabilities.
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 291

111 Figure 1 The STRATICS PROCESS – marketing planning

Source: adapted from Vignali et al. (2003)
9 Every company, after considering both its internal strengths and weaknesses and the
40 external environmental influences that affect it (opportunities and threats) is in a position
1 to develop an effective marketing plan. Failure to understand the external and internal
2 capabilities may lead to sub-optimisation of the organisation’s strategy and resources
3 invested.
4 Multinational companies must highly consider environmental auditing and the
5 development of the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. This
6 is vital if they want to capitalise on organisational strengths, minimise any weaknesses,
711 exploit market opportunities as they arise and avoid, as far as possible, any threats.
292 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 It should be noted that the external environment is very important as it dictates the
2 behaviour of any marketing orientated organisation. Consequently, for the purpose of this
3 case, considerations for the analysis of the external environment are highlighted for
4 McDonald’s.
7 2 McDonald’s and its external environment
9 2.1 Political/legal factors
Political factors include laws, agencies and groups that influence and limit organisations
and individuals in a given society. The dimensions being evaluated include the
government attitude to foreign markets, the stability and financial policies of a country and
government bureaucracy.
Political and legal forces are highly important as they cover many aspects of company
policy. Government policy affects industry as a whole through regulatory bodies such as
the Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry. These
bodies develop policies on the trading, restrictions and standards within their particular
field. The policies created can affect businesses in various ways; in how their products are
produced, promoted and sold.
Multinational companies should understand that the political background is different
1 across the regions of the world. Many former centrally planned economies, for example,
2 are still heavily protected by the government. In such a climate, it is more likely that
3 proposals for a joint venture will be accepted.
4 It is argued that the legal ramifications of marketing a product internationally are very
5 complicated. Each country has their own legal system and when a company
6 internationalises then it must keep within these legal systems.
7 A legal issue occurred in Russia for McDonald’s when, in 1993, a law was passed
8 in Moscow requiring all stores to have Russian names, or at least names translated into
9 the Cyrillic alphabet. This meant the company had to translate its brand name to
30 . This enabled McDonald’s to at least retain the sound of its name. This
1 also occurred in Japan where the pronunciation of its name was changed to MaKudonaldo
2 (Daniels et al., 1998).
3 Moreover, the law in Russia states that at least a three-quarters majority vote is needed
4 to approve important decisions. Therefore, the representatives of McDonald’s and the City
5 Council must agree on all major decisions, which could hamper opportunities identified
6 by the company (Daniels et al., 1998).
7 When it comes to developing marketing mix elements in foreign markets, the
8 company’s approach may have to be adapted. The legal environment must be assessed to
9 determine whether it would affect the launch of a product into a new country. In many
40 countries, government and regulations have a direct influence on product design. Law
1 often imposes minimum or special product standards, which may necessitate the shape,
2 kind, components or even the brand name of a product used.
3 Government regulations and restrictions regulate the content of promotion. The law
4 restricts the advertiser’s freedom, particularly with regard to the advertising message and
5 visual presentation. Promotional activities also may have to be changed, depending on the
6 country involved and the legal systems that take place. For example, in France and China,
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 293

111 door-to-door selling cannot be used as it is prohibited (Vrontis and Vronti, 2004).
2 Moreover, Germany forbids superlatives or comparative claims. The words ‘better’ and
3 ‘best’ are words to be avoided. In the case of product comparisons, the manufacturer with
4 whose products the advertised products are compared may be able to sue for damages.
5 Price regulations may be another factor that a company needs to look at when
6 launching into internationalisation. In some countries governments may control the price
7 that is set for products. For example, Ghana controls the manufacturers’ profit margins,
8 which indirectly controls the price paid by customers (Muhlbacher et al., 1999).
2.2 Economic factors
2 Economic factors include factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending
3 patterns.
4 Economic trends are again, to a large extent, bound up in government policy and are
5 a crucial issue to businesses and marketers because of the way they affect consumer
6 spending power. In periods of relative prosperity, a consumer’s disposable income will be
7 relatively high and, therefore, there is a willingness to spend more money. Price becomes
8 a less sensitive issue and this affects marketing strategy itself. During a recession,
9 however, spending power decreases making price more relevant.
2011 The differences that exist between countries in different stages of economic and
1 industrial development have a profound influence on price setting. Differences in income
2 levels may suggest the desirability of systematic price variations. It is, therefore, important
3 for McDonald’s to understand that, in countries with a lower stage of economic
4 development, it is necessary to set a lower price.
5 The limited purchasing power in developing countries, often combined with low levels
6 of literacy, poses special problems for marketers on promotion. Although theoretically a
7 company has a wide choice of promotional tools, in practice the choice of effective tools
8 is somewhat limited. For example, in foreign markets with low economic development,
9 McDonald’s should try to use cost effective methods of promotion, otherwise the final
30 price would be beyond the reach of most customers.
2 2.3 Technological factors
4 Technological developments have made international travel and communication more
5 accessible to consumers and led to a situation in which social habits and fashions change
6 much quicker. Moreover, lifestyles and attitude changes cause changes in product demand
7 and how products can be sold to customers.
8 Technological factors include forces that create new technologies, creating new
9 product and market opportunities. It is based on considerations as to whether the local
40 market has sufficiently developed technologies to take full advantage of the product. It
1 should be noted that high technologies are required to make full use of the variety of
2 promotional methods using alternative advertising media such as television or websites
3 (Vrontis and Vronti, 2004).
4 McDonald’s successful internationalisation can be partly attributed to the way the
5 company has overcome technological problems. The systematic substitution of equipment
6 for people and the carefully planned use and positioning of technology have helped each
711 franchise to be of the same high standard. When McDonald’s entered the Russian market,
294 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 the company took into account that technology transfer could provide important long-term
2 benefits to the Soviet citizenry. Also, since the Soviet machinery lagged 15–20 years
3 behind Western technology, new machinery from Holland was used to harvest potatoes
4 used to make French fries.
2.4 Socio-cultural factors
8 Shifts in spending power are also affected by sociological demographic trends. Analysis
9 of population fluctuation suggests to marketers in which age groups there is going to be
1011 the largest demand for particular goods. A baby boom, for example, will increase the need
1 for baby products initially then, in following years, a greater demand for toys, educational
2 products and children’s clothes etc. Another emerging trend is the changing family, with
3 the traditional family unit of mother, father and two children in decline. The increase in
4 one person households creates different needs in home products as homes require smaller
5 products and money is spent due to more frequent home movement. Changes in
6 demographics can, therefore, affect things such as the development, designing, packaging
7 and promotion of products. It could also shape the organisational setting of strategies and
8 strategic planning.
9 In the case of McDonald’s, several social forces greatly affected its success in US.
2011 One factor was the prevailing family structure in the US and the trend towards a
1 youth-orientated culture. In the 1960s and the 1970s the decision-making role had changed
2 to such an extent that children often made the selection of a place to eat. McDonald’s
3 special emphasis on children and teenagers as advertising targets was successful largely
4 because the strategy capitalised on these existing social trends.
5 Another important factor was that the value that US society placed on time favoured
6 the consumption of meals with minimum time effort. Saving time, in fact, created the
7 desire for meals purchased outside the home on an unplanned or impulse basis. The result
8 was a burgeoning demand for low-priced food that was available any time and that could
9 be purchased with minimum shopping effort.
30 Economic factors are important for McDonald’s in determining a consumer’s ability
1 to purchase a product. Whether a purchase actually occurs, however, depends largely on
2 cultural factors. Therefore, to understand markets abroad, the company must have an
3 appreciation of buyer behaviour.
4 Culture could be defined as institutions and other forces that affect a society’s basic
5 values, perceptions, preferences and behaviours. Culture includes the entire heritage of a
6 society transmitted by word, literature or any other form. It includes traditions, habits,
7 religion, art, education, language, family and reference groups. While satellite television
8 and the international media are shrinking the world and homogenising consumer tastes,
9 culture continues to pull in the opposite direction. Traditions and religious beliefs run deep
40 and could often conflict with international media messages.
1 When McDonald’s entered India, the chain decided not to launch its Big Mac burger
2 as a result of deferring to the Hindu prohibition against beef consumption. The company
3 instead served chicken, fish and vegetable burgers. This was the first McDonald’s without
4 beef. A so-called ‘Maharaja Mac’ was also created, using a patty made from lamb. In some
5 countries, McDonald’s has been forced to change its food preparation methods as well; in
6 Singapore and Malaysia, for example, the beef that goes into burgers must be slaughtered
711 according to Muslim law.
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 295

111 In terms of language, when McDonald’s expanded in Puerto Rico in the early 1980s
2 the company employed US TV commercials dubbed in Spanish. When prospective
3 customers objected, the company eventually relented and developed a Spanish language
4 campaign just for Puerto Rico. Sales showed a considerable increase.
5 Moreover, in Southern China, McDonald’s is careful not to advertise prices with
6 multiple occurrences of the number four. The reason is simple: in Cantonese, the
7 pronunciation of the word four is similar to that of the word death (Whalen, 1995).
8 In Japan, where family ties are strong, McDonald’s has enjoyed a surge of popularity
9 as, in its approach, it invites consumers to associate the restaurant with family members
1011 interacting in various situations. Starting in 1996, McDonald’s campaign in Japan depicted
1 various aspects of fatherhood. One spot showed a father and son bicycling home with
2 burgers and fries; another showed a father driving a van full of boisterous kids to
3 McDonald’s for milkshakes.
6 2.5 Environmental factors
7 The climate and physical terrain of a country are important environmental conditions
8 which have a significant effect on the demand and the type of product made available.
9 Prior to entry into a new market, it is very important for McDonald’s to consider the
2011 physical terrain and climate in the appraisal. Altitude, relative temperatures and humidity
1 are some of the climatic conditions that can affect products in foreign markets.
2 Being environmentally friendly is another important issue to consider. Environmental
3 groups forced McDonald’s to reduce its use of plastic and styrofoam packing. While
4 McDonald’s internal market research shows that environmental issues will have neither a
5 positive nor negative impact on sales, they have agreed to work with the Environmental
6 Defence Fund, an environmental pressure group, to reduce unnecessary and harmful
7 waste.
30 2.6 Stakeholders
It is important that multinational companies highly consider and value their general public
or stakeholders – their staff, suppliers, distributors, shareholders and the consumer itself.
How a consumer and, indeed, the other ‘publics’ mentioned, view the company and the
products marketed is important, firstly in order to assess what market you are in but,
secondly, to assess whether the corporate image of the company is functioning in a
positive manner. Public perception of your product allows it to be positioned or
repositioned to reach the required target market and, therefore, be successful. If you view
your product as portraying a certain image that is at odds with the public perception of it,
obviously your marketing strategy is not functioning properly. Likewise, if your business
itself is viewed in a negative light by actors both internal and external to the company,
steps need to be taken including the design, quality, marketing and strategy of what is
3 offered to correct this and therefore create a feel good factor. Having a good relationship
4 with all publics is highly considered by McDonald’s.
296 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 2.7 Customer tastes

Customer tastes is another very important issue to consider. Every company should
undertake market research and understand consumers’ needs and wants. Based on that, it
should design marketing strategies and tactics to meet the needs and requirements of its
target audience. This is crucial as, by undertaking necessary adaptations, the company can
maintain its marketing orientation and go in line with the marketing concept.
McDonald’s is not an advocate of global marketing where this involves products and
services being treated as though the world is a single, uniform entity, thus marketing
standardised offerings in the same way everywhere. They follow an internationalisation
marketing strategy which involves customising marketing strategies (this may also include
pricing strategies) for different regions of the world according to cultural, regional and
national differences in line with local needs. Therefore, the concept of ‘think global, act
local’ has been clearly adopted by McDonald’s (Vignali, 2001). Below are some key
examples of the Internationalisation marketing strategy pursued by McDonald’s.
7 2.8 Product
One of the aims of McDonald’s is to create, where possible, a standardised set of items
that taste the same whether in Singapore, Spain or South Africa. Vignali (2001) notes that
adaptation is required for many reasons, including consumer tastes/preferences and
laws/customs. There are many situations where McDonald’s adapted the product because
of religious laws and customs in a country. For example, in Israel, after initial protests, Big
Macs are served without cheese in several outlets, thereby permitting the separation of
meat and dairy products required of kosher restaurants. McDonald’s restaurants in India
serve Vegetable McNuggets and a mutton-based Maharaja Mac (Big Mac). Such
innovations are necessary in a country where Hindus do not eat beef, Muslims do not eat
pork and Jains (among others) do not eat meat of any type. In Malaysia and Singapore,
McDonald’s underwent rigorous inspections by Muslim clerics to ensure ritual
cleanliness; the chain was rewarded with a halal (‘clean’, ‘acceptable’) certificate,
indicating the total absence of pork products. There are also many examples of how
McDonald’s adapted the original menu to meet customer needs/wants in different
In tropical markets, guava juice was added to the McDonald’s product line and
Bananafruit pies became popular in Latin America. In Thailand, McDonald’s introduced
the Samurai Pork Burger with sweet sauce. In Germany the chain sells beer and
6 McCroissants, while wine is served in France. Chilled yogurt drinks are available in
7 Turkey, espresso and cold pasta in Italy. Teriyaki burgers are sold in Japan and vegetarian
8 burgers in The Netherlands. Australian outlets used to offer mutton pot pie and, in the
9 Philippines, where noodle houses are popular, natives go for McSpaghetti.
40 The varied offerings also include banana fruit pies in Latin America, kiwi burgers
1 (served with beetroot sauce) in New Zealand, noodle soup served in most Asian markets
2 and chilli sauce to go with fries in Mexico and Singapore. McLaks (grilled salmon
3 sandwich) are sold in Norway and McHuevo (poached egg hamburger) in Uruguay. In
4 Thailand, McDonald’s introduced the Samurai Pork Burger with sweet sauce. Moreover,
5 in France, McDonald’s have adapted the ‘McDeluxe’ to have a delicate old mustard and
6 pepper sauce, a slice of cheddar cheese, fresh onions and a whole lettuce leaf to appeal to
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 297

111 their tastes and in Greece and Cyprus the introduction of the Greek Mac has been a huge
2 success.
3 These are examples of how McDonald’s has adopted its product offer in international
4 environments.
2.9 Structure of the market/competition
8 The issue of the competitive environment must be seen as probably one of the most
9 important issues. By gathering continuous data about competitors, such as their strategic
1011 strengths and weaknesses, their objectives, strategy, tactics and reaction patterns and the
1 sort of marketing activity/budget, a company can decide its own position in relative terms
2 and be prepared for what challenges are facing them in terms of competitor attacks. This
3 information also can be used to interpret sudden moves by competitors and how they will
4 respond to a move you are considering taking.
5 Porter (1980) and Doyle (1983) are both proponents of positioning strategy. Porter
6 considers the external factors which impact upon a firm’s competitive positioning. Doyle
7 refers to the choice of target market segment which describes the customers. A business
8 will seek to serve and the choice of differential advantage which defines how it will
9 compete with rivals in the segment.
2011 Porter claims that competition is at the core of success or failure of the firm and that a
1 successful competitive strategy can establish a profitable and sustainable industry
2 position. He claims that there are two fundamental questions underlying the choice of a
3 competitive strategy: firstly, how attractive is the industry with regard to profitability and
4 secondly, what are the determinants of a competitive position within an industry.
5 According to Porter there are five competitive forces that will govern the rules of
6 competition and these rules will prevail in any industry both in domestic and international
7 markets. The five forces are:
8  the entry of new competition to the market
30  the threat of substitutes or replacement products
1  the bargaining power of buyers
3  the bargaining power of suppliers
4  the rivalry between firms of the same sector.
7 2.9.1 Threat of rivalry/competitors
8 The concentration of firms within the fast food industry is low due to the established
9 presence of McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC. However, in certain markets,
40 McDonald’s will face competition from established domestic fast-food outlets.
2 2.9.2 Threat of new/potential entrants
3 The barriers to entry are quite high for new entrants, as the size of McDonald’s means they
4 have achieved economies of scale and have preferential access to raw materials and
5 distribution channels. New entrants may find that a high cost of investment is required in
6 securing plant and machinery.
298 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 2.9.3 Threat of substitutes

2 A substitute product is one that can be used as an alternative to a company’s own. It could
3 be argued that the threat of substitutes to McDonald’s comes from pizzas and other
4 domestic kebab and fast food houses. However, most of the above do not have the same
5 level of convenience that McDonald’s offers, in having a number of outlets in big cities
6 and also through the use of multiple drive-through outlets.
8 2.9.4 Bargaining power of buyers
9 This area is perceived to be fairly low risk for McDonald’s as consumers have little control
1011 over the variations in the product offerings, price and place of distribution. However,
1 international market research should take place and any necessary adaptations made. The
2 company should keep customers satisfied, as switching cost is low and the possibility of
3 switching to another brand in case of dissatisfaction is relatively low.
5 2.9.5 Bargaining power of suppliers
6 This ranges from the threat of forward integration to the threat of cutting off supplies. As
7 McDonald’s has a great deal of influence over their suppliers, due to the fact that it aids
8 them and trains them, the threats from suppliers are low. Due to the scale of McDonald’s
9 operations, suppliers are keen to retain their contracts with the firm. McDonald’s
2011 internationalisation could also mean greater sales potential for suppliers.
3 2.10 Competitive positioning
4 So, what is a good strategy? Can a firm position itself in order to gain competitive
5 advantage over its competitors? Is there a specific position a firm should take in order for
6 its strategy to be successful?
7 Rumelt (1980) states that competitive advantages can normally be found in superior
8 resources, superior skills or a superior position. Resources and skills enable a firm to do
9 more or do it better than the competition. Different resources and skills will be required
30 depending on the industry or market segment. Positional advantage is how the
1 arrangement of these resources and skills are used to out manoeuvre the competition.
2 Positional advantage can be gained by forward planning, greater skill and resources or
3 luck! Once a dominant position is gained it is difficult for the competition to dislodge the
4 incumbent firm provided the position merits continuation and that it is extremely costly
5 for competitors to take over.
6 As long as environmental forces remain constant position can remain constant.
7 Positional advantage can take the form of size or scale, differentiation from competitors
8 and successful trading names. To be successful, a company needs to get both its strategy
9 and tactics working in harmony to provide the optimum return bounded by efficiency
40 (McDonald and Leppard, 1993). Both strategy and tactics should be designed after a
1 careful consideration of the situational environment.
2 It is apparent from Figure 2 that businesses finding themselves to the left of this matrix
3 are destined to die, strategy being the key factor as to how quickly. Considering
4 McDonald’s international performance we can argue that the company is thriving as it is
5 effective – doing things right (having the desired effect, producing the intended result) and
6 efficient – doing the right thing (able to work well and without wasting time or resources).
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 299

111 Figure 2 Strategy tactics grid (for colours see online version)
6 Source: McDonald and Leppard, (1993, p.7)
7 The firm has to consider more than the industry structure, it also has to take an appropriate
8 position within the industry. This positioning will determine the competitive advantage a
9 firm can have, namely low cost or differentiation against competitive scope at the broad
2011 or narrow market (see Figure 3).
2 Figure 3 Porter’s generic strategy grid (for colours see online version)
7 The official stance on McDonald’s pricing policy is highlighted in the company’s mission
8 statement, where it states the most fundamental element of determining price:
40 “Being in touch with the pricing of our competitors allows us to price our
1 products correctly, balancing quality and value.”
2 Overall the ultimate goal of McDonald’s pricing and differentiation mix is to increase
3 market share. The strategies of cost leadership and differentiation are used
4 interchangeably within the internationalisation approach of McDonald’s.
300 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 The McDonald’s positioning in the cost leadership quadrant is achieved not only
2 through economies of scale in research, development and promotion but also through
3 learning, knowledge and experience in production and operational processes as well as the
4 way it manages its franchises. Vignali (2001) provides an explanation of the pricing
5 decisions of McDonald’s. He notes that this is based on a six step approach, namely:
7 1 selecting price objectives
8 2 determining demand
1011 3 estimating costs
4 analysing competitors’ costs, prices and offers
3 5 selecting a pricing effort
5 6 selecting the final price.
6 The use of a differentiation strategy is where the firm attempts to diversify from its
7 competitors by adding something to its product that will provide a unique value to its
8 customers. There are also various ways a firm can differentiate depending on the industry
9 in which it operates, however the costs of this differentiation policy must be lower than
2011 the additional pricing the firm can obtain. Differentiation for McDonald’s is achieved
1 through a perceived superior quality product which surpasses their nearest rivals and high
2 brand image and recognition. The company also has used their promotion and packaging
as a means of further differentiation, for example, the golden arches, which have become
an internationally recognised symbol for high quality at low cost. They can, therefore,
adopt a premium pricing policy in many markets where economic conditions allow.
There are several approaches a firm can take to become a low cost producer, which can
be used in isolation or as a combination to differentiation. The most basic way to a low
cost is to remove all the ‘extras’ from the product and produce a no frills offering. The
danger in this strategy is that the way is paved for a feature war. The design or make up
of the product can create advantages, for example the use of alternative materials. The
standardised production and operational processes a firm employs can also reduce costs.
Another example would be the efficient use of distribution networks, manufacturing
4 systems or the use of low cost labour and product innovation.
5 The McDonald’s company has perhaps, contrary to Porter’s warning, managed to
6 adopt both a differentiation and a cost leadership strategy.
7 McDonald and Leppard (1993) have developed a strategic focus matrix (see Figure 4)
8 which emphasises the impact of time on business activities. The elements relating to the
9 marketing mix have been emboldened to show where they are positioned in relation to
40 time. It is our view that McDonald’s adopts the following recommendations, not only in
1 the short term but also in the medium and long term.
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 301

111 Figure 4 Strategic focus matrix (for colours see online version)
2011 Source: McDonald and Leppard (1993)
3 2.11 Strategic marketing planning
4 Strategic marketing planning makes use of a number of analytical models that help to
5 develop a strategic view of the business and, thus, can be used as decision-making aids.
6 The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix (see Figure 5) is one of these models.
8 Figure 5 The Boston Consulting Group matrix (for colours see online version)
302 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 Products or services and their respective strategies fall into one of four quadrants of
2 the BCG matrix. The typical starting point for a new business is as a question mark. If
3 the product is new it has no market share but the predicted growth rate is good. What
4 typically happens in an organisation is that management is faced with a number of these
5 types of products but with too few resources to develop them all. Thus, the strategic
6 decision-maker must determine which of the products to attempt to develop into
7 commercially viable products and which ones to drop from consideration. Question marks
8 are cash users in the organisation. Early in their life, they contribute no revenues and
9 require expenditures for market research, test marketing and advertising to build consumer
1011 awareness.
1 If the correct decision is made and the product selected achieves a high market share,
2 it becomes a BCG matrix star. Stars have high market share in high-growth markets. Stars
3 generate large cash flows for the business but also require large infusions of money to
4 sustain their growth. Stars are often the targets of large expenditures for advertising and
5 research and development to improve the product and to enable it to establish a dominant
6 position in the industry.
7 Cash cows are business units that have high market share in a low-growth market.
8 These are often products in the maturity stage of the product life cycle. They are usually
9 well-established products with wide consumer acceptance, so sales revenues are usually
2011 high. The strategy for such products is to invest little money into maintaining the product
1 and divert the large profits generated into products with more long-term earnings
2 potential, i.e. question marks and stars.
3 Dogs are businesses with low market share in low-growth markets. These are often
4 cash cows that have lost their market share or question marks the company has elected not
5 to develop. The recommended strategy for these businesses is to dispose of them for
6 whatever revenue they will generate and reinvest the money in more attractive businesses
7 (question marks or stars).
8 Having used the Boston Consulting Group matrix above, it should also be noted that
9 the BCG matrix suffers from limited variables on which to base resource allocation
30 decisions among the businesses making up the corporate portfolio. Notice that the only
1 two variables composing the matrix are relative market share and rate of market growth.
2 Now consider how many other factors contribute to business success or failure.
3 Management talent, employee commitment, industry forces such as buyer and supplier
4 power, environmental sensitive practices, corporate governance, corporate social
5 responsibility and the introduction of strategically-equivalent substitute products or
6 services, changes in consumer preferences and a host of others determine ultimate
7 business viability.
8 The BCG matrix is best used, then, as a beginning point but certainly not as the final
9 determination for resource allocation decisions as it was perhaps originally intended. In
40 other words, just analysing the coordinates of a product into the dogs category would not
1 necessarily mean that it should be singled out for termination. The technological,
2 production and market synergies (with reference to a perceived ‘total offering’) to
3 customers should also be parts of any elimination of ‘dogs’.
4 Further, if we consider McDonald’s position as market leader within the ‘restaurant
5 based fast food’ market (this is as opposed to frozen home made fast food items) and the
6 relative profits derived from this market, then it becomes clear that they are positioned in
711 the ‘protect position’ quadrant of the Mckinsey matrix (Figure 6). This means that the
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 303

111 company should concentrate efforts on maintaining its existing strength by investing to
2 grow at maximum digestible rate.
4 Figure 6 The McDonald’s company’s position in the Mckinsey matrix (for colours see online
8 Source: Day (1986)
It is also recommended that they can capitalise on ‘first mover’ advantage and therefore
‘drive’ market innovation. This reflects the concepts of the ‘inside-out’ or competencies
based approach or the capabilities based approach – i.e. due to their relative size in the
market, McDonald’s can, to some extent, drive the market.
2.12 Strategic options
6 Markides (1999) further states that behind every successful company there is superior
7 strategy. The company may have developed this strategy through formal analysis, trial and
8 error, intuition or even pure luck. No matter how it was developed, it is the strategy that
9 underpins the success of the company.
40 Strategists have a tremendous amount of both latitude and responsibility in developing
1 and balancing the strategic options of an organisation. The countless decisions required of
2 these managers can be overwhelming considering the potential consequences of incorrect
3 decisions. One way to deal with this complexity is through categorisation; one
4 categorisation scheme is to classify corporate-level strategy decisions into three different
5 types or grand strategies (Porter, 1985). These grand strategies involve efforts to expand
6 business operations (growth strategies), decrease the scope of business operations
711 (retrenchment strategies) or maintain the status quo (stability strategies).
304 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 More specifically, growth strategies are designed to expand an organisation’s

2 performance, usually as measured by sales, profits, product mix, market coverage, market
3 share or other accounting and market-based variables. Typical growth strategies involve
4 one or more of the following:
5  with a concentration strategy the firm attempts to achieve greater market penetration
6 by becoming highly efficient at servicing its market with a limited product line
7 (e.g. McDonalds in fast foods)
9  by using a vertical integration strategy, the firm attempts to expand the scope of its
1011 current operations by undertaking business activities formerly performed by one of
1 its suppliers (backward integration) or by undertaking business activities performed
2 by a business in its channel of distribution (forward integration)
3  a diversification strategy entails moving into different markets or adding different
4 products to its mix. If the products or markets are related to existing product or
5 service offerings, the strategy is called concentric diversification. If expansion is into
6 products or services unrelated to the firm’s existing business, the diversification is
7 called conglomerate diversification.
9 When firms are satisfied with their current rate of growth and profits, they may decide to
use a stability strategy. This strategy is essentially a continuation of existing strategies.
Such strategies are typically found in industries having relatively stable environments. The
firm is often making a comfortable income operating a business that they know and see no
need to make the psychological and financial investment that would be required to
undertake a growth strategy.
Finally, retrenchment strategies involve a reduction in the scope of a corporation’s
activities, which also generally necessitates a reduction in number of employees, sale of
assets associated with discontinued product or service lines and, in the most extreme cases,
liquidation of the firm.
Nonetheless, even considering which strategy to pursue – and McDonald’s is indeed
pursuing a growth strategy through its continuous franchising international and domestic
expansions – is not enough in defining strategy correctly. Mintzberg (1994, p.28)
discusses the concepts of strategy as a position and strategy as a perspective. He notes that
“as position, strategy looks down . . . to the “x” that marks the spot where the product
meets the customer . . . and it looks out . . . to the external marketplace. As perspective, in
contrast, strategy looks in . . . inside the organisation, indeed, inside the head of the
collective strategist . . . but it also looks up – to the grand vision of the enterprise”.
Mintzberg provides an illustration to demonstrate the concept. This has been adapted
and shown in Figure 7.
2.13 Utilisation of value chain
1 Viswanathan and Dickson (2006) provide a conceptual three-factor model describing the
2 right conditions for the standardisation of products and services for a global organisation.
3 Although it has been argued that McDonald’s uses a customised approach for setting up
4 its local strategies in the various countries in which it operates, the Viswanathan and
5 Dickson model (Figure 8) encompasses elements that, if considered by international
6 companies, could perhaps be used to enable them to capitalise on their experiences
711 elsewhere for successfully launching and managing their expansion.
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 305

111 Figure 7 Position and perspective concept (for colours see online version)
7 Source: Mintzberg (1994, p.28)
8 Figure 8 Standardising global marketing strategy
711 Source: Viswanathan and Dickson (2006, p.51)
306 D. Vrontis and P. Pavlou

111 The use of this model serves as an aid to managers for analysing the conditions of the
2 perspective host country with regard to being favourable for the transferability of tried and
3 tested practices. If all three conditions are not favourable then management would at least
4 be in a position to know where to focus attention or where new strategies and tactics would
5 need to be customised to suit the new environment.
8 3 Conclusions
1011 It is argued that effective marketing strategies and tactics cannot be developed without
1 firstly analysing the environment in which the company operates. A number of
2 uncontrollable elements affect McDonald’s international marketing strategy and tactical
3 implementation. These groups of elements include the PESTLE (political, economic,
4 social, technological, legal and environmental), structure of the market and competition
5 being faced (Porter’s (1980) five forces analysis) as well as analysis of its stakeholders,
6 customers and product adaptation within its internationalisation strategy. All of these
7 aspects are crucial to a company’s strategic decision making. The level of understanding
8 that exists in these relationships will determine the success of a company.
9 McDonald’s is not making a one-time standardised global choice but it is striking to
2011 find a balance. This is not a straightforward task, as identifying the balance between
1 standardisation and adaptation is a challenge and very difficult to achieve. The goals of
2 reducing costs and complexity lead McDonald’s to consider standardisation, while
3 customer orientation sways it towards adaptation. It is evident through the analysis that
4 McDonald’s is adapting its marketing mix elements in order to go in line with the external
5 environment. At the same time, it should be noted that the company is also standardising
6 when and where possible in its desire to achieve economies of scale and global uniformity
7 and image.
8 With respect to McDonald’s internationalisation strategy, the company’s effectiveness
9 and profitability is obviously well supported by their strong competitive position and
30 market share in their primary product market. Its’ international success is achieved by the
1 company’s strategy and tactics, which complement each other and work in harmony,
2 providing the optimum return bounded by efficiency. The company is thriving as it is both
3 effective (doing things right) and efficient (doing the right thing).
4 McDonald’s portfolio of products is well managed and ensures the best fit between the
5 company’s strengths and weaknesses and for offsetting the threats found in its competitive
6 environment. In considering the strong competitive position of the firm in a highly
7 attractive market, it is suggested that McDonald’s should protect its position (Mckinsey
8 matrix). This can be achieved by concentrating efforts on maintaining its existing strength
9 by investing to grow at maximum digestible rate.
40 It is recommended that McDonald’s continue this approach, that is: simultaneously
1 focus its attention on aspects of the business that require global standardisation and aspects
2 that demand local responsiveness. When appropriate, processes should be standardised,
3 however, operation in local markets necessitates the maintenance of the appropriate local
4 flexibility.
5 McDonald’s is adopting differentiation and cost leadership strategies (generic
6 strategies). In terms of differentiation, the firm attempts to be diverse from its competitors
711 by adding something to its product that will provide a unique value to its customers. This
The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning 307

111 is achieved through well-designed and managed marketing activities resulting in a

2 perceived superior quality product and high brand image and recognition. Further, cost
3 leadership is achieved, not only through economies of scale but also through learning,
4 knowledge and experience in production and operational processes and through
5 effective/efficient distribution networks and manufacturing systems.
6 It is recommended that further international expansion may benefit from the use of a
7 value chain analysis with regards to identifying the degree of homogeneity of a new
8 country with the ones in which McDonald’s already has a presence. Such an analysis will
9 help to avoid expensive mistakes and false starts, as well as achieve further economies of
1011 scale through the transferability of the experiences and lessons learned in other countries.
3 References
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4 Notes

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