OBE Syllabus 2GED SS02 The Life Work For Rizal

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Index No.

Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
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QAC No. CC-10082018-308
UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)


PNU Vision-Mission PNU shall become internationally recognized and nationally responsive teacher education university. As the
established producer of knowledge workers in the field of education, it shall be the primary source of high-
quality teachers and education managers that can directly inspire and shape the quality of Filipino students
and graduates in the country and the world.

PNU Quality Policy As the National Center for Teacher Education, the Philippine Normal University commits to provide leadership
in teacher education and nurture innovative teachers and education leaders imbued with values of truth,
excellence, and service. We commit to the continual growth of the University through compliance with
international Quality Standards and statutory and regulatory requirements. We shall achieve this through our
core functions of instruction, research, extension, and production.
CTD Undergraduate The College of Teacher Development (CTD) is committed to the development of innovative teachers and
Goals educational leaders through the pursuit of its Goals which are aligned with the Philippine Normal University
Vision, Mission, Goals , Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and Quality Objectives.

1. Provide the best teacher preparation and development training through quality, innovative and
relevant curricular and co-curricular teacher education programs which will nurture teachers and
professionals who are : excellent in their discipline, globally competitive, deeply rooted in one's
heritage, empowered and committed to social transformation. ( SDP1: Shared Vision of
Excellence and SDP 2: Quality Assurance )
2. Advance knowledge generation through quality research in education that are relevant and
responsive to the needs of teacher education and promotive of sustainable strategic actions for
Nation building and Sustainable Development (SDP1: Shared Vision of Excellence and
SDP 2: Quality Assurance)
3. Ensure that the Teacher Education programs are quality assured and its management system is
compliant with the highest quality standards both national and global. ( SDP 2: Quality
Assurance: SDP 9: Sustainability)
4. Promote a culture of sharing through extension collaboration activities, partnership with
communities and organizations, sharing of scholarship and expertise to educational institutions,
stakeholders and relevant agencies for resource generation, advocacy, sustainable actions and
continual improvement. ( SDP 8: Responsiveness to Stakeholders ; SDP 6: Collaboration
and Partnership)
5. Expand strategic network of collaboration and partnership that strategically positions the College
of Teacher Development as a leader in relevant scholarly and advocacy initiatives (SDP 6:
Collaboration and Partnership)
6. Develop products and programs, both conventional and digital that are relevant to the needs of
instruction, supportive of students’ optimal learning, contributory to the needs of the profession
and helpful in addressing issues and problems of education. (SDP 7: Product and Service
7. Design programs, products and services that promote the PNU brand and CTD as a respected
community of scholars providing insights on education and societal issues and concerns. ( SDP
4: Branding)
8. Expand international presence in the field of teacher education and relevant fields through
effective networking, collaboration, and partnership at the international level. ( SDP 5:

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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QAC No. CC-10082018-308
UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

9. Support professional development and career advancement of the faculty and staff and the
College of Teacher Development through promotion of continual work environment
improvement, organizational effectiveness, relevant professional development programs and
enhanced faculty-employee-management engagement. (SDP 10: Human Capital
10. Establish well defined systems based solutions and sustainability practices to ensure
efficiency and effectiveness of implementation of CTD programs and procedures. ( SDP 3:
Systems Based Solutions, SDP Sustainability 9 )

These goals are envisioned to be achieved through the promotion of CTDs Core function of a) quality
instruction, b) relevant research in education and scholarship of teaching, c) culture of sharing through
relevant extension and community partnership programs and d) production and publication of relevant
instructional materials and other resources.

FBeSS Goals 1. Ensure achievement of FBeSS program outcomes through curricular and co-curricular innovations
and effective governance
2. Pursue pure and education research in the behavioral and social sciences to advance understanding
of development for personal and societal well-being.
3. Ensure that FBeSS programs are quality assured and its management system is compliant with the
highest quality standards both national and global.
4. Integrate technology in instruction, research, extension, and management of FBeSS programs
5. Develop social studies and values education teachers with distinctly PNU brand.
6. Design programs, products, and services that promote the PNU brand and FBeSS as a respected
community of scholars providing insights on education and societal issues and concerns.
7. Gain international reputation and respect in the area of research and advocacy in behavioral and
social sciences and education
8. Expand international presence in the field of behavioral and social sciences and education through
effective networking, collaboration, and partnership
9. Expand strategic network of collaboration and partnership that strategically positions FBeSS as a
leader in relevant scholarly and advocacy initiatives
10. Develop products and programs, both conventional and digital that are of value to FBeSS
stakeholders and the general public
11. Strengthen support to FBeSS students to create optimal learning and campus experience
12. Organize programs that support in-service teachers and education leaders aligned with the demands
of Education 4.0, national education reforms, and Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
13. Provide leadership in values education and social studies programs in basic education and teacher
14. Enhance engagement of FBeSS parents, alumni, and other stakeholders for continual improvement
15. Engage in community engagement programs that promote personal and societal well-being
16. Embed in the FBeSS system sustainability practices
17. Promote continual work environment improvements and organizational effectiveness in support of
FBeSS faculty and staff
18. Support the career advancement and professional development of FBeSS faculty and staff
19. Enhance services and strengthen faculty-employee engagement
20. Promote gender-fair practice among faculty, staff, and students

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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QAC No. CC-10082018-308
UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

Course Number 2GED-SS02

Course Title The Life and Works of Rizal
Course Prerequisite None
Course Description This is a mandated course (RA 1425) which covers the life and works of the country’s National Hero- Jose P.
Rizal. This course explores Rizal’s biography and writings particularly his great novels, Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo, in the context of his time and its implication to the present. Students are expected to
develop critical thinking and heroism and nationalism through the life and works of Rizal, highlighting his
philosophy in transforming society.

Course Intended
Outcomes 1. Analyze Rizal’s various works, particularly the novels Noli me tangere and El
2. Demonstrate a critical reading of primary sources
3. Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19th century Philippines
4. Draw and appreciate lessons and values from Rizal’s life, works and writings
as well as the contributions of Philippine heroes and heroines in nation building
5. Display an appreciation for education and love of country
6. Examine persistent forces that continue to shape Philippine society then
(Rizal’s time) and now.
7. Identify parallelisms (e.g. issues, concerns, personal experiences) in Rizal’s
times and the contemporary society
8. Imagine how Filipino heroes and heroines would respond to contemporary
challenges of nation building
9. Manifest knowledge and skills in contextualizing Rizal’s life, works and writings

Course Content

Content Instructional Delivery Design

Course Learning (preferably with
No./Duratio Face-to-Face Flexible Learning Assessment
Outcomes focusing/essential
n Activities Activities
1 Explain the history of Why is there a Introduction Readings: Writing
the Rizal Law need to study expectation Text of RA compare and
Understand and Rizal? check 1425 contrasts views
explain provisions of Who is Jose Constantino, of pro and anti
RA 1425 Rizal for you? R 1982. The RA 1425
making of a
TGS Filipino What are your
Think of a Laurel, J experiences
novel you’ve 1960 The with learning
read what is its trials of the about Jose
impact? Rizal Bill Rizal?

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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QAC No. CC-10082018-308
UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

2 Analyze changes Why is 19th Lecture Infographic

which occurred in century a Video showing making
19th century (global) century. of Graphic
and Philippine change? Group activity organizer of 19th
context century
3 Understand Rizal’s What is the POP QUIZ ON Film Viewing Film analysis
context Philippine PHIL “Ganito Kami
Appraise the link situation in 19th NATIONALISM noon…”
between the self and century? Lecture
society discussion on
Colonization of
the Philippines
as a
4 Appraise the link Why is Lecture Readings: Biographical
between the self and sociological -discussion Biographies analysis
society imagination of national
important? heroes
5 Understand Rizal’s What are the Discussion Readings: Compare and
family context events and Class Sharing Rizal Jose contrast your
Evaluate people and people’s Sampayan ng Memoirs of childhood life to
events influence on influence in kasaysayan Student in that of Rizal
Rizal’s early life Rizal’s early life? making Manila
Appreciate events (maagang
and people’s buhay ni Rizal)
influence in our lives

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

6 Analyze Rizal’s What is the Rizal’s Readings: Essay writing

growth as effect of education at Schumacher, What are life
propagandist studying higher Ateneo de J challenges of a
Explain the principles education? Manila Creation of a university
o propagandist And UST Filipino students? List
movement consciousness 10 things
learned from
7 Analyze Rizal’s What are Rizal’s Class sharing Reading: Written
growth as challenges in and discussion Rizal’s Brindis document
propagandist studying and Speech analysis
Explain the principles living abroad? 1st issue of La worksheet
o propagandist solidaridad
8 Analyze the factors What is the Class Reading:s Write a similar
that lead to Rizal’s impact of Rizal’s discussions Constitution letter
exile, trial and death to the and sharing La Liga Or position letter
execution society in the Filipina why Rizal
19th century? should not be
Analyze the impact of Rizal’s Last executed
his execution on the letters to
life of the Filipinos and family and to Film analysis
the Spanish Colonial Blumentritt
rule in 1896
Alonzo’s letter
to the Gov
9 Evaluate how Rizal is How is Rizal Film Showing Reflection paper
represented in the depicted in the Describe the life
films made in the movies and of Rizal as
contemporary time screenplays as depicted in the
written in film/s
contemporary What is the main
times? question that the
films wants to
What are its
10 Inquire about Rizal’s What are Rizal’s Class Essay writing
life as a teacher characteristics discussions Rizal as a
as a teacher in teacher

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

11 Integration period/Review-------MIDTERM EXAM

12 Evaluate Rizal’s intent How are the Class discussion Readings
in writing his novels two novels
different from
each other?
Evaluate important Is modernity the Class activities: Readings Rubrics
13 characters in the central problem Noli me
novel and what they in the novel? Role playing: tangere
represent in the phil. What is the CHARACTERS IN
Society novel’s THE NOVEL
Examine the message? (COS PLAY)
present situation of
the country through Group discussion
examples in the text FREEDOM


Evaluate important What are the Lecture on the Readings El Reflection paper
14 characters in the major themes major themes Filibusterismo on the selected
novel and what they of the novel? chapters
represent in the phil. discussing the role
Society Role playing: of the youth in the
Examine the Most important society’s
present situation of The 3rd novel of chapter for the transformation
the society through Rizal group and why
the examples
written in the novel
Analyze Rizal’s Why is it Group discussion Group discussion
15 ideas on how to important to and oral
write Philippine know how our presentation
history history is Reading:
Compare and written? Successors Islas
contrast Morga and Filipinas
Rizal’s view of How should
Filipinos and culture Philippine Salazar, Z “A
history be legacy of the
written? Tripartite view of
Philippine History


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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

Appreciate Rizal’s How should Article analysis: Readings: Rap on

16 other writings Filipinos (per group) The “Tamad ba ang
Frame arguments respond to Indolence of mga Pilipino?
based on evidences Rizal’s WORLD CAFÉ the Filipinos
challenges? Rizal’s Essays

Assess Rizal’s What can be Readings Readings Infographic making

17 writings learned from A la Juventud On Rizal’s A la
Examine the values Rizal’s writings? Class discussions Filipina/ Mi Juventud Filipina
highlighted by the Ultimo Adios
Apply Rizal’s advice
to youth in modern
Assess Rizal’s What can be Readings Readings Song making
18 writings learned from Class discussions Ang Liham ni Based on Rizal’s
Examine the values Rizal’s writings? Rizal sa mga letter to the women
highlighted in his Kababaihan in malolos
letters ng Malolos
Apply Rizal’s advice
in modern times
Interpret views and What is a hero? Lecture/discussion Photo exhibit Research:
19 opinions about on the different Of Rizal’s Sino ang dapat
heroism/bayani definitions/forms monuments ituring na bayani?
and kabayanihan of heroism from
Examine the values precolonial to the Criteria for Ano ang
highlighted by the present choosing a pagpapakuhulugan
various national hero ng bayani ng mga
representations of Reading EO 75 1993 kabataang Pilipino
Rizal as national Nolasco, R. 2001 sa ngayon?
symbol “ang pinagmulan Educational
Advocate the values ng salitang Trip Paano
Rizal’s life bayani” Rizal Park maipapakita ang
encapsulates Fort Santiago pagpapakabayani?
Group activity:
Damitan moa ng Optional: Impromptu speech
iyong bayani Rizal Shrine, (choice of topic)
Calamba Why choose a
Presentation of national hero?
research outputs How to be a hero
of the nation?


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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)


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Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
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Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

Performance Course Performance Indicator Evidence of Performance Performance Standard

Indicator and
Evidence of Students are expected to Short Film / Research/ Rubric on short
Performance develop critical thinking and Documentary of the life and film/research/documentary
heroism and nationalism works of Rizal, highlighting his
through the life and works of philosophy in transforming
Rizal, highlighting his society.
philosophy in transforming
Course Rule of conduct
Requirements Cell Phones

Receiving or sending cell phone calls or text messages in classrooms, computer labs, or library is inappropriate and
impolite. Except in emergency cases and with the instructor’s permission.

Class Attendance & Participation

Regular attendance, as specified by the instructor, is expected of all students. Extended absence/non-participation
(due to illness or injury) should be reported to your instructor (and/or to the University Clinic) immediately. A student

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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QAC No. CC-10082018-308
UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)

Course who has incurred three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or 20% accumulated absences shall be automatically
Policies dropped from the subject. Arrival fifteen (15) minutes after a 3-hour class or thirty (30) minutes after a 5-hour class has
commenced is considered tardiness and three (3) tardiness are equivalent to one-day absence. Students should
make good use of their time if the faculty member does not come within 30 minutes. They shall stay in the classroom
or library and observe proper decorum.

Classroom Behavior & Civility

Being a PNU student requires appropriate behavior and respect for others. Instructors can set classroom rules of
conduct, require adherence to standards of civility appropriate to learning, and have the right to remove anyone for
disruption or obstruction of those standards, or for violation of any law or existing University policies.

Plagiarism & Cheating

Cheating is obtaining or intentionally giving unauthorized information to create an unfair advantage in an examination,
assignment, or classroom situation. Plagiarism is the act of presenting and claiming words, ideas, data, programming
code or creations of others as one's own. Plagiarism may be intentional - as in a false claim of authorship - or
unintentional - as in a failure to document information sources using APA (American Psychological Association) or
other style sheets or manuals adopted by instructors at the University. Presenting ideas in the exact or near exact
wording as found in source material constitutes plagiarism, as does patching together paraphrased statements without
in-text citation. Disciplinary action may include a failing grade on an assignment or test, a failing grade for the course,
suspension or expulsion from the college, as described in the existing University policies.

Late Submissions: Acceptable reasons for late assignments include being hospitalized (illness or injury) and death .
Late submissions, without a proper excuse, will result in a 10% decrease in that requirement’s grade each day it is

Peer evaluations

Evaluations by your teammates will contribute 10% of your final class grade. The evaluations will focus on your
participation in team projects, team discussions, and the team component of the midterm exam. You are expected to
actively participate in the team by being prepared for group discussions, asking questions, addressing the questions of
your teammates, seeking to help other members, and taking responsibility for keeping the team functioning. To form a
high-functioning and high-performing team requires establishing group norms and expectations, identifying a plan for
project completion, and assigning individual responsibility. There will be no “free rider” in a team. The instructor will act
as arbitrator for problems over team participation and dynamics that cannot be resolved within the team. These
problems should be dealt with first among team members. If they cannot be resolve satisfactorily within the team, the
team should bring the problems to the instructor’s attention

Reasonable Accommodation Policy: If you have a disability that effects your performance in this course, please notify
me at the beginning of the semester and necessary special arrangements can be made to accommodate you.

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Index No. PNU-MN-2016-UCM-FM-002
Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 03
Date: 10-08-2018
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines
Trunkline: +63-2-317-1768 ▲ Info@pnu.edu.ph ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
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UCMIMO OBE Course Syllabus (Undergraduate)


Prepared by: Approved


Name of Faculty Associate Dean

Date: ______________________ RITA B. RUSCOE, Ph.D.


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