The Plan Action

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State Plan of Action



Over all thrust in the State for 2018-19 in
rural poverty reduction
• Livelihood enhancement through MGNREGS of atleast 10,000 poorest of poor
• Enhance the capacities of CBOs for financial and managerial sustainability and
make the CBOs as self sufficient and economically vibrant platforms for solving
socio economic issues.
• Substantial income enhancement in rural SHG HHs through value addition in
agricultural sector, animal husbandry and ensuring safe food practices
(Developing Organic Clusters – Production, Marketing, Consumption)
• Ensuring access to timely institutional credit and ensure usage of finance for
rural enterprises development by using local produce.
• Skill enhancement of 27000 through DDU-GKY
• Ensuring rural sanitation - 100% ODF
• Comprehensive development of 9 RURBAN Clusters and 7 ongoing RURBAN
Clusters & 44 SAGY GPs

Performance of RD Programmes
• 24.65 lakh Households reported; 10.6 Cr Persondays generated (88.5%); Rs. 2768 Cr total exp.
• 1.4 lakh HHs completed 100 days

• Formed 1836 no’s new SHGs and launched online accounting system to CBOs
• Bank Linkage: Rs. 5917.50 Crores Bank Linkage has been disbursed in F.Y 2017-18 as against to Rs. 5678.33
Crores in F.Y 2016-17 (85% target achieved); NPA has reduced from 5.35 in 2016-17 to 4.10 in 2017-18
• Expenditure incurred during the F.Y 2017-18 is: Rs.42.13 Cr (70% expenditure as on 05-03-2018)
• Expenditure met during the F.Y 2017-18 is Rs. 197.60 Crores (88%)

• 24144(51.03%) youth trained and placed 16193 youth(67%)
• Provided placements to 11,465 youth in 149 job melas conducted.

• Rs. 329.29 Cr (Rs. 316.73 Cr Convergence & Rs. 12.5 Cr – CGF)
• (5 clusters have been declared as ODF, Sanitations works are under progress, Replacement of conventional Bulbs
with LED , 3rd wire installation, construction of Rural Livestock Unit, Construction of additional class rooms etc)
• Total programme for 2017- is no of bridges and . km No’s of Roads with an estimated cost of
824.79crs. Total Exp. Including probable march expenditure is Rs. 156.45 Crs. With an achievement of 258Km
road length and 13 bridges
Analysis of gaps identified in
Mission Antyodaya clusters
• Total Mission Antyodaya GPs identified: 1622
• No. of GPs uploaded: 1080; No. of villages uploaded: 1275

>50% Gap - % of Villages not available out of surveyed

Post office / Sub-Post office 52.6

Community waste disposal system 64.9
Fertilizer Shop 73.4
Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 76.7
Markets 77.6
Banks 78.1
Internet Cafe/Common Service Centre 79.1
Community bio gas or recycle of waste for… 79.1
ATM 83.1
Govt. Seed centre 83.9
Soil Testing centre 87.1
Vocational Educational… 88.7

0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 4

Analysis of gaps identified in
Mission Antyodaya clusters
<50% Gap: % of Villages Surveyed
Electricity for domestic use (in Hrs) 1.8
Public Transport 3.8
Telephone Services 3.9
Aanganwadi Centre 4.0
School 4.3
Piped tap water 7.5
Drainage facilities 10.8
Whether the village is connected to All… 12.5
Public Distribution System(PDS) 17.2
Whether village has an internal cc/ brick road 27.2
Open Defacation Free(ODF) 39.4

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0

Interventions proposed to
meet gaps through GPDP
• Sufficient provisions will be made in GPDPs for delivering better
civic services and maintenance of assets.
• Piped tap water will be provided to all HH under Mission
Bhagiratha programme.
• Internal CC roads to be covered under MGNREGS material
• Action plans are under implementation to make all GPs ODF
through SBM (G)
• Other infrastructure and service facilities like Banks, ATMs which
are not feasible at Village level will be provided by increasing
their numbers at block and sub-block level.

Key priorities in DAY-NRLM
• Streamlining accounting system and introducing integrated online accounting
for 18405 VO’s and 548 MSs and analytics thereon including Transaction
based account system to be launched in 40000 SHGs in the first phase.
• Improving functioning and rating of weak VOs and MSs. 80% of VOs and MSs
will be in A& B grades. Of the total 4.35 Lakh SHGs, 75% of SHGs will be in A, B
& C grades.
• Strengthening internal audit system to place checks and balances for proper
financial management
• Concentrating on safe food production in rural areas by women farmers duly
promoting (50) organic clusters through Farmer Producer Groups (1500) and
Organisations (04) with an outlay of Rs. 31.84 Cr.
• Enhancing the livelihoods of women farmers (small and marginal farmers) by
value addition and additional income through animal husbandry and efficient
production techniques. Formation of 1200 LFPGs covering 24000 SHG
members and 1 LFPO with an outlay of Rs. 29.83 Cr.

Key priorities in DAY-NRLM (cont..)
• Start and promote existing home based enterprises in 200 Antyodaya clusters.
• A dedicated fund for special tiny enterprises for PWDs under the Samakhyas in
collaboration with StreeNidhi.
• In consortium with Kudumbshree to develop food and hospitality enterprises in 10
districts with 600 SHG women
• Solid waste management on a business model shall be attempted in 150 GPs @ 5 GPs
per district in convergence mode with the assistance of chattisgarh and Tamilnadu
• Develop a single umbrella brand for all SHG products.
• Collaborating with RTP-NIRD to develop cluster, individual and group enterprises in 13
products along with promoting Home stay in Rural Tourism.
• Start 10 Jute related women run enterprises.
• Developing village HAATs
• Planning sustainability and withdrawal strategy for existing NH centres (PWD).
• Capacity building and scaling up of Social Action Committees (Gender).
• Mandatory Second SHG level Meeting for addressing Social and Behavioral change
through 18 modules across 6000 VOs in the first Phase.
Key priorities of skill development -
• Providing employment to 30000 youth in Telangana @ 1000 per District with a project
cost of Rs. 316 Cr.
• Providing long term techincal courses to Graduates, engineering graduates, techincally
qualified youth. 120 crores from a total of 30000 youth.
• Ehancsing coverage of Minorities to 14 from 5% to achieve over all 10%.
• Achieving saturation of atleast 3 GPS per district over all 100 GPS saturation.
• Provide employment opportinities to 35000 through 60 Mega, 175 Mini and 12000
regular job melas with an outlay of 1.15 Cr.
• Establishing atleast 4 Migration support centres in Hyderabad, one exclusively for girls
and one for Disabled.
• Establishing EWS centre in Hyderabad supported by PRCs in Districts providing
employment to 15000 youth with an outlay of 35 Crores.
• Emerging sectos like renewable energy, logistics, Aerospace, Medical devices, AI to be
foucsed to absorb 10% of target.
• Improving the average salary range from 9500 to 11500 for state across the sector.
• Providing next level job to youth who complete one year of employment through skill
upgradation to atleast 1000 youth
Key priorities under MGNREGS
• Creation of durable and sustainable assets apart from providing 100
days of unskilled employment to maximum no. of households.
• Providing multiple dose of livelihood support activities to the poorest
of the poor households – atleast 10000 HHs
• Overall development of one GP per block with the permissible works of
MGNREGA on saturation mode in convergence with line
department(438 GPs)
• Liquid waste management through soak pits on saturation basis in
atleast 500 GPs.
• Focus on Watershed and Water Conservation works like SCTs, CCTs,
Farm Ponds(50000), Percolation Tanks, Check Dams etc.
• Focus on livelihood activities viz., Vegetable pandals(1000), Cattle
sheds(7000), Goat sheds(15000).
• Focus on creation of Rural Infrastructure through Crematoria (1000),
School toilets(2000), GP Buildings(500), AWC buildings(600) and 1000
KMs of CC Roads. 10
Key priorities for RURBAN clusters
Activities Physical
(In Crores)
100% Households will be supplied with Piped Drinking water 349 GPs
through convergence with Mission Bhagiratha. 216104 HHs
All Clusters will be declared as ODF.
349 GPs
(5 Clusters ODF declared i.e., 1.Sulthanabad 2.Bijigirisharif 98.54
216104 HHs
3.Papannapet 4.Yedapally 5.Jaligoan)
100% saturation will be achieved in Solid and Liquid waste 349 GPs
Management through Construction of Soak Pits, Segregation of waste. 216104 HHs
100% Replacement of conventional street lights with LED. 349 GPs 18.85
100% installation of 3rd wire and ON /OFF system in all GPs. 349 GPs 14.49
100% Households will be provided with LPG Connections 216104 HHs 14.01
Economic Activities to enhance the livelihoods of the people in the
clusters is proposed based on the local conditions of the cluster. Some
of the proposed activities are Food processing Units
(Millets,Mango,Chilli,etc), Seed processing Units, Dairy Development & 23activities 133.60
value addition, Fish Storage & Marketing, Apparel/Garment making
units, Sanitary Napkin making units, On grid Solar power, Tourism
development, Village Level and Cluster Level Malls etc., 11
Key priorities for S.A.G.Y
• Out of GPs identified by Hon’ble MPs under phases under SAGY, GPs
are Mission Antyodaya GPs
• All SAGY GPs will be prioritised for saturation of works such as Dumping yards
for Solid waste disposal (non-renewable), Soakpits for liquid waste disposal
(grey water), Compost pits for organic solid waste, IHHLs to achieve ODF.
• Other works such as Crematoria, GP buildings, School Toilets, CC roads and 100
days wage under MGNREGS will be provided.
• Out of 1122 projects sanctioned in 44 SAGY GPs
– 653 works are taken up and 442 are completed.
– Balance 469 works not yet taken up will be started before end of Marc – 2018 and
all in-progress woks will be completed before September – 2018.
• Phase-I SAGY works will be completed by June-2018
• Phase-II works by Sep-2018.
• All 3 phases works will be completed by March – 2018.
• Emphasis will be laid on 8 focus sectors such as Economic Development,
Health, Basic amenities, Human Development, Ecology and Environment,
Governance, Social Development and Infrastructure. 12
Key priorities for 1000 organic agriculture clusters

• Organic Cluster: A Cluster of contiguous Villages covering 5-7 GPs

with 250 – 350 Acre, on an average 300 farmers.
• Proposed to implement each Organic Cluster with a budget outlay
of Rs. 8 lakhs and a seed capital of Rs. 1 Lakh to each FPG
• Total outlay for 50 clusters is Rs. 11.50 Cr. for the year 2018–19.
• Concentration in Antyodaya, MKSP Mandals and Rurban clusters
• Atleast 50 CHC with high end implements and 30 NPM shops in
convergence mode.
• Partnership with NIPHM, NIRD, Agriculture University for
dissemination of Technology and improvement in capacities
through Trainings.

Organic Clusters cont..
Activity Sub Activity Deliverables
Project initiation Capacity Building, Base line survey and Identification of gaps /
Stage value chain analysis problem
50 Clusters and 15000
farmers will be identified
FPG formation Mobilisation, Awareness, Training, 750 FPGs will be formed @
Enabling them with information, 20 per FPG
technology and project support as seed
capital Release of Seed fund
Implementation 1. Preparation of Business Plan a) 70% of farmers accessed
Stage 2. Services to farmers to improved agriculture
A) Credit and insurance services
B) Facilitating for bio inputs b) Atleast 15% reduction in
C) Productivity enhancement activities usage of chemical inputs
D) Certification and 25% of reduction in
E) Collective procurement, branding cost of cultivation.
and Marketing c) Atleast 30% income
Organic Clusters cont..
• Strategies for implementation
– Hiring of technical agencies
• Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA)
– Handhold support to three FPOs to promote end to end solutions in vegetables, Redgram and Soyabean
– Handhold support to two FPOs to address the primary and secondary value addition in
vegetables and redgram
– Facilitating in establishment of Ground Nut processing units like Cold Pressed oils, Chiikki and
Peanut cheese (Vanaparthi)
• Grameen Mall
– Handhold support for addressing gaps in Millet Value Chain and ensuring market tie-ups.
• Srijan – Supporting custard apple and Mango Value Chain
– Convergence with Line Departments
• Agriculture / Horticulture / Marketing / Rurban / MGNREGS/ Agros Depts for utilisation
of subsidiary schemes
• ICAR research stations and university – technical support
• NIRD/NIPHM/ATMA- for capacity building of staff and farmers
• Telangana organic certification authority – Group certification of organic
• Seed corporation and seed certification – Seed production certification and
market tie ups.
• SRINIDHI/SFAC/NABARD – funds mobilization 15
Proposals for enhancing
bank linkage for women S.H.G.s
• HLP to be digitalized with mandatory HLP based loaning to be attempted.
• Thrust on Financial Literacy and dedicated training planned for the same at VO
• Revitalizing CBRM mechanism .(Thursdays as SHG days).
• Strategy meets for controllers of banks and review meets for Branch Managers.
• Insisting on regular conduct of Sub Committee meetings of SLBC on SHG Bank
linkage programme.
• All efforts will be made to keep NPAs below 2%.
• Death cases and analysis of NPA at the JLMBC level.
• Target for the FY 2018-19 is 6500cr.
• Per group finance to increase to atleast 3.5 lakh for atleast 30 percent of the
• Social audit through the VRPs trained to be introduced.

Social Security –Insurance

• Around 50 lakhs SHG members and their spouses
will be covered under proposed scheme.
• 100% beneficiaries and bank account Aadhaar
seeded to prevent duplication of benefit under
different schemes and banks.
• Financial implication is Rs.145.02 crs +
• A Call Centre is a hub of all the insurance
interventions at district level, administered and
managed by the Zilla Samakhyas.
• The Bima Mithra @ 1 per Mandal visits the village
where a death has been reported and collect the
claim documents and upload to insurance company
• An interim relief of Rs.5000/- will be paid to the
nominee within 24 hours of the claim registered.
• As and when claim settled by the LIC , amount is
transferred to nominee account through DBT..

Key priorities for N.S.A.P.
• To ensure saturation of eligible and removal of ineligible and bogus
• 100% of the data is Aadhaar seeded
• Disbursement through Bio –metric authentication (AEPS) by Department of
Posts –3,45,603 (52%)
• The biometric failures to be captured through IRIS recognition and
ensuring AEPS payment
• Disbursement through NEFT (Core Banking System) by Banks – 3,20,950
• Live authentication of beneficiaries under CBS mode atleast once a year
at the nearest citizen service center
• 100% bank account no seeding


Annual Scheme Beneficiaries Allocation
(Rs. In Crs.)
60-64 yrs (200/- p.m) 278767 68.90
1 IGNOAPS 65-79 yrs(200/- p.m) 434546 107.42
(Old Age) 80 yrs & Abv. (500/- pm) 39029 24.12
Total 752342 200.44
2 IGNWPS ( Widow) 40 -79 yrs (300/- p.m) 175530 65.08

3 IGNDPS(Disabled) 18-79 yrs (300/- p.m) 17448 6.47

Sub Total 945320 271.99
Percentage 24% 5%
4 NFBS 7794 16.06
5 Annapurna 38846 3.36
Total 991960 291.41

Plan of action for
Solid & Liquid Waste Management
• Declaring ODF State by Oct 2018
• Align State level Initiatives (Tri-cycles, Dump yards) with GoI
• Implementation of GOBAR-DHAN scheme
– 15 Sites (One in each district) in PHASE I
– 15 Sites (One in each district) in PHASE II
• Establish Program Support Unit (PSU) at State level
– Technical assistance by Tata Trusts
– State Level PSU
– District
– Village level field assistance
• Saturation of Soakpits in atleast 500 GPs for improving rural
Proposed plan for one organic cluster
Redgram Value Chain:
Activity Sub Activity Time line
Survey and analysis Identification of villages and about 900 farmers, 900 acres
of existing situation Identifying Gaps in the Redgram value chain April

Formation of FPGs 45 FPGs

Capacity building, Release of seed fund
Custom hiring centres in place (use of seed cum fertilizer drills, seed
treatment drums), Bio manure shops in place , Foundation seed or
Pre-production collective seed procurement , Trichoderma/ Gomuthram Seed May – June
treatment, Transplantation method, Seed production villages with
selected farmers, Bio -Fertilizers and micronutrients application
enhancement/safe Intercropping with Maize, Soya, Greengram Blackgram
June –Nov
farming methods Capacity building on organic methods of Pest disease management,
Risk Mitigation Insurance under Prime Minister FasalBimaYojana
Procurement and Procurement and spot sale- Grain, Procurement, store and sale - seed Jan - Mar
marketing and grain 2019
Value addition and Establishment /Lease of processing plants for value addition, Value March to
products added products - Dal and powder April
April –
Dal - Wholesale & Packaged, Powder - Package sale
Organic cluster

Proposed plan for one S.A.G.Y. GP
• Veernapally GP, Yellareddipet Mandal, No. of works
Karimnagar district under Phase-I Sector Completed
taken up
• 52 works taken up in 7 priority sectors.
Infrastructure. 20 20
• 50 major and important works
completed Social
2 2
• Balance 2 works will be completed by
end of March-2018. Ecology and
4 2
• Existing 3G connections, will be
improved to 4G by Dec – 2018 Human
9 9
• Formation / Strengthening of Farmer
Producer Organisations (FPOs). Basic amenities 6 6
• Health Insurance coverage to all Economic
10 10
• Under Governance, to strengthen e- Development
governance resulting in better services Health 1 1
• Under Social development, celebrating
Total 52 50
Village Day, organising village sports and
folk art festival
Proposed plan for one RURBAN cluster
• Papannapet cluster of Medak District - Phase – III sanctioned.
• Cluster covers 23 GPs with population of 43,886 in 12,700 Households
• Based on the deficiency analysis, Integrated Cluster Action Plan prepared and approved
by the SLEC on 19-2-2018 and NEC on 21-2-2018.
• This cluster covers 4 Mission Anthyodaya GPS – Bacharam, Ramatheerdam,
Lakshminagar-A, Abalapur
• Proposed Plan for the cluster:
Investment Plan:
Critical Gap Fund: Rs.30 Cr.
Total Investment –
Convergence of Schemes: Rs.70.71 Cr. Cr.
Rs.100.71 Cr.
To develop tourism, agriculture and allied services industries with special emphasis on
Vision of the cluster
paddy seed processing and clean energy provision .
Outcomes on Piped drinking water, sanitation, solar street lights, solid/ liquid waste management, LPG
saturation basis connections, and ODF declaration.
1. Paddy Seed Processing and Marketing Centre (Rs.2.55 Cr).
2. Dairy Development with value addition (Rs.4.95 Cr).
3. Sanitary Napkin Making Unit (Rs.0.45 Cr).
Major works taken 4. Solar On-Grid Power System (Rs.1.75 Cr).
up under CGF 5. Ice making unit and marketing centre for the fishermen community (Rs.0.50 Cr).
6. Establishment of Village Malls (1.91 Cr).
7. Establishment of urban lung space and auditorium (Rs.3.60 Cr).
8. LED street lights and erection of 3rd wire (Rs.2.50 Cr). 24
Overall physical and financial targets for the state
under various programmes
S/No Programme Physical
(Rs. In Cr)
1 MGNREGS 1500 lakh PDs proposed 3842.5
a. Community Works: 3,91,656
(Convergence & CGF)
2 RURBAN 1663.6
b. Individual Works (Convergence.):
3 DDU-GKY 47311 406
1) 600 New SHGs
2) Bank Linkage – 6500Cr
3) 50 Organic Clusters
4 NRLM – Gen 4) 1500 Farmer Producer groups and 4 156.36
5) 2400 Livestock FPGs and one LFPO
6) 2000 Enterprises
5 NSAP 9,91,960 benef 291.41
Convergence framework

Agriculture NSAP

PRED Housing


Monitoring arrangements

State Level State Level Coordination Committee headed by Principal

Secretary, PR&RD / HODs

District District Level Committee headed by District Collector /


Block Level

Gram Panchayat
GP Committees / VOs / Dept. Staff

Monitoring Mechanism:
• Regular review meetings on various subjects by the respective HOD
• Monitoring Committees from State to GP level
• Extensive use of ICT – Transaction based MIS
• Field Visits
Timelines for saturation
Activity Timeline
Assistance under MGNREGS for atleast 10,000 poorest of
poor HHs for livelihood enhancement and overall
development of one GP per Block with all permissible March 2019
works of MGNREGS in convergence with line
Saturating Soakpits in 500 GPs March 2019
Declaring ODF through SBM (G) Oct 2018
16 clusters of RURBAN March 2019
Phase–I GPs: June2018.
Phase-II & III GPs: Aug 2018.
Skilling under DDU-GKY December 2019
50 Organic Clusters December 2020
6500 Cr Bank Linkage March 2019




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