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In collaboration with :

The Future of Health in the EU - Advancing the UN Sustainable

Development Agenda in Europe

The multiple dimensions of health and well-being

• Finnish Presidency priorities include economy • Challenges: distance between’Brussels
of well being into all policies, linked with bubble’ and EU citizens
previous FL Presidencies • Solution: communication, not only to national
• Investment in health not a cost: mindset level but also to local and regional levels
change required
• How to get the media on your side?
• No new competencies are required; current • Bottom-up approach required – politicians
framework offers possibilities for change needs to be pushed by civil society (which is
• Health integrated into other sectors as core strong in Europe)
principle/driver • Semester is an important tool for change and
• Warmly welcomed by participants as start of inclusion
substantial political debate
• Knowledge based decision making
• Definition of ‘well-being’?: • Good practice: collect, disseminate and make
subjective/objective/perception use of these
• Underline that health is a value in its own • No reinvention of wheels

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