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Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s

A/P: Malegaon (Bk), Tal: Baramati, Dist: Pune - 413 115


1. Name of Topic:
“Design Analysis And Weight Optimization Of Gudgeon Pin”

2. Student Information
 Name of student: MR.BELE NARESH MANIKRAO
 Class: ME (Mechanical – Design Engg.) – II Year – (2018-19)
 Roll No. : PG17/ME03
 Date of Admission: July- 2017

3. Name of Guide: Prof. Rajmane V.B.

4. Project Completion Period: June 2018 – May 2019

5. Literature Review / Relevance:

Yanxia Wang and Hui Gao [1] this paper concluded that piston pin failure and
the fracture injury occurs under the alternative mechanical loads, the optimal
design of the piston pin and the piston pin boss is presented depending on the
FEA static analysis. The optimization is carried out using the Genetic Algorithm
(GA), and the piston noncircular pin hole is used to further reduce the stress
concentration on the upper end of the piston.

Vaishali R. Nimbarte et al. [2] has studies the pressure analysis, thermal analysis
and thermo-mechanical analysis is done. The parameter used for the analysis is
operating gas pressure, temperature and material properties of piston. In I.C.

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)


SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

Engine piston is most complex and important part therefore for smooth running
of vehicle piston should be in proper working condition. Piston fails mainly due
to mechanical stresses and thermal stresses. Analysis of piston is done with
boundary conditions, which includes pressure on piston head during working
condition and uneven temperature distribution from piston head to skirt. The
analysis predicts that due to temperature whether the top surface of the piston
may be damaged or broken during the operating conditions, because damaged or
broken parts are so expensive to replace and generally are not easily available.

Dilip Kumar Sonar et al. [3] has study the engine pistons are one of the most
complex components among all automotive or other industry field components.
The engine can be called the heart of a car and the piston may be considered the
most important part of an engine. Notwithstanding all these studies, there are a
huge number of damaged pistons. Damage mechanisms have different origins
and are mainly wear, temperature, and fatigue related. Among the fatigue
damages, thermal fatigue and mechanical fatigue, either at room or at high
temperature, play a prominent role. Aluminium alloy have been selected for
structural and thermal analysis of piston. An analysis of thermal stress and
damages due to application of pressure is presented and analysed in this work.
Results are shown and a comparison is made to find the most suited design.

R. C. Singh et al. [4] this paper concluded that the piston in the internal
combustion (IC) engine is robust, dynamically loaded tribal pair that
reciprocates continuously at varying temperature. Study has been made by
various researchers on piston design, dynamics, fatigue and wear at the interface
with other element in contact along with their effects on IC engines. It was
found that the friction coefficient increases with increasing surface roughness of
liner surface and thermal performance of the piston increases with increased
coating thickness. The free material liberated due to deep scoring between the
piston and liner snowballs, leads to seizure failure.

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)


SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

6. Problem Definition:
The main function of the gudgeon pin is to connect the piston and small end
of the connecting rod. When the combustion of fuel takes place in heavy
diesel engine cylinder, high temperature and pressure develops. Because of
high speed and at high loads, the gudgeon pin is subjected to high thermal and
structural stresses. The investigations indicate that the greatest stress appears
on the upper end of the gudgeon pin and stress concentration is one of the
main reasons for pin failure. Crack generally appears this crack may even split
the gudgeon pin.

7. Aim of Project:
The main aim of the project Design and Analysis of Gudgeon pin for find out
the better material which has minimum weight, von-Misses stress and total
deformation than existing material for gudgeon pin.

8. Objectives of Dissertation:
The main objective of this study is Design and Analysis of Gudgeon pin.
Objectives are as following:
i) To investigate the maximum stress using stress analysis
ii) To find out the weight optimization of the material.
iii) To investigate the total deformation of the material
9. Proposed Methodology:
The objectives identified to accomplish the goal were:
1. Studying and identifying the present mechanisms
2. Identifying the potential problem through abstraction.
3. Collecting useful data.
4. Interpreting data as the problem definition
5. Developing conceptual design and selecting based on the digital logic
approach procedure of product design and development.
6. Testing and Analysis of Model design
7. Finally preparing the embodiment design of the product
8. Testing and on prototype
9. Obtain Final Result
10. Conclusion
10. Facility Required:
a) Software Required: CATIA, CAD, ANSYS.
b) Instrument Required: UTM machine.

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SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

c) Library Facility Required: Books.

11. Proposed Experimental Setup:

Experimental Setup For Tensile Test



Lower Support

Experimental setup for compression test

12. Results And Discussion

FEA Result

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SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

Von Misses Total
Sr. Material Mass (kg) Weight Stress Deformation
No (N) (Mpa) (mm)

Aluminum alloy 1.7134 16.5220 133.43 0.062008

2. Carbon Fiber 1.6842 16.8084 200.94 0.13806

3. Mild steel 1.827 17.9454 106.96 0.03646

4. Stainless steel 1.8293 17.9228 143.9 0.027231

Tensile Test Result

Sr. Sample Tensile Strength

No. Identification (MPa)

1 Al alloy 349.34

2 MS 697.28

3 SS 790.60

4 Composite 267.48

Sr. Deflectio Load at various deflection (N)

n (mm)

Al MS SS Composite

1 0.15 558.6 1136.8 984.9 940.8

2 Test 0.30
Compression Result 1989.4 3322.2 3400.6 2195.2

3 0.45 4449.2 6027.0 6365.1 3777.9

4 0.60 7173.6 8859.2 9476.6 5566.4

5 0.75 10236.1 11686.5 12940.9 7389.2

6 0.90 13916.0 14709.8 16640.4 9192.4

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)
7 1.05 17742.9 17836.0 20570.2 8879.8

SVPM’s8Collage of1.20 21764.2

Engineering, 20981.8
Malegaon (Bk), 24764.6 Design
ME (Mechanical- 7918.4

9 1.40 26783.4 25666.2 26420.8 --


In ANSYS we take four materials which are AL Alloy, MS, SS and composite
material and after analysis it shows that AL Alloy material is better than other three
materials. Then we prepare test specimen of Al alloy, MS, SS and composite material
for selection of material using tensile and compression testing after that testing we
prefer AL Alloy material other than MS, SS, and composite material.

13. Conclusion
Numbers of materials were selected and tested using software’s ANSYS- Explicit
dynamics. The best material which was optimized in software analysis that AL Alloy
material. It was then Al Alloy, MS, SS and composite material sample tested by
tensile testing, compression its result concluded that Al alloy is best suitable material
than other three material. The best suitable values of AL Alloy is Von-Mises stress is
133.43MPa, weight optimisation is 16.5220N. These are minimum than cast iron
calculated value. The results obtained from ANSYS-Explicit dynamics and the actual
test conducted on model was compared and we suitable material for Gudgeon pin is
AL Alloy material other than three materials.
14.Project Plan:
The project plan given bellow shows the progress of project work and detailed
activity done throughout the year for the completion of project work.
SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma
n l g p t v c n b r r y

 A= Topic finalization
 B= Literature Review
 C= Formulation of Problem
 D= Parametric analysis
 E=Development of CAD models of system
 F= Purchasing of components
 G= Manufacturing
 H= Assembly and Testing
 I= Results and Conclusion
 J= Report Writing

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)


SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

15. References:
Journals / Conference Papers:

[1] Yanxia Wann and Hui Gao, “Research On Optimization For The Piston Pin And The
Piston Pin Boss” Open Mechanical Engineering Journal on 2011. Page No-186-193.
[2] Vaishali R. Nimbarte, “Stress Analysis Of Piston Using Pressure Load And Thermal
Load” by of Rajiv Gandhi College Of Engineering, Research and Technology,
Chandrapur, in IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME),
Volume-3, Issue-8, published on August-2015, ISSN 2321-6441.
[3] Dilip Kumar Sonar, “Theoretical Analysis Of Stress And Design Of Piston Head Using
Catia&Ansys” by asst. Prof of Dept. of College of Engineering & Management
Kolaghat, in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Volume-4, Issue-6,
published on June-2015, ISSN 2319 – 6734, Page No-52-61.
[4] R. C. Singh, “Failure Of Piston In I.C. Engines: A Review”, by Asst. Prof of Delhi
Technological University, Delhi, in International OPEN ACCESS Journal Of Modern
Engineering Research (IJMER), Volume-4, Issue-9, published on Sept-2014, ISSN:
[5] Bhaumik Patel, “Thermal Analysis Of A Piston Of Reciprocating Air Compressor”, by
Asst. Prof. Mechanical Engineering, L.D.R.P Institute of Technology and Research,
Gandhinagar, in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies,
Volume-1, Issue-3, ISSN 2249–8974, Page No- 73-75.
[6] S. Srikanth Reddy, “Thermal Analysis And Optimization Of I.C. Engine Piston Using
Finite Element Method”, by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of
Engineering Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, in International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume-2, Issue-12, ISSN: 2319-
8753, Page No-7834-7843.
[7] G Gopal, L Suresh Kumar, D Gopinath and Uma MaheshwaraRao, “Design and
analysis of assembly of Piston, Connecting rod and Crank shaft”, International Journal
of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161

SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)


SVPM’s Collage of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk), ME (Mechanical- Design Engineering)

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