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Jain University

BMS– FS, IB, THM, IM, IF and S&L

I Semester
Question Bank
Subject Name: Management Concepts

Year I Semester I
Subject: Management Concepts (CORE)
Subject Code: 1BMS3
Total Lecture Hours: 60 – (4 Hours per Week) Credits: 4

Learning Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the principles of management thought and applying the
same in practice.

Module – 1
Introduction to Management 8 Hrs
• Introduction and Nature of Management
• Definition & Meaning-By P. F. Drucker, Koontz O’ Donnel, S. George
• Management as an Art, Science and Profession
• Distinction between Administration and Management
• Importance & Functions of Management.

Module - 2
Evolution of Management 10 Hrs
• Evolution of Management- Thought
• Pre scientific management era
• Scientific management & Contribution of F.W.Taylor
• Process management & contribution of Henri Fayol
• HR movement-Hawthrone experiments
• Contributions of Behavioral scientists- Abraham Maslow, Peter Drukker, Douglas Mc.

Module – 3
Planning and Decision making 12 Hrs
• Nature & Definition of Planning- Koontz o’Donnel, Hart, Alfred &Beaty
• Importance and limitations
• Planning process
• Types of Plans- on the basis of use, functions, time (meaning only)
• Meaning of Decision making
• Steps in decision making
• Types of decisions- Programmed-Non-programmed; Strategic-tactical, Individual-Group,
Policy-Operation, Organizational-Personal

Module – 4
Organizing &Departmentation 12 Hrs
• Meaning & Definition- Koontz O’Donnell & McFarland
• Organizing - Nature, Purpose & Principles
• Types of Organization (Formal & Informal)
• Types of Authority relationships- Line, Functional, Line& staff, Committees,
• Meaning and types of Departmentation.
• Centralization and De-centralization (Meaning Only)

Module - 5
Elements of Directing, co-ordination and control 18 Hrs
• Meaning & Importance of Directing
• Leadership- Meaning & Styles
• Motivation- importance& Theories (Maslow, Herzberg. Mcgregor)
• Communication- Meaning, Objectives & Types of communication
• Meaning, Principles and techniques of Co- ordination
• Meaning- Need & steps in Controlling

Books for Reference

• Harold Koontz, Cyril O'Donnell, Management: A Book of
Readings, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1972
• Dr P N Reddy, Prof H R Appannaiah, P C Tripathi, Essentials of
Management, Eleventh Edition, Himalaya, 2004
• L M Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management. 7th Edition,
Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007
• R. Srinivasan, S. A. Chunawalla, Management: Principles and
Practice, Second Editioon, Himalaya, 1983
• P C Tripathi, P N Reddy, Principles of Management, Fourth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008

Blue Print
HRM (Blue Print)

Sec B (4 Sec C (10

Particulars Sec A (2 Marks) Total Marks
Marks) Marks)
Module 1 1 1 1 18
Module 2 3 2 1 24
Module 3 3 1 1 20
Module 4 2 2 1 22
Module 5 2 2 1 22
Total 11 8 5 104
Attempt 8 6 3 70
Question Bank

Module 1
SECTION – A 2 Marks Questions
Select any one question from the following questions.
• Define Management.
• What do you mean by Management? Give examples.
• “Management is a Profession”, Comment in two sentences.
• Define Administration.
• Who is a Manager?
• What do you mean by MBO?
• Differentiate between efficiency and effectiveness.
• What do you mean by Directing? Give Example.

SECTION – B 5 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Is Management Science or Art? Justify.
• Distinguish between Management and Administration.
• Discuss the importance of Management.
• What are the types of Managers? Explain briefly.
• Explain the nature of Management.
• Justify, why planning an important function of Management with suitable
• Justify, why controlling an important function of Management with
• What are the challenges of Manager? Explain briefly.

SECTION – C 14 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Explain the functions of Management with examples.
• “Management is getting things done from other”, Discuss.
• Explain in detail the Managerial roles and skills with suitable examples.
• Explain the Challenges and Rewards of a Manager in detail.
• “Leadership and communication plays an important role for any
organization”, Elucidate.
• Explain, How organizing is important for any student during the tenure of
education with examples.

Module 2
SECTION – A 2 Marks Questions
Select any two questions from the following questions.
• List the four theories of management thought.
• List two assumptions of Classical approach to Management thought.
• What are the factors that are emphasized in Classical approach?
• List two assumptions of Scientific Management theory.
• What do you mean by Differential rate system?
• Elucidate ‘Specialisation of Labour’, as principle of Management.
• What do you mean Unity of Command?
• What do you mean Unity of Direction?
• Define Centralisation.
• What is Scalar Chain?
• What do you mean by Esprit de Corps?
• Define Authority.
• What do you mean by Charismatic Authority?
• What do you mean by Self-actualization?

SECTION – B 5 Marks Questions

Select any two questions from the following questions.
• Elaborate Scientific Management theory.
• List out the advantages and disadvantages of Henry Fayol’s principles of
• List the advantages of Scientific management theory.
• List the disadvantages of Scientific management theory.
• Explain Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory in detail.
• List the advantages of Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory.
• List the disadvantages of Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory.
• List out five criticisms of Hawthorne studies.
• Explain Mc. Gregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.
• List out the advantages and disadvantages of Hawthorne experiments.
• List out the advantages and disadvantages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

SECTION – C 14 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Explain Classical approach to Management thought briefly.
• Explain ‘Hawthrone Studies’ experiment in detail.
• Explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory.
• Explain System’s Theory in detail.
• List and explain four key terms of Systems theory.
• Briefly explain the Contingency theory.

Module 3
SECTION – A 2 Marks Questions
Select any two questions from the following questions.
• Define Planning.
• What do you mean by Strategic Plan?
• What is Tactical Plan?
• What do you mean Operational Plan?
• Define Forecasting.
• What are Single use plans?
• What do you mean by On-going plans?
• How does follow up help in evaluating the plans?
• What is Delphi Technique?
• Define Decision making.
• What do you mean by Regression Analysis?
• How does Survey method help in forecasting?
• What do you mean by SWOT analysis?
• What is Cost/benefit analysis?
• What is Pareto analysis?
• Explain Brainstorming in two sentences.
• How does Authoritarian decision making approach work?
• Discuss how the pros of group decision making briefly.
• What is Dialectical inquiry technique in group decision making.
• What do you mean by Decision trees?
• What is ‘Six Thinking Hats’?
• How does Five Why’s technique help in decision making?
• What do you mean critical thinking for decision making?

SECTION – B 5 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Discuss the need for Planning.
• Explain why Planning is important for any organization?
• What are the advantages of Planning?
• List out the drawbacks of Planning.
• List and explain the stages of Forecasting process.
• Explain any three forecasting techniques.
• Differentiate between Planning and Forecasting.
• Explain levels of Decision making with a neat diagram.
• Explain the three approaches to decision making approaches.
• List and explain the Group decision making techniques.
• List and explain the characteristics of Group decision making.
• What are the steps taken to avoid pitfalls in decision making? Explain
• List and explain few components of critical thinking skills.
• List out five differences between Individual and Group decision making.

SECTION – C 14 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Explain the Planning process in detail.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of Forecasting?
• Explain in detail, the Decision making process.
• List out the advantages and disadvantages of Individual decision making.
• List out the advantages and disadvantages of Group decision making.
• Explain the pitfalls in decision making.
• Explain the Decision making tools and techniques briefly.

Module 4
SECTION – A 2 Marks Questions
Select any two questions from the following questions.
• Give the meaning of ‘Organising”.
• What do you mean by ‘Formal Organization”?
• What do you mean by ‘Informal Organisation’?
• What is ‘Line Organisation’?
• Define ‘Functional Organisation’.
• What do you mean by ‘Matrix Organization’?
• Give the meaning ‘Delegation’.
• What do you mean by ‘Authority’?
• What is Responsibility?
• What do you mean by ‘Accountability’?
• Define Departmentation.
• What do you mean by Centralisation?
• What do you mean by Functional departmentation?
• What do you mean by Geographical departmentation?
• What do you mean by Product departmentation?
• What do you mean by Process departmentation?
• What do you mean by Customer departmentation?
• What do you mean by Time deparmentation?

SECTION – B 5 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Discuss the Nature of Organising.
• What are the purposes of Organisation?
• List out the Principles of Organisation.
• Explain the types of Organization.
• Explain the merits and demerits of Line and Staff organization.
• List and explain the merits and demerits of Functional Organization.
• List and explain the merits and demerits of Matrix Organization.
• Explain the Elements of Delegation.
• Explain the importance of Delegation.
• Explain the departmentation by function.
• Differentiate between Delegation and Delegation.
• Explain Principles of Delegation.

SECTION – C 14 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Explain the types of Organization based on the internal structure.
• Compare and contrast Functional and Matrix Organisation with merits and
• Differentiate between Authority and Responsibility with six aspects.
• Explain the different types of Departmentation.
• Explain the Process of effective delegation.
• Explain the obstacles to the effective implementation of Delegation of

Module 5
SECTION – A 2 Marks Questions
Select any two questions from the following questions.
• Define Directing as a function of Management.
• Define Leadership.
• List the two bases on which leadership styles are based on.
• Define Autocratic Leadership.
• What do you mean by Democratic Leadership?
• What do you mean by Laissez Faire?
• Define motivation.
• Give the meaning of Communication.
• Define Coordiantion.
• Define Control.

SECTION – B 5 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Discuss the importance of Directing in an organization briefly.
• Explain the features of Leadership.
• Discuss the importance of Leadership briefly.
• List out the advantages of Democratic Leadership.
• List out the disadvantages of Democratic Leadership.
• Discuss the Importance of Motivation.
• What are the objectives of Communication?
• Discuss the importance of Communication.
• Explain types of communication based on Organisation.
• Explain types of communication based on Direction.
• Explain types of communication based on Expression.
• What are the Steps for effective Controlling? Explain briefly.

SECTION – C 14 Marks Questions

Select any one question from the following questions.
• Explain three types Leadership with examples.
• Explain Herzberg’s Hygiene-motivation theory with example.
• Explain the types of Communication on three bases.
• Explain the principles and features of Coordination with examples.
• What are the techniques to manage effective coordination? Explain briefly.
• Explain the Characteristics and importance of Controlling in any
• Explain the Process of Control in detail.

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