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The adolescent and teen years are almost universally awkward (for kids and parents alike!).
Imagine coping with the normal ups and downs of teen life, and adding to the mix the
challenges of being a youth who questions their sexual orientation. On top of the usual
combination of hormones, peer-pressure, and overall angst, add on the unique struggles faced
by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. Many gay youth report feeling unsafe in their
school due to their sexual orientation, with a majority reporting verbal harassment and many
also subjected to violence. Perhaps most painful of all, is when gay youth are rejected by their
own families. Imagine having to go from an unaccepting school environment to a household
that’s equally unfriendly. Gay youth make up a disproportionately high number of homeless
teens. These kids often don’t have a “home” or a safe place to go when coping with harassment
and abuse, and may even be forced from their homes by families who can’t, or won’t, accept

No, human beings cannot choose to be either gay (homosexual) or straight (heterosexual).
Sexual orientation emerges in most people in the early teen years without any sexual
experience. We do get to act on our feelings, but psychologists do not consider sexual
orientation to be a conscious choice.Many people feel attracted to people of the same sex. This
can lead someone to wonder whether or not they are gay. Deciding you are gay often happens
gradually, it may not be something you can initially put a name to, and it can feel very

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