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Ten Things You Need To Do Now To
Have Money and the Time to Enjoy It

MICHAEL LeBOEUF is a former business school professor who retired at the age of forty-seven in 1989 to
live off his accumulated wealth. Since then, he has occasionally worked as a business consultant,
professional speaker and seminar leader. Dr. LeBoeuf has also written six other books: The Perfect Business,
Fast Forward, How to Win Customers and Keep Them For Life, The Greatest Management Principle in the
World, The Productivity Challenge and Working Smart.
Dr. LeBoeuf’s personal Web site is at

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The Millionaire In You - Page 1

At the end of the twentieth century, one in every fourteen U.S. households had a net worth of $1 million or more. In practical terms,
that means the opportunity to obtain the financial freedom to do whatever you want is statistically closer now than at any other time in
history. For most people, however, the goal is not simply to achieve millionaire status, but to have sufficient time and money to do
whatever they feel passionate about. In other words, money alone, without the time to enjoy it, is not so great.
Put differently, true financial freedom means to have enough money and enough time to enjoy it. Toachieve that in practice, you have
to master four different skill sets:
1. You need to make enough money so you have discretionary funds to invest.
2. You have to learn how to save money rather than spending every dime you make (and borrowing still more).
3. You must mater how invest your money in such a way it will continue to appreciate in value regardless of the market cycles.
4. You need to know how to enjoy your money – something most people consider a no-brainer.
Relatively few people manage to master all four skills, but until you do, financial freedom will remain just like a mirage which is
consistently beyond your grasp. And yet, if you commit to learning and doing everything that’s required, you almost certainly will
become a millionaire.
So how do you create the millionaire which already lies inside you?
1. See the possibilities which lie in abundance everywhere around you every single day.
2. Do what it takes to create your fortune using your unique set of skills, talents and interests.
3. Know when to step back, celebrate your financial freedom and enjoy it.

. .4 .Key
. . Insights
. . . . That
. . . Will
. . Help
. . . You
. . .See
. . More
. . . Possibilities
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 2 - 3
Insight #1 Position yourself on the time and wealth grid

Insight #2 Invest your time actively and your money passively

Insight #3 Keep it simple

Insight #4 Realize you’re probably going to live longer

10 Choices For Creating Your Personal Fortune

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 3 - 7
Choice #1 Live the life you want, not what others expect

Choice #2 Make choices that stack the odds in your favor

Choice #3 Be a super-saver rather than a big spender

Choice #4 Increase the value of your time consistently

Choice #5 Don’t try and do it all; Do less better

Choice #6 Work hard to capitalize on the unexpected

Choice #7 Don’t try and beat the market; Own the market

Choice #8 Always limit losses; Don’t fall victim to bad luck

Choice #9 Listen to those who know, not those who sell

Choice #10 Do it now rather than regretting it later

4. Jobs
. . . That
. . .Will
. . Help
. . . You
. . Celebrate
. . . . . . Your
. . .Accomplishments
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 7 - 8
Job #1 Stay financially independent

Job #2 Keep physically and mentally active

Job #3 Give something back to the community

Job #4 Always remember the journey is the joy

The Millionaire In You - Page 2

4 Key Insights That Will Help You See More Possibilities To actively invest your time means to decide where your time will
be spent rather than having other people or circumstances
Insight #1 Position yourself on the time and wealth grid dictate how your time should be allocated. In essence, your time
should be consciously allocated over four basic areas:
Being wealthy doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a 1. Learning – obtaining the know-how and knowledge required.
conscious choice you need to make. A person who is 2. Earning – applying what you know.
financially independent does not work for money. 3. Living – doing what’s required to be healthy.
Instead, they organize their finances so their money 4. Giving – to others or the community at large.
works for them, generating more income than they spend. Keep in mind how much time you decide to allocate to each of
these four areas will vary according to your stage in life. Usually,
The scourge of modern-day life is many people work so hard to early years are learning oriented, middle years are earning
pay for their lifestyle they then have no time to enjoy what they focused and later years devote more time to giving and living.
have. This time/money trap can be seen on a grid: Money, on the other hand, should be invested passively – using
no-load, low-cost index mutual funds that reflect the
Business Financially performance of the entire stock market. A passive investment
Owners Independent plan is very simple:
1. Choose how to allocate your investment funds between
domestic stocks, international stocks, bonds and cash. For
Wealth example, you might decide to allocate your investments:
Employees • 50% in domestic stocks.
• 20% in international stocks.
• 20% to bonds.
• 10% in cash.
Slaves Unemployed 2. Buy no-load low-cost index funds that reflect your allocation.
3. Take 10% of every dollar you earn and add it to your
Discretionary Time investment fund.
4. Check your portfolio every year. Do nothing if it is within 10%
n The wage “slaves” are those who work at minimum wage jobs of your original allocation. Rebalance it if your allocation
– they have little wealth and must work long hours just to varies more than 10% from your plan.
make ends meet. They may even have several jobs. “That’s all there is to it. It’s no-brainer investing that outperforms
n The unemployed have loads of discretionary time, but little or at least 70% of the investment gurus who get paid to manage
no assets. money. Best of all, implementing it takes little time and minimal
n Employees trade their time for money. They work hard to earn financial knowledge. It’s a financial plan that anyone who can
a decent wage and do so their entire lives. understand and calculate simple percentages can do.”
– Michael LeBoeuf
n Business owners have plenty of wealth but usually no
discretionary time with which to enjoy their assets. They are
consumed by their work and keep on acquiring more lifestyle Insight #3 Keep it simple
assets, even though they will never use them.
Simplicity is the key to wealth building. Use the 80/20
n A person who is financially independent has money and the
Rule to manage your time and compound interest (the
time to enjoy it. He or she works, not because they need to,
Rule of 72) to earn financial freedom. Instead of earning
but because they enjoy what they do. They then use their
to spend, earn to invest and build your $1 million nest egg.
wealth as a means to an end – to live a fulfilling life rather than
getting caught up in owning more and more.
The master key to becoming financially independent or wealthy
It’s important, every once in a while, to pause and think about is to keep things as simple as possible. The simplest ideas really
where you currently are on the wealth/time grid. In terms of are the most effective and powerful. In fact, all you really need
leading a happy, balanced life, financial independence is clearly are two rules to do well:
the optimum goal to have.
1. The 80/20 Rule – which says 80% of your personal
Insight #2 Invest your time actively and your money passively effectiveness will come from 20% of your activities.
Therefore, to use your time productively, do those few
In a nutshell, this is how you become financially activities which have a high payoff and ignore all of the other
independent. The real accumulation of wealth begins more trivial items.
whenever you start realizing the true value of your time 2. The Rule of 72 – to determine how many years it will take an
and learn how to invest it effectively for long-term returns. investment to double in value, divide 72 by the rate of return.
Thus, an investment paying 8% per year will double every 9
Strangely, the overwhelming majority of people do the opposite years. Once you understand this rule, you’ll realize how just a
– they invest their time passively and their money actively. That small investment made regularly and consistently will grow
is, they fail to maintain rigorous control over how their time gets to a sizeable sum thanks to the benefits of compound
used and then hire brokers to manage their investments for a interest. And that, in turn, will motivate you to harness this
hefty cut of any profits. wealth building engine to become financially independent.
The Millionaire In You - Page 3

That’s it. Those two rules are literally all you need to know and 10 Choices for Creating Your Personal Fortune
apply to become wealthy. The more you try to introduce other
complexities, the less your returns will be. To maximize your Choice #1 Live the life you want, not what others expect
wealth building program, understand and then apply these two
rules conscientiously. There will always be a myriad of other forces who will try
to decide for you how you should live. Ignore them all.
“Simplicity gives us the power to do less of what doesn’t matter –
Instead, choose the life you want first and then select all
and gives us the power to do more of what does matter.”
the other components on the basis they will be compatible
– John C. Bogle, founder, The Vanguard Group
with your chosen lifestyle.

Insight #4 Realize you’re probably going to live longer Everyone has a voice inside themselves that can provide the
answers to two important questions:
Thanks to advances in the biosciences, your life 1. What do I want out of life?
expectancy is increasing. Plan on taking advantage of 2. How will I know when I have everything I want?
this bonus by providing for yourself financially for many
The more detailed the description you develop of your answers
years to come.
to these two questions, the better. Never leave these questions
for others to decide – that will only generate confusion and
To make an increased lifespan comfortable, you need to do
frustration for you. This is something you have to do for yourself if
three things:
it is to have any staying power.
1. Get and stay fit.
The process for translating your dreams into goals is simple:
Resolve to take care of yourself physically and emotionally
so you have the good health to enjoy the opportunity to live 1. First, make certain the goals you’re working on are genuinely
longer. yours, and yours alone.
2. Create your own endowment for the future. 2. Next, set goals using the BEST formula:
Start thinking like a capitalist rather than an employee. Even B – your goals need to be high but believable.
if you keep your regular job, do some consulting projects or E – set goals that energize and enthuse you.
write a book in your spare time. Use that extra income to S – be specific about how you define the word “success”
invest for the future. Resolve to build a retirement nest egg of T – set deadlines, a time when each needs to be achieved.
more than $1 million on the back of the Rule of 72 and the 3. Write down your goals and read them frequently. This
80/20 Rule. As a ballpark figure, work on the estimate you’ll increases commitment and forces you to think clearly.
need a nest egg that is 20-times what you want to receive as 4. Live a balanced life – set goals in all the major areas of life:
an annual retirement income. Career – something you passionately enjoy doing.
3. Understand delayed gratification is not denied gratification. Family – improving your key relationships.
Most people don’t even think of working hard right now so Recreational – the fun stuff you’d like to do.
they can have the bonus of retiring early. Instead, they live Health and wellness – preventative maintenance.
from one paycheck to the next. To be certain, it will take some Community – how you can contribute to society.
time and effort to achieve financial freedom, but the results Personal relationship – improving and enjoying these.
will be well worth it. There is a wonderful quality of life Self-esteem – making you feel great about yourself.
attached to being financially independent, so much so that it Religious / spiritual – strengthening your inner peace.
is well worth forgoing some luxuries today to build a much 5. Now, check your goals for compatibility and set your own
better tomorrow. personal priorities. Make certain that in aggressively
“Make smart choices today, and you’ll get to spend and enjoy the pursuing one of your goals, you’re not in fact making it more
money when there’s much, much more of it. And there’s an difficult to achieve another goal.
added bonus: Knowing that you’re building a better tomorrow 6. Translate your goals into action plans – the intermediate
makes you happier today.” goals that form a bridge between your daily “To Do” list and
– Michael LeBoeuf your lifetime goals. Most often, action plans are projects that
take more than a day and less than a year to complete.
“An American today with basic common sense can become a
millionaire. It’s simply a matter of seeing the possibilities, 7. Always remember your lifetime goals are not carved in stone.
knowing how to proceed and following through.” They need to be updated regularly. If circumstances change,
– Michael LeBoeuf drop old goals and add new ones. Remember, the most
important thing is to have goals that enthuse you, not the
“When Michelangelo was asked to describe how he carved his precise goals that you choose.
classic work David from a block of damaged marble, he replied
that the statue was already in the stone. All he did was see it and “Don’t expect things to always go according to plan, because the
then chisel away the unnecessary marble to reveal it. Like the one thing you can be sure of is they won’t. An old Yiddish proverb
masterpiece inside the marble, there’s a potential millionaire and says, ‘Man plans, God laughs’. But those who have a clear
a wonderful life of personal freedom inside you and every one of picture of what they want and go after it are infinitely more likely
us. The key to making it a reality lies in seeing the possibilities to enjoy the life of their dreams than those who passively sit back
and then making the right choices to create it.” and let life happen. I’m amazed at how wonderful opportunities
– Michael LeBoeuf magically appear when I know what I want and go after it. In truth,
it isn’t magic at all. It’s opportunity meeting preparation.”
– Michael LeBoeuf
The Millionaire In You - Page 4

5. Harness a Roth IRA – because it allows your money to

Choice #2 Make choices that stack the odds in your favor compound tax-free.
Be aware of the financial consequences of all your life 6. Buy 2- to 5-year old cars for cash – and keep them until their
choices – education, career, health, location, marriage, maintenance and repair bills start getting too high. Avoid
family size, etc. – and make choices that stack the odds in buying new cars because they are terrible financial
your favor rather than against you. investments.
7. Pay off all your credit card debts – because they charge 18%
Your personal journey to financial independence will be easier if or more every year when you carry a balance. Pay your
you make smart lifestyle decisions: entire credit card bill every month from now on.
1. Get a good education – but don’t go to the more exclusive 8. Document your spending – to highlight areas of unnecessary
private universities. They’re just too expensive. Get a sound expenditure. Redirect those resources towards your wealth
educational grounding at a reasonable cost. building program.
2. Choose the right career – something which interests you, 9. Regularly calculate the cost of your lost wealth – what that
makes the most of your talents and gives you a feeling of expensive car, jewelry or lifestyle elements are costing you.
personal accomplishment. Make certain your career will fund Be aware of what that amount of money invested each month
the lifestyle you want and provide money for investing. in a savings program would generate.
3. Protect your health – by living moderately, exercising 10.Realize that some debt is an excellent investment – like
regularly and avoiding habits that are bad for you. Without going into debt for a home, a business or an education. Not
good health, money is pointless. all debt is created equal.
4. Live in an area with a low cost of living – because it will be “The single greatest determining factor of whether you will
much easier to save if you don’t have to pay huge property become a have or have-not is whether you choose to be a saver
taxes, home heating costs or enormous mortgage or a save-not.”
payments. – Michael LeBoeuf
5. Marry once to a spouse who shares your vision of financial
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy
freedom – and who will be prepared to live frugally while you
things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.”
work towards your financial goals.
– Will Rogers
6. Buy a moderately priced home – one that you can afford to
stay in for long enough for property values to rise. Even
Choice #4 Increase the value of your time consistently
better, look at buying a fixer-upper and improve it yourself in
your spare time. Don’t keep trying to earn more by working longer hours.
7. Have a moderate number of children – since each one will be Instead, make the time you have available worth more.
a $175,000 or more drain on your wealth building program. Enhance your personal market value by doing more of
In other words, all of these decisions have financial what you do well in the time available.
consequences. Be aware of those flow-on effects and manage
your financial risks astutely. The way to get rich is not to wear yourself out working harder and
longer. Instead, try working smarter:
Choice #3 Be a super-saver rather than a big spender 1. Focus on your employability rather than job security – so
you’ll be free to pursue new opportunities as they arise.
The single biggest differentiator between millionaires and
others is their ability to save. If you aspire to be financially 2. Learn more about your profession – since earning power in
independent, become a good saver. If you don’t, you any field is always directly related to how much you know.
simply will not get there. 3. Create a second income – by doing some part-time
consulting or starting your own small business.
If you’re in the habit of spending everything you earn, you’ll end 4. Make it a habit to always deliver more than you promise –
up spending your life working for money rather than making your boss or customer will love it and your reputation and
money work for you. Actually, saving is better than earning market value will skyrocket in their eyes.
because it’s tax free. To build wealth, you must have the ability to
5. Build your own personal brand – so people know and
appreciate what you have to offer.
To become a good saver:
6. Be loyal – to the projects you work on, your partners, your
1. Always pay yourself first – by putting at least 10% of every business and the community.
paycheck into your savings program.
7. Be on the lookout for great new ideas – and take advantage
2. Start early – because the earlier you start saving, the more of your brain’s most valuable creative abilities.
time there is available for compound interest to work its
8. Use feedback from others intelligently – as a basis for
improvement rather than to become offended or defensive.
3. Whenever you get a pay raise or a bonus, save more – rather Enthusiastically seek feedback from the people you respect.
than spending that money on new luxuries.
9. Know your true market value – and don’t hesitate to leave
4. Defer tax as far as possible – through the use of 401(k) your current job if they’re unprepared to pay that. Put yourself
accounts and all other legal tax-deferral accounts your in a position where you feel good about doing your very best
employer may sponsor. work and your career will move forwards and upwards.
The Millionaire In You - Page 5

Choice #5 Don’t try and do it all; Do less better Choice #6 Work hard to capitalize on the unexpected

The paradox of self-management is: The way to get more Most things rarely go to plan. Good wealth builders
done is to try and do less better. In other words, don’t keep realize that, and stay on the lookout for ways to turn
trying to do more each day. Instead, concentrate your lemons into lemonade. They have the mind-set every
efforts. Do less but to a higher standard. setback contains the seeds of greater success.

Becoming an effective time manager is essential, because Life is always full of second chances disguised as unexpected
unless you can manage your time well, you will lack the ability to and often unwelcome events. Those with a success attitude are
be able to ever manage anything else. Making good use of your persistent, have genuine staying power and continually look for
time always come down to a few basics: new pathways when their original plans have not played out as
• Decide what’s important. planned.
• Do what’s most important first. To become good at facing the unexpected:
• Never confuse activity (being busy) with productivity (results).
1. Keep your eyes on your goal – and realize there are always a
• Differentiate between urgency and importance.
number of ways to do anything. Therefore, if one road turns
To become financially independent, you don’t have to work out to be a dead end, have confidence you’ll be able to find
harder than the next guy, just more intelligently. To make more another equally rewarding path.
effective use of your time:
2. Overcome any fears of success – and move forward
1. Schedule a daily time for reflection and planning – since confidently. Ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen
every hour spent planning enhances the quality of the work if this is wrong, and could I live with that if it eventuated?” or “If
you do for the rest of the day. I didn’t feel a little fear of the unknown, would I seize this
2. Carve out large blocks of time where you work on the most opportunity?”
important activities – rather than letting your day fill up with all 3. Use disappointments as a spur to accomplishment – rather
the marginal value tasks. than the permanent and definitive word on whether your idea
3. Make the most of your personal prime time – schedule that was good or not.
time for your most important work. 4. Never let the opinions of others limit your success – because
4. Say no readily and frequently – to everything that is history is full of critics who said even superstars would never
nonessential, distracting or counterproductive. If necessary, get anywhere. Don’t listen to anyone else’s opinion. Get out
suggest someone else who might be able to do that task. and do what you aspire to.
5. Keep your schedule loose – so when things take longer than 5. Always remember anytime one door closes, another opens –
expected (like they usually will), it doesn’t leave you feeling and therefore it’s not worth dwelling on setbacks. Pick
frustrated. Always have a Plan B in mind and have the yourself up and get moving again. Have the attitude if one
materials you need close at hand. door is closed, you’ll find another open door or, if necessary,
6. Attack your high priority tasks with single-mindedness – and build one yourself.
focus on doing that one thing until it is completed. If you’ve 6. Relax and take your goals seriously but not yourself.
correctly identified your highest priority task, this will be the Remind yourself often the goal in life is to enjoy yourself. If
best possible use of your time. you try and take everything too seriously, that simply defeats
7. Automate as many repetitive tasks as possible – by setting the purpose. You’ll be more successful if you treat life like a
up automatic deductions from your checking account. game with wins and losses along the way.
8. Delegate everything you possibly can – except for the 7. Have tenacity and stick-to-it – because if you never quit, you
creative elements of a project you need to contribute must ultimately achieve your dreams. If you persist long
personally. enough at anything, you’ll win.
9. Conquer clutter – by making decisions immediately rather “If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have painted the
than later. Also, look at every item and ask: “What’s the worst Sistine floor.”
that could happen if I throw this away?” – Neil Simon
10. Take action to block any and all interruptions during your
“So long as there’s breath in me, that long will I persist. For now I
creative time.
know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long
11. Master your telecommunication tools – so you can use them enough I will win.”
to save time rather than trying to figure out how the gadgets – Og Mandino
work. And realize there are times when it’s better to be
unplugged. “Native intelligence, talent and education will all stack the odds
of reaching the winner’s circle in your favor. But the critical
12. Ask yourself frequently: “What’s the best use of my time and
ingredient to achieving any major long-term goal is a positive,
energy right now?”
persistent attitude. Everyone’s journey to the winner’s circle is
13. Never take time for granted – treat time as your most filled with obstacles. There are no exceptions. Obstacles are like
valuable, most irreplaceable asset. Remember, all the death, taxes and presbyopia – you can count on them. You’ll be
money in the world cannot buy you an extra moment each given plenty of opportunities, distractions and temptations to
day. Therefore, make the most of this, the ultimate asset. abandon your goal and quit.”
Stay focused. – Michael LeBoeuf
The Millionaire In You - Page 6

4. Buy coverage only from the best-rated insurance companies

Choice #7 Don’t try and beat the market; Own the market – because this is your backup plan.
There actually are no experts who can help you invest 5. Insure yourself against potential lawsuits – with a cheap
your money. Instead, ride the long term up-trend of the personal liability policy.
stock market by owning shares in an index fund which 6. Take reasonable steps to prevent a disaster happening – by
tracks the progress of the market as a whole. doing the sensible things like giving up smoking, getting
regular exercise, eating the right foods, getting enough rest,
Despite what any investment advisor tells you, all they’re doing is driving sensibly, wearing your seat belt, etc.
making educated guesses about what may happen in the future.
You can do that as well as they can. As already mentioned in Choice #9 Listen to those who know, not those who sell
Insight #2, passive investing through a no-load index fund is the
smart approach to building wealth. Never buy an investment from the person who is giving
you financial advice. Regardless of what they say, there
No-load index investing works well because:
• There is no sales commission – all your money goes to work. will always be a hidden agenda involved. These people
are always interested in their wealth first, not yours.
• Yearly expenses are low – usually 1 to 2%.
• You have the ultimate in diversity because you own all stocks.
In this modern era, everyone gets bombarded constantly with a
• There is no emotional component involved.
multitude of “irresistible” offers. The way to stack the odds of
• You have no turnover – and therefore no capital gains to tax.
success in your favor are simple:
• You don’t have to worry about the competency of the manager.
• You don’t have to pay someone to manage your investments. n Listen to a few credible sources of information you trust and

ignore completely all others.

Again, as mentioned earlier, your investment strategy is
disarmingly simple: n Say yes to just a few money making opportunities and no to

everything else that will dilute your focus.

1. Decide your preferred allocation of stocks, bonds and cash.
n Understand completely what kind of legal and financial advice
2. Find a good no-load, low-cost index fund.
you actually need and then get that advice at a realistic and
3. Invest regularly and consistently. reasonable price.
4. Check your portfolio once a year and rebalance. Of course, an intelligent person attempts to learn from the
5. Have a small amount of money (say 5%) in an account where mistakes of others rather than making them all himself. Part of
you can try trading and beating the market. this is learning how to protect yourself from being taken. Again,
6. Keep working your program forever and ignore everyone this concept is straightforward.
who tries to tell you they can do better with your money. Say, To avoid bad investments:
“Thanks, but no thanks.” 1. Be a critical thinker – taking time to reflect and look at the
“It usually takes a long time for investors to become evidence rather than acting immediately on everything.
sophisticated enough to realize how simple investing can be.” 2. Do your homework – before investing rather than after the
– Peter Di Teresa, senior analyst, fact.
3. Ask specific questions and get the answers in writing – and if
Choice #8 Always limit losses; Don’t fall victim to bad luck they won’t respond to your questions adequately, walk away.
4. Interview the references provided by the promoter – but be
You need sensible insurance because life isn’t always aware most of these people will be shills who are paid to
fair. Bad breaks happen, even to good people, but they make extravagant claims. Be skeptical – if it sounds too good
don’t have to financially ruin you. Be prepared for storms to be true, be very suspicious.
ahead by doing some damage control in advance.
5. Resist pressure tactics to sign up immediately – because
good deals very rarely require immediate action.
An essential element of building wealth is to cover your
downside risks by being properly insured against contingencies 6. Don’t invest in anything you don’t understand – and unless
that may arise. In other words, sensible insurance is required. you can explain what you’re doing to the average
twelve-year-old, walk away.
The key principles in being properly insured are:
7. If an investment clears all these hurdles, consider paying for
1. Insure only against the big calamities and life events that you a professional’s opinion – and let them go through all the fine
can’t afford to pay if they eventuate – like your death, print you naturally gloss over.
disability or serious illness. Put together a realistic level of:
• Term life insurance – for 5- to 8-times your annual income. “Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what
• As much disability insurance as you can afford. you get if you don’t.”
• Good health insurance. – Pete Seeger
2. Always take insurance that has the largest possible “Your broker could be on his way to Hawaii right now because
deductible you can afford – because it lowers the premiums you brought the product of the month.”
significantly and reminds you insurance should be used only – Arthur Levitt Jr., former chairman,
in the event of a major bad break. Securities and Exchange Commission
3. Don’t buy insurance based on the odds of something bad
happening to you – but only to protect yourself and your “Learn as much as you can: your best protection is knowledge.”
family from something you couldn’t afford to have happen. – Michael LeBoeuf
The Millionaire In You - Page 7

4 Jobs That Will Help You Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Choice #10 Do it now rather than regretting it later
Job #1 Stay financially independent
Success takes more than knowledge – it requires action.
Execution is everything. Winners know financial freedom
isn’t won by what you know but by what you do. There will always be a myriad of other forces who will try
Therefore, begin today. to decide for you how you should live. Ignore them all.
Instead, choose the life you want first and then select all
the other components on the basis they will be compatible
Once you have the right financial know-how, there are only two with your chosen lifestyle.
things that can stop you from being successful:
• Death.
Surprisingly, some people who reach the goal of being
• Your own behavior.
financially independent don’t manage to maintain that status and
In other words, you can literally create the life of your dreams if fall back into the time/money trap. What’s needed is a financial
you properly invest your time and money, but you have to make it strategy to make it last.
happen. The magic lies in the doing rather than knowing what
This isn’t difficult. All that’s required are the answers to two key
needs to be done.
Therefore, to get under way and to keep moving onwards and
1. How should I allocate my investment portfolio?
upwards, you need to:
One strategy is:
1. Get out of your comfort zone – and replace contentment with
passionate commitment. We’re all creatures of habit more n Have two money buckets – one for growth and one for
than we care to admit. To make progress, you need to safety.
cultivate new habits that will be more productive, even if this n In the safety bucket, put the amount of money you plan on
produces a little initial discomfort. All great achievements are drawing over the next seven years. Your income for the
difficult in the short run but easier over the long haul. next year should go into a money-market fund and the
2. Be decisive and actually take action – rather than getting other six years income into a short-term bond index fund.
bogged down in continually analyzing ideas from every n Everything else goes into your growth bucket. These
conceivable angle and viewpoint. Act thoughtfully but by all funds should be invested in stock index mutual funds.
means remember to act.
n Arrange to have all dividends and interest from your funds
3. Keep rating yourself progressively – on how well you’re transferred into your money-market account.
making choices that will increase your personal and financial This strategy means you won’t have to sell any stocks for
freedom in the future. Set goals and start working on them. seven years, allowing you to ride out any bear markets which
4. Track, celebrate and then reward your progress – because historically have lasted an average of 9 months each. By
the journey is a long one and you need to enjoy it to stay avoiding having to sell your stocks at depressed prices, you’ll
motivated. To make the journey more pleasant: do fine over the longer term.
n Put a financial progress chart on your wall or develop a 2. How much money can I safely withdraw from my investment
spreadsheet on your computer where you can follow your portfolio each year without diluting future earning power?
progress. That should remind you to spend whenever the You should plan, at most, to withdraw no more than 5% of
temptation to spend frivolously hits you.
your portfolio’s value in any one year. That level of
n Choose a career you like and feel passionate about. withdrawal, combined with the fact you have a seven year
n Reward yourself appropriately whenever you hit specific cushion, will allow you to ride out the downturns.
financial milestones. Just be careful not to celebrate so At the end of every year, you can rebalance your
much it halts any further progress. investments:
5. Remind yourself frequently the key is to strive for excellence, n If stocks are up and bonds are up, reduce the amount in
not perfection – and expect not to be able to do everything bonds from seven years expenses to six and sell stocks to
perfectly right out of the box. Keep doing your best and keep top up your money-market funds.
moving forwards and ultimately you’ll get to where you want n If stocks are up and bonds are down, sell stocks equal to
to be. the amount of profits you made in the past year, and then
“Successful people don’t get in their own way.” draw down from your bond fund.
– Earl Nightingale n If stocks are down and bonds are down, top up your
money-market account from your bond fund on the
“A man must sit on a chair for a long time before a roast duck flies understanding you will top up the bond fund once stocks
in.” go back into an up cycle.
– Chinese proverb
n If stocks are down and bonds are up, draw down from
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw your bond fund to your money-market account.
back, always ineffectiveness. The moment one definitely
commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things “It’s one thing to reach the winner’s circle and quite another to
occur to help one that would otherwise have never occurred.” stay there. They both take work but of different types. Doing what
– Goethe it takes to stay financially free is Job One. Having an abundance
of money and time puts you in control of your life, but it isn’t
“Successful people know there is no free lunch.” automatically going to make you happy.”
– Michael LeBoeuf – Michael LeBoeuf
The Millionaire In You - Page 8

3. Do the management of this organization have the know-how

Job #2 Keep physically and mentally active
needed to fulfill the vision?
Most people don’t have enough time to do everything they That is, are they well-meaning but ineffective or do they know
want. When you become financially independent, this is about all the logistics involved.
no longer an issue, but don’t just sit there and vegetate. 4. Are these people you would enjoy spending time with?
Find new and interesting things to do. If not, working alongside them would be a pain rather than
something you enjoy.
Actuaries have found that people who find something they like to 5. Is there financial transparency? Will you be able to see
do and who keep doing that have a greater life expectancy than precisely where your money gets used?
those who retire and reach for their rocking chair. Accordingly, To generate pleasure, you have to be able to see the tangible
treat financial independence as an opportunity to learn more results of where your money goes and what it does.
about all those sports, hobbies and activities which attract you. Of course, if you can’t find an organization that meets these
To fill your days with productive activities: criteria, you can always consider starting your own foundation.
It’s important that you plan ahead for how to handle your
1. Keep working – perhaps on a part-time basis or as a
donation from a tax viewpoint. Talk with a tax attorney or CPA to
consultant taking on whatever projects capture your interest.
get some advice on this.
2. Take a lesson from the ancient Greeks – who believed we
Probably your best approach will be to attach some strings to
should all do four things each and every day:
your donation. Specify that you will donate a set amount if others
1. Exercise vigorously to cleanse the body.
make a matching donation and stipulate where the money
2. Learn something new to cleanse the mind.
should be used. Get it in writing from the organization, and follow
3. Listen to music to cleanse the soul.
up to see what actually happened. If it’s really something you’re
4. Laugh to have fun.
passionate about, this will be fun.
3. Banish the word “retirement” from your vocabulary – and do
things that you find interesting, productive and useful. Job #4 Always remember the journey is the joy
4. Learn from the centenarians – and do all the things they do:
• Have a positive and resilient attitude. Life is not a goal. It’s a process that’s meant to be savored
• Celebrate life and remain an active participant. and enjoyed while it occurs rather than at some arbitrary
• Stay connected to other people. point in the distant future. Therefore, celebrate each day
• Explore the spiritual side of your life. for what it is – a gift.

“In summary, keep moving and learning, and stay interested in

the wonder of life. Enthusiastically tackle projects that you find “Life is not to be endured but to be enjoyed.”
enjoyable and exciting. Exercise, eat sensibly, stay upbeat and – Hubert Humphrey, vice president and U.S. Senator
keep the faith. Surround yourself with positive people and avoid “In the quiet hours when we are alone and there is nobody to tell
negative people like the plague. None of this will stop you from us what fine fellows we are, we come sometimes upon a moment
aging, but it sure will keep you from growing old.” in which we wonder, not how much money we are earning or how
– Michael LeBoeuf famous we have become, but what good we are doing.”
– A. A. Milne
Job #3 Give something back to the community
“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it
Many people have found giving some of their time and will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it
money to make the world a better place is extremely comes softly and sits on your shoulder.”
rewarding. This may be your greatest source of personal – Aging Young Newsletter
satisfaction in the future.
“Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day
you’re alive is a special occasion.”
The key to success in this area is not to give money blindly to – Ann Wells
every cause in the phonebook but to find a cause you care
deeply about and focus on doing something meaningful for that “The famous poet and playwright Oscar Wilde once remarked,
specific cause. In other words, you have to do your homework. ‘ When I was young I thought that money was the most important
For every cause you plan on helping in any way, ask: thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.’ My personal
opinion is that happiness isn’t determined by what you have, it’s
1. Are the mission and values of this organization aligned with determined by what you think about what you have. If you think
and similar to mine? you would enjoy being a millionaire, it’s a safe bet you will. So
You only want to support an organization that is striving to let’s stop fantasizing and do something about it.”
make a difference in the world in a manner you feel – Michael LeBoeuf
comfortable with.
2. Is this organization established and fiscally responsible? “The bottom line: When you make smart choices about money
You don’t want to become involved in an organization that’s and time, your life becomes a masterpiece. Share it with your
here today and gone tomorrow. Also, watch out for bogus children, your family and your friends.”
charities. – Michael LeBoeuf

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