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Surigao City, Philippines




Submitted By:
BUHIAN, Reil Ryan C.
ABM- St. Maximilian

Submitted to:


REL. ED Teacher

Core Values of St. Paul University Surigao
1. Christ Centeredness

- Christ is the CENTER of Paulinian life, She/He follows intimates Christ, doing everything in
reference to Him.

2. Commission

- The Paulinian has a mission- a LIFE PURPOSE to spread the God News. Like Christ, he actively works
to saved this world, and to make it a better place.

3. Community

- The Paulinian is a RESPONSIBLE FAMILY MEMBER and CITIZEN, concerned with building
communities, promotion of people, justice and peace, and the protection of the environment.

4. Charism

- The Paulinian develops his/her GIFTS/TALENTS to be put in the service of the community. She/he
strives to grow and improve daily, some says seeking the better and finer things, and the Final

5. Charity

Urged on by the LOVE OF CHRIST, The Paulinian is warm, simple loving, hospitable and all to all
especially the underprivileged.
My Reflections

- To have faith is a powerful thing. It is also a challenging thing, trying to convey your faith in words.
However, when faith provokes action, it becomes infectious and visible at times, it may even seem
tangible. One thing that seems evident is validation of acts comes from the people impacted by
them, directly or indirectly. To deem something proper or correct without understanding the
effects of the entire action is to neglect the responsibility of humans to one another. Without
doubt, there would not be faith. The stereotypical faith is founded on the idea of believing
without seeing. However, that philosophy leads to a weak and vulnerable faith. Doubt creeps
into all aspects of life and ultimately changes the very core life. Changing one element in an
ecosystem can directly impact all elements of life connected to the effected one. The naturally
occurring doubt has the power to potentially alter an entire belief system. Thus leading to doubt
being able to form a stronger faith. For faith is built on obstacles, trials, and questioning. In the
beginning stages of faith, bliss has taken over the practicing individual. Faith is what seems to be
uplifting and the answer to all hardships in life. Once the initial bliss has settled, doubt begins to
take over the mind. Doubt comes in many forms and due to countless reasons. As doubt settles
over congregations of people a dissent also comes forward. Doubt is a necessary part of faith
because it allows for further understanding. Though, the understanding does not come easily.
Doubt fights against faith, trying to find the holes and the unexplainable aspects. In the
introduction of the text, Greenblatt explains how evident the connection between doubt and
faith are during the Victorian Age.
 Rel. Ed. Subject

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