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What Element Would You Be?

Purpose: Write a one page story that compares your personality, ambitions, interests or a memorable life event worth sharing, to
an element from the periodic table.

We have discussed how the structure of an atoms and electron configuration help us to understand chemical and physical behaviors
of the elements of the periodic table. We also know that an element’s location on the periodic table allows us to understand its’
chemical and physical properties.

• Use your knowledge of periodic trends, reactivity, bonding and atomic structure to select an element that you would be if you were
an element on the periodic table
• Write a one page story that entertains the reader and relates your personality and character to the chosen element. Use concepts
such as location on the periodic table, chemical reactivity, periodic trends (ionic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity), physical
properties as well as sources and uses of the element to help you relate the element to yourself.
• Create a list of ideas that can be used to relate you to your chosen element. Organize these ideas before you begin to write. You
must make at least 4 different comparisons.
• Turn in a final copy, neatly written and in ink, with a photo presenting your story. Use a 10'' x 15'' (1/8) illustration board for
your final output.

Date of Submission: October 9, 2019

Criteria for Grading

for the Story: 70%

 Title 5%
Story has a title at the top of the page that reflects the element chosen.
 Timeliness 10%
Project is turned in at the date specified in the instructions.
 Selection of an Element 10%
Focused on one element throughout the entire story.
 Comparison of Element to self throughout the story 10%
Related at least 4 characteristics of the element to those of himself/herself
 Grammar and Punctuation 5%
Few minor grammar or punctuation errors.
 Neatness 5%
Story written neatly in ink.
 Creativity 25%
Story is engaging so that reader wants to continue reading.
The story constructed is highly artistic and the concept was clearly presented.

for the Photo/Image: 30%

 Content/Theme 10%
Photo thoroughly address the theme/story
Tells a compelling story related to topic theme (personal, emotional, powerful, etc.)
 Image Quality 10%
Focus and depth of field all contribute to a powerful product
Image quality of the photograph draws a connection (emotional response) from the audience.
Picture is focused as intended.
Photo taken at appropriate exposure. Colors stand out.
 Creativity 10%
It shows high creativity and effort above and beyond the norm.

Total Score: 100%

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