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It is no question that stress has been a part of every high school student’s everyday life.

With all the deadlines piled up, it is definitely frustrating for us, students, to cope up since there are
responsibilities unrelated to school that we need to attend to. Nonetheless, academic stress, much like
anything else, has its own pros and cons.

Stress is dealt with in various ways depending on the situation and condition based on how
one perceives stress. For us, it may be caused by something as small as commuting to and from school
to something as big as failing a test. These are just some stressors we face and hinder us from having a
great time. If not addressed properly, this may lead to health problems such as depression and anxiety.

However, stress can also be a good thing. It can serve as our motivation to finish a deadline
on time and perform tasks under pressure in order for us to enjoy quality time with our families and
friends more immediately. This may seem hard to believe since high school can really be overwhelming
to the point that we sometimes feel emotionally, physically, and mentally drained.

Despite this, we can overcome stress with such ways as simple as taking deep breaths which
can ease and clear up our minds. The thought of it all being worth it is nothing from the inconvenience
we are feeling today. We just have to remind ourselves why and who are we doing this for.

All in all, there’s no chance we can live without stress, because without it, there’s no
growth. As students, we should always remember that we have the power to manage and use it in our
favor. Thus, we must embrace it because stress is a symbol of one’s hardship.

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