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My Autobiography

My name is Vanessa Lamigo Tino. I am 14 years old. I was born on 26th of July 2003.I am in 8th
grade. Originally I’m from Bislig City Caraga Region but in 2015 we moved in Davao City. I have seven
siblings but the other one already died and that’s the reason why we moved in. Currently I lived in a
peaceful village of Wellspring Phase 1.My father is Norito Tino Sr. who is a retired soldier and my
mother is Nelyn Tino who is a housewife. My best of friends are Angela Kate and Trisha Karen.

I’m an ailurophile (cat lover). My hobbies are watching K-dramas and horror movies, streaming
and listening to kpop songs and videos, drawing, painting ,making stories and poems, reading wattpad,
and of course surfing all day through the net. I’m a certified and a die hard fan of BTS a kpop boy band,
consisting of seven handsome and dorks members. My bias /virtual husband in the group is Jeon
Jungkook .Right now my favorite subject is History, I like coming back from the past and I really want to
know what happened before and where it all started.

My ambition in life is to become an engineer or doctor someday. I want to give back something
to my parents, their sacrifices, perseverance and undying support and love they give to me and my
family. I really appreciate all of it ,my parents and family became my inspiration to study and thrive
really hard. One of my sister is working in Europe and at the same time, she is supporting and providing
the things we needed by giving us money monthly. BTS became also my inspirational in life, they are the
reason why I am so eager to go to South Korea, attend their concerts even just once. I really want to
experience how it feels seeing them in person, holding their bangtan bomb (light stick) and chanting
their names with my co-army’s.

Through the years my family faced different challenges and obstacles but thanks to God we
surpassed all of it. Every special occasion like Christmas or New Year, me and my family go to our
relatives and loved ones in Bislig to celebrate with them. This coming vacation we are planning to go to
my sister’s place in Hinatuan to spend some time and to be free from the city. I help my mother doing
household chores every weekends and in Sunday we go together in church to thanks God for all the
blessings he had bestowed to our family.

My childhood memories is both enjoying and traumatic. My other sister told me once that when I
was a baby, she carried me in her arms but I kept moving causing me to hit my head in a rock. There was
also a time when me and my father got into an accident while riding a motorcycle and we’re
hospitalized for how many days. All thanks to the Almighty we’re still alive and kicking. I grown up as a
typical child, playing dolls with my friends and doing outdoor activities. Elementary days is one of the
best moments that I have. Every time there is a contest my teacher always picked me to compete
together with my contest buddy and many more moments happened.

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