2nd Grading Mastery Test in Engl 8

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2nd Grading Mastery Test



Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: ______________

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank

______1. It refers to how words in a sentence or phrase sound (rise and fall) when put together.

a. Pitch b. Volume c. Intonation d. Tempo

______2. It is known as the foundation of a composition because it has sentences with different
uses and structures.

a. Paragraph b. Essay c. Journal d. Sentence

______3. Is a literary device used to create a special effect or feeling by making some type of
interesting or creative comparison.

a. Idioms b. Sayings c. Parts of Speech d. Figures of Speech

______4. What is a situation that calls for using your active listening skills?

a. during morning flag ceremony c. watching TV

b. listening to Taylor Swift’s new album d. when a teacher explains the homework

______5. Why is it called “active listening”?

a. You stay active rather than sitting around

b. You use your eyes and brain as well as your ears.
c. It requires a lot of multi-tasking.
d. You look very focused.

______6. Which of the following is NOT part of active listening?

a. Look at the person c. Encourage the person to talk

b. Give advice d. Use empathy

______7. Which situation at work would most likely require active listening?

a. Your boss tells you to check the new schedule on your way out.
b. You are assigned to work in the customer service department.
c. While finalizing your report, you hear Sam and Jam talking about their weekend.
d. You are assigned to check the baggage of the hotel guests.

______8. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways after listening to finalize your
comprehension of the listening material?

a. Take note of the purpose of the activity.

b. Validate comprehension through the assessment activities the teacher will give.
c. Assess whether the strategies you used are suitable for the purpose.
d. Learn from the listening activity and modify listening strategies if necessary.

______9. What is the primary step to active listening?

a. grunt and nod c. ask questions
b. pay attention to the speaker d. give feedback

______10. Choose the correct word to be filled inside the parenthesis to complete the statement

Confusion and ( ) occur when you fail to listen carefully or attentively.

a. understanding c. good comprehension

b. misunderstanding d. active listening skills.

______11. In, while or during listening activity, you need to get important details from the
speaker. What are the two important things you need to have during the activity?

a. scissors and paper c. pen and paper

b. earphone and earbuds d. calculator and dictionary

______12. The following are the factors that help to communicate and clarify what the speaker
says, EXCEPT

a. gestures c. facial expression

b. tone of voice d. attire of the speaker

______13. Which of the following is one of the effective techniques of active listening?

a. Talk to your seatmate about your weekend getaway.

b. Write down important details from what the speaker is saying.
c. Draw the speaker’s facial expressions.
d. Daydream while the speaker is talking.

______14. A conjunction is a part of speech that

a. has a function
b. connects words, phrases, and ideas
c. describes the subject
d. modifies the verb

______15. We often refer to these conjunction as FANBOYS or BOYSFAN.

a. Coordinating b. Subordinating c. Correlative d. Connectors

______16. Which sentence shows an example of a coordinating conjunction?

a. Mrs. Nelson eats apples and carrots every day.

b. After the mall, I took a nap.
c. Either you leave, or I will.
d. Henry is sad because his dog died.

______17. What kind of conjunction is used in this sentence?

“Swimming makes me both hungry and tired.”

a. Correlative b. Coordinating c. Subordinating d. Connector

______18. What kind of conjunction is underlined in the sentence below?

“I don’t watch scary movies because they frighten me.”

a. Coordinating b. Correlative c. Subordinating d. Connector

______19. What kind of conjunction is underlined in the sentence below?

“Before my essay is due, I have to revise and edit.”

a. Coordinating b. Correlative c. Subordinating d. Connector

______20. What kind of conjunction is underlined in the sentence below?

a. Coordinating b. Correlative c. Subordinating d. Connector

______21. This type of paragraph describes something and shows the reader what a thing or a
person is like. It appeals to the five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste.

a. Persuasive b. Expository c. Narrative d. Descriptive

______22. This type of paragraph explains something or provides instruction with step-by-step
process. It often requires research, but it’s possible that the writer is able to rely on his or her
own knowledge and expertise.

a. Persuasive b. Expository c. Narrative d. Descriptive

______23. This type of paragraph tries to get the reader to accept a particular point of view or to
convince the writer’s ideas.

a. Persuasive b. Expository c. Narrative d. Descriptive

______24. This type of paragraph tells a story. It describes one primary topic that usually
involves one main event, adventure, scene, or happening.

a. Persuasive b. Expository c. Narrative d. Descriptive

______25. This type of sentence structure has two or more independent clauses and at least
one dependent clause.

a. Simple b. Compound c. Compound-complex d. Complex

Test II.

A. Directions: Read and comprehend the following paragraphs then underline the topic
sentence in each. (2pts. each)
1. The best trip my family ever took was to New Orleans, Louisiana. We drove there in
two days. I didn’t think it would be very interesting, but I was wrong. We saw the
Mississippi River, rode a horse carriage in the French Quarter, and visited a cemetery
where everyone was buried above the ground. I liked the food best, especially the New
Orleans doughnuts called beignets.
2. No one likes to eat with a dirty knife, fork, or spoon. It is important to completely wash
all utensils before using them. Clean utensils won’t transmit germs and bacteria. They
also are more pleasant to eat with.
3. Many people think poetry is old-fashioned and uninteresting. They don’t realize that
every time they hear a song sung, they are hearing poetry in the form of song lyrics. Just
like many written poems, many song lyrics use rhythm, rhyme, and literary imagery. It
turns out that poetry isn’t old-fashioned; it’s as modern as the latest hit song!
4. Growing a garden can be fun, good exercise, and will provide fresh fruits and
vegetables for the gardener. It is interesting to watch the seeds pop their heads above
the soil for the first time. It is sometimes hard to believe that a little seed can become a
large vine or plant in just a few weeks. Planting the seeds and pulling weeds are good
exercise for anyone. Then, after watching the plant grow and produce, the gardener
ends up with delicious tomatoes, beans, or other yummy produce from the garden.
5. Sometimes it is hard to fall asleep. Maybe you are not sleepy, or maybe you are
thinking about what happened during the day. You can also lie awake if a big event, like
a test or a party, is happening the next day. There are several things you can do to try
and fall asleep. You can try counting sheep, or just counting, which will keep your mind
busy with a repetitious activity. Sometimes listening to soft music or gentle sounds, like
rain help. You can even try telling yourself a story, which may distract your mind enough
that you will be asleep in no time.
B. Directions: Below are topics that ask of your opinions. Write a 5-sentence paragraph on
each topic. Underline your topic sentence. (5pts. each)

1. Should students wear uniform in school?

2. What is a good movie for you?

3. What was your favorite game when you were still a kid?

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