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HighBlix - Final Year Projects | Bangalore

We train and assist you in doing final year projects of Electronics

and CS Students.

BE, ME, BTech, MTech, BCA, MCA, BSc, MSc, Diploma students

We do project in VB,,, C#, MS SqlServer, Java, JSP, PHP, Mysql, Python, Android,
Electronics, IOT etc.,

You can share your project related queries here. We have around 20 years of experience in
developing projects in VB,,, C#, MS SqlServer, Java, JSP, PHP, Mysql, Python,
Android. We specialize in providing be final year project along with proper guidance and
training. We provide all these so that students can get real time knowledge along with
training and guidance throughout their final year. By joining our institute not only you will
complete your project, you gain lot of subject knowledge and project experience.

Please contact us at.

HighBlix Projects
No 826, 9th Main, Hampinagar
Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Pin - 560104.
email :
Land Mark (Near Hampinagar Main BusStop, Opp National Public School)

Mobile: 9243101428, 7019755620

Before we get into think of the things we would like to add a few heartfelt words for the
people who were part of this project in numerous ways. People who gave an unending support
right from the stage the project idea were conceived.

We are indebted to our internal guide and project co-ordinator Prof.Anand.S. Ghuli
Department of Computer Applications, who motivated and guided us throughout this project
work. He made the entire task simple with his valuable suggestions.

We are glad to express sincere thanks to our beloved Principal Dr. V. P. Huggi, for his
support and also we sincerely thank Head of the Department M.C.A Prof.G.K.Kulkarni for his
support and kind cooperation in ups and downs in our project.

We also thank all the staff members of Department of Computer Applications, BLDEA’s
college of Engg and Tech Bijapur, for their inspiration and whole hearted support during this
project work.

Our special thanks are also due to all my friends for their timely help and kind co-
operation. We sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who are directly or indirectly
associated with our project work, including those whom we inadvertently failed to mention.

Finally, no words would be sufficient to express our acknowledgements to our parents

and god. We thank them for their inspiration, moral support. Without their encouragement this
project would never have been completed.

Akshay .R.Deshpande


What is Project Synopsis?

Synopsis of the project is basically the gist of the entire project you did
like the main aim of doing the project, its objectives, the details of the
team and so on.

Have a look at what things a synopsis should include and how one
should write a synopsis for the project.

The term project synopsis mainly defines the core of any project
dealing with. To understand and have a brief idea regarding the
project, the synopsis of the project works well. The projects can be of
any type, be it academic or professional, preparing a synopsis is very
much essential.

The length of the synopsis should not be too much, an average of 2-3
pages will be sufficient but can be modified or extended depending
upon the project. The main aim of preparing a project synopsis is to
provide an objective and working procedure of the project.

For preparing a synopsis, there is a particular protocol that needs to be

followed. Some of the important things that need to be included in a
project synopsis are,

 Title of the project

 About the Problem
 The primary reason to choose this particular topic
 The main objective of the project (a clear picture of the
 Scope of the Project
 Working Methodology (the summary of the project must also
be incorporated )
 Details about the Hardware & Software used
 Listing out the Testing Technologies
 Limitations of the system proposed
 Specifying the contribution that the project would make
 Final conclusion

Bus Ticket Reservation System


The project entitled Bus Ticket Reservation System is developed as part of

the VI Semester RDBMS package project for the partial fulfillment of the BCA
(Computer Science) degree.


Bus Ticket Reservation System is a software application to manage all the

activity of the private bus operator. It is application mainly for to book tickets in the
scheduled buses. This application will help company to book tickets in advance at
the counter. The project also provided with all the option to register new buses,
new routes, new schedules etc., This project very much useful the private bus
operator to operate their buses and also to know the booking details.


The main objective of the application is to automate the existing method of

manual booking ticket to computerized ticket booking system. The other main
objective of this system is to manage all day to day activities the bus operator.


This application can be used by any bus operator to book the tickets. So
through out the country this application is use full for all the Bus operators.
Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware Requirement

Processor : Intel I5 3.0 GHz or more

RAM : 4 GB or More

Harddisk : 80GB or more

Monitor : 19Inch LED monitor

Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia

Mouse : Compatible mouse

Software Requirement

Front End : Visual Basic 2010 Express edition

With Sql Server Compact Edition

Microsoft SDK 4.0

Back End : MS Sql Server

Operation System : Windows 10 Or 8 Or 7


A Dataflow Diagram also known as “Bubble Chart” is used to clarify System requirements
and identifying major transformations that all become programs in System Design


Data Source/Destination


Data Storage

Flow of data




Example 2

Food Court Billing System


Hotel Cash Counter Billing software is general software developed for Hotels. This
software help them to do billing and take the reports


The purpose of this document is to specify requirements and to give guidelines for
the development of above said project. In particular it gives guidelines on how to
prepare the above said project.

This document is intended to be a practical guide for people who developing this


As this is generic software it can be used by a wide variety of outlets (Retailers and
Wholesalers) to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related
to the subject of maintaining the daily billing.


The main goal of the application is to maintain daily billing and to take the daily


Hotel Cash Counter billing software is very needy for Hotels. This software help
them maintain day to day transactions in computer.

Existing System

In hotels customer billing is very important. In some hotels they have printed
coupons they will issue these coupons to the customer based on his requirement. If
customer want three items they need to give three coupons. And in some hotels
they electronic billing machine to generate the bills. These two systems are not pool
proof for the hotel owner. So to maintain the billing they want simple power ful
software. This should help them to do the billing.

Proposed System

In the proposed system the software will be developed to help hotel billing. This is
very simple and user friendly application, Even non-computer literate can also can
able to use the system it so simple. Making billing also is very easy and also billing
can be done based on the supplier wise. Calculations will done automatically so it’s
save lot of time. The daily reports will be generated to track of the daily billing.
Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware Requirement

Processor : Intel I5 3.0 GHz or more

RAM : 4 GB or More

Harddisk : 80GB or more

Monitor : 19inch LED monitor

Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia

Mouse : Compatible mouse

Software Requirement

Front End : Visual Basic 2010 Express edition

Back End : MS Sql Server

Operation System : Windows 10/8/7

Example 3

Data Mining On Social Networks


It is hard to deny the fact of the booming popularity of social networking sites, the
type of sites that facilitate a high degree of user personalization and user
intercommunication. While yearly growth in the largest sites may have started to
slow down, there is evidence that growth is accelerating in communities that have
previously not had a high degree a social networking site use. Social networking
sites are being used by people to understand each other in a better way and to
explore themselves.

With all the hype surrounding social networking sites, it would seem this area is the
perfect environment for extensive data mining, research and development. While
the usage rates, public availability and media scrutiny all point to increased interest
in the sites, there are number of impediments to capitalizing on data mining
strategies for this area.

From an academic research perspective, studying contact networks, growth rates,

and social implications of social networking sites is not likely to draw strong
opposition from site owners or users. In fact sites may be supportive of these
activities if they are perceived as supportive of the sites and environment they try
to foster.

Data mining has developed methods for constructing statistical models of network
data. Example of such data includes social networks. Data mining is a relatively
young and disciplinary field of computer science. It is the process of discovering
new pattern from large data sets involving methods from statistics and artificial
intelligence but also data base management. Data mining of social networking sites
is based on concept of dividing data into different units and using them in different
networking site
Data mining based techniques are proving to be useful for analysis of social
network data, especially for large datasets that cannot be handled by traditional
methods. This project will provide an up-to-date introduction to the increasingly
important field of data mining in social network analysis, and a brief overview of
applications in this field. We first provide an introduction to social network analysis
and then briefly survey the techniques of data mining in this field. Next, an
overview of emerging research in data mining for social network analysis is
presented. Finally, we will present our own work in two areas: (i) Trust in social
networks and, (ii) Characterization of social networks.

Data mining for social network analysis
1. Community Extraction
2. Link Prediction
3. Cascading Behavior
4. Identifying Prominent Actors and Experts in Social Networks
5. Search in Social Networks
6. Anonymity in Social Networks
7. Other Research
1. Uncertainty in Social Networks
2. Visualization
3. Learning Social Networks
4. Alias Detection

This project describes a study of the impact of trust and internet privacy concern on the use
of social networking sites. It begins with a summary of relevant research related to social
networking sites. The online survey methodology is described and the results presented,
followed by limitations and conclusions.

We will developed a computational framework to characterize social network dynamics at

individual, group and community levels. Such characterization could be used by
corporations to help drive targeted advertising and to track the moods and sentiments of
consumers. This project also deals with the problem of characterizing communication
dynamics at multiple scales – individual, group and community. We propose an innovative
method to establish the utility of the extracted knowledge, by correlating the mined
knowledge with an external time series data.

1. Organization Theory
2. Semantic Web
3. Viral Marketing
4. Social Influence and E-Commerce
5. Social Computing
6. Criminal Network Analysis
7. Newsgroup Message Classification
8. Social Recommendation Systems
9. Terrorism and Crime Related Weblog Social networks


Computers have provided the ideal infrastructure for

o Fostering social interaction

o Capture it at a very fine granularity
o Practically no reporting bias
o Fertile research area for data mining
Recent work in machine learning and data mining has made impressive strides toward learning highly
accurate models of relational data. However, little of this work has made good use of research in other
areas, such as social network analysis and statistics. Cross-disciplinary efforts and joint research efforts
should be encouraged to promote rapid development and dissemination of useful algorithms and data
representations. In particular, this work should focus on the unique statistical challenges raised by
relational data.

Social networking sites are quite popular. Most of the studies conducted to date have focused on a
single social networking site. Few studies have compared attitudes and behavior between two sites. The
results show that the interaction of trust and privacy concern in social networking sites is not yet
understood to a sufficient degree to allow accurate modeling of behavior and activity. The results of the
study encourage further research in the effort to understand the development of relationships in the
online social environment and the reasons for differences in behavior on different sites.
Our current and future work is focused on leveraging the results presented in this project along three
main directions.First, we would like to investigate the impact of friends on the behavior of user of social
networks. The success of a social networking site is directly associated with the quality of content users
share. Thus, in order to design social net-work services, it is key to understand factors that motivate
users to join communities, become fans of something, and upload or retrieve media content


1. L. Getoor. Link mining: a new data mining challenge. SIGKDD Explorations, 5(1):84–89, 2003.
2. Hsu, K.-W., Banerjee, A., Srivastava, J.: I/O Scalable Bregman Co-clustering, 12th Pacific-Asia
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2008), Osaka, Japan, May 2008.
3. 2008 siam conference on data mining. Paper by Jaideep Srivastava, Muhammad A. Ahmad, Nishith
Pathak, David Kuo-Wei Hsu University of Minnesota
4. Data Mining in Social Networks David Jensen and Jennifer Neville Knowledge Discovery Laboratory
Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts
5. Buchanan, T., C. Paine, A. Joinson, and U.-D. Reips (in press) “Development of measures of online
privacy concern and protection for use on the Internet,” Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology.
6. Lewis, J. D. and A. Weigert (1985) “Trust as a Social Reality,” Social Forces (63) 4, pp. 967-985.
7. Y.-Y. Ahn, S. Han, H. Kwak, S. Moon, and H. Jeong. Analysis of topological characteristics of huge
online social networking services.
8. B. Krishnamurthy. A measure of online social networks. In COMSNETS, 2009
24 Guidelines to Write a Synopsis for Project:

The following mentioned are a few tips on how to write a synopsis and
hypothesis of a project.

1. Give the title:

The first and foremost step is to write the project title. The project
title says all about what your project is basically based on.

The title must be short and related to the content in the project. Going
off the track will lose the interest of people and this is something
you do not want, so, make sure the title of the project is in accordance
with the content and context of the matter inside.

2. Who all made the contribution to the project:

It probably would not be only you who contributed the efforts for the
making of the project, so make sure you write all the names to let
others know who all contributed to the project work.

If it is a team effort, the whole team must be attributed and no one

should be left behind. Whenever contributors look at the project,
they should not feel abandoned; rather they should feel happy by
seeing themselves accredited by you.
3. The team details should be given:

The team details will include the total strength of the team like 4 or 5
persons, also mention the modules like how the work was
divided and who was given what sort of task to accomplish.

Give proper details, you can also mention the effectiveness of the work
done by whom and how long it took to complete the project.

4. The main reason behind making a project:

The main reason would be the aim and objective of doing a project.
The motive behind doing the project should be clearly defined and the
intent of why you wanted to do this project should be crystallized in
the synopsis.

This will let the readers know what was the main motive behind
making a project and it will arouse a lot of interest in the people. In the
aim, you can also mention the target audience you wanted to reach
and also the reason behind it.

5. The reference books or if something else considered/


You should not forget to mention the reference books you took the
help of while making your project.
All the names of the books along with the names of the author.
Make sure you do not miss the other references if you had like the use
of the internet or any of the technologies used. This usually happens
the project makers make use of more than one technology.

When you mention all the references into the research synopsis, the
project becomes credible and easy to believe in by the readers.

6. The category of the project:

What is the category of the project like, is it something related to

business, research, management, multimedia, communication,
commerce or anything else.

The category of the project must be mentioned immediately after

writing the title of the project. The category of the project will only
invite the related readers and will not waste much of their time by
going through the project.

7. Mention the resources, but with the limitations:

While you write the resources for designing and developing the
project, also write the limitations of the technologies and the
resources you made use. This will provide larger respect and the
credibility of the project will enhance.
Also, the other people who would like to make projects will take
precautions before starting any of the projects with similar
technologies and the resources. So, through synopsis, you become the
doctor for others.

8. Divide the different modules:

The different modules here mean the following: the module

introduction or the admin module, the module intro with the
management comments. Both the modules should be written in
details. The admin module will include the following:

 Strategic Management included

 User roles must be assigned
 Assigning permissions to the roles
 Managing the styles and themes for the blog
 Adding and removing the categories for the post

9. The present status of the development of the project:

The current status of the development of the project must be explained

properly in this section.

If you are starting from the very beginning, then make sure to mention
that the project is in the planning stage and then afterward you will be
starting the development efforts.
If the project is not completed, then make sure you mention that the
development process is afoot.

10. Statement of the problems:

The problem you have highlighted in the project should be precise and
clearly written. When you understand the problem you are
highlighting, then you are able to conduct a well planned and
successful research that further helps in formulating the hypothesis.

The problem should be relevant to the present, must be mentioned in

the synopsis.

11. The hypothesis must not be rejected:

The hypothesis is the presumed explanation of the different variables

at a time.

The hypothesis helps in setting the own benchmarks on the basis of

which you will be able to do the research work. The research
hypothesis must be given in not less than 200 words.

12. Be precise and short:

While writing the synopsis for project, make sure you are writing in a
precise manner. This is because, if you will write in a lengthy manner,
you will be able to go through the whole conclusion of the project.
Your project may be of more than 500 words, so the synopsis should
not be the same or you may lose the reader.

13. Prioritize the things while writing the synopsis:

Many things are included while you write a synopsis for project, so
make it a point to first see your project. Whether the project is short or
very long, write according to the length of the project.

The short project would probably not include the different modules,
while the long project would certainly include the modules, the
references, the review of the literature and so on.

14. Give the gist of the whole project:

Synopsis refers to the gist of the whole project, so you should keep in
mind that the synopsis for project that you write is short and crisp,
and not a whole lot of paras that are not even worth going through.

It is basically the conclusion of the whole project and the conclusion

should be in either one or two pages and not longer than that.

15. Target audience:

The people whom you have decided to target with the project should
be mentioned. Whom the project will be beneficial to, must be given in
the subheading target audience.
You need to write to the audience you would like to cater for the
project, to get it to read again and again.

16. Better to write in the very starting:

The synopsis that you write for the project should be there in the very
starting of the project. This is because the gist in the starting will help
readers go through the project. It helps in getting hooked to what next
could be there in the project.

So, basically, the synopsis is for arousing interest for the reader to go
inside the project.

17. Work professionally:

Working professionally is an important key. You should be able to

write a synopsis for project in a manner that everyone gets a clear idea
of what you have done and what message are you going to deliver to
the audience or the readers.

18. Direct idea behind the project:

The synopsis should give readers a direct and simple message behind
the project. The message should be clear cut, brief and easy to
Make use of simpler language while you write a synopsis. The
synopsis will decide how good and interesting the project inside is.

For example, if your project is good, but the synopsis is very attractive,
it will certainly push the reader to look what is there inside, but if the
synopsis is not attractive, no matter how good is the project, will not
get the required attention.

19. The outline of the project:

The synopsis is the blueprint of the project work. It tells us all about
what is the project about, along with highlighting the problems, the
solutions, the books, the technologies you took help of, are written in
the short and crisp manner.

This is something which helps the reader to know about the project in
a quick manner without going through the whole project.

20. Write to save the reader’s time:

The synopsis should be written in a manner that it saves the time of

the reader. It should act as a mirror to the rest of the project.

Going through the synopsis should make the reader know if the
project is of his genre or no. If the synopsis is explaining something
related to business and the reader is from a medical background, then
there will be no use of the project.
So, it should reflect the whole idea of the project to the reader and only
then you will be able to help the reader save the time.

21. Let it be in the front:

The synopsis for project should be written on the front. This is because
in the very beginning only the readers will get to know about the whole
project, whether he or she needs to go through the project or no.

So, it must be presented in the front or the starting of the project to

help readers know the idea of the project work.

22. There should be no errors:

There should be no errors while you write. Especially the spelling

mistakes, the grammatical errors should not be there. The more the
errors, the more readers will reject the project. This is something you
do not need.

You want maximum readers to go through your projects. So, make

sure you have no errors while you write for the project.

23. The first impression is the last impression:

The first impression is created by the synopsis as it is something

written in the first of the project work. If there will be many errors,
many readers will leave the project unattended.
So, make sure there are no mistakes. The synopsis should look
attractive so that the first impression creates the last impression. You
can make use of different colours while writing as it makes the thing
look attractive and luring.

24. Write in paragraphs:

Do not write everything in a single para, but make different

paragraphs for everything you write.

Suppose you write the names of the people who contributed in the
project, write them in one paragraph, while other details in different
paragraphs. By writing in different paras you will be able to help
readers go through the whole matter in an easy manner.


So, above are some of the points that must be kept in mind while
writing the synopsis for the project. You just need to work
professionally as you did for the project. Synopsis forms a major part
of the project as well as technical and professional work. Give the clear
idea behind the project, conclude the whole project in terms of a
synopsis. Writing no synopsis gives a non-professional touch to the
project, which you firmly do not want. The synopsis of the project will
assist you in deciding the success and the failure of the project. It
actually acts as a window to the project inside. So, if the things are
crystal clear from the window, only then the view will lure the readers.

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