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1. Moderna arhitektura: kritička istorija;.............................................(1 400,00)

Kenet Frempton, (Orion art, 2004.)
2. Izvori moderne arhitekture i dizajna;
Nikolas Pevsner, (Građevinska knjiga, 2005.)
3. Dizajn i kultura;
Ješa Denegri (ed.), (SIC, Beograd, 1980.)
4. Uvod u dizajn – Jezik i istorija serijske proizvodnje;
Đilo Dorfles, (Svetovi, NoviSad 1994.)
5. Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti;..................................................(4 600,00)
Miško Šuvaković (Horetzky, Zagreb, Ghent 2005.)
6. Konceptualna umetnost;..................................................................(4 700,00)
Miško Šuvaković (Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Novi Sad 2007.)
7. Istorija moderne umetnosti: slikarstvo, skulptura, arhitektura, fotografija;
Harvard H. Arnason (Orion Art, Beograd, 2008.)
8. Umetnost i vizuelno opažanje;
Rudolf Arnhajm, (Univerzitet umetnosti Beograd, 1987.)
9. Audio-vizuelna istraživanja 1994-2004;
Branko Pavić, Dragan Jelenković, Milorad Mladenović, (Arhitektonski
fakultet, 2008.)
10. Kultura i komunikacija, XX vek;
Lič, Edvard, (Beograd, 2002.)
11. Vreme, prostor i arhitektura (1941);
Sigfried Giedion, (Građevinska knjiga, Beograd 2012.)
12. Međuprostor;......................................................................................(850,00)
Kordić Milena, (Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd 2012.)
13. Das Unheimliche – psihoanaliticke i kulturalne teorije prostora;
Mariela Cvetic, (Orion art, 2012.)
14. Metodologija projektovanja;
Ivan Petrović, (AF, 1976.)
15. Istorija moderne skulpture;
Herbert Rid, (Jugoslavija, Beograd)
16. Putevi i raskršća srpske skulpture;
Lazar Trifunović, (umetnost, br.22, april-jun.)
17. Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine;
Lidija Merenik, Dragan Jelenković , 2008.
18. Carstvo znakova;...................................................................(PDF download)
Bart Ronald, (August Cesarec, Zagreb 1989.)
19. Dizajn i zločin;
Hal Foster, (VBZ Zagreb 2006.)
20. Arhitektonska forma i multi-funkcija;............................................... (550,00)
Milenković Vladimir, (Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd 2004.)
21. Osvetljenje u arhitekturi – zahtevi i smernice za projektovanje;
Lidija Đokoć, (Arhitektonski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu,
Beograd 2007.)

22.Theory and Design in the First Machine Age;

Banham, Reiner (Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1960.)
23.Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture;
Ulrich Conrads, Michael Bullock (The MIT Press, 1975.)
24. Histories of the Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural Modernism;
Anthony Vidler (University Press Group Limited, 2008.)
25. Interiors Construction Manual: Integrated Planning, Finishings and
Gerhard Hausladen (Technical Services, Birkhäuser, 2010 )
26. Components and Systems;
Gerald Staib (Birkhäuser Architecture, 2008.)
27. Construction Materials Manual;
Manfred Hegger (Birkhäuser, 2006.)
28. The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely;
Anthony Vidler (The MIT Press, 1992.)
29. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses;
Pallasmaa Juhani, (John Wiley&Sons, 2005.)
30. Occupying Architecture: Between the Architect and User;
Hill, Jonathan (ed. by), (Routledge, 1998.)
31. Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space;
Grosz, Elizabeth, (The MIT Press, 1995.)
32. The Model and its Architecture;
Healy, Patrick, (010 Publishers, 2008.)
33. Theorizing a new agenda for Architecture: a antology of architectural
theory 1965-1995;
Nesbitt, Kate ed., (Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1996.)
34. The Emergence of the Interior: Architecture, Modernity, Domesticity.
Rice, Charles, (Routledge 2007.)
35. Elements of The Industrial Design;
Richardson, 1993.
36. Design Methods;
Jones J. C, (Wiley 1970.)
37. Design and Technology (MFA);
AMT, Magazin of Art, Media and Technology
38. The Art of Creation;
Arthur Koestler, (Hutcinson 1964.)
39. The Structure of Design Process;
BruceArcher, (RCA London, 1968.)
40. Energy and environment in Architecture: A technical design guide;
Baker, N. and K. Steemers (2000), London: Spon Press.
41. Lighting modern buildings;
Phillips, D. (2000), (Oxford:Architectural Press).
42. Innovation inspired by nature;
Benyus, J. M. (1997), Biomimicry (New York: William Morrow and
Company, Inc.)
43. Solutions from nature for building envelope thermoregulation.
Badarnah, L, Farchi, Y. N. & Knaack, U. (2010). (In Brebbia, C.A. &)
44. Design & Nature V (p. 258);
Carpi, A. (Eds.). (Southampton, U.K: WIT Press.)
45. Digital Botanic Architecture;
Dollens, D. (2009). Santa Fe, New Mexico: Lumen.
46. The Hidden Dimension (1969);
Hall, Eduard T. (Anchor Books, New York, 1990.)
47. Supermodernism: architecture in the age of globalization;
Ibelings, Hans. (Nai Publishers, Rotterdam 2002.)
48. No Logo;
Naomi Klein, (Picador, 2009.)
49. Postproduction;
Bourriaud, Nicolas. (Lukas & Sternberg, New York 2002.)
50. Words and Buildings: A Vocabulary of Modern Architecture;
Forty Adrian, (Routledge, London 2000.)
51. Diagram Diaries;
Eisenman Peter, (Thames & Hudson Ltd, London 1999.)
52. Ways of Seeing;
Berger Јоhn, (Penguin Books London 2008.)
53. Postproduction;
Bourriaud Nicolas, Lukas & Sternberg New York 2002 (2007, 2010)
54. Architecture Depends;
Jeremy Till, (The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts London 2009.)
55. Тhe Digital Sublime – Myth, Power And Cyberspace;
Mosco Vincent, (The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts London 2004.)
56. Design Thinkng: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience and Brand
Lockwood Thomas, (Allworth Press; 2009.)
57. Design Driven Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically
Innovating What Things Mean;
Verganti Roberto, (Harvard Business Press, 2009.)
58. The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention;
Orr, David W., (Oxford University Press, USA 2004.)
59. Lighting Modern Buildings;
Derek Phillips, (Architectural Press, Oxford 2007.)
60. Lighting by Design;
Christopher Cuttle, (Architectural Press, Oxford 2003.)
61. Notes on the synthesis of form;
Alexander Christopher (Cambridge, Harvard University Press 1964.)
62. Entropia, London;
Baxi K, (Black Dog Publishing, 2000.)
63. Culture: relationship with "adaptivity";
Santangelo, A.: (Milano: Editrice Sabaini 2000.)
64. Walnut Creek Nearby history, exploring the past around you;
Kyvig and Marty (CA: Alta Mira Press 2000.)

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