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1) A young male brought to emergency room after a road traffic accident, with

complaints of severe chest pain & does not allow the examination. Chest Xray does
not show any mediastinal shift. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

One answer only.

a) Pulmonary embolism

b) Pneumothorax

c) Hemothorax

d) Fracture of rib

2) A 30 yrs old male had multiple fractures after a road traffic accident. In the
emergency room, the patient develops, tachypnea and dyspnea & was given high
concentration of oxygen. But his condition deteriorates. Blood gas analysis was
performed, which shows : PaO2 = 50mmHg ; PaCO2 = 35mmHg ; pH = 7.37 ; FiO2
= 50% What is the most likely cause for the worsening breathlessness in the
patient ?

One answer only.

a) Tension pneumothorax

b) Pulmonary embolism

c) Adult respiratory distress syndrome

d) Shock

3) What is the next line of management for the patient, in Q no 2.

One answer only.

a) Immediate ICD tube

b) Thrombolytic therapy

c) Mechanical ventilation
d) I/V fluids & Blood transfusion

4) Capnography is :

One answer only.

a) Monitoring of blood pressure during anaesthesia

b) Monitoring of concentration of inhaled gas

c) Monitoring of concentration of exhaled CO2

d) Monitoring of central venous pressure

5) During central venous pressure cannulation via Seldinger technique, the

placement of guidewire into right atrium is indicated by :

One answer only.

a) Large ' p wave ' on ECG

b) Bizzare 'QRS' complexes on ECG

c) Absent ' p waves ' on ECG

d) Normal ECG tracings

6) Ventilation with positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is contraindicated in :

One answer only.

a) Low cardiac output states

b) Pulmonary oedema

d) Pneumonia

7) The first line of management in a patient of suspected acute pulmonary

embolism is :

One answer only.

a) Confirm the diagnosis by pulmonary angiography

b) Hepatinization

c) Oral anticoagulants

d) Intravenous Streptokinase

8) The most important risk factor for DUT and Pulmonary embolism is :

One answer only.

a) Immobilization for more than 7 days

b) Post surgery eg Abdominal / Hip joint

c) Pregnancy / Puerpurean

d) Severe trauma

9) ARDS is characterized by all the following except :

One answer only.

a) Dyspnea & tachypnea in a patient of trauma, shock or sepsis

b) Arterial hypoxemia

c) Hypercapnia

d) Diffuse alveolar & interstitial infilterates on Xray chest

10) Fever, tachycardia, respiratory distress & a non productive cough occuring
within 48 hrs after abdominal operation in an obese patient, would most likely be
due to :

One answer only.

a) Pneumothorax

b) Atelectasis

c) Pneumonia

d) Pulmonary infarction

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