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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Arches
3.2.1 Temunology
3.2.2 Types of Arch
3.3 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches
3.3 1 Deternunation of Reactions
3.3 2 Internal Stress Resultants
3.3.3 Benmng Moment D~agramsfor Three-hlnged Arches

3.4 Influence Lines for Three-Hinged Arches

3 4.1 Influence Llnes for Horizontal Reaction, Moment, Radial Shear and
Normal Thrust - General Case
3.4.2 To Determine Maxlmum Bendlog Moment due to a Concentrated Rolllng Load
3 4.3 To Determine Maxlmum B &ng Moment and Horlwntal Thrust for a Cmcular Arch
3.4.4 To Detemune Hor~zontalTZ ust and Benhng Moment due to the Concentrated Loads and
Umformly Wstnbuted Load
3.4.5 Absolute Maximum Bending Moment
3.5 Summ,ary
3.6 Key Words
3.7 Answers to SAQs

Till now, you had been studying two-dimensional (plane) structures like beams, frames
and trusses which were mostly linear in their grometry or comprised of elements which
were formed out of straight lines. Now in this unit, you are being introduced to a class of
structures which will be composed of curved-mem%ers instead of straight ones. The
simplest member of this class is the arch. Arches as such are not a new mode of
construction and have been in use as a load bearing structure since ancient times.
Although it is more difficult to construct a curved structure like an arch, there are certain
advantages, apart from their aesthetic look, which have made them popular among civil
engineers and architects.
It will be shown here in this unit that the bending moment in an arch section is generally
less than that in a corresponding beam section, of similar span and loading. Hence, the
all-important bending stresses are less in arches. However, in an arch section, there is in
additional normal thrust which is not present in beam sections (with transverse loading).
But normally the net effect is not critical as concrete and masonry are usually stronger in
compression and the total stresses are generally well within limits. So overall speaking,
an arch is lighter and stronger than a similar or similarly-loaded beam. Figure 3.1 shows
some kinds of arch used in civil engineering.

(a) Fhed Arch (b)Linear Arch (c) lhussed Arch

Figure 3.1 :Different Types oPArch

An arch could be defined in simple terms as a two-dimensional structure element which

is curved in elevation and is supported at ends by rigid or hinged supports which are
capable of developing the desired thrust to resist the loads. It could also be defined as a
two-dimensional element which resists external loads through its profile. This is achieved
by its characteristic horizontal reaction developed at the supports. The horizontal thrust
causes hogging bending moment which tend to reduce the sagging moment due to
loading and thus, the net bending moment is much smaller. However, at the same time the
Loads and
ltolli~~g arch is subjected to large axial compressive force as shown in Figure 3.1. There are
various types of arches. However, in this unit, we would confine to the study of
Three-hinged Arches.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
conceptualise the structural behaviour of an arch,
determine the internal stress resultants namely, normal thrust, radial shear and
bending moment for three-hinged arches,
obtain influence lines for horizontal thrust and vertical reactions, bending
moment, radial shear and normal thrust for a three-hingcd arch, and
determine absolute maximum values of these internal stress resultants, or
external reactions.

3.2.1 Terminology
Following are some commonly used terms relating to arches :
Springing : This is the point where the arch axis meets the supporting
structure (column, pier, wall or abutment). In a simple
arch, there are two springings. The springings may or may
not be at the same level [Figure 3.2 (a) and (b)].
Crown : This is the highest point on the curved axis of the arch. In
the case of a symmetrical arch with springings at same
level, they will be above the midpoint of the arch-span
[Figure 3.2 (a)]. In an unsymmetrical arch, the crown is at
unequal distances from each support [Figure 3.2 (b)].
Soffit : This is the lower surface of the arch which is normally
curved in shape. In case of trussed arches, the line joining
the nodes form the soffit.
: The vertical height of the crown above the springing is
the rise of the arch (Figure 3.2 (a)].
Span : The horizontal distance between the springings is called
span [Figure 3.2 (a) and (b)].
3.2.2 Types of Arch
There are various ways in which arches can be classified. Following are some of the
classifications of arches :
(a) Arches can be (i) simple, or (ii) multiple.
In the former case of simple arch, the arch consists of a single span structure,
whereas in the latter case of multiple arch, it is a multi-span structure [Figure
3.2 (c) and (d)]
(b) Arches can be classified according to the materials used in their construction in
following way :
(i) Brick or Stone masonry arches.
(ii) Reinforced Concrete arches.
(iii) Steel arches.
(iv) Timber arches etc.
(c) Their classification according to structural behaviour can be as follows :
(i) Fixed arches [Figure 3.2 (e)] :The arch springings are fixed or clamped
(in both position and direction). Here the arch is statically indeterminate to
the third degree, as there are six reaction components (three at each
support) and only three equations of static equilibrium are available. These
arches are also called hingeless arches.
Analysis d A~.clles

(a)SymmetrfcalAl-ch @)UnsymmetricalArch

. - .
(c) Simple Arch (d) Mnltipk Amh

(e) Fixed Arch (0Twa-hingedArch (g) Three-hinged Arch

Y R, 4 = Polar Coor&nates of P
x , y = Cartesian Coordinates of P
A We have,
x = R (sln 8 -sin 4)
=R (COS $ - cos 8)
(h) ~ i m d a (Segmentel)
r A d

Equation of the parabola with A as origin i

'Slope e of arch axis with horizontal at point P :
tang = = *(l-h)
where ( x , y) are coordinates of point P.

(i) Perabdic (Symmetrical) A d

Figure 3.2 :Types of Arch

(ii) Two-hinged arches [Figure 3.2 (f)] :There are hinges at each of the
springings. This type of arch is also statically indeterminate but the degree
of indeterminacy is only one as the unknown reaction components are
four in number (two at each support).
(iii) Three-hinged arches [Figure 3.2 (g)] :In this case of arch, an extra
hinge is provided (usually at the crown of the arch), besides the two
hinges provided at the springings. Since bending moments at the hinges
are zero, these three hinges provide the three extra equations to determine
the support reactions besides the three equations of statics. Thus, a
three-hinged arch is a statically determinute structure.
(d) The arches can be classified according to the shape o'f the soffit curve, e.g.
circular (or segmental), parabolic, cycloid, inverted catenary etc. as shown in
.Figures 3.2 (h) and (i).
(e) Arches can also be (i) linear arches in which case there centre-lines are
composed of a series of straight segments fonning a curve, or (ii) trussed
arches in which case they are composed of a number of linear elements joined
together to form a non-linearlcurved truss [Figures 3.1 (b) and (c)].
Rolling Loads and
Influence Lines
3.3.1 Determination of Reactions
The two-hinged arch can be made statically determinate by introducing a third hinge at
the crown of the arch.
Example 3.1
Let us consider the three-hinged arch shown in Figure 3.3. This type of arch is
statically determinate as now an extra equation is available by taking bending
moments of all leftlright hand side forces about C as zero.

F i p n 3.3

Let us fist obtain vertical reactions. Taking moments about A of all the forces,
(vBx10)-(100x2) = 0

Now, let us take moments about C of all forces acting on the right side of hinge C :
(VBx5)-(HBx3) = 0

... HB = -
VB --
20 - 33.3 kN (acting towards the right) c
3 - 3
Applying equilibrium equation Fx = 0 ; * HA- HB = 0
We get, HA = 33.3 kN (acting towards the left) +
Thus, all four reactions could be obtained here.
The bending moment at D is as follows :
M D = (VAx 2) - (HAx 2.5) = (80 x 2) - (33.3 x 2.5) = 76.75 kN m

Comparing this with a simply supported beam of same span and loading,
In that case, M D will be = (VAx 2) = (80 x 2) = 160 kN m.
Therefore, as it was brought gut in the Section 3.1, the arch action has reduced the
moment at D by a value equal to
- 76'75 x 100 = 52% approximately.
This has happened because of the hogging moment due to horizontal reaction.
Example 3.2 (Three-hinged Symmetrical Parabolic Arch)
Figure 3.4 shows a three-hinged symmetrical parabolic arch of span 100 m and
central rise of 25 m. It is required to find the support reactions due to the loading
shown. The left half of the span carries a uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/m
while two concentrated loads of 50 kN and 100 kN act at 30 m and 10 m from right
hand support as shown.
Analysis oi Arches

Figure 3.4

As shown in Figure 3.2 (i), the equation of the symmetrical parabolic arch with A
as origin can be written as follows :

where, x and y are co-ordinates of any point P,

h is the central rise of the arch,
L is the span of the arch.
In the present example, h = 25 m and L = 100 m, hence, the equation of the arch
will be

The height of the load point D will be => y~ = 70 x (100 - 70) = 21 m,and

The height of the load point E will be

Now taking moments about B and applying the condition

I t gives, VA = 100 kN
Applying the condition of vertical equilibrium,
V A + V B = ( 2 ~ 5 0 ) + 5 0 + 1 0 0= 250

Giving VB = 250-100 = 150kN

Now bending moment at central hinge C is zero, therefore, taking moments of all
left hand forces about C

It gives HA = 100kN acting towards right as shown. Also considering horizontal

equilibrium of arch, reaction HB will also be 100 kN but acting towards left at B.
Example 3.3 (Unsymmetrical Parabolic Arch)
Figure 3.5 shows an unsymmetrical parabolic arch of span 90 m. The right hand
springing B is 9 rn above the left hand springing A. The crown C is at 50 m from A
and 25 m above it. It is required to find the reactions under the given loads at D.
- m
VB '36 kN
Figure 35

Taking A as origin, let the equation of the parabola be

Si~lcc. ;it A, )' =0 when x = 0

1 C y = 2 5 when x = 50
&B, y = 9 when x = 90
Now we have following three equations to determine a,b, c
0 = a.o2+0.0+c (ii)
25 = a . 5 d + b . 5 0 + c (iii)
9 = a.9d+b.90+c (iv)
From Eq. (ii) c = 0;and from Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get,

a = ---1
l W ' and b = 1

Substituting above values in Eq. (i), the equation of the parabola becomes

Hence, the rise of the point D is given by

Now taking moments of all forces about B and applying MB = 0,we get,

( v A ~ 9 o ) - ( H A ~ 9 ) - ( 1 ~ X 6 o ) + 5 0 ~ ( 2 1=- 0
9) (vi)

and since bending moment at Cis zero, MC = 0 (of left hand forces), we have,
(VAx 50) - (HAx 25) - (100 x 20) - (25 - 21) x 50 = 0 (vii)

On so!ving Eqs. (vi) and (vii), we get,

VA = 64 kN and HA = 40 kN
Considering vertical equilibrium, VA + VB = 100. giving VB = 36 kN 1'
and considering horizontal equilibrium, HA+ 50 = HB giving HB = 90 kN

3.3.2 Internal Stress Resultants

As discussed in Section 3.1, in this unit,'we shall be dealing only with the statically
determinate arches which belong to the class of three-hinged arches. A three-hinged arch
as shown in Figure 3.6 (b) has a hinge each at both its springings and the third one
somewhere in the span (most commonly at the highest point or the crown). For analysing
the arch, the type of the curve depicting the centre-line of the arch (or the equation of the Analysis of Arches
arch) will be known.
Difference beween 'Beam-action' and 'Arch-action'
When a load acts on a horizontal beam, it produces vertical and horizontal
reactions at ils supports. The horizontal components of the reactions or loads do
not contribute to the bending moment at any point in the beam as they pass through
the beam axis [Figure 3.6 (a)]. Hence, only the vertical components need be
considered for calculation of bending moment in a beam. Howewer, in the case of
an arch, even a vertical load acting on it causes horizontal thrust at the supports,
and there will be inward acting horizontal reactions at the springings in addition to
the vertical reactions [Figure 3.6 (b)].

Fig- 3.6 r B4Pa Action sod An-h Action

It can be easily seen from the free-body diagrams and their equilibrium condjtions that.
the vertical reaction components are same in magnitude for a beam or arch of same-span
and similarly-loaded as shown in Figure 3.7.

I n arch, the horizontal reactions ~ 1 1 proti~~c"

1 'i in om el.^ !
I x y where y 1s the height of the
p i v ~ point
n on the arch abox i. spring:^^,! !:r 2. This mu^ leI:t will be a hogging nlomeiit
and therefore will have negalive sign, whc :a:. 'he mopc-,s due to rhc vt'rijcal reachon
Rolling Loads aod component is a sagging moment. Thus, the net value of the arch bending moment is less
Intluence Lines
than the corresponding beam bending moment. or algebraically speaking

M = bending moment at the point D of the arch,
p = bending moment at the corresponding point D' of the beam,
H = horizontal thrust at springing, and
x, y = co-ordinates of the point D.
This reduction in bending moment is known as arch action.
Another important point of difference between a beam and an arch is the internal stress
resultants acting at a transverse section. For a horizontal beam shown in Figure 3.7 (c),
the transverse section is vertical, and for vertical loads it will have only the two internal
stress resultants, i.e. the bending moment, M and the vertical transverse shear, S
[Figure 3.7 (e)]. Whereas, the arch axis being curved, its slope at any point whose
coordinates are (x, y) will be given by tan 0 = dY ,(where y =Ax) is the equation of the
arch axis). Now a transverse section of the arch will be inclined making an angle of 0
with the vertical. Thus, it will have three internal stress resultants, i.e. (i) a bending
moment M, (ii) a normal thrust N inclined at 0 with horizontal, and (iii) a transvefse shear
S (inclined at 0 with vertical) as shown in Figure 3.7 (d).
These ideas are explained in the next two sections by means of concrete examples.
3.3.3 Bending Moment Diagrams for Three-Hinged Arches
Example 3.4
Draw the BM diagrams for the three-hinged parabolic arch given in Example 3.2.
Find the bending moment, normal thrust and radial shear at a point 2 0 m from
either support.
Referring to Example 3.2 where the reactions RA,RE,HA, HE have already been
calculated, we first draw the beam bending moment diagram (p diagram) and
then on the same horizontal axis, draw the arch action diagram (Hy diagram).
The difference of the ordinates of the two diagrams (p - Hy) will give the net
bending moment (M)for the arch.

(a) Amh with

r ire Lading

(h) BM Diagram

Flgure 3.8 (a) :Amh and its B e n l n g Moment Dingnun

Analysis of Arches
The beam bending moment at any point distant x from A and between A and C will
be given by

which is parabolic in shape having maximum value 2500 kN m at the midpoint C.

This is drawn in Figure 3.8 (a).
For the right half, it is easier to measure f toward right from the point B and we
get following values :
BetweenB and E (0 I i I 10)
~1 = VB.f = 1 5 0 i

Between E and D (10 I i I 30)

Between D and C (30 I i I 50)

p = VBf-lOO(i-10)-5O(i-30) = 2500

The height of the points P and Q (20 m from either support) is given by

Also p~ = VBxx' = 150x10 = 1500kNm

and pp = ( T 5 0 ~ 3 0 )- (100x20) = 2500kNm
The p diagram is shown by dotted lines in Figure 3.8 (a).
The H y diagram will be given by the equation

Hy = (100) [w]
x 100-x
= 100x - 2 for the entire span of the arch.
x 100-x
[Since y = for the given parabola as already determined in Example3.2.1
Thus, H y is also a parabola and is drawn by firm line on the same side as p
diagram in Figure 3.8 (a). It can be seen that the p and H y diagrams both coincide
between A and C, hence, M = p - H y = 0 between these points.
m e value of Hyis 2100 k~ m at D (x' = 30 m, y = 21 m) and 900 kN m at E
( i = 10 m, y = 9 m). Hence, H y is always less than the beam bending moment p
and the bending moment diagram lies above it and is shown by the shaded portion
of diagram [Figure 3.8 (a)].
Thus, the net bending moment is always positive between the points C and B. Its
value is (2500 - 2100) = 400 kN m at point D and (1500 - 900) = 600 kN m at
point E.
Normal Thrust and Radial Shear
To find the normal thrust and radial shear at a points P and Q which are 20 m from
A and B respectively (x = 20), firstly, we determine its height above springing level.

Consider only the portions AP a n a ' of~ the

~ arch with all the forces acting on
them as shown in Figures 3.B .(b) and (c) and also refer to Figure 3.7 (d).
Rolling Loads and
Influence Lines N

tan 850.6

Figure 3.8 (b) and (c) :h e Body Diagrams

Resolving all forces parallel to the tangent, we get,

N 0 d t h f u s t . N = H A C O S ~ +~ s i n e - ( ~ ~ ~ ) s i n e (3.2a)

Resolving all forces perpendicular to the tangent, we get,

Radial shear, S = HAsin 8 - VA cos 8 + (3.2b)

Here, P,, are sum of all the external loads acting over the portion of the beam
and 0 is the slope of the tangent at the given point with the horizontal.

Now in the given problem, we have,

It gives sin 8 =: 0.5145, cos 8 = 0.8575

and CP, = 2 x 2 0 = 4 0 k N
At the point P [Referring to free-body diagram of Figure 3.8 (b)]
Normal Thrust,N = (100 x 0.8575) + ( 1 0 0 0.5
~ 145) - (40 x 0.5145) = 54.88 kN

Radial Shear, S = (100 x 0.5 145) - (100 x 0.8575) i((40 x 0.8575) = 0

*BendingMoment, M = p - Hy = 0
At the point Q [Referring to free-body diagram of Figure 3.8 (c)]
Normal Thrust,N = (100 x 0.8575) + (150 x 0.5145) - (100 x 0.5 145) = 111.475 kN
Radial Shear, S = (100 x 0.5 145) - (150 x 0.8575) + (100 x 0.8575) = 8.575 kN
Bending Moment, M = p - Hy = [(SOx 20) + 10001- [(LOO x 20) - 202] = 400 kNm
Example 3.5
Draw the BMD for the parabolic arch of Example 3.3. Find the bending moment,
normal thrust and radial shear at a point P,40 m from the left hand springing.
x (100 -x)
Equation of the arch as determined in Example 3.3, y =
40 (100 - 40) = 24
At point P7height, yp =

Slope, tan 8 '0°-

= --
(2 401 = 0.2. It gives sin 8 = 0.9161 cos 8 = 0.9806.

Normal Thrust, N = (HA+ 50) cos 8 + (VA- 100) sin 8

= (40 + 50) x 0.9806 + (64 - 100) x 0.1961
= 81,198 kN (compression)
Radial Shear, S = (HA + 50) sin 0 - (VA - 100) cos 0 Analysis of ~ r e h e s

= (40 + 50) x 0.1961 - (64 - 100) x 0.9806

= 52.951 kN 'f'
Bending Moment, M = (64 x 40) - (100 x 10) - (40 x 24) - (50 x 3)
= 450 kN m (sagging)

(a) Three-Wnged

A (b) BM DLagmm

Figure 3.9 :Three-hinged An31 and Bending Moment Diagram

(i) From A to D (0 I x I 30) :-

M = p-Hy = 6 4 ~ - 4 %= 6 4 ~ - 4 0
= 24x
(always sagging)

(ii) From D to B (30 Ix I90) :-

With Bas origin and x'y' as co-ordinates, this equation can be written as :

We will analyse this arch for horizontal reaction, moment, radial shear and normal
thrust and use the same to obtain influence lines for them.

Sllow that tor a symmetrical parabolic arch loadt>dby a unifornll?:dlstribured l(~2il
alotlg its wholt%span. Ule bzricimg momi'ut at any polat is m o . Vvh'lt w ~ lbc
l tl~e
~rtjrrnaltilrust and radial silear at any given paint ?

:2 thucc-hinged syiruneb~cdlpar;lbol~ca r ~ lhasl a span ot 90 In auld a central rice ot
15 m. It Larries two 100 kN loads at 15 111 and 30 rn frorn iieie h a d support m d :I
umfornlly dnhl~ibutedload 01 3 kN/zil over Uic right half of the spar) D r i ~ uthe
hending nloment J~agranimd cdlculate rtnc bending monlenl, nor~iulehr usl and
racl~dlshear a1 a point 31) in Prorn U~leright hand supporr.
Rolling Loads and
Influence Lines
3.4.1 Influence Lines for Horizontal Reaction, Moment, Radial Shear
and Normal Thrust - General Case
In this section, we shall consider the action of moving loads over an arch. For this,
influence line diagrams for horizontal reaction (H), bending moment (M), normal
thrust (N), and radial shear (S) will be discussed here.
Let us consider a typical three-hinged arch with two hinges at A and B and the third hinge
at the crown at C as shown in Figure 3.10 (a).


(c) ILD for Bending

Moment at D


(d) 1LD for Radial

Shear at D

(e) ILD for Normal

2~i-s @ Thrust at D

Analysis and Influence Line for Horizontal Reaction, H

Consider a unit load acting at a distance "kL" from "A" between A and C. From
statics, the vertical reactions can be determined.
Taking moments about A, we get,

Thus, 1,

Therefore, VA = 1- VB = 1 - k.

Also, H = 0; we get, HA..= - HB = H

Now, to determine H, let us take moments about the central hinge at C,
we get, PBX$) - (Hxh) = 0

Ann1y-sisof Arches

... H = - -V- g x L - kL
2h 2h
Similarly, when unit load is between C and B, then taking moment of all forces on
the left of unit load about C:

we get, (GX4)- ( H X ~ =) o

From both values of H obtained in Eq. (ii) and (iii), we observe that it is directly
related to position of unit load which is kL in this case. The variation of value of H
can be obtained by assigning different values to kL. For example, at A, we have,
kL = 0; H = 0 at A. Also, at B , we have, kL = I; therefore, substituting this value
in Eq. (iii), we get, H = 0. As can be seen, the maximum value for H from both
L . L
the equations is at -, 1.e. at C and is H = -
2 4h
This variation has been drawn in Figure 3.10 (b) and represents the influence line
for horizontal reaction H.
Analysis and Influence Line for Bending Moment, M
Consider a point D on the arch whose horizontal distance is x from A and vertical
height is yo from base.
Then, by taking moment of all forces on the right of D about D, we can write

Similaily, when unit load is between C and B;

where VB x (L - x) is in fact the "beam bending moment" (p) at D and H x y~ is the

moment caused by the horizontal thrust of the arch.
Thus,MD comprises two parts and can be written in general form as given below :

where y is the bending moment at the point under consideration if AB is

considered as a simple straight beam and y o is the ordinate @fthat point
x L-x
p=( L for unit load at D.

So, we can cbnveniently draw the variation for moment at D from Eq. (vi) by first
drawing the ILD of bending moment for D and then superimposing on it the
1L.D for Hy shown in Figure 3.10 (b). This is shown in Figure 3.10 (c) wherein the
net moment (p - HyD) is shown hatched.
Analysis and Influence Line for Radial Shear, S
The radial shear at any section D comprises two parts, namely the shear caused by
the vertical loads and the shear caused by horizontal reaction H.
Consider the free body diagram shown in Figure 3.7 (d).
It can be seen that by resolving forces VA and H along the normal to the tangent at
G, the radial shear at D works out to be as follows :
S = Scos0-Hsin0 (vL>
Here 0 is the inclination of arch axis to the hvrizontal and S is the beam shear ?f "
So, here again the IL for "radial shear" can be ,,~ttaineueasily in two parts. The
first part represents the shear in a simple beam which is multiplied by cos 0. The
Rolling Loads and second part is the influence line for H shown in Figure 3.10 (b) multiplied by sin 8.
lllfluence Lines
Once these two are combined as per Eq. (vii), we get IL for radial shear at D and is
shown in Figure 3.10 (d). The hatched portion is the resultant diagram.
Anaylsis and Influence Line for Normal Thrust, N
The normal thrust is the axial force acting along the arch axis at any point. In order
to understand its concept, focus on Figute 3.7 (d), wherein in a free body diagram,
all the forces and their components along the tangent to arch at point D are shown.
The components of VA and H along the tangent give us 'normal thrust' as follows :
N = S'sin8+Hcos8 (viii)
Thus, normal thrust also has two parts which can be combined to obtain its
intluence line. It is a compressive force and this is characteristic of an arch. The
influence line for 'normal thrust' is shown in Figure 3.10 (e). The hatched portion
gives the net values.

3.4.2 To Determine Maximum Bending Moment due to a Concentrated

Rolling Load
Let us ncrw.dansider the application of concepts derived earlier (Section 1.5 : Unit 1)
through a numerical example and see how influence line concept can be used to locate
given loads to obtain maximum values.
Example 3.6
We have a three hinged parabolic arch of 25 m span with a central rise of 5 m. Let
us assume a load of 100 kN rolling over from left to right [Figure 3.11 (a)] and we
have to find maximum SF and BM at a section 8 m from A.
Following the concepts enumerated in Section 3.4.1, the IL for bending moment at
D is shown in Figure 3.11 (b).

(b) ILD for B M

at D (Shaded)

~ ILD for BM at D (Shaded)

Figure 3.11 :Three-hingedA I T and

We have seen in Section 3.4.1,

In this case, x 8 x (25 - 8) = 4.352 m
yD = %-Ti?
x ( L - X ) - 8 ~ ( 2 5 - 8 ).
We know CL= L - = 5.44 (with apex below D)
and 225 x 4.352 = 5.44 (with apex below C )
H x y D = ~ ~ 4 . 3 =5 -
4h 4x5

The maximum positive BM at D occurs, as can be seen from the influence line,
when the load is on the section. Thus,

Similarly, maximum negative BM at D will occur, as can be seen from the

influence line, when load is at the crown, i.e. at C. Thus,

The above results can also be obtained by simple analysis of the arch without using
the influence line diagram. This is explained below.
(i) Maximum positive BM occurs when load is at h e section D itself.
In this case, VBx 25 = 100 x 8 ; :. V B = 32 kN
:. VA = 100-32 = 6 8 k N
Take moments about C, we get,
Mc = ( V B X1 2 . 5 ) - ( H x ~ )= 0

Therefore, maximum positive BM at section D,

= 544- 348 = 196kN

This is the same result which we obtained from influence line approach earlier.
(ii) Maximum negative BM occurs when load is at the crown at C.
In this case, VA = VB = - = 50
~ - (H ~ 5 = )0
Mc = ( 5 0 12.5)
:. H = 125 kN
Therefore, maximum negative BM at section D,

= (50 x 8 ) - (125 x 4.352)

= 400-544 = - 1 4 4 k N
This is also the same result as obtained by influence line approach earlier.
Rolling Loads and 3.4.3 To Determine Maximum Bending Moment and Horizontal Thrust
Muence Lines
for a Circular Arch
Example 3.7
Consider a three-hinged circular arch of rise 10 m and span of 50 m, with a load of
100 kN travelling from A to B. We have to determine maximum horizontal thrust
and maximum (negative) and (positive) BM at 15 m from A.

Figure 3.12 :Tbm-hingedCircular Arch ru~dILD for BM at D (Shaded)

(i) Let us first determine the radius of the ,lrc h from the first principle (Figure 3.12)
We have, lO(2R- 11))= 25x25

Also, (36.25 - 10 + + 1 ' 3 ~= 36.252

:. \'n = 8.59m
(ii) As already discussed, the ILD for BM (piat D can be drawn Figure 3.12 (b)]
and also the ILD for H yo is drawn.
?'he niaximum positive BM will occur when load is at D itself. For this
situation, we determine all reactions.
Taking moments about A, we get,
(VBx 50) - (100 '< 1:) = 0
:. VB = 30 kN

Thus, :. VA = 100-3') : 70kN

Taking moment about C, we get

30 x 25
We also know, :. H = ------ -- 7;; E - 3

:. MD = ( V ~ x 3 5 ) - ( H x y ~ )
= (30 x 35) (75 x 8.'59) = 1050 - 644.25 = 405.75 kN m
The same value could also be obtainec I #ram IL diagram as shown below
. .

(iii) The maximum negative BM will develop when load is at crown C. Analysis of Arches

In this case, VA = VB = 50 kN
and Mc = (50x25)-(Hx10) = 0

:. H = 125 kN in
Thus, :. = (VA x 15) - (125 x 8.59) = - 324 kN m
MD (negd,e)
The same result could also be obtained from IL diagram as shown below :

3.4.4 To Determine Horizontal Thrust and Bending Mom2nt due to

the Concentrated Loads and Uniformly Distributed Load
Example 3.8
Consider a three-hinged parabolic arch of 40 m span and rise of 6 m with inclined
concentrated loads as shown in Figure 3.13. We have to determine the horizontal
thrust H and the bending moments under the concentrated loads.

(a) Three-Hinged

(b) Net BM

Figure 3.13 :Three Hinged Arch under Concentrated and U n i € o d y Distributed Load and its Net BMD

(a) The arch geometry is to be first determined to find ordinates at D and E

3 2 3
a t x = 5 m : y o = -[(40x5)-5 ] =~ ~ 1 = 2.63m
7 5
200 8 200
Similarly, y~ = 4.5 m
Also we know that

Thus, :. OD = 24.22'
Finally, we get,
sin 0 = 0.4104
RoUing Loads and
Mnence Lines
Similarly, for x = 30 m, i.e. point E, we get, 8~ = - 16.70'

In the same way, we get,

sin 8 = 0.2873
cos 8 = 0.9578
(b) The components of the concentrated loads can also be determined from
trigonometry as given below.
For load at D,
Horizontal component = 141.4 x cos 45' = 100 kN +
Vertical component = 141.4 xain 45' = 100 kN .1
Similarly, components of 100 kN at E are as follows :
Horizontal component = 100 cos 60' 2 50 kN t
Vertical component = 100 sin 60° = 86.66 kN &
(c) In order to determine reactions at supports, ldt us consider moment of all forces
about A, we get,
MA = (100 x 2.63) + (100 x 5) + (86.66 x 30) - (50 x 4.5) - (VBx 40) = 0
Thus, we get, V,' = 878.4 IrN

and VA = 908.a kN
(d) To determine horizontal thrust H; take moments about central hinge C of all
forces on left of C, we get
(908.20 x 20) - (100 x 15) - €100~ ' ( 6- 2.63)] - (H X 6) = 0
Thus, we get H = 1387.8 IrN
(e) We have now to determine net moments at D and E.

\ /
= + 391.1 IrN m (sagging) [Figure 3.13 @)I.

= + 538.9 IrN m (sagging) [Figure 3.13 @)I.

Similarly, if required the bending moment at other points can also be found, e.g.
Mx in zone AD

.The net bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 3.13 (b).

3.45 Absolute Maximum Bending Moment
Consider the three-hinged parabolic arch ACB of span L and central rise h. Consider.
point D on the arch which is at x from A [Figure 3.14 (a)].
The equatiw for parabola is

The moment at D, as has already been discussed will be as follows :

MD = P - ( H ~ Y D )
Analysis of Arches

d x (a) Three-Hinged
P s m h n l i ~A r ~ h

(b) ILD for

BM at D

(c) Maximum Positive

BM Diagram

(d) Maximum Negative

w . BM Diagram

O1~m (e) Maximum BMD

for u.d.1.

figure 3.14

This IL for moment at D has been shown ih Figure 3.14 (b) in which 6 e ordinate

Substituting value of yc from Eq. (i), we get,

X (ii)
cc1 = ,(L-x)

Thus, we find cclis same as ddl which is the ordinate for diagram of p.

An inspection of IL for moment at D clearly indicates that maximum positive moment will
occur when the load is at section D itself.
The positive moment ordinate, dd2 = ddl - dld2

In order to obtain absolute maximum positive moment anywhere on arch, we differentiate
Eq. (iii) with respect to x, and equate to zero. This results in a quadratic equation, which
on solution gives two values of x, i.e. xl = 0.211 L and x2 = 0.789 L which are
symmetrically.situated points.
Rolling Loads and Substituting for xl = 0.211 L in Eq. (iii), we get max positive moment = 0.0962 L. The
Influence Lines
maximum positive bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 3.14 (c).
Similarly, maximum negative moment will occur when unit load is at C.

On differentiation with respect to x and equating to zero, we get the point where absolute
maximum negative moment will occur, and it is

On substituting in Eq. (iv), we get,

:. Absolute maximum negative moment = -
This is shown in Figure 3.14 (d).
The maximum BM diagram for a uniformly distributed load (w) is obtained by
multiplying it by the area of the positivelnegative (net moment) ILD. The principal values
are shown in Figure 3.14 (e).
Example 3.9
Let us examine the case of a three hinged parabolic arch of 4 m rise and 20 m span.
Consider a concentrated load of 100 kN travelling from A to B.We are to
determine maximum positive and negative moments at a section which is 5 m
away from A and then find.out absolute maximum bending moment anywhere in
the arch ACB (Figure 3.15 ) .

Figure 3.15


We have,

At x = 5 , we get,

We have just seen in Section 3.3.5 [Figure 3.14 (b)] that maximum positive moment
occurs when load is at the section itself. For this position of load, i.e. when 100 kN
load is at D, we get,

~ a l c i nmoment
~ about C,
MD = (25 x 15) - (62.5 x 3) Analysis of Arches
= 375 - 187.5 = 187.5 kN m (maximum positive moment)
' Similarly, maximum negative moment occurs when load is at C.
For this position; '

and :. Hx4=50x10

Hence, MD = (50 x 5) - (125 x 3)

= 250 - 375 = - 125 kN (maximumnegative moment)
Using the results obtained'in Section 3.3.5 [Figure 3.14 (c)], we know that the
absolute maximum positive moment occurs at section x = 0.211 L. Thus,
x = 0.21 1 x 20 = 4.22 m from supports A and B and its magnitude would be
(0.0962 L x W).
Thus, absolute maximum positive BM = 0.0962 x 20 x 100 = 192.4 kN m.
Now referring to Figure 3.14 (d), we know that absolute maximum negative
moment occurs at section x = 0.25 L.Thus,
x = 0.25 x 20 = 5 m from supports A and B and its magnitude would be
(0.0625 L x W).

Thus, absolute maximum negative BM = 100 x - - =

r C1 - 125 kN m

.A tf~i'{:i:-hi[lg?ds y ~ n ~ ip;)r&c~l:c
~ ~ r j;t:k.i*: ~100 171 cpd,i ;Ji:<! .::,I ; q 1 ts.. 1,
~ ~:-!I' cr.ik~,,,~:

!I-,: cjisuibutctj !iv,: i:13,d :?! 3 kN/:ji vjhic;: ya!\ c?<k:!jg\ ;:n:.
;r rj;lif'c>ri~)ly . .-A+,a
.. i-: .4 s:i
..6' ,.:,L.

spa3 pltis 3 cc~11ceziu;~tetiw.i~i:el load !!! !-I(; k?;, Fillti !he nriaxiri:u!:\ b;.:;r!i:jc
r!1on?txnt,nortrial thrusl arut ~,adialshi:;i~ iiue :!a this loatilng ;r! ,I poirir 25 n! l'r: :nr
i::ft h;i:;d suppor:.

Rolling Loads and
Ionuence Lines 3.5 SUMMARY
The three-hinged arch is a statically determinate arch, with a hinge at the centre. The
moment at any point in the arch is reduced due to hogging moment because of horizontal
reaction at supports. The relationship and influence lines for horizontal reaction, moment,
radial shear and normal thrust have been obtained for a parabolic arch. These concepts
have then been used to obtain maximum bending moment due to concentrated and
uniformly distributed loads. In the end, the concept of absolute maximum bending
moment was discussed and its application has been explained.


Springing : Springing is the lowest point of the arch, where it meets
the support.
Crown : Crown is the highest point of the arch.
Rise : Rise is the vertical height of the crown above the
Span : Span is the horizontal distance between the two
Soffit :. Soffit is the lower surface of the arch.
Normal Thrust : Normal thrust is the axial force along the tangent of arch
at any point, normal to the section.
Radial Shear : Radial shear is the shear along the normal to the tangent
at any point on the arch, parallel to the section.


Refer the relevant preceding text in the unit or other useful books on the topic listed in
the section "Further Reading" to get the answers of the SAQs. However, a proper hint to
solve the SAQs in terms of specific location of preceding text is given below :
Refer Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.
Refer Examples 3.2 and 3.4.
Refer Section 3.4.1.
SAQ 4'
Refer Sections 3.4.4 and 3.4.5.
Refer Sections 3.4.4 and 3.4.5.

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