Phonetics and Phonology - Task 4 - Exercises

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Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Task 4

Practical activity 2

Cecilia Angulo

Phonetics and Phonology

Octubre 2019
Task 4_Exercises
1. Reverse Transcription: Transcribe from IPA to English text.

a) /ˈæspɛkt/ Aspect
b) /dɪˈfiːt/ Defeat
c) /ˈkɑːrpɪt/ Carpet
d) /ˈɛksərsaɪz / Excercise
e) /trænˈskrɪpʃən/ Transcription

2. Reverse Transcription: Place the correct transcription under each

image. There is one (1) transcription you don’t need.

a) / ˈmætʃ / b) /ˈɑːrm / c) / ˈkəʊt / d)/ ˈkɑːrpɪt e) / ˈrɪst /


b) arm c) coat e) wrist a) match

3. Pronounce: Which word is different?

a) Rats This is the word different

b) Cars
c) Books
d) bones

4. Write a word that includes each symbol

Symbol Word
a) θ Booth
b) æ Asphalt
c) ð Within
/wɪðˈɪn, wɪθ-
d) ʊ Good /ɡʊd/
e) ŋ Brings
5. Pronounce: Which word is different?

e) Goat
f) Game
g) Gum
h) Giant This is the word different

6. Reverse Transcription: Transcribe from IPA to English text.

/ˈpiː.pəl huː lɑːf ə lɒt ɑr mʌtʃ hɛlθɪə People who laugh a lot are much
ðæn ðəʊz huː dəʊnt, ðæt meɪks healthier than those who don’t,
sɛns / that make sense.

Listen to the audio for the task 4 and answer the questions from
7 to 10

7. Listening: Listen to the audio for the task 4. Which words do

you hear?

a) A wallet This Word

b) A ballet
c) A banner
8. Listening: Listen to the audio for the task 4. How many words
are in the second phrase that you hear?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5 x

9. Listening: Listen to the audio for the task 4. Which word do you

a) Within
b) With
c) Without This Word

10. Listening: Listen to the audio for the task 4. How many words
are in the last sentence that you hear?

a) 3 x
b) 4
c) 5

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