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Tentative title:

A study on the effects of “term-time employment” as a student on their career paths


Research on how a student earner affects their decisions for college/career path. Does
having outside income change their mindset towards their career choice? Does pursuing a
college degree become less significant to students if there is an outside source of income?

To interview 5-10 “term-time employment students” if the concept of making money
changes their perspective in their separate choices of career.

To know if their career choice prior to term-time employment have changed.

Significance of the study:

The findings of this study will provide information on a phenomenon which is coined the

“term-time employment.” This study will add more information on the entrepreneurship

standpoint as most research on this topic will only talk about adult entrepreneurship and not

student entrepreneurship. There is essentially little to no studies about this topic, it is usually all

about adult entrepreneurship and not much is talked about student entrepreneurship and

because of this lack of knowledge on this topic a few researchers have coined up different terms

for this phenomena. The term the researchers will be using is a term coined by Sarah Jewell on

her research “The Impact of Working While Studying on Educational and Labour Market

Outcomes.” This research will help society uncover the unknown parts of student

entrepreneurship and its effects on career paths; whether it changes their decisions on their

careers when there is an outside form of income.

We believe our research is worth the time and effort to do because it involves students

who are trying to study and at the same time earn a living in order to cope with their
circumstances in our third-world country. We believe the future of our country depends on every

student individual therefore contrasting the effects of term-time employment on a students

career will help every student to actually make the right choices in their career.

In this research we intend to shed understanding on the level of significance that formal

education has on society with the rise of opportunities in term-time employment.

Preliminary Research:


used for this research. In this article the researchers coined a term which is the

“Studentpreneur” which basically explains the upcoming phenomena of working students or

student entrepreneurs as the term states. The research says that there are two outcomes of this

phenomena. The first talks about how these students future get affected psychologically, traits

and dynamic capabilities. The second talks about studying student entrepreneurship as a new

upcoming topic for research. In both cases we can use this to backup our data by giving us

some of the cause and effects that may give us information on our current study. This research

lacks information about our topic in which we try to tackle the effect of working students and if it

is a factor on which career decisions may be changed. In a lot of other articles they usually talk

about entrepreneurship with adults only; not including students which our research is trying to


Another research entitled “A Study on the Effects of a Student Earner on His Career

Path” gave us a definition or term of our “participants” which is “time-term employment” which

means you work on your free time only which is what us students do; trying to earn or work
when there is given time. We, the researchers will be using this term for this research topic. The

negative effects were stated but no statement was made on how it affected their career path. It

is important to know the effects both negatively and positively of term-time employment in order

to determine whether or not it’s a practical option for a student to either pursue the

entrepreneurship or continue on their career.

Theoretical Framework

In our theoretical framework we will be addressing the factors and effects of TTE

(term-time employment). There are four surface level factors that we’ve distinguished that can

affect their satisfactory level in deciding for their career paths. The first factor that we’ve

conceived is Ample Income which basically means having an income that is adequate enough

for the TTE individual. This can affect a person’s career choice in a way as to how that person

handles that income and influences them to have a different attitude towards education. Money
becomes a factor when these TTE involved people make enough money and this might change

their status in picking whether they pursue the job currently in the TTE or pursue their career.

The second surface level that we’ve tackled is time consumption. People struggle with

their time management which makes the time they spent doing TTE affects their career plans.

One may start to lean on or have more interest in making money rather than studying which

leads them to becoming an undergraduate individual.

The distribution of effort can also be lopsided, it could either be an abundance of effort to

work and a scarcity of studies or vice versa, which leads them to a choice of pursuing TTE or

continuing their education. The more effort they exert on their studies will give them a better

chance of actually getting a degree or education.


We, Angelo C. Malit, Raymond Paris Cabuco and Ezra Aquino Igupen, Grade 12

students from Christian Legacy Academy, are conducting a research study entitled "A

study on the effects of “term-time employment” as a student on their career paths.”

With this, We would like to ask your permission to be a part of our study. We

would be conducting an interview about this study. Rest assured that confidentiality will

be upheld in this study and none of the information will be disclosed to unconcerned


For this cause, we are promising that whatever information we would gather, it will

be used for academic purposes only. Your cooperation will be of great help for us to gain

wider knowledge and insight concerning the said study.

Thank you and God bless!

1. Do you personally think you make ample income in TTE? If so, does the income make

you want to pursue the TTE instead of the prior career choice?

2. Does it affect your performance in academic projects and homework? How does this

make you feel about pursuing a college degree?

3. What made you start TTE?

4. Could you differentiate or contrast your experiences prior to TTE and your current status

now as being term-time employed? Would you say TTE was helpful at all or did it make

any significant difference to your career choice?

5. In TTE do you feel that you are your own boss? If so, does being your own boss in your

TTE encourage you to not finish your degree?

6. What were your before and after career choices prior to having TTE?

7. How much time do you spend doing TTE? Could you give us a range of how many hours

you set aside for that? Do you feel like this is worth the time? If so, how does this affect

your plans to obtain a college degree?

8. Could you please share some pros and cons about your experience in TTE?

9. Do you personally think TTE is a practical alternative to pursuing a college degree?


10. Do you plan to pursue TTE as a career choice or will you continue your education and

get a college degree? Or perhaps you’d like to take both? Could you share your

thoughts on that?

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