The Pyramid Process

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The pyramid process

1. lay the napkin aface down. In other words, top side down.
2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally or bring the top left corner towards
you to meet the bottom right corner.
3. Turn the napkin so the open end is facing away from you.
4. Take the right end and fold it up to meet the far corner. Make sure
the edge of the fold remains in the center as shown.
5. Repeat the fold with the left side, ending with the diamond shape
you see here.
6. Turn over and you’ll want the open end facing away from you.
7. Fold in half by bringing the farthest point of the diamond up and
back to the nearest point. Turn over and keep the open end facing
8. Fold the napkin along the center and here is your pyramid, it’s so
easy! Everyone will be impressed.

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